Re: [GNC] Upgrade from 2.6 to 4.0

2020-06-11 Thread Stan Brown
Thanks for the advice, which I'll follow. I imagine that I should open each of my files in 3.x before proceeding with the upgrade to 4.x; am I right? (That's after making backups, of course.) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] Default View: Tip

2020-06-11 Thread Stan Brown
This has already been answered in later emails to the list -- use the "Double Line" feature. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2020-06-11 07:49, Stan Brown wrote: > Are you talking abut an actual field called capital-N N

Re: [GNC] Default View: Tip

2020-06-11 Thread Stan Brown
-- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2020-06-11 08:29, David Carlson wrote: > Stan, > If the focus (curser) is in a split line the English title of the text > area is Memo.  If the focus (curser) is in the transaction area the

Re: [GNC] Ordering Transactions on same date

2020-06-13 Thread Stan Brown
On 2020-06-13 15:17, Robert Smits wrote: > On October 16, 2017 08:18:49 am baneeishaque wrote: >> Solved the problem in aneasier way... Well, don't leave us in suspense! What was your solution? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://OakR

Re: [GNC] Basic Question (I hope) - End of Year Procedure

2018-12-26 Thread Stan Brown
ns, so that they wil fall in the proper order with other transactions ased on transaction number within date? -- Stan Brown ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user

[GNC] Gnucash-created "closing" entries

2018-12-28 Thread Stan Brown
re are probably 50 accounts, so that seems like a lot of work. Surely there's a way within the GUI to make the special "closing" transactions into just regular transactions, so that I can enter the half-dozen final closing transaction

Re: [GNC] Gnucash-created "closing" entries

2018-12-29 Thread Stan Brown
y non-retirement account, capital gains and dividends are taxable even if unrealized. And it's retroactive -- I won't learn until the end of February 2019 how much of those I must report on my 2018 tax return. This is getting awfully long, again, so I think I'd bette

[GNC] Location of GnuCash data files

2018-12-31 Thread Stan Brown
lizzard of log files. (Granted, I'm exaggerating a bit, for effect.) I understand the usefulness of the log files, but why aren't they written to the temp folder? Or better yet, why aren't they written to a user-specified location, with the temp folder as default? -- Stan Brown the

Re: [GNC] new to gnucash

2019-01-05 Thread Stan Brown
settings, you can set a preference to change "debits" and "credits" to "deposits" and "withdrawals" for your bank accounts, and make corresponding change for the other accounts. Under Edit » Preferences » Accounts, remove the tick mark for "use formal ac

Re: [GNC] Formatting reply posts

2019-01-13 Thread Stan Brown
tom-posting, but I won't bother to express it here because people are going to continue doing what they do, no matter what anyone says. I do have one constructive suggestion: let's all allow this topic to die, because any minds that could be changed have been changed already. -- Reg

[GNC] What's wrong with the digest?

2019-04-11 Thread Stan Brown
ely it seems to have forgotten what "digest" means. I've received 12 issues in about the last 18 hours. What's up, and can we please have an actual digest? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA

Re: [GNC] I can't see above the current widow

2019-04-25 Thread Stan Brown
(For the full effect, you have to hear it in his magnificent declamatory voice. It's probably on Youtube, because it's part of his famous "Bricklayer" speech to the Oxford Union.) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://OakRoadSystems

Re: [GNC] Unsplitting a transaction

2019-06-05 Thread Stan Brown
ot;Yard Maintenance" register as soon as you do. Of course you can still find it in the account register for any of the remaining splits. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnuc

Re: [GNC] Switch to Account that a Transfer is from by Keyboard

2019-06-17 Thread Stan Brown
The underlines are visible without my pressing any keys. (This is GC 2.6.19 on Windows 7.) Alt+A, J works for me just as David says. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA On 2019-06-17 21:43, David Carlson wrote: > In Wind

Re: [GNC] Switch to Account that a Transfer is from by Keyboard

2019-06-18 Thread Stan Brown
I've mostly been lurking rather than posting, but I've lost count of the number of things that used to be better in 2.x.x and now don't work as well in 3.x.x because of GTK. It's proof that "latest and greatest" can be an oxymoron. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompk

Re: [GNC] Multicolumn Reports

2019-07-02 Thread Stan Brown
-click the file in the %TEMP% window and press Ctrl+C, then open a window to the desired location, click into an empty spot, and press Ctrl+V. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA On 2019-07-02 15:21, Jay Ridgley wrote: > G

