On Ubuntu 9.10 and on Ubuntu 10.04 (unstable) compiling from svn rev. 13403
i get this error
Thank you and best regards.
gcc -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -ohbtrace.o -c
../../../hbtrace.c: In function ‘hb_tracelog_’:
../../../hbtrace.c:214: error: ‘s_win
With Harbour 2.0.1dev (Rev. 13414) on a Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits after a
full compiling of hbide
hbmk2 hbide.hbp
with no errors or warnings running
i get this runtime error "cat hb_out.log"
Application Internal Error - /home/ubuntu/src/harbour/contrib/hbide/hbide
Terminated at: 2009.12.29 1
I already have deb packages for Ubuntu 10.04 32 bits and i'm building
the Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits now
Can i send the Ubuntu 10.04 directly to you via mail... or please tell
me what i must do?
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
md5sum ubuntu-9.10-32bits/harbour_2.0.0-1_i386.deb
12b7f5b69ac94c8b1f768e20004a37a0 ubuntu-9.10-32bits/harbour_2.0.0-1_i386.deb
md5sum ubuntu-10.04-32bits/harbour_2.0.0-1_i386.deb
3c72d16172b0457bce96e367b7320d17 ubuntu-10.04-32bits/harbour_2.0.0-1_i386.deb
If you want them tell me where i can
Massimo ok, but more than one user have this issue running hbide:
Do you have some hint to compile hbxbp with -l parameter... to help
into debug of this...?
Thank you
Ok thank you. On Ubuntu i have done this:
cd $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbxbp
export HB_LIB_INSTALL=/usr/lib
export HB_INC_INSTALL=/usr/include
make clean; make
sudo -E make install
Then going into the hbide dir
cd $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbxbp
hbmk2 hbide.hbp -clea
On Ubuntu i have done this:
cd $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbxbp
export HB_LIB_INSTALL=/usr/lib
export HB_INC_INSTALL=/usr/include
make clean; make
sudo -E make install
Then going into the hbide dir
cd $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbxbp
hbmk2 hbide.hbp -clean
hbmk2 hbide.
With svn v13425
Run fine in Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits now no more startup dialog error...
Thank you
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I have wrote a little howto (but i need to verify it to solve your question):
Please try this http://www.elart.it/links/harbourhowto_deb_en.php
here in italian lang http://www.elart.it/links/harbourhowto_deb.php
Please also put this link in your bookmark to have the main develop
site of Ubuntu w
Sure i will do but is better to enforce the Ubuntu packaging request i
reported here
on Launchpad or better create a PPA
https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA for Harbour.
to get Harbour easily installed and updated from repositories,
Hi all, compiling hbide i get this:
Error compiling hbide.prg with harbour svn rev. Version: Harbour
2.0.1dev (Rev. 13462)
hbmk2 hbide.hbp -rebuild
hbmk2: Processing configuration: /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg
hbmk2: Compiling Harbour sources...
Harbour 2.0.1dev (Rev. 13462)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://
Be sure you have the qt dev library installed open a terminal from
Applications→Accessories→Terminal and copy and paste the row below:
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;
The system will ask you a password, give your user password, you will
not see any back-ch
Launchpad https://launchpad.net/ is the main website where Ubuntu
develop is hosted https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu.
and where users can ask question and get answers
https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu with packages or with Ubuntu
I have made a group https://edge.launchpad.net/~har
I have made a new questions about this here on Launchpad
https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/harbour/ because
this is related to Ubuntu and Harbour and we need to move questions
like this to some users (not directly development related ) more
specific group.
Please join launchpad har
On Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits at start of hbide after showing interface in a
second or two i get this error:
Application Internal Error - /home/danilo/src/harbour/contrib/hbide/hbide
Terminated at: 2010.01.06 01:39:57
Unrecoverable error 9023: hb_xgrab requested to allocate zero bytes
Called fr
On Harbour rev. 13484 On Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits build/run hbide i get
this startup error:
Unrecoverable error 9023: hb_xgrab requested to allocate zero bytes
Called from QEVENTLOOP:PROCESSEVENTS(0) in ../../../TQEventLoop.prg
Called from APPEVENT(0) in ../..
I get this error when i try to "save as" a small piece of source code
on Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits from hbide compiled after (Rev. 13499) svn
build, thank.
