Same here on Ubuntu 32 bits and Harbour build the return key doesn't validate the codeblock and don't skyp to the next read i must to press esc to get codeblock evaluation and next field read access.
Here the p.prg code that i test compiled with " hbmk2 -lgpm p.prg -rebuild " Many thanks and best regards. Marco #include "" function main *local a_opt_list:= {{"AAAAA","A"},{"BBBBB","B"},{"CCCCC","C"}} local a_opt_list := {" ","A","B","C"} local getlist := {} local r, c local msele := " " SET( _SET_EVENTMASK, INKEY_ALL ) MSETCURSOR( .T. ) CLS do while .t. @ 1, 1 say "Press ESC to exit..." cCaption := '&Please choose from list :' r := 2 c := 1 + len(cCaption) @ r, c, r + len(a_opt_list)+2, c + 5 GET mSele LISTBOX a_opt_list CAPTION cCaption DROPDOWN COLOR "W/N,B/W+,W/N,W+/B,W/N,N/W*,G/W*,N/G" valid !empty(mSele) read @ 10, 1 say "User choose :" + mSele inkey(1) cCaption := '&Please choose from list :' r := 3 c := 1 + len(cCaption) @ r, c, r + len(a_opt_list)+2, c + 5 GET mSele LISTBOX a_opt_list CAPTION cCaption DROPDOWN COLOR "W/N,B/W+,W/N,W+/B,W/N,N/W*,G/W*,N/G" valid { || len(trim(mSele))>0 } read if lastkey()==27 return endif @ 10, 1 say "User choose :" + mSele inkey(1) enddo /* @ <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight> GET <nVar|cVar> LISTBOX <aList> [CAPTION<cCaption>] [MESSAGE <cMessage>] [WHEN <lPreExpression>] [VALID <lPostExpression>] [COLOR <cColorString>] [FOCUS <fblock>] [STATE <bBlock>] [DROPDOWN] [SCROLLBAR] [SEND <msg>] [GUISEND <guimsg>] [BITMAP <cBitmap>] */ return nil
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