Is there a callable API that returns the list of online volumes to LPARs in a
Sysplex? I assume one could route a command and write scripts. I’m looking
for an API that can be incorporated into a program where all the searching and
cataloging is done.
Matt Hogstrom
I’m looking to detect differences across the LPARs in terms of shared storage
and want to pull together an aggregate view.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
— Joseph Stalin
> On Dec 12, 2018, at 4:23 PM, Tony Harminc wrote:
Thanks Scott and Steve, this will get me started.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
“You can’t put too much water in a nuclear reactor"
> On Dec 12, 2018, at 7:24 PM, Steve Horein wrote:
> You may want to try: IBMzOS_LogicalDisk
Looks like it would be useful. Thanks for sharing. I’d like to explore
including it as a utility with other OSS tools but GPL is a tough sell; EPL-2.0
is easier to incorporate and had most of the features of GPL. I’ll followup
with him.
Matt Hogstrom
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
"Aut Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam" translated -
"I shall either find a way or make one."
The phrase has been attributed to Hannibal
<>; when his generals told him it was
the open under the oversight of a community
that vets the code, verifies its source and tests what is delivered.
Sorry for the long response to the WTF question but I think it was a fair
question that deserved a response.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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Well, to be fair, with all the marketing hype it seemed like Zowe was the open
source version of New Shimmer
Matt Hogstrom
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Projects like that are more art and love than engineering and mechanics … looks
Matt Hogstrom
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forward faster using Zowe as a
tool with these goals in mind
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Jan 6, 2019, at 22:45, Phil Smith III wrote:
> Thanks, Matt. That's a substantive answer, and I think confirms what I had
> posited, more or less.
> Put another
the platform as a framework and collection of services through Zowe. At least
that is my intent. Honestly, our biggest challenge now is how to make z/OS
instances available to college students that are interested in getting
involved. It’s. A good problem to have.
Matt Hogstrom
A patent isn’t a product that works or actually does something so I’m not sure
of the value of that apart from the “irony.” I suspect we need Paul Harvey to
help us with “The Rest of the Story"
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
Facebook <https://face
Seems to me that region size is more of a relic for when we were severely
constrained on real memory. =0M works for me
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Jan 8, 2019, at 14:18, Carmen Vitullo wrote:
> A good point, I myself have overlooked STC's region size because it
Correct, you can patent a process. I was simply highlighting that a patent
isn’t a solution.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
I meant MVS/SP 3.8. I can’t remember if that was the last release or the first
OCO but that was the timeframe I was referring to.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
— Joseph Stalin
> On Jan 8, 2019, at 4:47 PM, Seymour J Metz wr
If only I could remember the first thing :). MVS 3.8j if my Googling served me
correctly. Thanks for keeping me honest.
Matt Hogstrom
> On Jan 8, 2019, at 17:36, Seymour J Metz wrote:
> There is no " MVS/SP 3.8". They say that the memory is the second thing to go.
build and
contribute services like you described because they have value to you.
As you described it, making access to z/OS system data and ability to manage if
via REST is one of the things I am interested but I’m only one guy :)
Just a matter of code and test.
Matt Hogstrom
For good or bad I work for IBM :) The community is mostly made up of system
engineers that have been building Z products for years. We’re hoping that like
CBT and other open source venues to have folks contribute and make their
creations available via Zowe.
Matt Hogstrom
If you’re interested in z/OS specific capabilities via Java on the platform
look here:
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
"Aut Inve
zLinux only means that the host hardware can run. Linux OS and is supported b
the kernel. Multiple Linux distributions run on Z. Ubuntu, SuSE and Red-hot
are the core ones. There might be others but the named three are the
predominant ones.
Matt Hogstrom
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
"I no longer wish to belong to the kind of club that accepts people like me as
- Groucho Marx
> On Jan 26, 2019, at 8:01 PM, R.S. wrote:
> To complement myself:
> j
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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<> Twitter <>
From Lord of the Rings, whe
read the dataset,
update the in-memory copy and manage all the serialization so your exit could
just operate on what was in memory and not have to manage it at that level.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
"Aut Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam" translated -
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
“You can’t put too much water in a nuclear reactor"
> On Feb 28, 2019, at 7:22 AM, John McKown wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:43 PM Knutson, Samuel <
>> wrote:
What is the database type you want to access. I’d suspect normal network
connectivity is available ?
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
— Joseph Stalin
> On Mar 9, 2019, at 8:45 AM, Tony Thigpen wrote:
> Management
Don’t think so. RocketSoftware makes them available for download. I think the
key issue is they are GPL IIRC.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” -
Hanlon’s Razor
> On Mar 11, 2019, at
on other
*nix variants like Linux and MacOS and Cygwin.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
Perfer et obdura: dolor hic tibi proderit olim.
