Marko Rauhamaa <> writes:

> Arne Babenhauserheide <>:
>> Marko Rauhamaa <> writes:
>>> Then, there's GOOPS, which in my opinion is simply an unnatural way
>>> to go about object-oriented programming. It does violence both to
>>> ordinary OO way of thinking and classic Lisp idioms.
>> GOOPS works pretty well for me where I use it (for dispatch by type).
>> Could you clarify your criticism: Do you think it is bad or is it just
>> different?
> GOOPS starts by defining slots. Slots are an objects internal business
> and should not be visible to the outside. Instead, objects should be
> black boxes that interact with methods. For example, the port interface
> is a nice, classic OO API. You don't know anything about the slots of a
> port.
> Furthermore, I think an extensive type system is un-Lisp-like. OO is not
> about things belonging to a type but objects interacting through
> methods. In fact, the concept of a "class" could be done away with.
>>> Continuations and multiple values are obstacles instead of enablers.
>> I think multiple values are nice. But they are not well-integrated (I
>> have to import something to use them). Why do you think them enablers?
> Yes, the multiple values API is a problem in and of itself, but more
> generally, what does:
>     (values a b c)
> give you on top of, say:
>     (list a b c)

Practically it gives me (let-values (((a b c) (values 1 2 3))) a)

I could get the same by using match on a list, but then I have to use
match on a list instead of just assigning the values. let-values could
be designed to work with lists, though.

So conceptually I assume that the real difference is in implementation:
avoiding the construction of a list.

>> Why do you think that continuations are an obstacle (do you mean
>> general continuations or do you mean prompts)?
> Continuations prevent you from implementing Python's try/finally and
> emacs' (unwind-protect).

If I understand it correctly, this is only true, if there are resources
in use which do not get created in the try. I hit that problem when
implementing 'with':

with (open-file "with.w" "r") as port
      format #t "~a\n" (read port)

^ working Guile code which ensures that the port is closed after it is
  no longer used. But it can break if a continuation is used. To fix
  that, I’d have to add guards which save the state of the port when
  code creates a continuation and reconstructs that state when the
  continuation is used.

> On the other hand, I don't think any application developer would come to
> a point of thinking, "Hey, I know, I'll use a continuation!"

Error-handling is simply a specific case of that. In Python people use
exceptions for flow control, which can be efficient when the
non-exception case is much, much more common than the exception case
(because in the first case the overhead of that is almost zero).

>>> asyncio, type annotation,
>> type annotations should provide nice ways to optimize for pypy and
>> other more optimizing Python implementations.
> You can't have it bothways. A dynamic language liberates you from
> shackles and boilerplate even if it destroys your performance. The
> moment you bring in the boilerplate, you are back to Java.

It’s optional boilerplate which you only add where you really need it.

>> Decorators are really cool to use:
> Have yet to find a need for one.

I used them quite a bit. The most efficient one was a caching decorator:

def fun(a):
    # something expensive
    return a

In Python 3.2 you can use the standard lru-cache for that:

>>> dunder jungle,
>> What’s that?
> <URL:>

Ah, yes :)

I think these are a good way to show that I as developer am venturing
into regions I should only enter when I am really, really sure I want
to, because they can cause problems I may not see right away.

Sadly this rule is broken with if __name__ == "__main__": ...
and for def __init__(self)

So I think it’s good to have that, but not good that programmers need to
use that during typical programming tasks.

>>> meta-object programming,
>> That’s needed to make some things elegant. "Different 20%"-rule again.
> Again, I haven't yet found a need to deviate from the regular object
> semantics.

I saw some, like actually accessing and changing the bytecode at runtime
to add tracing commands.

>>> Unicode illusion. (Guile has fallen into that last trap as well,
>>> unfortunately.)
>> I’m using Python and Guile for physics and math (to some degree), and
>> having good Unicode-support is great for that. What’s your practical
>> criticism here?
> In Linux, all pathnames, files, sockets, environment variables and
> command-line arguments are, or deal with, bytes. The bytes are often
> encoded with UTF-8, but a programming language cannot assume that, even
> if LOCALE promises otherwise.
> It would be better to leave Unicode out of Guile's system interface and
> have the application encode and decode explicitly where needed.

I’m not sure about that. Python3 requires explicit encode/decode, and
it’s a lot of hassle to port from Py2 to Py3 if your application does
lots of socket-operations. I have firsthand experience with that, and
the debugging is gruesome.

But it might have been much better if the program had been created with
Python3 from the start.

>>> There's one thing Python has over Guile, still: Python's system call
>>> support is outstanding. For example, I managed to implement a
>>> full-blown shell using Python. That was the first time I ever ran
>>> into terminal-related system calls, and Python had them all.
>> Which ones are missing in Guile?
> For example tcgetattr(3). (Ok, not a system call.)
> Missing epoll(2) is inconvenient. Not being able to transfer an open
> file descriptor via sendmsg(2) is really bad.

Do you know whether there is a specific reason for that or whether these
could be added?

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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