Error BASE/1004 Message not found: HBIDE:SAVESOURCEAS
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0)
Called from HBIDE:ERROR(0)
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(0)
On Ubuntu 9.10 32bits with hbide from svn 13513
Runtime error:
1) On exit from hbide after created a little source .prg
Error BASE/1081 Argument error: +
Called from HBIDE_SAVEINI(119)
Called from HBIDE:CREATE(357)
Called from MAIN(104)
But cannot recreate this error twice...
2) Opening th
- if i open a already existent p.prg source it open and get the file
open dialog back again to me
so i reopen it i get a dialog that warning me about overwrite already
opened content i confirm with yes reload and now i can open the
In short to open the source code i must open it twice and
- if i open a already existent p.prg source it open and get the file
open dialog back again to me
so i reopen it i get a dialog that warning me about overwrite already
opened content i confirm with yes reload and now i can open the
In short to open the source code i must open it twice and
File→Open select x.prg
the file is opened into the editor
and a fileopen dialog is showed again i select the x.prg file
i get a overwrite warning i confirm yes
the x.prg is now opened.
2010/1/8 Pritpal Bedi :
> Hi
> marco bra wrote:
>> - if i open a already ex
i don't know if is a standard behaviors but i want to tell you that i
have issue here the fileopen dialog is showed twice i repeat for sake
of clarity:
i do:
1) file→Open
fileopen dialog is showed i choose the p.prg the file dialog close
itself and the file is opened into the editor frame
Pritbal ok fixed, Work fine now.
Thank you
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Massimo to get the hbide under heavy development i think the better
way is to install harbour using svn under Ubuntu you can try to follow
this my little howto page
Then if you want a ready made scri
Be sure to upgrade form svn Rev. 13530 and retry...
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Ubuntu 9.10 32bits Hbide svn. 13539
What i have done open a simple prg source code try to play with menu i
select menu:
Build→Compile to PPO
Here the dialog error rows:
Error BASE/2017 Argument error: AEVAL
Called from AEVAL(0)
Called from HBIDE:
Ubuntu 9.10 32bits error compiling rev. 13567
Thank you an best regards
../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/harbour ../../../treport.prg
-i../../../../../include -n1 -q0 -w3 -es2 -kmo -i- -l -gc3
../../../treport.prg(203) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at '('"
../../../treport.prg(233) Warning
Version: Harbour 2.0.1dev (Rev. 13587)
Compiler: GNU C 4.4.1 (32-bit)
Platform: Linux 2.6.31-16-generic i686
hbide editor runtime error:
When i select menu: edit → insert → external files at cursor
i get a dialog window within the error
Svn Rev. 13591 compile error
thank you
gcc -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -oexproptb.o -c
In file included from ../../../exproptb.c:10:
../../../../../include/hbexprb.c: In function ‘hb_compExprUseIIF’:
../../../../../include/hbexprb.c:985: error: ‘HB_P_JUMPHB_T
Here testmail.prg for testing the hbtip hb_SendMail function... hope
can help some testing user...
Thank you
-- testmail.prg start -
#include "common.ch"
#include "simpleio.ch"
// Compile with command: hbmk2 testmail.prg -lhbtip -rebuild
Ubuntu 9.10 32bit svn: 13667
! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbpgsql.a on /usr/lib/harbour
! Using QT 'moc' executable: /usr/bin/moc (autodetected)
make[3]: *** Nessuna regola per creare l'obiettivo
«hbqt_hbqplaintextedit.o», necessario a «libhbqt.a». Arresto.
make[2]: *** [descend] Errore 2
Running hbide on a pc with Ubuntu 9.10 i was playing with themes: but
changing default theme, don't change theme.
Thank you and best regards.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
One of the best place to get answer on Ubuntu is
Please send a question on that q&a site...
Thank you
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Just curious of your answers...