Re: [GNC] multiple accounts

2019-07-17 Thread Stan Brown
ng the file picker built into GC. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://li

Re: [GNC] Concern with the lengthy list of "Known Issues"

2019-07-22 Thread Stan Brown
all counts. I don't know whether that's paranoid, but the long list of known issues, particularly the user interface changes from the new GTK, have put me off from installing version 3. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, U

Re: [GNC] Include Account Numbers on Trial Balance Message-ID:

2019-07-22 Thread Stan Brown
-profit organization.  It is much better than the old excel > spreadsheets that I had been using.Bruce -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucas

Re: [GNC] transaction not appear

2019-07-22 Thread Stan Brown
in the account or report were you're expecting it, check whether you've got a filter in place that is hiding it. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA On 2019-07-22 20:08, Chris Tsuji wrote: > > > HI > Hope

Reports crash Gnucash

2018-02-10 Thread Stan Brown
MODERATORS -- The entire list doesn't need to see this, but I'd appreciate if you'd pass this on to the developers. I wanted to like Gnucash, I really did, but it crashes e=whenever I try to generate any report from any Gnucash file. I installed Gnucash 2.6.19 (from link at on my 64-

Why I'm trying GnuCash

2018-02-19 Thread Stan Brown
ity was very attractive, though I'm not yet to the point of taking advantage of it. I'm also hoping to take advantage of the automatic update of mutual-fund values, though it will be a while till I can look into that. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County,

Re: Reports crash Gnucash (resolved)

2018-02-19 Thread Stan Brown
On 2018-02-10 10:37, Stan Brown wrote: > I installed Gnucash 2.6.19 (from link at on my 64-bit > Windows 7 laptop and 64-bit Windows 8 laptop and started working my way > through the tutorial. ... I attempted to display the report of scheduled > transactions. Got only a

Re: Date changes

2018-02-20 Thread Stan Brown
lect 8 for "this many months before the current month." Then you can enter a date as 7-15 (for example, but use your format) and it will supply 2017 because the "window" runs from 8 months before now to 4 months after now. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA h

Purpose of Accounting Period? Benefit to closing books?

2018-02-22 Thread Stan Brown
ifying dates. But in that case, why would I close the books at the end of the year? or ever? Or is there some benefit in GnuCash to closing the books that I'm missing?) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA

Re: Purpose of Accounting Period? Benefit to closing books?

2018-02-22 Thread Stan Brown
unting period should be calendar year, because I really do want to reset income and expenses to 0 then, and I can do monthly reports in the interim. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gn

Re: Purpose of Accounting Period? Benefit to closing books?

2018-02-22 Thread Stan Brown
r. I've seen the relative-type dates in report options, but didn't think of using them in this way. > On Feb 22, 2018, at 1:11 PM, Stan Brown wrote: >> (I'm accustomed to close the books monthly, with monthly income >> statement and end-of-month balance sheet -- t

Re: Trading Accounts for Securities

2018-02-22 Thread Stan Brown
shares, which I'd have to tell GnuCash about. Is that worth it, or am I better off to stick with the spreadsheet I've already developed, and just make one-off entries in GnuCash, in dollars not shares, when I buy or sell (which will be rarely)? -- Regards,

General Ledger

2018-02-23 Thread Stan Brown
s. Please note: I'm talking about the General Ledger _tool_, not the report. I want the ability to correct transactions that I get in the tool. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA

Re: Slow and crashes on Windows 7 and 8

2018-02-23 Thread Stan Brown
eously, and have continued to (so far). -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to un

Re: General Ledger

2018-02-23 Thread Stan Brown
t of folks who are searching for it? -- Stan Brown On Fri, Feb 23, 2018, at 7:52 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > And unfortunately, this filter change is not sticky. You’ll have to > reset it each time you load the GL.

