zelphirkaltstahl writes:
> Hi Guile Users,
> I want to write a macro, which creates a procedure of given name,
> where the given name is a not yet defined identifier.
> Here is what I have so far:
> Anyway, can you help me out writing the macro, fixing at least the 2
> issues or direct me
Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:
> Mes has now brought the Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap to Guix (bootstrap
> a GNU/Linux system without binary GNU toolchain or equivalent). It
> should land in Guix master any day now: a big thank you to everyone who
> helped, notably Ludovic and Mark.
That’s awesome
Vladimir Zhbanov writes:
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 09:56:53AM +0200, Andy Wingo wrote:
>> On behalf of myself and Ludovic and no doubt all Guile users and
>> developers: a heartfelt thanks, Mark, for all of your years of
>> service, and see you around the Guile community!
> Thank you very much
John Cowan writes:
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 2:11 AM Todor Kondić wrote:
>> But, I doubt any of them would find it natural to take a step further and
>> participate in GNU itself (ugh, now I sound like a preacher of a new age
>> religion). To my knowledge, interaction within GNU communities i
Zelphir Kaltstahl writes:
> To verify another person's device, one has to exchange information via a
> second trusted channel. That information is a sequence of icons being
> shown. If they are the same, that the other person sends you via the
> second trusted channel, you can reasonably assume,
Hi Jan,
Jan Wedekind writes:
> Hi Basile,
> I have implemented Tensorflow bindings for Guile:
> http://wedesoft.github.io/aiscm/
> Let me know if you have any problems installing it.
Is aiscm already at a stage where I could experiment with using it for
handwriting recognition even though I don
Hi Jan,
Jan Wedekind writes:
> On Wed, 23 Oct 2019, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> Is aiscm already at a stage where I could experiment with using it for
>> handwriting recognition even though I don’t have prior experience with
>> setting up machine learning pipelines?
John Cowan writes:
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 9:56 AM Zelphir Kaltstahl
> wrote:
>> I think in this case, it might be a good idea to make sure, that
>> guile-json runs on all Schemes implementing a standard level and keep it
>> free software, to avoid the problem of people grabbing it and making
I had the recollection that lilypond nowadays can work with Guile 2, but
when I checked right now in the docs, I saw them saying "Version 2.x of
Guile is not currently supported"
John Cowan writes:
>> Whether or not a GPLed JSON library requires the Scheme implementation
>> > to be itself GPL depends on the implementation, but certainly a
>> > stand-alone *application* that uses it would have to be.
>> Again, you are mistaken. Check your facts, please. See
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for your answer and for continuing to check Guile 2!
Thomas Morley writes:
>> I had the recollection that lilypond nowadays can work with Guile 2, but
>> when I checked right now in the docs, I saw them saying "Version 2.x of
>> Guile is not currently supported"
>> http://g
Hi Amirouche,
For the firefox driver you might get a good start from skewer-mode:
Best wishes,
> Related blog post: https://hyper.dev/blog/on-the-road-to-babelia.html
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
Ricardo Wurmus writes:
> Arne Babenhauserheide writes:
>> Does the lilypond in Guix use Guile 2?
> No.
It would be great if we could change that once it works with Guile 2.9
again, because that will be the testbed closest to Guile development.
That would be a
Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:
> We are pleased to announce the release of GNU Mes 0.21, representing
> 54 commits over 10 weeks.
> Mes has now brought the Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap to Guix (bootstrap
> a GNU/Linux system without binary GNU toolchain or equivalent). See
> https://guix.gnu.org/
to...@tuxteam.de writes:
> On Mon, Dec 02, 2019 at 06:28:53AM -0800, Matt Wette wrote:
>> Look at etc/README. Maybe edit etc/configure.ac and rerun as in the README.
>> I'm building 2.9.5 now but running into errors (ubuntu 18.04):
>> /bin/bash: line 6: 14657 Segmentation fault (core du
Linus Björnstam writes:
> The syntax is more or less the same as racket's loops, and they are generally
> compatible. The code generated is for almost all cases as fast as hand-rolled
> code. They are all expressed as left or right folds, and are as such (apart
> from for/list, but read ab
Marc Chantreux writes:
> * it would be cool to have λ as an alias to lambda in guile so
> we could be able to write
> (λ (x) (* x x))
Did you try it?
(spoiler: that’s what I’ve been using for years :-) )
Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
Happy Birthday Guile!