I'm looking for some cross platform tool to quickly design user interface
and then refine event methods and then compile it with harbour
Something similar to this http://glade.gnome.org/ ( Glade + Python )
Can be a hbide f
Ubuntu 9.10 32bits hbide - svn rev. 13731 compiled with -rebuild parameter
At start of hbide before any hbide graphics appear to me i get a dialog
error window that show:
Error BASE/1004 No exported method: SETMOUSETRACKING
Same error on starting hbide with svn. Rev. 13740
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
>Can you change line #133 of idedocks.prg as
>::oDlg:qtObject := HbQtUI():new( ::resPath + "mainWindow.ui" )
>::oDlg:qtObject := HbQtUI():new( ::resPath + "mainwindow.ui" )
>See the difference, "W" => "w".
>Probably this should fix this issue, tell me.
It works, solved...
Thank you
This solve the issue
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
To get the support (or to report bug) about your Ubuntu issue please refer
to the main https://launchpad.net/ubuntu Ubuntu site, be free to ask any
kind of question here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu
Harbour mailing list (attachment size
Ubuntu 9.10 hbide from svn. Rev. 13777
If i open the hbide then i try to close pressing the "X" on the hbide main
window the close request come in front of me if i answer "No" hbide, hide
the main window and don't show me anymore its interface but it is still
running i must stop it with terminal c
Same here on Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits. with
harbour -build
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 13777)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Harbour Build Info
Version: Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 13777)
Compiler: GNU C 4.4.1 (32-bit)
Platform: Linux 2.6.31-16-generic i686
Harbour r13779 - hbide
Thank you
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Hi, on 3 pc: 2 with Ubuntu 9.10 and 1 with Ubuntu 10.04 i get same link
error... trying to compile contrib/hbpgsql/tests
hbmk2 dbf2pg.prg
hbmk2: Processing local make script: hbmk.hbm
hbmk2: Processing configuration: /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 13880)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://w
Fixed by Victor http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.harbour.devel/26719
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits Harbour from SVN Rev: 13897
gcc -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -DHB_LEGACY_TYPES_OFF
-DHB_HAS_PCRE -I/usr/include -DHB_HAS_ZLIB -I/usr/include -ohbdyn.o -c
../../../hbdyn.c:778: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
../../../hbdyn.c:779: error: ex
Hi, hbide runtime error on close app
How i get this error: main menu File → Exit
Error BASE/1004 No exported method: OWIDGET
Called from OWIDGET(0)
Called from HBIDE:CREATE(469)
Called from MAIN(110)
- my Harbour detail:
harbour -build
Harbour 2.
Hi, on Ubuntu 9.10 32bit
Recompiling Harbour SVN Rev.: 13933
I get
make[3]: `../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbrun' is up to date.
gcc -L../../../../../lib/linux/gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib
-o../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbmk2 hbmk2.o -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon
-lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhbla
Version: Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 13954)
Compiler: GNU C 4.4.1 (32-bit)
Platform: Linux 2.6.31-16-generic i686
I get this runtime error on Hbide pressing the "Home" icon on Document
Viewer Dock
Error BASE/1132 Bound error: array access
Called from (b)I
Same error on Rev. 13955 ...
Best regards
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Hbide from rev. 13957 playing with Document Viewer Dock
i set as Harbour installation root "/home/ubuntu/src/harbour" and i live the
"doc folder prefix" empty pressing the green upper row i get this runtime
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception SIGSEGV at address 0x5d
Called from QT_QTREEWID
Pritbal please consider.
I agree with Renato
I hope in something RAD functions/tools in hbide
Thank you
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
This might be the issue my doc tree is not populated and i can press the
buttons i was just trying to populate my doc.
What about to disable navigation button if doc is not populated...
Also can you please provide some example or tips to help user to populate
the doc on Ubuntu.
What mean "Harbou
2010/2/22 Pritpal Bedi
> marco bra wrote:
> >
> > This might be the issue my doc tree is not populated and i can press the
> > buttons i was just trying to populate my doc.
> >
> > What about to disable navigation button if doc is not populated...
Rebuilding from a clean state Revision: 13963
make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbqt.a' is up to date.
! Installing hbqt.ch on /usr/include
! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbqt.a on /usr/lib
gcc -I. -I../../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -DHB_LEGACY_TYPES_OFF
-I/usr/include/qt4 -
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 13964) compile and install fine.
