Hi Przemek,

3) by no means. 2) could be good, but not with this problematic case,
which is a very important and common expression.

I vote for 1/b) as the most natural one.


On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Przemyslaw Czerpak <dru...@acn.waw.pl>wrote:

> Hi All,
> On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> > We have to define also supported math operations and item type for
> results.
> > I suggest to make it date compatible too and define that date + timestamp
> > and timestamp + date gives timestamp as result. The list of legal
> operations
> > will look like:
> >    <t> + <t> => <t>
> >    <t> - <t> => <n>
> >    <t> + <n> => <t>
> >    <n> + <t> => <t>
> >    <t> - <n> => <t>
> >
> >    <d> + <t> => <t>
> >    <t> + <d> => <t>
> >    <d> - <t> => <n>
> >    <t> - <d> => <n>
> We also have to define relation operators behavior: ==, =, <, >, <=, >=
> when DATE and TIMESTAMP are used.
> We have the following choices:
> 1. compare only date part ignoring the time with the exception for ==
>   operator which will make exact comparison. For this exact comparision
>   we also have two choices:
>   a. strict type checking => results always .F.
>   b. if dates are equal and time part in TIMESTAMP item is 0 then
>      result is .T. otherwise .F.
> 2. convert DATE to TIMESTAMP setting 00:00 as TIME and compare items
>   like two TIMESTAMP values.
>   In such way works xHarbour.
> 3. use asymmetric comparison like for strings so:
>      FIELD->DATETIME <= date()
>   will work but
>      date() => FIELD->DATETIME
>   won't.
> Now my opinion:
> I do not like 3-rd version because it may be too complicated for users
> and normal usage.
> 2-nd one has some bad side effect. User cannot use DATE in filter
> expressions like:
>   FIELD->DATETIME <= date()
> because date() value after conversion will have time part set to 0
> so it will be smaller then TIMESTAMP value calculated today (except
> the midnight).
> For me the best choice is 1.
> Probably 1b but I also found 1a as usable in some cases. The question
> is how deeply we want to hide difference between DATE and TIMESTAMP
> types. If it should be fully hidden like for numbers (we do not make
> any difference between HB_IT_INTEGER, HB_IT_LONG and HB_IT_DOUBLE in
> == comparision) then we should chose 1b.
> I would like to hear your opinions.
> best regards,
> Przemek
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