Confused by "Reverse"

2018-02-24 Thread Stan Brown
eport (though the totals of credit accounts in that report are not backwards). There's no reversing option for that report either. What am I doing wrong? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA _

Re: Confused by "Reverse"

2018-02-25 Thread Stan Brown
Adrien, thanks for replying, but I'm talking about a problem in a report. Please see below. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA On 2018-02-25 02:43, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > > >> On Feb 24, 2018, at 6:

Re: General Ledger

2018-03-03 Thread Stan Brown
have many years of tx, promise. I > like the narrow time window. There is a checkbox, "Save filter", in the filter-defining window. What is that meant to do? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA > __

Re: General Ledger

2018-03-04 Thread Stan Brown
On 2018-03-03 09:54, Wm via gnucash-user wrote: > On 03/03/2018 13:47, Stan Brown wrote: >> >> On 2018-03-02 13:47, Wm via gnucash-user wrote: >> There is a checkbox, "Save filter", in the filter-defining window.  What >> is that meant to do? > >

Re: General Ledger

2018-03-04 Thread Stan Brown
On 2018-03-04 09:33, Geert Janssens wrote: > Op zondag 4 maart 2018 15:09:35 CET schreef Stan Brown: >> On 2018-03-03 09:54, Wm via gnucash-user wrote: >>> On 03/03/2018 13:47, Stan Brown wrote: >>>> On 2018-03-02 13:47, Wm via gnucash-user wrote: >>>>

Re: Saving Files

2018-03-04 Thread Stan Brown
automatically open the file I want to work with. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsu

Re: Integrating Profit and Loss Report into a set of books and the trial balance

2018-03-06 Thread Stan Brown
I don't have the software on this computer.) -- Stan Brown ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: ht

Re: Integrating Profit and Loss Report into a set of books and the trial balance

2018-03-07 Thread Stan Brown
as talking about. It's not hard to do -- there are many reports and many have similar names. > Regards, > John > > Dr. John Wilson & Dr. Diane Martin, > 3770 San Mateo Drive > Port Alberni, B.C., V9Y 5H4 > Phone: 250-723-3752 -- Sta

Re: Income shows as negative

2018-03-11 Thread Stan Brown
ts don't honor this preference, or their treatment of it is buggy, so they will show credit accounts as negative after you make this change. Income Statement and Balance Sheet reports get it right; the General Ledger report (as opposed to the General Ledger tool) puts the wrong sign on totals.

Re: how to download

2018-03-14 Thread Stan Brown
my OS without using JavaScript. I don't know why the OP is so down on Sourceforge. They tarnished their reputation by bundling crapware in the installers, last year or the year before, but they took note when they were blasted by a bunch of Web sites and cleaned up their act. -- Regards, Stan Br

Re: how to download

2018-03-14 Thread Stan Brown
I'm sure didn't happen. As best I can recall, there was a link or button to click, with a message to the effect of "if your download doesn't start soon, click here", so I did. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://OakRoadSystems

Running two copies of GnuCash in Windows?

2018-03-17 Thread Stan Brown
t the same time, or is it safe? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://

Export transactions to CSV

2018-03-18 Thread Stan Brown
's so obviously cumbersome that I must somehow just not be seeing the way to export transactions for all accounts at once. Can some kind person point out what I'm missing, please? Thanks! -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://Oak

Re: Export transactions to CSV

2018-03-21 Thread Stan Brown
Thanks for the suggestion. I took a quick look, and it looks like it will be very helpful. -- Stan Brown On Tue, Mar 20, 2018, at 11:03 PM, GT-I9070 H wrote: > Stan Brown, > > You can use XLSM2QIF to pass

Date limit on transactions / freezing transactions

2018-03-23 Thread Stan Brown
e help I saw reference to deleting reconciled transactions, which sounds like they are not protected. Thanks in advance! -- Stan Brown ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-u

Re: Date limit on transactions / freezing transactions

2018-03-23 Thread Stan Brown
source database that I discovered it. -- Stan Brown On Fri, Mar 23, 2018, at 2:47 PM, Mike or Penny Novack wrote: > Am I correct, you want to be able to look at your historical data but > not alter it? That's e

Re: Date limit on transactions / freezing transactions

2018-03-24 Thread Stan Brown
by exporting transactions from one file and importing them to the other. > On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 2:02, Stan Brown > wrote: > Thanks, but I meant that while I am entering later months, I don't > want to be able to alter earlier months.  Such an alteration >

Re: Date limit on transactions / freezing transactions

2018-03-24 Thread Stan Brown
;t read it's own exports at present, Oh my -- I had no idea. That _is_ disconcerting, but thanks for the heads-up. > but the new version is supposedly going to be better at importing. Ojalá que sí. :-) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://Brow

Re: beginning balance of income and expense accounts

2018-03-24 Thread Stan Brown
ke, you can't correct it -- or, if you can, I've been unable to discover a way to do it. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucash.