Here’s a small contribution to the potluck:
define : first-encounter
Enter : Juli Fin
Melter Lark
Rooted Breeze
. game-state-initial
Juli Fin
Finally we have our own home!
Melter Lark
I will d
Jose A. Ortega Ruiz writes:
> we don't continuously evaluate
> what you write in a buffer. writing something by mistake in use-modules
> would then pollute the whole namespace, invisibly if one later removes
> the use-modules subclause. maybe that flymake/flycheck function will do
> that for y
Eli Zaretskii writes:
> A "problem" doesn't necessarily have to be a bug or a deficiency, it
> could also be a missing feature. In this case, a missing feature
> could perhaps be described as a lack of guile-ide.el package in Emacs,
> which users of the Guile Studio could simply load, and magic
Eli Zaretskii writes:
>> From: Arne Babenhauserheide
>> Date: Sat, 29 Feb 2020 22:15:05 +0100
>> TLDR: It would be nice if Emacs could at startup offer users to select a
>> customization for a specific use-case.
> Please report this using "M
Mike Gran writes:
> I had wanted to wait until I scrubbed the docs to push a new release,
> but, I could push one out pretty quickly to pick up those bug fixes.
That would be great! I also got stuck on this …
> If you want a workaround in the meantime, try setting the
Stefan Israelsson Tampe writes:
> Now in corona times I'm working quite a lot with python-on-guile fixing
> bugs in the parser and compiler. Trying to add and test more python
> modules. My test case is to get IPython running on python on guile.
You’re awesome! Thank you!
It sounds like the t
Matt Wette writes:
> Hi All,
> I'm not sure if you know about this, but there is a discrepancy in the
> way some folks define macros to use unquote (aka ,). For example,
>> (use-modules (system base pmatch))
>> (pmatch '(foo "bar") ((foo ,val) (write val) (newline)))
> => "bar"
>> (us
Hi James,
James Cooper writes:
> Am I correct in understanding that guild essentially is what the Guile
> runtime will use to compile my source files before executing them?
Not quite. Guile does create bytecode, and guild can create it, but this
also happens during normal execution.
For some ta
Thompson, David writes:
> I am happy to announce the release of guile-sdl2 0.5.0!
> There are a handful of new bindings and some improvements to the build system.
> Full release notes and download links can be found here:
> https://dthompson.us/guile-sdl2-050-released.html
Thank you!
Hi Dave,
Thompson, David writes:
> I just released chickadee 0.5.0. Chickadee is a general-purpose game
> programming library for Guile.
That’s great timing! Just yesterday I had its page open thinking about
whether I could use this for quick visiualizations.
Thank you!
> Release notes, downlo
Catonano writes:
> Overall, I'd say this:
> There is level 0 of Guile packaging: that's NO packaging. You keep your
> files scattered around and they will be autocompiled
> You put your files in a git repo on line, your friends will check them out
> and autocompile them too
> Then there's
Alex Sassmannshausen writes:
>> m4 is just a very simple templating language. Should not be too hard
>> to implement it in Guile.
> Again, this has come up in the past. I love the idea of having a Guile
> way to do the work that m4, autoreconf and automake do — I think any
> piecemeal or modu
Also have a look at https://github.com/sph-mn/sph-sc
;; declaration
a uint32_t
b (array uint8_t 3)
c (struct (id int) (name char*))
d (enum (x y z))
e (type uint16_t)
f (type (struct (id int) (name char*
;; define with value
(define a uint32_t 1)
;; macros
Hi Zelphir,
Zelphir Kaltstahl writes:
> Then I thought: How would I get normal distributed random numbers? I
> don't have a project or program in mind for this, but it struck me, that
> I do not know, how to get a normal distribution from a uniform
> distribution. So I dug into the matter …
> S
Aleix Conchillo Flaqué writes:
> I'm happy to announce guile-json 4.1.0. This version improves number
> parsing performance by a 2x factor and cleans up and simplifies the builder
> code specially unicode related.
Cool! Thank you!
> https://github.com/aconchillo/guile-json/
Best wishes,
What is the state of the Javascript backend for Guile?
The early examples looked very promising (being able to use Guile as
unified tool for browser-applications), but I did not see new reports
Best wishes,
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Am Freitag, 28. August 2015, 12:31:45 schrieb Ian Zimmerman:
> I'm asking if it exists, anywhere, at all, possibly in small pieces,
> but ready to be reused.
Disclaimer: The following is just my limited knowledge.