Thank you
2010/2/22 Viktor Szakáts
> > marco bra wrote:
> >>
> >> Rebuilding from a clean state Revision: 13963
> >>
> >> make[3]: `../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbqt.a' is up to
Hbide Ubntu 9.10 32 bits
harbour -build
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 13964)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Harbour Build Info
Version: Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 13964)
Compiler: GNU C 4.4.1 (32-bit)
Platform: Linux 2.6.31-16-generic i686
PCode version
Selecting Project → Enviroment → Compiler Environments → Path to hbmk2 i get
this error
THbQtUI.prg:0:HBQ_DBG(): HB_TR_ALWAYS verticalLayout {|o,v|
o[v]:addLayout(o[ "horizontalLayout_4" ])}
THbQtUI.prg:0:HBQ_DBG(): HB_TR_ALWAYS tabWidget{|o,v|
2010/2/23 Pritpal Bedi
> marco bra wrote:
> >
> > Trying to generate doc from document viewer:
> > a) i set Harbour installation root: /home/danilo/src/harbour
> > b) push on the refresh button (no feed back, no error, no generate doc)
> > c) Playing wi
Pritbal ( i use two different Ubuntu 9.10 pc, with Harbour installed on
different path, so sometimes you will see danilo and sometimes ubuntu in the
By the way, it works if i put a relative path to hbide position
or this absolute path
Also if i set in the path /home/ubuntu/src/harbour ( i can't populated
result ) and then if i select the "index" tab and then i press enter i get:
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception SIGSEGV at address 0x10
Called from QLISTWIDGETITEM:TEXT(0) in ../../../TQLi
> Revision: 13985
> http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/harbour-project/?rev=13985&view=rev
> Author: vouchcac
> Date: 2010-02-25 01:12:15 + (Thu, 25 Feb 2010)
> Log Message:
> ---
> 2010-02-24 16:46 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (prit...@vouchcac.com)
>+ This
2010/2/25 marco bra
> 2010/2/25
>> Revision: 13985
>> http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/harbour-project/?rev=13985&view=rev
>> Author: vouchcac
>> Date: 2010-02-25 01:12:15 + (Thu, 25 Feb 2010)
>> Log Me
2010/2/25 Viktor Szakáts
> Hi Marco,
> > On Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits hbide recompiled with "hbmk2 hbide.hbp -rebuild"
> deleted the hbide.ini file
> It's rather impossible that hbmk2 deleted hbide.ini,
> or any other file, which is not even referred to
> in the passed commands. (Of course it also
As a very first trying to debug the main variables and i never see the
terminal output of:
?" -- *xxx " + cRootPath
is this function called, or might by hbide redirect the standard output ?
FUNCTION hbide_fetchSubPaths( aPaths, cRootPath, lSubs )
Pritpal, some little debug as you can see below, i have put:
hbide_dbg (cRootPath)
and the len of result array "hbide_dbg (a_)" give me 0 length
Changing at row 1588
aDir := directory( cRootPath + "*.", "D" )
aDir := directory( cRootPath , "D" )
make hbide loading the directory structure
2010/2/26 Pritpal Bedi
> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> >
> > Why not simply with "*"?
> >
> I never tried only "*". To my absent mind
> it always sounded synonymous to "*.*".
> I will experiment with it today.
FYI the "*"
aDir := directory( cRootPath + "*", "D" )
file filter mask work on Li
2010/2/27 Pritpal Bedi
> marco bra wrote:
> >
> > aDir := directory( cRootPath + "*", "D" )
> >
> > file filter mask work on Linux Ubuntu 9.10.
> >
> Implemented.
> > BTW to populate the frame with doc
Pritbal with Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14023)
all is working i get error on closing app:
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception SIGSEGV at address 0x61
Called from HBQTUI:DESTROY(0) in ../../../THbQtUI.prg
Called from IDEHARBOURHELP:DESTROY(248) in ideharbourhelp.prg
Called from XBPWINDOW:DESTROY(0) in
Hi Pritpal, i was playing with hbide editor and the function list on a .prg
source file
When i double click on a function listed on the functions list, the editor
wrap to the function code, it wrap to the function starting code but it put
it at bottom of the editor page.
I suggest to have the sel
ottom and going back to top it
doesn't works good the source frame skip to requested function but the
function starting code is not at top of source frame page.
