2010/3/9 Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com>

> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> >
> > Yes, I had it after recent 2 or 3 modifications, I had to make
> > a full Harbour rebuild to fix it.
> >
> Oh, I forget to mention that hbqt+ libs and hbsbp.lib
> needed to be rebuild.
> How about GPF at exit ? You are still experiencing
> or it is fixed. On my system all works fine.
On Ubuntu 10.04 32 bits ( development post alpha3 )

Work well i still get error on exit hbide

xbpgeneric.prg:0:HBXBP_END$(): HB_TR_ALWAYS
................................... EXIT PROCEDURE hbxbp_End()    begin
xbpgeneric.prg:0:HBXBP_END$(): HB_TR_ALWAYS
................................... EXIT PROCEDURE hbxbp_End()    end
QApplication.cpp:115: HB_TR_ALWAYS hbqt_exit 0 0x87b8598
QApplication.cpp:120: HB_TR_ALWAYS hbqt_exit 1 (nil)

Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception SIGSEGV at address 0x8

Many thanks...


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