The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.10, the eleventh release in
the stable 4.x series
Between 4.9 and 4.10, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
Bug 684507 - commodity namespace should be localized
Bug 741674 - Newly created Scheduled Transactions appear in existing sea
7;t the default.
I'll have a new dmg up in a couple of hours that will take care of both
John Ralls
> On Mar 28, 2022, at 1:03 PM, David H wrote:
> John,
> FYI it doesn't work for me on Monterey on an Intel based MacBook Pro. It
> opens at l
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your
I've uploaded Gnucash-Intel-4.10-3.dmg that should have the icons back.
John Ralls
> On Mar 29, 2022, at 3:12 AM, Robert Kesterson wrote:
> Confirmed working here also, and also missing those icons. The buttons and
> text are there and work fine, though, so i
at's a property of the commodity that
you set in the New/Edit Security dialog--and should display as a decimal with
the appropriate number of places if the fraction's denominator is a power of 10
or a rational number if not.
Does that seem reasonable?
John Ralls
pdates for webkit2gtk-4.0 to version 2.26.0? They changed a
default that breaks the way GnuCash renders reports. The work-around is to set
WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 in the environment before running GnuCash.
John Ralls
Please remember to copy the list on all replies.
I just realized that you're using flathub and GnuCash 4.9, so it's definitely
the WebKit problem, Just get
the new 4.10 from flathub and you should be back in business.
> but I confirmed -- reinstalling does NOT eliminate the "source newer than
> compiled" errors (at least not on Ubuntu 21.10).
Do *you* have any problems displaying reports on the 4.10 flatpak?
John Ralls
o contact the maintainers.
> Please remember to copy the list on all replies.
> libjson-xs-perl is probably the mismatched library. briefly explains the
> nature of the problem. Before you can blame the Debian packager (the
> libjson-xs-perl maintainer is innocent) for and fixed it with
12 years ago.
John Ralls
> On Apr 21, 2022, at 10:56 AM, David Carlson
> wrote:
> Somewhere I lost track of the reasoning to save a fi
pting the sudo make install. Although the note didn't
> reference the sudo part and it took me a coupe of attempts to figure that
> part out.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> John Ralls
$ bin/gnc-fq-dump currency HKD USD
1 HKD = 0.12903193 USD
John Ralls
> On Jun 17, 2020, at 11:15 AM, Les wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. However, the problem is I have a Hong Kong bank
> account that has multiple currencies. The default is HKD, but I need Price
Hard to tell for reports, that would be up to webkit and while I found where
it's set in the webkit source I don't see any default value there. Gtk's
default on MacOS is SystemDefaultFont (San Francisco on El Cap and later) 12pt.
John Ralls
> On Jun 19, 2020, at 4:4
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 3.906, the fifth testing release
for what will soon be GnuCash 4.0. This is the release-candidate: Barring any
serious bugs it's what we'll release as 4.0 next weekend.
Baseline requirements
Operating Systems:
• Linux: Ubuntu 18.0
gnc-fq-helper, and gnc-fq-update. No gnc-path-check.
What same answer does gnc-fq-dump give, that the symbol isn't found? What are
the two symbols? Have you tried price source tiaacref?
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.0
Baseline requirements
Operating Systems:
• Linux: Ubuntu 18.04LTS
• MacOS: 10.13
• Windows: 8.1
Software Dependencies:
• C++ standard is now C++17, requires gcc 8.0 or clang 6.0.
• Cmake 3.10
Thanks, we know about that. We've briefly discussed setting up code signing on
Windows but haven't done anything about it as getting a suitable certificate is
more involved than it is with Apple.
John Ralls
> On Jun 29, 2020, at 7:36 AM, Barry Dewhurst wrote:
e and that caused a complete
failure for one user last week, though it doesn't seem to affect most users.
John Ralls
> On Jun 29, 2020, at 9:56 AM, wrote:
> Ditto on Mac OS 10.15.5. Opened without issues.
> The first time it asked for the standard
Windows menu)
and left the account registers as-is. We hope to sort out the issues with
general registers and reintroduce it there in a few months. Unfortunately I
didn't get the release notes adjusted correctly. I've since fixed them at and GitHub.
John R
That change is indeed in 4.0, just checked that it works.
John Ralls
> On Jun 29, 2020, at 12:40 PM, Adrien Monteleone
> wrote:
> I have a thread on the -devel list about this.