See the attached image
Thank you
2010/3/4 Pritpal Bedi
> marco bra wrote:
> >
> > Hi Pritpal, i wa
Bruno try this (tested on Ubuntu 9.10)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
edit the file
gedit ~/src/harbour/contrib/hbmysql/hbmysql.hbc
Change the row:
and retry.
Hope this helps.
Bruno thank for the suggestion.
On my GNU Linux Ubuntu computers i usually use vi terminal editor and
sometimes gedit with the highlight mode set as "c" is a good idea to use
kate (kate is the kde Desktop Environment default installed editor) to edit
qt related sources files on Gnome (my preferr
2010/3/9 Pritpal Bedi
> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> >
> > Yes, I had it after recent 2 or 3 modifications, I had to make
> > a full Harbour rebuild to fix it.
> >
> Oh, I forget to mention that hbqt+ libs and hbsbp.lib
> needed to be rebuild.
> How about GPF at exit ? You are still experienci
On Ubuntu 10.04 32 bits ( development post alpha3 )
hbide another error report on exit...
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception SIGSEGV at address 0x61
Called from HBQTUI:DESTROY(0) in ../../../THbQtUI.prg
Called from IDEHARBOURHELP:DESTROY(245) in ideharbourhelp.prg
Called from HBIDE:CREATE(537) i
Ubuntu 10.04 unstable Harbour:
harbour -build
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14131)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Harbour Build Info
Version: Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14131)
Compiler: GNU C 4.4.3 (32-bit)
Platform: Linux 2.6.32-15-generic i686
PCode ve
2010/3/10 Bruno Luciani
> when I have installes libgpm-devel in linux UBUNTU
> Harbour detect it , and generates gttrm with GPM support , but generates a
> lib named libgpm.a ??
> I saw it in any moment , but i don' t see anymore , and have problems
> compiling programs using gttrm
> But d
Today compiling harbour for Win (last day was compiling and installing fine)
on Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits i get this error...
! Installing rdd.api on /tmp/hbwin/include
! Installing vm.api on /tmp/hbwin/include
make[3]: «../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libsqlite3.a» è aggiornato.
! Installing ../../lib/win
Hi Pritpal, on Ubuntu 9.10 32bit hbide when i exit from hbide i get this
idemisc.prg:923:HBIDE_DBG(): HB_TR_ALWAYS xbeP_Close
QMainWindow::saveState(): 'objectName' not set for QToolBar 0x8d8fcc8 ''
idemisc.prg:923:HBIDE_DBG(): HB_TR_ALWAYS xbeP_Close after
2010/3/15 Pritpal Bedi
> Hi Marco
> This log has two entries of primary interest for me:
> 1. QMainWindow::saveState(): 'objectName' not set for QToolBar 0x8d8fcc8 ''
> 2. Object::disconnect: No such signal QTableWidget::itemDoubleClicked(
> QTableWidgetItem *, int ) in ../../../hbqt_hbslot
Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits Harbour built from svn.
hbide recompiled with
hbmk2 hbide.hbp -rebuild
running hbide when i try to open a source .prg file i get this dialog error:
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0)
Same here on Ubuntu 32 bits and Harbour build
the return key doesn't validate the codeblock and don't skyp to the next
read i must to press esc to get codeblock evaluation and next field read
Here the p.prg code that i test compiled with " hbmk2 -lgpm p.prg -rebuild
Many thanks and best
Sorry i cannot compare i have only Harbour on Ubuntu 32 bits i don't have
any Windows or Dos here...
The only reference i have follow was
I'm testing the Mario H. Sabado code here
Victor, thanks for the dosemu hints for Linux: my old Clipper is 5.2e so i
cannot confirm your verify request.
Seems hardly to find here someone that have the Clipper 5.3 to test the code
Best regards,
Harbour mailing list (attachment size
gtwvw (i never used it) is under the harbour/examples/gtwvw
hbct: compatible functions and procedures with Clipper Tools for
CA-Clipper, is a contrib library under harbour/contrib/hbct
to get this lib compiled on your Linux when you upg
Here, on GNU Linux distribution Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 32 bits and harbour
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14273)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-project.org/
Harbour Build Info
Version: Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14273)
Compiler: GNU C 4.4.3 (32-bit
Hi Antonio which Linux distribution have you installed... or you are about
to install...?
