Update -- 2.6.19 does prompt only once per variable, after all.

I thought it did, because, when the transaction fires, the UI for
prompting for an amount and accepting is pretty confusing (to me,
anyway). I entered the amount and clicked the OK button, but was
immediately prompted again for the same variable. By experimentation I
found that I have to press Enter after entering the amount, and _then_
click OK. (I'm using 2.6.19, so maybe the interface is a little clearer
in later versions.)

Now that I understand how the interface works, I have set up my mortgage
payment transaction as described below, and tested it successfully with
"Since Last Run".

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2023-01-05 08:38, Stan Brown wrote:
> On 2023-01-05 02:17, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> Are you using GnuCash 4.13?
>> I just tested this and I only get one prompt.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>> On 1/4/23 10:53 PM, Stan Brown wrote:
>>> Debit: Liabilities:Mortgage Principal  900-intamt
>>> Debit: Expenses:Mortgage Interest      intamt
>>> Credit:Assets:Bank Account             900.00
>>> I would like to be prompted for the interest due when the transaction
>>> fires, and then have GC compute the principal as 900.00 minus interest.
>>> But GC prompts me twice.
> I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that I'm using 2.6.19. Sounds like
> this was fixed in a later version. Thanks for letting me know.
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