Re: GnuCash 2.7.8 Released

2018-03-25 Thread Stan Brown
g them to different folders? I'm spending a lot of time converting seven years of data from a dBase file, and I don't want to install 2.7.8 if it will interfere with 2.6.19. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://Br

Re: Dealing with a bookkeeper and GNU

2018-03-26 Thread Stan Brown
t everything she'd need so that you can create all necessary reports in advance. Maybe you could offer to sit with her and produce any supplements she might need on the spot, if the reports you've pre-created don't include everything she needs? -- Stan Brown the_stan_br...@fastma

Re: GnuCash 2.7.8 Released

2018-03-26 Thread Stan Brown
machine to install 2.7.8 on, just so that I can test whether the bug I reported in 2.6.19 exists in 2.7.8, as I was asked. It will be a couple of hours to set up, and about 60 seconds to test. Sigh! -- Stan Brown On S

Fast reactions to 2.7.8

2018-03-27 Thread Stan Brown
er left. This was on windows 8, with Build ID: git 2.7.8+ (2018-03-25). -- Stan Brown ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences

Re: Fast reactions to 2.7.8

2018-03-27 Thread Stan Brown
> > On Mar 27, 2018, at 11:44 AM, Stan Brown wrote: > > > > (1) Not a fan of the toolbar showing icons without words. I _hate_ an > > interface where you have to hover over every single icon until you can find > > the one you want. > > > > Many prog

Re: Fast reactions to 2.7.8

2018-03-27 Thread Stan Brown
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018, at 2:15 PM, Geert Janssens wrote: > Op dinsdag 27 maart 2018 18:44:38 CEST schreef Stan Brown: > > (2) At first I thought performance was horrendously slow, when I was > > entering transactions in the general ledger. Turns out the actual issue was >

User interface tweaks (was Fast reactions to 2.7.8)

2018-03-31 Thread Stan Brown
Thank you, Geert. Should this invitation maybe go in the Wiki, or the help file? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA On 2018-03-31 08:37, Geert Janssens wrote: > > A more general note. I have done some experimentation

Re: [GNC] GNC Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

2018-04-08 Thread Stan Brown
+1++ :-) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA On 2018-04-08 13:21, Saša Janiška wrote: > John Ralls writes: > >> Add me to the list of folks who dislike this cha

Re: [GNC] GNC Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

2018-04-08 Thread Stan Brown
Yes, I agree. Just because one or two people ask for something does not mean it should be made mandatory on everyone. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA On 2018-04-07 21:01, Jeffrey Ollie wrote: > On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 6:56

Re: [GNC] GNC Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

2018-04-09 Thread Stan Brown
Or why not use nothing, since people who want to filter have the ability to do that with or without a prefix? -- Stan Brown On Mon, Apr 9, 2018, at 8:06 AM, Andy Pastuszak wrote: > GNC happens to be the name o

Re: [GNC] [NO MORE TAGS] Version 3 configuration files

2018-04-17 Thread Stan Brown
separated by OS, GnuCash, > and GTK versions, as it can get confusing when seen over time. > Let me know please if this is a good idea and do feel free to move/adjust > other references and explanations of the config locations. -- Stan Brown http:

Re: [GNC] Gnucash 3.0 Crashing

2018-04-28 Thread Stan Brown
read the Guide, you really ought to IMHO. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubs

[GNC] Uninstalling previous versions

2018-07-01 Thread Stan Brown
ers. Surely the installer of the new version can uninstall the old version itself -- and in my opinion, it should. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user

Re: [GNC] How To Record an In-Kind Charitable Donation?

2018-07-01 Thread Stan Brown
What I do is record a debit to charities expense, and a credit to my own expenditure. For example, if I do a mailing and use my personal stamps, I debit Charities and credit Stationery. If I drive, I debit Charities and credit Car Running Expenses. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New

Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 184, Issue 1

2018-07-01 Thread Stan Brown
that data file. Internally I imagine it's a command-line argument, so something similar should work in other OSes, or at least you could make a shortcut or alias to "GnuCash {your data file name}". -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://Oa

[GNC] Apologies for list misuse

2018-07-01 Thread Stan Brown
Please accept my apology for inadvertently including a whole digest in my reply. I try to trim quoted material, and I don't know how I managed to screw up so spectacularly. I'll be more careful in future. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://BrownMat

Re: [GNC] Uninstalling previous versions

2018-07-02 Thread Stan Brown
Thanks for clarifying, Geert. From the earlier discussion I had the impression that we were supposed to do a manual uninstall every time before installing a new version, so I'm glad to learn that's not true. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://BrownMat

Re: [GNC] How to move my Windows 10 2.6.17 to a new Windows, 10 machine?