I follow the Harbour project for many years using Linux (RedHat, Fedora then
Ubuntu) i'm ready to help you.
I think the right place is the harbour user list not this list...
Best regards
Hi Pritpal, i regulary update Harbour from svn and sometimes i compile and
run Hbide and i send you report.
So, quick test Hbide today: only open and then immediately close it without
do nothing, i get:
** (:9130): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name !=
NULL' failed
I cannot have hbpcre compiled and installed on my Harbour environment on
Ubuntu 9.10
I compile Harbour sources with this setting:
export HB_CONTRIBLIBS="hbqt hbct hbhpdf hblog hbxml hbmzip hbzip hbxbp hbtip
hbvpdf hbgd hbpgsql hbcurl hbmysql hbsqlit3 hbssl hbodbc rddsql gtqtc hbmisc
Many thanks to Premzek and Viktor for the clear answer.
Surely i will send some note to the developer of wxHarbour BTW i was solving
this compiling samples issue with this statement:
make HBLIBSTYPE=shared
The samples coming into the wxHarbour directory structure have singles
GNUmakefile, one f
2010/4/8 Barry Jackson
> On 08/04/10 11:21, Barry Jackson wrote:
>> So, now the problem seems to be the missing full path to hbmk2
> Ignore that silly remark - hbmk2 is already in the path and should be
> found.
> Something strange though.
> I paused hbide just after it wrote (and clos
Viktor i see here http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxharbour/develop you are
an admin of the project
I was playing with samples i like them, i like the gtk lib.
Do you think wxHarbour might be a good GUI choice for my Ubuntu environment
or it is in a too early state?
Do you know some related wxH
Teo, on an fresh installation of Ubuntu 10.04 32 bits, harbour Rev.
14306 and wxHarbour Rev. 574 from svn :
After installing this deb packages:
sudo apt-get install libwxbase2.8-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev wx-common
so i have a "wx-config --version" -> 2.8.10
Compiling with:
hbmk2 wxharbour.hbp
2010/4/11 Andriy K
> Hi!
> I installed Harbour on my Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit.
> I followed the instructions
> http://www.elart.it/links/harbourhowto_deb_en.php
> Everything was going well, except installation of hbide.
> I typed
> cd $HOME/src/contrib/hbide
> bud the directory did not exist.
> The
Hi, all
On Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits compiling Harbour (after a make clean) svn. rev.
gcc -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -DHB_LEGACY_TYPES_OFF
-DHB_HAS_ZLIB -I/home/ubuntu/src/harbour/external/zlib -oioapi.o -c
In file included from ../../../ioapi.h:45,
2010/4/12 Bruno Luciani
> I just try to create a project in linux , but i can't setup linux
> enviroment
> howto ?
I'm interested and i have some spare time to help but please be more
specific or give a sample so we can do the same thing you do...
Best regards,
Linux Infinite Fre
On Ubuntu 10.04 32bits hbide, after compiling hbide r14323 with "hbmk2
hbide.hbp -rebuild" i report here some test
- After "Close" and also "Close all" the function list isn't released i get
old opened sources function listed if i exit and close and rerun HBIDE the
function list is empty.
- Openin
Trying to create a project on hbide compiled with (hbmk2 hbide.hbp -rebuild)
on Linux Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits
on choosing the folder icon to select the destination folder Hbide crash
with this error:
** (:5034): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name !=
NULL' failed
Also here on apache2 on Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits
More detailed error... seems there is something wrong in sent header:
[Tue Apr 13 14:46:33 2010] [error] [client] malformed header from
script. Bad header=\x1b[0m\x1b[1;1H\x1b[?25hHTTP/1.0 200 O: testcgi
Best regard,
i test with this t1.prg
s_cNewLine := HB_OSNewLine()
// s_cNewLine := chr(10)
cContent :=
"Content-type: text/html"+ s_cNewLine
+ s_cNewLine + ;
" Hello world " + ;
"I am H
On Ubuntu 10.04 32 bits Harbour Rev. 14331 test:
a) - Launching Hbide from the source contrib dir path
b) - Creating a test1 project ( with only one source, simply a qout("hello
world") )
c) - Compiling the project: "hello" is created in
./contrib/hbide/projects/hello but hbide auto create and run
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