Some Batteries are in the Guildhall: https://github.com/ijp/guildhall
Some might b
Am Freitag, 28. August 2015, 22:58:42 schrieb Ian Zimmerman:
> On 2015-08-29 00:15 +0200, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> > Some Batteries are in the Guildhall: https://github.com/ijp/guildhall
> I cloned it and built it. However, I'm confused how it is supposed to
Hi Vadimir,
Am Sonntag, 6. September 2015, 17:10:01 schrieb Vladimir Zhbanov:
> After speaking with a man who doesn't like scheme and wants to make all
> his work in C, I wonder if there is an easy way to make the procedures
> wholly written in Guile available in C, besides any kind of 'eval'.
> L
Am Sonntag, 6. September 2015, 16:09:06 schrieb Mike Gran:
> The simplest way to implement such a thing is using
> functions like scm_c_eval_string, where one creates a string
> containing Guile code and executes it.
> …
> There is an example in the manual here
> http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/m
With guile master, I get build errors of guildhall.
To reproduce: Install guile in /usr/local/, then build guildhall:
git clone g...@github.com:ijp/guildhall.git
cd guildhall
./autogen.sh && ./configure && make
I get this backtrace:
./env /usr/local/bin/guile-tools compile -Wunbound-variab
Am Dienstag, 15. September 2015, 14:28:28 schrieb David Thompson:
> > Maybe we should consider to make it a GNU standard one, if so, we need
> > to add ChangeLog and NEWS. And BUGS/HACKING/THANKS could be optional.
> Yes, those would also be good to include.
A template for the NEWS file would b
Am Sonntag, 27. September 2015, 21:00:46 schrieb Panicz Maciej Godek:
> You wrote there, among others, that "with a little more work, standard
> Scheme might actually become a language essentially as usable as Python and
> the like".
> If you're looking for a language that is "as usable as Pytho
Am Mittwoch, 30. September 2015, 01:02:50 schrieb Panicz Maciej Godek:
> 2015-09-29 22:05 GMT+02:00 Arne Babenhauserheide :
> > I wrote SRFI-119, not because I want Scheme to become more like
> > Python, but because I want it to *look* more like Python while
> > retaining its
Am Montag, 28. September 2015, 22:02:42 schrieb Panicz Maciej Godek:
> Even within the Scheme community there appear voices complaining on the
> Lisp syntax, like SRFI-105, SRFI-110 or SRFI-119.
I wrote SRFI-119, not because I want Scheme to become more like
Python, but because I want it to *look*
Am Mittwoch, 30. September 2015, 08:39:44 schrieb Panicz Maciej Godek:
> > > others), then it would be most harmful to the Scheme community, because
> > > that would increase code enthropy and force programmer to make an
> > > irrelevant choice.
> >
> > It’s no more irrelevant than the choice betwe
Am Mittwoch, 30. September 2015, 09:58:32 schrieb Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı /Kammer:
> Exactly, I agree. It should be noted though that some things can be
> implemented purely as portable libraries, so there needn't be a Request
> For Implementations to do it, whereas some other things, which I call
Am Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015, 16:34:24 schrieb Robert lewko:
> Are there any bindings for graphical tool kits such as FLTK or TK?
> The only set of bindings are for GNOME and I am not a fan of GNOME.
> Nor to I wish to install all the dependencies that GNOME relies on
> (OK, I am an old unix guy a
Am Samstag, 21. November 2015, 13:35:12 schrieb Matthew Keeter:
> If I were to replace Python with Guile, is there a way to sandbox it so that
> arbitrary (perhaps
> malicious) user-provided scripts can be run safely?
The languages which try to do that are Java and Javascript, and they
have sever
Am Montag, 23. November 2015, 20:18:57 schrieb tantalum:
> here is a list of projects with code that guile can run and projects that use
> guile:
> http://sph.mn/content/3e73
Wow, that’s nice!
> i made this list and would be interested in hearing about projects i have
> missed.
I wrote wisp
Can someone who’s at FOSDEM download my slides and lend me a computer
tomorrow during the talk (or get it on the presentation computer)?
Hi Alex,
> I've downloaded them to my computer — but really I would rather be your
> fail safe, as I'm not 100% sure how my laptop will work with the
> presentation equipment :-/
Thank you!
I would help that someone who is presenting anyway would also bring it
(my laptop will likely not interac
Jan Wedekind writes:
> WISP looks interesting. Does it work in the REPL?
Yes. The Guile implementation also uses the reserved final dot on a line
in SRFI-119 to make the REPL more convenient: You can end the line by
appending " ." to the line (and enter). Example:
> display "Hello World!\n" .