2018-07-12 Thread Stan Brown
8-03-31 With 'purge', suppress error message if there are no files ... > 2018-04-01 ... and also delete GnuCash files in %TEMP%. > 2018-04-18 Add /purge as an option, used with "save" or "apply". > 2018-05-05 Program didn't abort after an an unknown option. &g

Re: [GNC] How to move my Windows 10 2.6.17 to a new Windows, 10 machine?

2018-07-13 Thread Stan Brown
lly a programmer any more, but I still keep my hand in with various forms of scripting, mainly AWK and batch files. One day I'll learn Windows PowerShell, maybe. -- Stan Brown ___

Re: [GNC] Getting My Account To Trial Balance

2018-07-26 Thread Stan Brown
the gain as a split: Assets:Cash $150 debit Assets:Investment $100 credit Income:Gain on investments $50 credit Is there any disadvantage to doing that, versus two transactions? Assets:Investment $50 debit Income:Gain on Investments $50 credit Assets:Cash $150 debit Assets::Investment $150 credit --

[GNC] The red line -- why not by date?

2018-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
as a Windows user the reported bugs have scared me off from upgrading so far. Maybe the red line CAN be set by date in release 3.x?) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user ma

[GNC] Error (wrong link) on GnuCash News web page

2018-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
updated to the new one? -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https

[GNC] Second error, same spot

2018-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
Oops -- "Bug 795980 - Void Reason Has No Visible Purpose." also links to the same wrong URL, instead of -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA http://OakRoadS

Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 185, Issue 45

2018-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
gt; just search for them using the id. > > Alternatively the format of the links is the same, so if you open the > link in a new tab from the News page, then substitute > for in the address bar and hit enter it will take > you to the bug in the ne

Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 185, Issue 63

2018-08-15 Thread Stan Brown
torage are available.") redundant. I saw that sentence as introducing a topic, which you then expanded. I've found that readers understand better with a short introduction and then a more detailed treatment, just as you have written. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York,

Re: [GNC] Help breaking up a file

2018-08-29 Thread Stan Brown
file. (The data file is compressed, 120K, this year's transactions only.) And I just tried it on my SSD desktop at work, and it was very little faster, if faster at all. -- Stan Brown http://Oak

[GNC] Taking an existing transaction and scheduling future repeats

2018-09-03 Thread Stan Brown
upgrade to 3.2 because of Windows issues. But if this exists in 3.2 and not in 2.6, please let me know! -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucas

Re: [GNC] Taking an existing transaction and scheduling future repeats

2018-09-03 Thread Stan Brown
On 2018-09-03 16:19, Colin Law wrote: > On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 at 21:14, Stan Brown wrote: >> ... >> I'd like to right-click it and have one of the options be to start the >> scheduled-transaction editor with all information copied from that >> transaction. >

Re: [GNC] GNC] Chart of Accounts sort order in v3.2 - Help

2018-09-04 Thread Stan Brown
e the name, when entering transactions in the registers. (That's true in 2.6.19; I haven't tried 3.x because so many problems have been reported with that version and Windows operating system. Hopefully they'll be fixed in 3.3.) -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA

[GNC] Omission from help manual: formulas

2018-09-15 Thread Stan Brown
e transaction pane of the Edit Scheduled Transaction window. There are specific formulas for things like mortgages and payroll, but I was unable to find the general rules for constructing formulas, neither in the Help Manual nor in the Tutorial and Concept Guide. Can this be added, please? -- Regar

Re: [GNC] Omission from help manual: formulas

2018-09-17 Thread Stan Brown
om a specific other transaction to compute values for this one? How do we do exponentiation, for goodness sake? -- Stan Brown On Mon, Sep 17, 2018, at 5:06 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote: > Hi Stan, > Am 15.09.18 um 15

Re: [GNC] Omission from help manual: formulas

2018-09-17 Thread Stan Brown
;t. That's why I was searching for documentation. -- Stan Brown ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to

Re: [GNC] Preferences for latest version

2018-10-20 Thread Stan Brown
upgrade. Adrien already posted where to find the CSS. For your specific question, I googled "even and odd rule" css The first hit was from, always a good choice for CSS and HTML matters: -- Regards, Stan Brown, Tom

Re: [GNC] GNU crashes when any Report is selected

2018-12-10 Thread Stan Brown
Some problems are caught at that stage, so that the monthly updates are less buggy than they would be otherwise. Not that the monthly updates are bug free by any means, but they're usually not as bad as the Insider builds. -- Stan Brown

Re: [GNC] How To Handle Prepayments

2018-12-16 Thread Stan Brown
spend Bank X down to a balance that is still positive but not large enough to cover the scheduled payment. -- Regards, Stan Brown Tompkins County, New York, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-

Re: [GNC] Where do I set the "Accounting Period" for reports?

