Sorry, I cannot help you, we're circling around and you don't seem to make
an effort to read and interpret
the answers to your own questions. For better results,
please take the time and re-read this thread, or at least
the last few messages. All information is there.
If this isn't enough, read th
Revision: 10243
Author: petr_ch
Date: 2009-02-12 09:13:22 + (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)
Log Message:
2009-02-12 01:49 UTC+0200 Petr Chornyj (myorg63 at
* /source/lang/msguawin.c
* /s
Revision: 10244
Author: petr_ch
Date: 2009-02-12 09:46:17 + (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)
Log Message:
2009-02-12 11:43 UTC+0200 Petr Chornyj (myorg63 at
* /source/lang/msguawin.c
* /s
Revision: 10245
Author: vszakats
Date: 2009-02-12 10:03:45 + (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)
Log Message:
2009-02-12 10:57 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
* include/hbsetup.h
* inc
Sorry for my ignorance
How can i create a fresh checkout?
checkout of harbor or msvc?
2009/2/12 Viktor Szakáts
> Create a fresh checkout and do clean build.
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:39 AM, Massimo Belgrano
> wrote:
>> link.exe @C:\Users\MBELGR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nm9C4E.tmp
>> hbrtl
vszakats wrote:
> 2009-02-12 10:57 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
> * source/lang/msguawin.c
> * source/lang/msgua866.c
> * source/lang/msguakoi.c
> ! Fixed corrupted equal char in code.
> ! Fixed date format.
> ! Fixed CP IDs and descriptions in UA866 and UA
> Thank you and sorry.. One clarification - a format of date for UA (and
> I
> think for RU) is DD.MM.
No worries, many thanks for fixing all those texts and the correct
date format.
I'll correct for both RU and UA. BTW I've checked and this value
isn't used anywhere in Harbour (yet)
Revision: 10246
Author: vszakats
Date: 2009-02-12 11:48:50 + (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)
Log Message:
2009-02-12 12:48 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
* source/lang/msgrukoi.c
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, Phil Barnett wrote:
Hi Phil,
>> I have no idea however, how to introduce offset in syntaxes in an elegant
>> way, especially in the fixed position format.
> I believe that the last time this came up, I pointed out that I had
> completed all the necessary julian functions in
> The main problem we have now is syntax which we should use for
> constant representation of timestamp (date + time) values in .prg code.
Just to add to the general mayhem, ODBC and MSSQL understand this FIXED
{d '-mm-dd'}
DateTime (timestamp):
{ts '-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'}
Hi All,
On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> We have to define also supported math operations and item type for results.
> I suggest to make it date compatible too and define that date + timestamp
> and timestamp + date gives timestamp as result. The list of legal operations
> will loo
Hi Przemek,
3) by no means. 2) could be good, but not with this problematic case,
which is a very important and common expression.
I vote for 1/b) as the most natural one.
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> Hi All,
> On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Przemyslaw Cze
There is only one detail that is mixed to complete the entire site:
the pages of documentation.
They were "generated" or someone typed that the way?
I changed some text in the general layout of the site and it is hard
to make the whole process but pages of documentation and example ... I
could no
Hi Renato,
I am thinking of upgrading the entire site and the pages of
> documentation will be updated as I complete the conversion, because
> the rest is ready for a good time (including the CONTRIB), but I had
> not updated the entry site, because be working on pages of
> documentation to post a
Il 12/02/2009 15.57, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto:
Hi Przemek,
3) by no means. 2) could be good, but not with this problematic case,
which is a very important and common expression.
I vote for 1/b) as the most natural one.
Best regards
A date is represented in DBF as "MMDD"
Wil timestamp be represented in DBFS with 17 characters ?
eg: MMDDHHMMSSmmm bieng the last 3 millisecs.
Another one:
Why timestand has to have a literal representation since dates don't have it
In dates we use dtos(), stod(), dtoc() ctod()
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi Przemek,
> 3) by no means. 2) could be good, but not with this problematic case,
> which is a very important and common expression.
> I vote for 1/b) as the most natural one.
Pritpal Bedi
View this message in context:
Sorry if this was already covered, but the time
zone should also be included in the datetime
value and considered by the date-time functions/operators.
At 11:20 AM 2/12/2009, you wrote:
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi Przemek,
> 3) by no means. 2) could be good, but not with this problemati
Please make is so it should honor EVENTMASKs.
programs waiting at inkey(0) just continue if the screen was resized before.
Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Abeb
> Abeb wrote:
>> is it possible that even if SET(_SET_EVENTMASK, INKEY_KEYBOARD ) is used
>> inkey() will retur
Yes agree
Update then search a way for documentation
2009/2/12 Viktor Szakáts
> Hi Renato,
> I am thinking of upgrading the entire site and the pages of
>> documentation will be updated as I complete the conversion, because
>> the rest is ready for a good time (including the CONTRIB), but I h
>We also have to define relation operators behavior: ==, =, <, >, <=, >=
>when DATE and TIMESTAMP are used.
>We have the following choices:
>1. compare only date part ignoring the time with the exception for ==
> operator which will make exact comparison. For this exact comparision
> we also ha
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Angel Pais wrote:
> Also:
> A date is represented in DBF as "MMDD"
No. It's only one of few representations in DBF format:
1. { "D", 8, 0 } // stirng as above
2. { "D", 4, 0 } // julian date as 32bit binary little endian integer number
3. { "D", 3, 0 } // julian date as
The easiest solution is to turn off resize while you're waiting for input, so
you won't receive any events.
This is the default for GTWVT.