Jan Wedekind writes:
> Ok, I got it working in the REPL. Just had to copy
> "language/wisp/spec.scm" and "wisp-scheme.scm"
> to the directory /usr/share/guile/2.0/language/wisp and then type
> ",language wisp" in the Guile REPL :)
Please tell me about your experience with it.
Best wishe
Hi Alex,
> And my slides from the FOSDEM devroom (for my Guile Config
> presentation), for anyone interested (copying in Guile User as it isn't
> Guix related…):
> http://alex.pompo.co/presentations/fosdem-16-conf.html
These are great — and I hope I can use guile-config. I tend to write
Jan Wedekind writes:
> Yes, I'm still playing with it.
> By the way, here is a proposed change for the automake build [1] to have
> "make install" and "make uninstall" work as expected.
> [1] https://github.com/wedesoft/wisp/compare/master...make-install
That’s great — thank you!
(and easie
Alex Sassmannshausen writes:
>> These are great — and I hope I can use guile-config.
> Thank you! And great you want to use it — I'll try to get a proper
> release ASAP then :-)
Cool, thank you!
> I'd definitely be really keen in getting a config file writer/reader
> working using wisp too
Panicz Maciej Godek writes:
> I also think it would be helpful to interface Guile with plot generation. I
> see that Nala has a guile-plot package, but I haven't tried it. I
> personally wrote some code for generating LaTeX pgfplots for the project,
> and can add it to the repo if you llike.
A g
Hi Alex,
Alex Sassmannshausen writes:
> I have the pleasure of officially announcing the first release of
> Guile-Config.
That’s great!
> You can download the release tarball at:
> http://alex.pompo.co/software/guile-config-0.1.tar.gz
> You can also conveniently install guile-config using G
Thompson, David writes:
> It's a bit difficult to build right now if you don't use GNU Guix
This is actually a really cool usage of Guix — a meta-distribution for
reproducible builds of non-packaged software.
I have guix running on Gentoo, but I had to adjust the build instructions:
guix pull
deeper understanding of the method. That’s about 266 lines of Guile wisp
and available online:
I’d be glad to hear how you earn money with Guile!
Best wishes,
Arne Babenhauserheide
PS: Earning money with Free Softw
Hi Jan,
Jan Wedekind writes:
> Yes, here are some examples with empty arrays and arrays with 250,000
> elements. I hope that the upcoming Guile version 2.2 will help increase
> performance as well.
> $ make bench
> Making bench in bench
> make[1]: Entering directory '/home/jan/
Welcome to Guile!
source liu writes:
> I wonder if there is some way to dump all available symbols in current
> enviroment(something like “dir” in python), i think it is very useful when
> you are trying new modules
> I have tried the guile reference guide as well as google,but cant find an
Hi Tomas,
to...@tuxteam.de writes:
>> source liu writes:
>> > I wonder if there is some way to dump all available symbols in current
>> > enviroment [...]
>> It’s pretty hidden. The easiest way [...]
> [a blazing tour through Guile introspection follows]
> Not the OP here, but... wow, thanks, A
Hi Jean,
Jean Crépeau writes:
> I used to work at a company called Avant! in California. Avant! was
> selling software (Apollo II and later Astro) which used an older version
> of guile (1.2 or 1.4, I can't remember which) that had been customized
> for the tool. Avant! made hundreds of millions
Tristan Colgate writes:
> To play the game a bit, I earned money writing guile, or rather, I wrote
> guile to earn money. I wrote guile-snmp to manage several large networks.
> guile-snmp was developed to run parts of the NHS.net network (I re-wrote
> several tools back to perl net-snmp for the b
Christopher M. Hobbs writes:
> In today's development ecosystem, I fear a language won't gain any
> popular traction (and thereby cause profit to be gained) until you can
> build a blog or some other inane web application in it... preferably in
> under 5 minutes. It doesn't matter how well the l
Nala Ginrut writes:
> It's an interesting topic. Although I planed to share something when I earn
> more money, now that someone raised it... :-)
> Here I give you two real cases.
> The first one is that we use Guile to send command from UART to control a
> small robot. We made it in a spo
Ludovic Courtès writes:
> Hi!