> There is an emoji visibility issue with GTK integration on MacOS. (the
> pap
uri) > 0' failed
* 15:32:59 INFO
[QofDbiBackendProvider::type_check] doesn't exist
(errno=14) -> DBI
* 15:32:59 ERROR gnc_uri_get_components: assertion 'uri != NULL &&
strlen (uri) > 0' failed
Segmentation fault: 11
Please do file a bug report and attach
Thanks, the merge from beta didn't pick up that it needs the swig module. I've
fixed that and started a new build.
John Ralls
> On Jun 29, 2020, at 12:48 PM, Guillermo Lopez
> wrote:
> I am trying to try/use Gnucash 4.0 using Flatpak build. However, the mo
By File Explorer do you mean Windows Explorer or the File Chooser that you use
from File>Open? Which ever it is, does the other way work?
John Ralls
> On Jun 29, 2020, at 5:25 PM, Chen Thomas wrote:
> Sorry, 3.11 instead of 3.9 mentioned below.
> ---
sh. The cause may be immediately apparent, like an
invalid source. If not, report back with the security and source that fails.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsu
release explain
the changes and since 3.0 functions that are removed are first deprecated so
that they emit warnings, but you have to check the trace file to see the
warnings. If you don't want to keep up with GnuCash development you have two
choices: Never upgrade or don't use custom
currency that's used to balance the transaction. That currency is determined by
the account from which the transaction is created, and in this case it's EUR,
so GnuCash needs to know the value in EUR of the bank charge. Just use the same
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jul 2, 2020 w27d184, at 11:34 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Jul 2, 2020, at 9:08 AM, Antonio Roberts
>>> wrote:
>>> I'm in the UK doing most of my account
he important point for you to understand is what made it an EUR
transaction: It was that you created it in an EUR register or if you used the
Transfer Dialog it was that of the From Account (the one on the left unless
you're have "use formal accounting labels" in which
Did you remember to run Install Online Price Retrieval for GnuCash from the
GnuCash group in the Start Menu?
John Ralls
> On Jul 2, 2020, at 4:29 AM, Samantha Payn
> wrote:
> I have had to change computers and have installed my existing Gnucash
> set-up (i
hat GtkTreeView. You might remember Register2,
Bob Fewell's attempt to rewrite it to use GtkTreeView for GnuCash 2.6. He
wasn't able to make it stable enough and set it aside. It's still in the
codebase: Run gnucash --extra and the Extra menu has "Open Account with
<=== one of these
price: <=/
timezone: <=== optional
John Ralls
> On Jul 3, 2020, at 11:03 PM, Adrian Holbrook wrote:
> I have been trying to post on the forum but for some reason am no longer
> allowed to post. I have
could, of course, keep one's
GnuCash book by downloading transactions from the bank. In that case you're not
keeping a separate book and there's no point to reconciliation. But why bother
with GnuCash if you're going to do that?
John Ralls
> On Jul 4, 2020
and 6.2.1.
John Ralls
> On Jul 4, 2020, at 5:46 AM, Fleur Dragan wrote:
> Ah! My mistake! I had 3.10 and was checking against that.
> I just tried to set up an OFX account with 4.0, which is as you said 6.2.1,
> but still am having no luck.
> So whe
But all of those accounts should be periodically reconciled unless you never
post anything except by importing it. Regardless, that's a perfectly fine
use-case, but I don't think that it's a common one or even that GnuCash is the
best solution for it.
John Ralls
ote service the
Finance::Quote maintainers decided to make Alphavantage the currency source. At
the time it wasn't clear that Yahoo! would continue the json service; that's
sort of still true, AFAIK they've never said one way or the other. It could
disappear without notice.
I'm not the list moderator nor do I have shell access to the mail server, so I
can't help you. Your best recourse is to get on IRC
( and ping warlord.
John Ralls
> On Jul 5, 2020, at 4:24 AM, J R wrote:
> I too sorry for con
recompense, and
doing so for commercial purposes (they run ads on the website).
John Ralls
P.S. Lessee, to make things more interesting:
Copyright 2020 John Ralls, Fremont California. All rights reserved. Publication
permission granted solely to
> On Jul 6, 2020, at 3:16 AM, Liz wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Jul 2020 07:20:17 -0700
> John Ralls wrote:
>> I'm not the list moderator nor do I have shell access to the mail
>> server, so I can't help you. Your best recourse is to get on IRC
>> (
ed to identify the account in the UI so you can enter whatever you like. The
other fields are for HBCI/FinTS and can safely be left blank.
John Ralls
> On Jul 6, 2020, at 4:33 AM, Fleur Dragan wrote:
> First I set:
> export GWEN_LOGLEVEL=debug
> export AQBANKI
with them.