Be patient and endure: some day, this pain will be useful to you.
> On Mar 11, 2019, at 10:32 AM, Seymour J Metz wrote:
> GPL v
webalizer 2.23.08 160302
zip/unzip 3.0 / 6.0 160304 / 161123
zlib1.2.8 160302
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
- Fortune Favors the Bold
> On Mar 11, 2019, at 11:01 AM,
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
"I no longer wish to belong to the kind of club that accepts people like me as
- Groucho Marx
> On Mar 13, 2019, at 10:10 AM, Bill Bishop (TMNA)
> wrote:
> Information Security is asking Mainfra
Actually it is in every z/OS Unix System Services document. Cleverly disguised
with the prefix ‘disc' and the suffix ‘ed’ ’ion’ or others. For example
So far, we have discussed
The following discussion
There is it, USS hiding in plain sight in almost ALL IBM documents.
Matt Hogst
to use sftp instead. scp does translation which is frustrating.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Apr 15, 2019, at 8:37 AM, Allan Staller wrote:
> "The ssh command performs ASCII<->EBCDIC conversion (fo
consistently frustrating for 50 years so there is that
:) Don’t expect a fix.
Use sftp using binary transfer and your life will be better (not perfect, there
are code pages 1047, 37, …
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive
business on
successive “strata” of computing evolutions. If the mainframe is chest
pounding of past success it’s relevancy to the current and future technologies
is diminished.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Saturday, May 11, 2019, 7:54 PM, Phil Smith III wrote:
> For th
nd GPL requires that the source be somehow available.
>> -- gil
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>> send email to with the m
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“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> O
I am involved with it internally at IBM and happy to help if needed.
Matt Hogstrom
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“It may be cognitive, but,
Chuck Norris pays shmoos like us to get up at 0330 when an IPL goes bad :)
Matt Hogstrom
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Z Container eXtensions. It’s to host Linux containers in z/is
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Jul 23, 2019, at 11:50, Farley, Peter x23353
> wrote:
> John,
> I'm curious - what does "zCX" stand for?
> Peter
> -Original Message--
need to be as vigilant if not more on Z given the assets we protect.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Aug 3, 2019, at 09:48, Charles Mills wrote:
> The details are OT to mai
That’s a strong use case I think
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Aug 3, 2019, at 12:48, Cameron Conacher wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a curiousity question about Pervasive Encryption.
> If we are already protecting resources with RACF, what additional bene
Lots of possibilities for what one can do. Something to bear in mind its a
“virtualized” guest so I/O performance will be less than native zLinux
performance. I haven’t seen any good data on the actual differences in
performance but that would be interesting.
Matt Hogstrom
I always knew semi-colons were dangerous. Most people butcher their usage in
grammar and now abends … who knows what mischief they will stir up next.
Matt Hogstrom
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“It may be cognitive, but,
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“It may be cognit
ZPDT is the emulator that runs on x86 emulating z instructions, I/O, etc. ZD&T
is the collection of z/Software and tools to create those x86 based z/OS
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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of ZD&T that can assist
I believe there is docker support as an alternative to running heavier weight
VMs. Docket is interesting as it allows you to amortize the base image cost
across multiple instances
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Oct 11, 2019, at 08:42, scott Ford wrote:
so the need to yield is not really necessary.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Oct 18, 2019, at 14:02, Tony Harminc wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 08:54, Thomas David Rivers wrote:
>> Does anyone happen to know the best way for a running task
>> to give up
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Oct 24, 2019, at 15:17, Charles Mills wrote:
> Sorry – I know this is an incredibly naïve question.
> I got my VSAM LDS defined and successfully mounted as a zFS path.
> Imagine my surprise when the mount went away at
Courtesy of Walmart
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Oct 31, 2019, at 18:51, Charles Mills wrote:
> There is a PL/I function to do this.
not have an affinity for a z/OS
guest in terms of naming.
&SMFID and &SYSNAME seem to generally correlate. I’m curious if there are use
cases where these are different and what the purpose might be?
Appreciate any insight / best parties that people are using.
Matt Hogstrom
served all three and gained the benefit of the
use of a difference between &SYSNAME and &SMFID.
If anyone has other thoughts I’m all ears.