> "Thompson, David" skribis:
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Panicz Maciej Godek
>> wrote:
>>> 2016-10-12 20:21 GMT+02:00 Thompson, David :
My understanding is that these symbols have been part of the default
environment for so l
Panicz Maciej Godek writes:
> 2016-10-13 20:19 GMT+02:00 Arne Babenhauserheide :
>> What would be possible without breaking backwards compatibility is
>> moving them ino a module which is imported by default, with a way to
>> suppress those default imports.
Christopher Allan Webber writes:
> browsers do and don't allow, but I'm stunned that a browser will let a
> request from some http://foo.example/ to http://localhost:37146/, even
> for just a GET. It seems like there are all sorts of daemons you can
> exploit that way.
This can be pretty useful
Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:
> I am pleased to announce the first release of Mes: 0.3, representing
> 152 commits over 3 months since the second status report[1].
> * About
> Mes aims to create an entirely source-based bootstrapping path. The
> target is to [have GuixSD] boostrap from a
Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:
> Arne Babenhauserheide writes:
>> How do you compile the interpreter?
> The current interpeter I consider to be a prototype in C; I use gcc.
> However, HACKING mentions two ways forward
> ** Move mes.c into hex?
> One idea is t
Wes Frazier writes:
> Ive mostly stuck to compiled languages until now. However, I know that
> if I were writing compiled code, using a GPLed library with no linking
> exception, my resulting code would have to be GPLed as well. This is why
> many libraries are under the LGPL instead (including l
Greg Troxel writes:
> writes:
>> It's clear that there are different standpoints. The linking thing (dynamic
>> or static) hasn't, AFAIK, tested in court. It's quite possible that different
>> courts reach different conclusions (in the same or different places in the
>> world). It's even possi
to...@tuxteam.de writes:
> [fset vs clone]
>> I think cloning isn't as clear; what we want is something that's the
>> same as the previous instance of the object, but with one field changed.
> Yes, and after having read your post I understood where you came from.
> The naming wouldn't have been
Hi Germán,
If I understand your script correctly, you want to grab all lines with
GDP, sort the values by year and country and output them. Is that right?
As a first warning: the csv module in Python mainly calls into a C-based
implementation (_csv, see csv.__file__), so it will be hard to beat
Germán Diago writes:
>> Aside from using a more recent Guile, I do not see obvious
>> optimizations, however (more exactly: all my tries to speedup the code
>> only made it slower).
> I was struggling with using read-line! instead of read-line but
> experimenting in the command line
> I cannot
Hi Amirouche,
Thank you for your nice writeup!
Amirouche writes:
> I don't know why Racket is successful probably because
> it has a very good documentation and also a documentation
> generator written in scheme.
> => This is a long debate and core principle of GNU project
> so I don't
Arne Babenhauserheide writes:
> - an alternative to `python setup.py register sdist upload`
Since we are GNUfolks, we can leverage autotools for that. I have a
pet-project which automates the setup of autotools-projects in the style
of Rust Cargo (but without the NIH). I should share it …
Panicz Maciej Godek writes:
> 2017-02-13 12:06 GMT+01:00 Arne Babenhauserheide :
> There's also this problem with Scheme that it is a very diverse
> community with plethora of implementations. And while I use Guile, I
> don't mind using Chicken or Chez or Gambit for vario
Amirouche writes:
> Le 13/02/2017 à 12:06, Arne Babenhauserheide a écrit :
> My peers have this habit during system programming looking at man
> pages and other stuff. I don't know much command line-fu. My experience,
> about programming:
> - looking up the API refe
Marko Rauhamaa writes:
> I have typed this message in emacs.
Same for me, but getting people to use Emacs is harder. It might not
*be* that complicated, but it *feels* different.
> In my opinion one of the worst problems with Scheme is the Schemers:
> Scheme lovers are often far too enthusiasti
Panicz Maciej Godek writes:
> There's surely many ways to approach that issue. The point is that for
> some reason, Schemers from various tribes prefer to reinvent the
> wheel, rather than use an existing one. (Not that I am any different)
> However, I also think that these CPAN-alike solutions a
Marko Rauhamaa writes:
> Arne Babenhauserheide :
>> Marko Rauhamaa writes:
>>> Then, there's GOOPS, which in my opinion is simply an unnatural way
>>> to go about object-oriented programming. It does violence both to
>>> ordinary OO way of thinkin
David Kastrup writes:
> Arne Babenhauserheide writes:
>> Marko Rauhamaa writes:
>>> I have typed this message in emacs.