John Ralls
> On Jul 6, 2020, at 9:41 AM, Fleur Dragan wrote:
> It didn't even occur to me I couldn't send an attachment to the list. I
> facepalm. I'll go through it again with debugging and send you the output
> directly tomorrow.
> On Jul 6, 2020, at 4:23 PM, John Haiducek wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 8:03 PM John Ralls wrote:
> > On Jul 1, 2020, at 10:17 AM, John Haiducek wrote:
> >
> > When I try to fetch prices I get the error "There was a system erro
t 119 [udp/nntp] succeeded!
So if you want to go full retro, you still can.
John Ralls
> On Jul 7, 2020, at 9:11 AM, Adrien Monteleone
> wrote:
> I followed the Gmane rabbit hole a bit.
> It seems whomever is the admin is setting up a new server @
there doesn't seem to be anything at all about the server
internal error in either. Was that from a different session?
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
le of us
here on the list back in March. The problem he has is that he can't test OFX
for lack of any banks to test against, so a bug report to AQBanking wouldn't be
scoffed at but it wouldn't get a lot of attention because they can't even try
to replicate it. I'm afraid
There's a linked ERD that also shows how the various key-value parameters (also
called slots) relate to the data stored in tables.
John Ralls
> On Jul 9, 2020, at 7:29 PM, Tom Hatzigeorgiou wrote:
> has anyone created a data dic
Of course not. Reconciliation is a basic accounting requirement.
John Ralls
> On Jul 11, 2020, at 5:01 AM, Jon Schewe wrote:
> Sorry for jumping in late on this, but are the developers seriously
> considering removing the reconciliation feature? If it's about space
g reason do you have for
John Ralls
> On Jul 10, 2020, at 6:59 PM, Adrien Monteleone
> wrote:
> Thanks Jean,
> I filed bug: for the issue
> with the global preference not being honored.
Would it cause you any pain to enter the interest transaction in the register
before clicking reconcile instead?
John Ralls
> On Jul 12, 2020, at 11:49 AM, wrote:
> I actually use the interest payment box to add a monthly interest transaction
character and press Enter to complete the transaction.
John Ralls
> On Jul 12, 2020, at 12:27 PM, Stan Brown wrote:
> Example: In a trip to the supermarket I buy food, wine, flowers, and
> cleaning supplies. To record that, I enter a transaction in GC, in the
he "don't cares".
To your points: A Scheduled Transaction is an even better reminder and quick
fill (aka autocomplete) in the register will fill in the last payment account
too. What quickfill won't do is pre-populate the credit field with the
reconciled balance.
John R
27;t think that would be a
better design since it would provide no cues about what one is supposed to do
and the user can do it themselves anyway, no button required.
John Ralls
> On Jul 13, 2020, at 3:42 AM, fleur wrote:
> No compelling reason either way, but
ate the payment transaction. Quickfill will do most of the work, but you
will have to enter the amount you paid.
John Ralls
> On Jul 13, 2020, at 12:15 PM, Adrien Monteleone
> wrote:
> I suppose if the SX contained a variable, the user could be prompted for that
> re
epair all did nothing. How do I clear
> this error?
If it's a US bank then you need to upgrade AQBanking to 6.1.4 or later.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or t
Debian unstable has 6.2.1, as does the future Ubuntu 20.10.
John Ralls
> On Jul 14, 2020, at 9:05 AM, Elmar wrote:
> On 7/14/2020 11:27 AM, John Ralls wrote:
> ...
>> If it's a US bank then you need to upgrade AQBanking to 6.1.4 or later.
> That so
That would be a rather unconventional way to trigger a dialog box. I doubt that
many users would like it.
John Ralls
> On Jul 15, 2020, at 4:33 AM, fleur wrote:
> I meant entering anything in the box would then pop up the dialog on
> continue, instead of having
But not for currency rates, which F::Q has hard-coded to use alphavantage. Plus
Alphavantage currency rates seem to still be working:
/Applications/ currency USD GBP
1 USD = 0.79411 GBP
John Ralls
> On Jul 15, 2020, at 9:44 AM, E
ntil now, but after 2 days the light
> hasn’t dawned on me; feels like I’m missing something obvious.
On which you'll find a workaround.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
If yo
John Ralls
> On Jul 16, 2020, at 3:38 AM, Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton
> wrote:
> (Or maybe a better option would be to be able to get price quotes only for
> selected stocks/funds. Then I could troubleshoot one without turning off
> the others)
lue in the home currency, so the only thing you'd
affect by clearing the pricedb is reports on past dates, especially time series
You may also enter prices manually as a temporary measure until you get online
quotes working properly.
