Hi Przemek,

> > To handle any more details than that it's a perfect job
> > for a 3rd party lib. Updating it here regularly is a nightmare.
> > >   For such TZ updating we have to know the exact rules and any static
> > >   _SET_UTC_OFFSET will not help because today in Poland we use CET
> > >   (Central European Time) but on the last Sunday of March we will
> switch
> > >   to CET (Central European Summer Time) and I do not wont to see in
> browser
> > >   that on March 27 I started my job at 9:00 AM but one record down on
> > >   March 30 I begin to work at 10:00 AM.
> > >   We have to implement full conversion rules so we will know that in
> > >   Poland in year 2009 on March 29 the time zone is swiched at 02:00
> > > UTC+0100
> > Okay, that's what I wrote above. I was thinking of UTC offset the
> > whole time, but were writing TZ, sorry.
> But without information about TZ rules we will not be able to present valid
> local time.
> In Poland
>   17:00 UTC+0000
> today means
>   18:00 (CET)
> but on March the 30 the same time (17:00 UTC+0000) will be:
>   19:00 (CEST)

Okay I understand, in order to know this rule, you must
know at least the Country code. Too bad. This system
sucks badly.

#if OFF
And we didn't even want to deal with working days, now
this system, at least in my country is even worse. Almost
impossible to properly deal with it.

> But here we will have other problem which should be resolved. DATE()
> functions returns local date on UTC+0000 one. If we want to keep internally
> TIMESTAMP values in UTC+0000 then we should make conversion to local time
> (add UTC offset) before we make any comparison or calculations between
> DATE and TIMESTAMP value. We probably cannot change DATE representation
> now due to backward compatibility so (though I do not like it) maybe we
> should keep in HVM TIMESTAMP value as local time and makes conversions
> only when we exchange data with external systems, f.e. data base files.
> Anyhow it's internal implementation detail which can be changed at any
> time and which will not be visible for Harbour users. The public Harbour
> API should hide it so it's not a problem we have to discus here.
> If we agree that we store TIMESTAMP values always as UTC+0000 in external
> systems then we will have yet another problem which should be resolved
> when TIMESTAMP value is extracted. We should not make conversion to local
> time if TIMESTAMP value contains time period not a whole date, f.e. one
> hour
> "01:00:00.000". I do not want to see the situation when this one hour
> is converted to two hours because I run my program in UTC+0100 timezone.
> Without UTC flag stored in the table we have to introduce some hacks to
> cover such situations. F.e. we can define that if TIMESTAMP value is
> smaller
> then STOD( "00000101" ) then it's time period not exact date and time so it
> should not be converted but taken directly as UTC+0000. It will reduce the
> maximal range of time periods to 1721060 days what gives ~4712 years and
> few days. IMHO it's big enough period in most of cases.

Okay, I understand what you mean.

Time to sleep for me now, good night for all in our TZ :)

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