>> Same for me, but getting people to use Emacs is harder. It might not
>> *be* that complicated, but it *feels* different
Michael Vehrs writes:
> As a late-comer to this discussion, here are my two cents. The thing I
> miss most is a central package repository like Eggs Unlimited
> (http://wiki.call-cc.org/chicken-projects/egg-index-4.html), or the
> Racket Package List (http://pkgs.racket-lang.org/), or CPAN, o
Michael Vehrs writes:
> On 02/20/2017 09:41 PM, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> Michael Vehrs writes:
>>> As a late-comer to this discussion, here are my two cents. The thing I
>>> miss most is a central package repository like Eggs Unlimited
>>> (ht
Amirouche writes:
>> If someone had a realistic plan of building something like that, I
>> might be able to contribute. I am not going to tackle it alone.
> What's the status of guildhall, does it work? where are the latest changes?
What we need is someone who regularly puts the package folde
Andy Wingo writes:
> I think that the 2.1.x series is ready to go.
> Release blocker bugs principally concern ABI. For example the foreign
> objects facility which was applied to 2.0 and 2.2 and then rolled out
> from 2.0 because maybe it's not an interface that we want to support in
Chris Vine writes:
> On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 21:00:54 +0100
> Andy Wingo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thu 26 Jan 2017 09:39, Rchar writes:
>> > https://ecraven.github.io/r7rs-benchmarks/benchmark.html
>> > Is Guile slow or fast, comparing to others?
>> Schemes that compile to native code go faste
Chris Vine writes:
> No, on my Haswell laptop running 64-bit linux, solving the 40,000th
> prime (479909) is 1.26 times faster in chez scheme than in guile-2.1.7,
> on the simple algorithm. (0.509 seconds versus 0.624 seconds, on a
> i7-4712HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz.) This is only the time taken in the b
Andy Wingo writes:
> On Fri 24 Feb 2017 18:46, Arne Babenhauserheide writes:
>> The main strategical question I see for that is: Does anything make it
>> harder to complete or improve the lilypond transition to Guile 2?
>> Is there something which would ne
Andy Wingo writes:
> Finally for the release we should consider publicity -- what do we do?
> Anything special? Volunteers are welcome here. The NEWS is quite
> verbose, so condensing it into a set of 5-10 big-ticket items could be
> useful; dunno.
One important point would be to send advance
David Kastrup writes:
> Nala Ginrut writes:
>> I think we have to elaborate the question clearer.
>> 1. How to make guile-scheme more successful?
>> I think this is similar to ask "how to make scheme more successful".
>> This is the big question to the whole scheme community.
>> 2. How
Alejandro Sanchez writes:
> If I may add my two cents as a Scheme layman: the question is not so much
> about making Guile more popular, but about making Scheme itself more popular.
> One big reason for Python’s popularity is something I haven’t seen
> mentioned in this thread so far: if you
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:
> () Arne Babenhauserheide
> () Sun, 05 Mar 2017 01:23:59 +0100
>Just having a geiser setup for Emacs properly documented — or
>maybe an Emacs customized for Scheme development — would help
>a lot, I think.
> Could you please
Erik Edrosa writes:
> I think one issue when you want to compare languages like Python to
> Scheme is that these languages are dominated by a single
> implementation.
I read this argument repeatedly, but it does not apply to C and C++, two
of the most widely used languages. Therefore that argum
Alejandro Sanchez writes:
> Thank you for you responses, I will try to respond to them all in one email.
>> About Emacs + Geiser as the default development environment
> Emacs is a power tool. Giving someone Emacs to write a simple script is like
> handing someone a jackhammer to nail plywoo
Vítor De Araújo writes:
> (Or maybe package _names_ could be URLs pointing to an index in a
> well-defined format, which tells how to download each version of a
> package; then we could have even dependency management without a
> central repository. I'm pipe-dreaming here, though.)
You’re not ju
David Kastrup writes:
> To a certain degree one can chalk this off as "growing pains" that
> long-standing users have to shoulder, at least when working with
> development rather than stable versions.
I’d like to chime in here. When looking at the prospects of larger Guile
adoption, I think that
David Kastrup writes:
> Arne Babenhauserheide writes:
>> PS: Just saying "it’s a scripting language now" will not cut it.
> With an implied "rather than an extension language": that _would_ cut
> it. It would imply LilyPond having to work with a fork
David Kastrup writes:
>> I did not mean it as option in Lilypond. I meant it as strategic
>> possibility.
> As I see it, it's not big enough that strategic guarantees can be given.
> If you need guarantees, you need to invest into the resources needed for
> that.
Using "The official GNU exten
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