John Ralls
> On Jul 16, 2020, at
ster. What's more all of the printing functions are internal to
dialog-print-check so there's no way for you to script them or even call them
from another C program.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
> How can I resize this column please, so that I can see what it is. I might
> not want it even when I have resized it, but I'd like to see what it is.
You actually do want that column to remain hidden. It's for GnuCash's internal
John Ral
--and of
course that will be recursive. Note that GnuCash doesn't set any relations in
the database so you won't be able to use the usual referential integrity tools.
John Ralls
> On Jul 18, 2020, at 2:47 PM, Jon Griffith wrote:
> If I'm in the middle of cr
Please remember to copy the list on all replies.
The only supported way to access and especially modify data is using the
GnuCash API; in addition to C we provide Scheme and Python bindings that are a
bit friendlier for scripting.
John Ralls
> On Jul 18, 2020, at 7:01 PM,
can use the up and down arrows to select
an item from the drop down. Whatever is selected will be put in the entry when
you tab out.
The backspace problem is probably that I fixed a few minutes ago.
John Ralls
L and the accompanying ERD helpful.
No, balances aren't stored, but you should be able to write a query that will
calculate them. Just beware that the amount denominators aren't necessarily all
the same.
John Ralls
d use Gnucash for all my financial
> managing needs, but at this point I find it quite cumbersombe.
Neither GnuCash nor Finance::Quote can magic up a response for a query that the
website doesn't understand. Both of those queries on the respective websites
produce "not found" errors
PI key in my gnucash
> preferences.
> I have checked for the presence of the perl software using the
> Troubleshooting method John Ralls directed me to and received the
> response that I should install the Finance::Quote. The only way I have
> done this in the past is by clicki
ies in your book? If you're unsure use Tools>Security Editor to show a
list of them.
John Ralls
> On Jul 25, 2020, at 5:22 AM, Samantha Payn
> wrote:
> Thank you for your help John.
> I have done as you instruct (including restarting Gnucash after the insta
write their own or hire someone
to do so; any distribution would be subject to the GPL, but someone who writes
a module for their own use is under no obligation to share it.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
lawyers get involved it would
be very much to your advantage to have followed the rules.
John Ralls
[1] R.F. Salmonson, James Don Edwards, Roger H. Hermanson; A Survey of Basic
Accounting, Fourth Edition; Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood IL; 1985; ISBN
0-256-03203-3; p144ff
> On Ju
ine. Yes, Powershell. I don't think that there is a
Poweshell, please excuse my hasty typing.
Since you use only those 3 currencies try all three combinations, i.e.
USD->GBP, EUR->GBP, and EUR->USD with gnc-fq-dump.
John Ralls
> On Jul 25, 2020, at 10:27 AM, Samantha
actual transactions are
in the three sub accounts. You can get a consolidated view by right-clicking
and picking Open SubAccounts from the context menu.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscri
orts two or three cases of embezzlement a year where
it's obvious that a two-person control would have prevented the crime.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.1, the second release in the
stable 4.x series
Between 4.0 and 4.1, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
• Bug 775582 - Change "Petrol" (or Gas if seen in USA) to "Fuel"
• Bug 797759 - Some transactions are not highlighted in
If there's no matching transaction already in the account then there's nothing
to clear. In that case only adding or not makes sense.
John Ralls
> On Jul 26, 2020, at 1:56 PM, Fross, Michael wrote:
> Hello all,
> I sent this earlier this month and
GnuCash itself doesn't have SSL support, so there is indeed no clear way to do
it. You might be able to set up a proxy of some sort.
John Ralls
> On Jul 26, 2020, at 12:25 PM, Gregory Patricoski
> wrote:
> Hey team,
> I am using a postgres database for
I'd go for the second. Account balances are on amounts (i.e. shares if that's
what the account commodity is) and AFAIK nothing in the account code looks at
split values.
John Ralls
> On Jul 27, 2020, at 10:24 AM, David Carlson
> wrote:
> I am curious. I
:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-dump currency' USD GBP
The Powershell terminal color-codes errors in red on black, variables and
special values (e.g. $true, $false) in green, and command names in yellow.
John Ralls
> On Jul 27, 2020, at 2:30 AM, Samantha Payn
> wr
cd 'C:\Program Files\'
You can then backspace out the \', type a space and again and it will
fill in the (x86)\' for you.
John Ralls
> On Jul 27, 2020, at 12:01 PM, Samantha Payn
> wrote:
> Sorry John (and everyone). I can't get it to a
ement download
applications, where every transaction (not just those that are
client-originated or serveroriginated)
requires a unique ID."