Matt Hogstrom
> On Feb 10, 2023, at 5:42 PM, Rob Scott wrote:
> Matt
> Of course the big diffe
In almost all instances I’ve seen the word ‘PLEX’ is in the &SYSPLEX. variable
in some form or another. PRODPLEX, PLEXA1, …
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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My sentiments exactly. I spend most of my time in USS and just get used to
crossing the border when needed.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Feb 28, 2023, at 1:48 AM, David Crayford wrote:
> On 28/2/23 13:55, Gibney, Dave wr
+1 … that is one of the biggest challenges for any tools. Mainframe customers
(and even distributed) want provenance of code and a throat to choke.
Matt Hogstrom
How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four.
Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Mar 17, 2023, at 10:20 AM, Lionel B. Dyck wrote:
> I was just pointing out an alternative. Obviously if you need official
> support then IBM or Rocket are your only
Having worked at IBM in the US for 20 years I rarely heard C I C SAnd
personally always said ‘kicks’
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Mar 17, 2023, at 15:15, Phil Smith III wrote:
> How do you
Your comment wasn’t directed at my but it made me think of two of my favorite
"I’m proud of my humility."
“I’m smart enough to know how dumb I can be.”
Enjoy the Easter weekend all y’all.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
lity of what the algorithm has ingested and
processed for its LLM.
Matt Hogstrom
“The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person who is
doing it”
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access
a necessity. One of
my adopted foster kids will have difficulty crossing the chasm to make a living
given some of his disabilities. It’s not just technology but there is an
increasing societal consideration to be factored in.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive
I seeded the discussion with the idea that our technology has impacts beyond
the tech itself. Had I thought about it I could have easily intuited that it
would go political and end up exactly where we are at. That wasn’t the intent
but was the outcome.
I repent in dust and ashes.
on is
accurate I’m sure but not helpful.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to
documented to save the next guy a pile of work.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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“It may be cognitive, but,
the next guy a pile of work.
Matt Hogstrom
> On May 4, 2023, at 10:52 PM, Peter Vels wrote:
> It could be that your data set attributes aren't quite right. Try something
> like LRECL=84, RECFM=VB.
> On Fri, 5 May 2023 at 11:49, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
>> I
Wow, quotes. Prefix is turned off on the profile and I would have expected a
“Dataset Not Found” error. Other utilities have not required quotes. Thanks
for stating the obvious as it was correct.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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For the my.p12 files I sftp them to USS.
Pre-allocate a VB file and then use USS command cp my.p12
For ascii I just scp them and tag appropriately.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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Wow, the outlook for Google availability in Paris is “Cloudy”.
I think the mainframe would have been impacted by this as well since this is a
data center design issue, no?
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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Services (LSS) :)
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On May 10, 2023, at 12:34 PM, Farley, Peter
> <> wrote:
> "Install bash" is not a possibility in so
I just went through the install locally of 2.8 to get the “current experience”.
Security is generally the most complicated. If you care to share the
experience / have questions DM me. I’m making documentation updates to improve
the process.
Matt Hogstrom
Are you installing on a single LPAR / MonoPlex …. more advanced use cases
include HA which impacts your ZFS strategy.
Matt Hogstrom
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managers, etc.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On May 22, 2023, at 8:12 AM, zMan wrote:
> Ah, right, a few Linux on Z customers, sure. That's...different, and Linux
> on Z has, alas, kind of withered of late. I had
I have the tarball for openssl-1.0.2k-src_b004.170414.tar.gz if you want it.
DM me
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On May 25, 2023, at 10:00 AM, Radoslaw Skorupka
> <0471ebeac275-dmarc-requ...@listserv
languages would be more awesome than
Unix95 certification.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On May 26, 2023, at 9:40 AM, Tony Harminc wrote:
> The only use I have found in many years for having z/OS UNIX certified is
they are deployed in
an automated fashion and are ephemeral and z/OS has been a pet that is long
lived and unique and are persistent.
Matt Hogstrom <>
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On May 30, 2023, at 1:19 P
ephemeral state.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
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“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
saved z/OS. I think K8s is the USS of yesteryear. No
one knows it yet but it will add another 25 years to the platform.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Jun 1, 2023, at 05:34, David Crayford wrote:
> I've worked with a few ex-OE guys, including my close colleague who
For SMF data, Console Logs and other operational data the ones I’m familiar
with are:
IBM Common Data Provider
Precisely IronStream (formerly SyncSort)
Broadcom has the means to forward data through their CA Common Services
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jun 8, 2023, at 7:39 PM, John McKown wrote:
> All of the CPs in a z box are identical in a basic hardware sense. But they
> load different firmware which defines whether they are a general
are initiated.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jun 8, 2023, at 11:29 AM, Charles Mills wrote:
> Yes, you can generate a CSR, typically including multiple SANs, with OpenSSL
> (any platform), gskkyman, or even on a CA Web sit
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Jun 11, 2023, at 11:18, Tom Longfellow
> <> wrote:
> The jobs still fail mysteriously.The only clue being that displaying the
> new key via RACF says t
– BCP APAR OA63406 with PTF UJ92512 – HBB77D0 for z/OS 2.5
– Open Enterprise SDK for Python APAR PH52983
Matt Hogstrom
“To achieve great things two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough
- Leonard Bernstein
> On Jun 22, 2023, at 8:03 PM, David Crayford wrote:
> I d
and translate if a
data set is created with JCL created with 1047 and is later accessed using an
037 code page for instance ?