2023-01-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
> On 1/6/23 2:41 PM, Stan Brown wrote: >> I don't think there's a global setting for time period in reports. It >> would be nice if there were -- why not enter an enhancement request? On 2023-01-06 13:13, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > There already is such a pref

Re: [GNC] Variables in Scheduled transactions

2023-01-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
on as described below, and tested it successfully with "Since Last Run". Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-01-05 08:38, Stan Brown wrote: > > On 2023-01-05 02:17, Adrien Monteleone wrote: >> Are you using GnuCash 4.13? >> >> I jus

Re: [GNC] Variables in Scheduled transactions

2023-01-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
> On 1/7/23 12:23 PM, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19) wrote: >> Update -- 2.6.19 does prompt only once per variable, after all. >> >> I thought it did, because, when the transaction fires, the UI for >> prompting for an amount and accepting is pretty confusing (to me

Re: [GNC] Recommended Method of Entry for IRA Distributions

2023-01-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
On 2023-01-12 21:08, Stan Brown wrote: > And speaking of distributions, did you miss the note I posted at 11:33 > this morning (Pacific time)? I really don't know why you have no choice > about having withholding taken from an IRA distribution. You can > _choose_ to do it

Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transactions Question

2023-01-13 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
ay have to experiment a bit -- it may be that whether you use Tab or Enter depends on which version of GC you're using. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-01-13 14:33, David Carlson wrote: > I do recall this same issue came up in another thread and I thought the

Re: [GNC] Is it reasonable to have sub-accounts under Equity:Fixed Assets?

2023-01-17 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
k value as > an asset reaches zero For "reaches zero" read "reaches its salvage value". For some assets, salvage value is nil or as close as makes no matter; for others, vehicles for example, it can be substantial. And as you observed, the rules are most likely set by the tax

Re: [GNC] Is it reasonable to have sub-accounts under Equity:Fixed Assets?

2023-01-17 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
the future. I > just note my method so that the accountant can check I was choosing the > correct rate. +1 to both If I recall correctly, the OP said that he doesn't need to submit depreciation for individual assets to the authorities, only an aggregate. If that's correct, I would

Re: [GNC] Deleting split, specifying one expense account

2023-01-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
the Groceries account register, do it in the General Ledger. In my GC menu it's the item Tools » General Ledger, but possibly it's a different menu item in your version. Don't use a Reports menu item; that won't let you edit any transacti

Re: [GNC] Deleting split, specifying one expense account [FIXED]

2023-01-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
don't want from there. I have seen the same thing on rare occasions, and like you I never tracked down why. But that's my reason for suggesting to Rich that he use the General Ledger in such cases. As far as I know, nothing is ever anchored _there_. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA,

Re: [GNC] Adding new accounts

2023-02-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
ll using CPU and disk resources. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Move files

2023-02-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
;> >> I had been creating test files in the same directory as my real file. >> I want to move all of the test files to another directory. On 2023-02-04 11:32, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19) wrote: This has been answered a zillion times, in one form or another. GC is just fine with your

Re: [GNC] Move files

2023-02-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
On 2023-02-04 11:44, Fred Tydeman wrote: > Is there a way to clear the list of recently used files (MRU list) ? In Windows, it's in the System Registry at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\GSettings\org\gnucash\history I don't know what that corresponds to in Linuxland. Stan Br

Re: [GNC] Credit/Debit vs Withdrwal/Deposit

2023-02-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
ou. Debits increase Assets and Expenses; credits reduce them. Debits reduce liabilities, equity,and income; credits increase them. I'm pretty sure there's a longer explanation in the Tutorial and Concepts manual, but that's the short version. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA htt

Re: [GNC] Is down (Monday, 2/13/2023, 7:20PM PST)

2023-02-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
A useful site to bookmark for questions like this is "Down for Everyone or Just Me": Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To u

Re: [GNC] Interest Income

2023-02-20 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
Thanks -- glad to be of help! I should just save it as a file rather than rewriting it from scratch every time, because as you can probably guess, it's a frequently asked question. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-02-20 14:26, Abe Sternberg wrote: > E

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