John Ralls
> On Jul 27, 2020, at 2:20 PM, Christopher Lam
> wrote:
> As I understand the ofx spec*, the fitid should b
cified by the remaining error codes.
> Unlocking customer ""
According to it
means something was wrong with the account number passed to the server. Try
again with AQOFX_LOG_COMM=1 (see
macOS does not, and one must use the command line to launch subsequent
instances of gnucash.
John Ralls
> On Jul 31, 2020, at 3:50 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger
> wrote:
> You can avod the warning by starting all except the first with
> gnucash --nofile
> or explici
/Applications/ --nofile &
works just fine here. Repeat as many times as you have files you want to open,
and you may substitute the
path to a gnucash file for --nofile.
John Ralls
> On Jul 31, 2020, at 11:14 AM,
ositive balance and the
other with an equal negative balance.
However, if what you're modeling is your kid's college fund it would be more
correct to create a separate book for it, particularly if it's a tax-advantaged
fund like a US 529 fund or a court-supervised entity like a trus
ISTR a commit from last fall by Mike Alexander addressing exactly this issue,
though I cannot now find it.
Try GnuCash 3.9 or later.
John Ralls
> On Aug 3, 2020, at 12:23 PM, Dale Alspach wrote:
> The first stage of the import does not appear to be using ACCT
and the angle braces are
part of the substitution.
John Ralls
> On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:17 AM, Samantha Payn
> wrote:
> Hi John
> Sorry for my lengthy silence. I have attempted to follow your instructions
> but so far without success.
> This is as far as I ha
ivity Monitor, select Gnucash, and run a spin dump
from the gear menu. Attach it to a bug report. You might run with --debug and
attach the resulting trace file as well.
John Ralls
> On Aug 6, 2020, at 9:46 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
> I’ve just installed version 4.1, and open
> and sea green (after the lime green text) or white at the start of each line.
> In CMD window:
> C:\Users\User>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin
> C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>set ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY
> The syntax of the comman
Yes, please do file a bug report.
John Ralls
> On Aug 6, 2020, at 11:41 PM, Michael Hendry wrote:
>> On 7 Aug 2020, at 05:05, John Ralls wrote:
>> To be sure I understand, it crashed after you told GnuCash to quit. How did
>> you do tha
That seems to be new (mis)behavior in 4.1. I noticed the same thing yesterday
as I went through my monthly reconciles: The MRU list in the file menu didn't
update at all until I quit and restarted GnuCash.
John Ralls
> On Aug 7, 2020, at 1:48 AM, Michael Hendr
getaccountsuccess.png on that
> page.
Thanks for the report. We've uploaded a new screenshot to replace it.
John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubs
> On Aug 7, 2020, at 11:38 AM, Rajbal Balan wrote:
> Hello!
> Is it possible to specify a different drive/folder (e.g. D:\Applications) and
> override the default C: drive to install GnuCash on Windows 10?
Yes. It's one of the first panels in the setup wizar
on the three received account lines. Is that a problem?
This is a bug, we think in AQBanking. I've documented the work-around and what
to do if it fails on
John Ralls
al\Temp -filter
gnucash.trace.* | Sort-Object -Property Date
and display it (substitute the most recent file name from your listing)
Get-Content $Env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Temp\gnucash.trace.RSHPO0.log
John Ralls
> On Aug 8, 2020, at 6:00 AM, Samantha Payn
> wrote:
> J
sactions afterwards).
> Here is the last post in the old thread from 2016:
> ---
> On 2 February 2016 at 15:39, John Ralls
> <> wrote:
>>> On Feb 2, 2016, at 8:17 AM, Colin Law
my opinion, but
> it's better than nothing.
Really? ISTM that would be painful to use because you'd have to frequently
change the date. I could understand if you wanted to be able to set a period
selector, e.g. all transactions before the beginning of the current month are
> On Aug 9, 2020, at 3:59 PM, Stan Brown wrote:
> On 2020-08-09 11:58, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Aug 9, 2020, at 11:04 AM, Stan Brown wrote:
>>> You probably know this, but just on the off chance that you don't:
> On Aug 9, 2020, at 4:28 PM, Chris Tsuji wrote:
> Hi
> I just upgraded to 4.1 and want to reconcile my accounts.
> the item is grayed out?
> What happen?
Are you trying to reconcile sub accounts with different currencies/commodities?
't obtain the lock" dialog box.
John Ralls
> On Aug 9, 2020, at 8:28 PM, Chris Tsuji wrote:
> John
> Just a personal checking account
> chris
> Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2020 at 8:25 PM
> From: "John Ralls"
> To: "Chris Tsuji&
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