Also if i set in the path /home/ubuntu/src/harbour ( i can't populated result ) and then if i select the "index" tab and then i press enter i get:
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception SIGSEGV at address 0x10 Called from QT_QLISTWIDGETITEM_TEXT(0) Called from QLISTWIDGETITEM:TEXT(0) in ../../../TQListWidgetItem.prg Called from IDEHARBOURHELP:POPULATEINDEXEDSELECTION(524) in ideharbourhelp.prg Called from IDEHARBOURHELP:EXECEVENT(393) in ideharbourhelp.prg Called from (b)IDEHARBOURHELP_INSTALLSIGNALS(376) in ideharbourhelp.prg Called from QT_QEVENTLOOP_PROCESSEVENTS(0) Called from QEVENTLOOP:PROCESSEVENTS(0) in ../../../TQEventLoop.prg Called from APPEVENT(0) in ../../../xbpgeneric.prg Called from HBIDE:CREATE(417) in hbide.prg Called from MAIN(110) in hbide.prg Hth
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