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Abeb wrote:
> Please make is so it should
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Randy Portnoff wrote:
Hi Randy,
> Sorry if this was already covered, but the time zone should also be
> included in the datetime value and considered by the date-time
> functions/operators.
But can you say sth more.
Which timezone we should set when DATETIME value is extra
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, toni...@fwi wrote:
Hi Toninho,
> +1, but IMO TIMESTAMP item not need be 0, in any case, only compare
> dates and ignore time.
So you vote for 1c where '==' operator works like '=' and only
Julian date is compared.
best regards,
> We can but we used to not intorduce new public functions without HB_ prefix
> to not cause problems with 3-rd party or user code which may already use
> functions with the same names.
> Anyhow here we have yet another aspect. These functions are already
> implemented in some xbase compatible la
> But can you say sth more.
> Which timezone we should set when DATETIME value is extracted from table,
> f.e. ADT or DBF file or from some SQL RDBMS. Which database systems you
> know that supports timezone or UTC offsets or at least binary UTC time
> signature in DATETIME values? Or maybe they
Hi Przemek,
No, I am not aware of a database that stores time zone with the
date/time value. I agree with Viktor - The date/time value stored in
the database must be timezone independent (ie. UTC 0). Then, the app
can set some value (eg. environment var) to align any date/time
values read fro
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
Hi Viktor,
> > Which timezone we should set when DATETIME value is extracted from table,
> > f.e. ADT or DBF file or from some SQL RDBMS. Which database systems you
> > know that supports timezone or UTC offsets or at least binary UTC time
> > signature
Hi Viktor,
Il 12/02/2009 19.17, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto:
We can even have these in parallel, and if we go this route,
we should gather all these _*() dialect prefixed
functions in separate files (for clarity and future development),
and user can easily map the one they need using
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Randy Portnoff wrote:
Hi Randy,
> No, I am not aware of a database that stores time zone with the date/time
> value. I agree with Viktor - The date/time value stored in the database
> must be timezone independent (ie. UTC 0). Then, the app can set some value
> (eg. environ
We also have to define relation operators behavior: ==, =, <, >, <=, >=
when DATE and TIMESTAMP are used.
We have the following choices:
1. compare only date part ignoring the time with the exception for ==
operator which will make exact comparison. For this exact comparision
we also have
Hi Przemek,
> Not only DATEs but also TIMESTAMPs. Even if we'd fully honor TZ
> signature in our internal representation (this is quite easy)
Yes, I meant timestamp of course.
> then it does not resolve the problem how to restore it when TIMESTAMP
> value is exchange between Harbour and diffe
Hi Francesco,
> Il 12/02/2009 19.17, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto:
>> We can even have these in parallel, and if we go this route, we should
>> gather all these _*() dialect prefixed functions in separate files
>> (for clarity and future development), and user can easily map the one they
>> need u
Hi Przemek,
Yes, I see your point - Make all date/time values (DB and in memory)
UTC 0 and only adjust what the user sees. This will have to happen at
the application level since there are many UI possibilities (eg. DOS,
Windows, Web). Perhaps add a special mask to be used with the
Revision: 10247
Author: vouchcac
Date: 2009-02-12 19:27:56 + (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)
Log Message:
2009-02-12 11:23 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
+ harbour/include/hbwapi.h
Hi Przemek,
> > No, I am not aware of a database that stores time zone with the date/time
> > value. I agree with Viktor - The date/time value stored in the database
> > must be timezone independent (ie. UTC 0). Then, the app can set some
> value
> > (eg. environment var) to align any date/time v
Hi Pritpal,
What we need to be doing here is an interdependency between
Windows contribs and our Win API contrib (hbwin), not an
interdependency between Windows contribs and _core_.
This file has no place in core, since it isn't portable.
Notice that when hbwin contrib is installed, all the header
Revision: 10248
Author: vouchcac
Date: 2009-02-12 19:45:10 + (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)
Log Message:
2009-02-12 11:43 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
- harbour/include/hbwapi.h
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Please move this file to contrib/hbwin/.
Pritpal Bedi
View this message in context:
Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.c
Hi Viktor,
Il 12/02/2009 20.20, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto:
Hi Francesco,
Yes, interesting idea to remap a whole set of functions
to another namespace. This might help on the "sandboxing"
problem when running non-trusted scripts in an app
environment. If we define a namespace with all allowed
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
Hi Viktor,
> > 1. It will be necessary to hardcode TZ tables in Harbour source code
> > for each countries and years. It's not job for single developer because
> > it may not have enough knowledge about rules used for time conversions
> > and summe
Thanks a lot Pritpal.
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 8:46 PM, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Done!
> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> >
> > Please move this file to contrib/hbwin/.
> >
> Regards
> Pritpal Bedi
> --
> View this message in context:
Hi Przemek,
> > To handle any more details than that it's a perfect job
> > for a 3rd party lib. Updating it here regularly is a nightmare.
> > > For such TZ updating we have to know the exact rules and any static
> > > _SET_UTC_OFFSET will not help because today in Poland we use CET
> > >
Sorry but it's not enough.
But here we will have other problem
I do not know, that will be the end decision of this discussion, but I
do NOT see any good way to implement Time zones, or even Time offset in
the core of timestamp data typein some magic transparent way.
I think in
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
Hi Mindaugas,
>> Sorry but it's not enough.
>> But here we will have other problem
> I do not know, that will be the end decision of this discussion, but I do
> NOT see any good way to implement Time zones, or even Time offset in the
> cor
> ,-
> | Of course it turned out that the period in which Daylight Saving Time
> | is in force cannot be given by a simple algorithm, one per country;
> | indeed, this period is determined by unpredictable political decisions
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