On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:

Hi Viktor,

> > Which timezone we should set when DATETIME value is extracted from table,
> > f.e. ADT or DBF file or from some SQL RDBMS. Which database systems you
> > know that supports timezone or UTC offsets or at least binary UTC time
> > signature in DATETIME values? Or maybe they have some strict rules used
> > for DATETIME representation in tables, f.e. always safe them after
> > conversion
> > to UTC+0000.
> I personally like your proposal to always assume
> UTC+0000 when dealing with dates.
> We can then add some ways for users to set actual TZ,
> using a Set( _SET_TZ ) function, which would influence
> the dates on read and write. Plus we can add some
> functions to make it easy to shift timestamps by a passed
> TZ.

Not only DATEs but also TIMESTAMPs. Even if we'd fully honor TZ
signature in our internal representation (this is quite easy)
then it does not resolve the problem how to restore it when TIMESTAMP
value is exchange between Harbour and different data base systems.
For DBFs I can implement new field type which can hold timezone or
UTC offset. But what to do with closed systems like ADS or different
SQL RDBMS? For my own use in such cases I use in application only UTC+0000
values. But for such usage I do not need any additional support from HVM.
Just simply I'm using function which returns UTC time instead of local one.
I'm really interested if some RDBMSes already supports TZ signature or
UTC offset or at least UTC+0000 flag.

best regards,
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