I suspect someone out there has experience and knows the answer.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hog
Thanks for your comments and feedback. Always interesting how a thread will go
on such a topic as this.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 5, 2023, at 3:00 PM, John McKown wrote:
> All JCL is CP-037. This predates any i
ing else, it was an interesting
question that made me consider that code pages could have an effect.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive
SAS C back in the late 80’s and had to use ‘(|’ for [ and
‘|)’ for ] and it was a PITA the code that way.
Your reference for the hard coded values is fabulous … so much knowledge
scurried away in our memories and long lost documents.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Jul 7, 2023, at 15
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
>> On Jul 7, 2023, at 19:14, Paul Gilmartin
>> <> wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Jul 2023 18:11:39 -0400, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
>> Speculation on my part but I think CP1047 was cre
I think “Special" is a more accurate term today. For instance, I’ve used them
to force some members to the top of a list based on sort order.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 11, 2023, at 12:50 PM, Gibney, Dave
> <03b5
On my systems my ID is IMAHOG. Although, it’s really pronounced like
Hōkstrum. Never have trouble in Sweden with people mispronouncing my name :)
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 13, 2023, at 6:41 PM, David Spiegel
> <00
A place I worked used initials followed by a 5 digit employee ID. xxn
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 13, 2023, at 8:09 PM, David Spiegel
> <> wrote:
>> "
personnel. I
guess quantity has a quality all its own.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 14, 2023, at 9:15 AM, David Spiegel
> <> wrote:
> Hi R'Shmuel AMV"SH,
open source to create our
products and we also contribute back to open source.” I thought that was a
good clarification of the RedHat business model.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 19, 2023, at 12:01 PM, Tom Brennan wrote:
Not sure what they use but I use a Dell 4919dw
Matt Hogstrom
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“It may be cognitive, but,
its a bit pricy and its on the computer the kids use for gaming … they love
For working, I prefer the Dell 4914dw
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 25, 2023, at 1:29
Hz is about refresh speed and is more relevant for gamers
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Jul 25, 2023, at 2:04 PM, Seymour J Metz wrote:
> That's a strange ad: it keeps giving the "resolution" in Hz, inste
In conversations with customers today, it’s generally z/OS running on IBM Z
hardware. We could start adding in z/VM, TPF, … but z/OS, in my experience, is
what industry folks mean when they say mainframe. Good luck trying to find a
legal definition, too much nuance.
Sometimes analysts will lu
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Jul 31, 2023, at 17:08, Tom Brennan wrote:
> Yes, a z16 is actually a mainframe. Why? Because I know it when I see it.
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archi
into the cloud
Agree on the religious undertones comment. Many people wanted to be the cool
kids and move to the cloud. Those architects are likely long gone but the
impact of those decisions live on.
Matt Hogstrom
PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
I guess it all comes down to what is the OP trying to determine and the use of
“Users” is ambiguous if you’re really counting people impacted.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Aug 14, 2023, at 11:18 AM, Farley, Peter
> <031d
I also use Office 365 … best bet for families with kids that need access as
Side note, I also pay for Creative Cloud which is far more economical than the
individual bits.
Matt Hogstrom
“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom
> On Aug 15, 2023, at 11:18 A
Sounds like emacs Once opened I couldnt wait to get out
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Aug 16, 2023, at 17:42, Phil Smith III wrote:
>> I once spent an agonizing half-hour trying to help a Unix programmer
>> code a program in a language I know using some kind of U
Is this sh, bash, … ?
Is the TERM environment variable the same on both systems ?
Matt Hogstrom
PGP key 0F143BC1
> On Aug 17, 2023, at 11:31, Tom Longfellow
> <> wrote:
> I am confused and am throwing out a Hail Mary for h
Did you modify the TERMINFO ?I ended up creating one with xterm which is
not standard
Matt Hogstrom
+1 (919) 656-0564
> On Aug 17, 2023, at 13:40, Paul Gilmartin
> <> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:42:28 -0500, To
1 - 100 of 317 matches
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