On 02/02/2017 07:20 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
Due to the lack of progress made by the CMDA podling I am calling a vote to
retire them. A discussion and vote thread [1] have occurred on the
podling's lists. It was confirmed that development activities happen
outside the ASF.
as the initial members of the
Apache TinkerPop Project Management Committee:
* Daniel Gruno
* Daniel Kuppitz
* James Thornton
* Hadrian Zbarcea
* Marko Rodriguez
* Stephen Mallette
* Ted Wilmes
be appointed to the office
this will become a
vibrant community of interest for many individuals and corporations alike.
On Jan 31, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
Hi Tony, Reza,
I found time this weekend to setup the iota podling. The proposal is now listed
in the index or proposals [1]. The project
Hi Tony, Reza,
I found time this weekend to setup the iota podling. The proposal is now
listed in the index or proposals [1]. The project status page [2] is
setup and listed in the incubator list [3]. I will maintain the status
page in the early phases. I created an issue for infra to create t
Liang Chen [chenliang...@huawei.com]
* Renaud Richardet[renaud (at) apache (dot) org]
* Bakey Pan [bakey1...@gmail.com]
* Andreas Neumann [a...@apache.org]
* Suresh Marru[sma...@apache.org]
* Hadrian Zbarcea [hzbar..
Hi Bertrand,
Your suggested name only has an entropy of 0.19153. You may consider
adding a special character or two :). To standardize (every company
seems to like this lately) we may consider using SHA-256 for our project
names. Being of fixed length it will help Sally in her templates for
Hi JB,
I was on the fence, because there are already so many contributors and
one can contribute without being on the proposal. But then, because this
proposal is impressive in the level of support received, I thought I'd
throw my hat in as well (because I really see myself actually
project set up in the incubator.
On 01/16/2016 03:40 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
The vote is as usually open for at least 72 hours.
Here's my +1.
On 01/16/2016 03:12 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
The iota proposal [1] (initially Tempo) was proposed about 6 week
I want to encourage more IPMC members to cast a vote, in case this
thread went unnoticed.
On 01/16/2016 03:40 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
The vote is as usually open for at least 72 hours.
Here's my +1.
On 01/16/2016 03:12 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
The vote is as usually open for at least 72 hours.
Here's my +1.
On 01/16/2016 03:12 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
The iota proposal [1] (initially Tempo) was proposed about 6 weeks ago.
Because of the naming conflict that would have likely required to change
name at gradu
n Shields - Litbit
Hadrian Zbarcea
Nominated Mentors
Sterling Hughes
Daniel Gruno
Justin Mclean
Hadrian Zbarcea
Sponsoring Entity
The Apache Incubator
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubat
me know.
On Jan 11, 2016, at 5:35 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
With a bit of delay due to the Holidays season, I think it's time to continue
this thread.
The code has been available for a while to mentors and those who requested. I
assume the mentors did take a look at
:35 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
With a bit of delay due to the Holidays season, I think it's time to continue
this thread.
The code has been available for a while to mentors and those who requested. I
assume the mentors did take a look at it, I certainly did. The code looks clean
and the
al? I find it really interesting,
and just like Hadrian I really would love to see the code on GitHub (although
it is NOT a pre-requisite to being consider for ASF Incubator).
P.S. Greetings from your past life managing JavaStudio ;-)
On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote
;s express request to keep it private, it was my
recommendation and promise. I stand by it. If we intent to make it
public we should at least ask Tony/litbit first.
On 12/30/2015 01:51 PM, Ted Dunning wrote:
On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Hadrian Zbarcea
The code w
Hi Roman,
The code was already made available. Since the project is not yet
accepted in the incubator, we thought it best to not publish it. Because
you expressed interest I sent you a private mail with the code location.
Tony needs to decide on the proposed name, it is unlikely that the
+1 (binding)
Good luck!
On 12/10/2015 04:21 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:
I would like to call a vote on accepting the Fineract project into the Apache
Incubator. The proposal is pasted below and posted at
The vote will run for at least 72h
This is an issue for trademarks actually. For the reason Tony described
I assume the podling should look for a more suitable name.
Advice appreciated.
On 12/04/2015 03:03 PM, Tony Faustini wrote:
Hi all, as part of the due diligence for the TempoProposal we need to see if the
name ’T
Please add me as a mentor as well. I have significant experience in the
financial industry and I am very interested in seeing this project be a
wild success.
On 12/04/2015 02:31 AM, Markus Geiß wrote:
Hey all,
hope this finds you well.
We, the Mifos community, want to propo
Hi Tony,
It is a very interesting proposal and I would like to help out as well.
I do have a bit of experience of the IoT field, both part of my ASF
contributions and other work I did. I volunteer to be a mentor or
champion. Looks like one of your understated goals is to grow a
community and
Probably a bad subject in the context of other things going on :).
Apache Brooklyn is faced with the tasks of migrating it's repo(s) post
graduation and there are some very large *pre-incubation* artifacts in
the git repo that we would like removed.
The question was asked on general@ [1] many
u, Nov 19, 2015 at 5:09 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
Hi Hadrian and Marvin,
I replied on the kalumet mailing list.
It's not a problem at all that the Kalumet's code remain on svn.
Sorry for the delay guys.
On 11/19/2015 05:44 AM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
Hi Marvin,
Hi Marvin,
As far as I remember, Kalumet is almost exclusively the work of JB
Onofre who is an ASF member, therefore I don't see a problem.
That said I think it's best to wait a bit and let JB speak up. I cc'ed
him, just to make sure he notices this thread.
On 11/18/2015 05
* Andrew Kennedy
* Ciprian Ciubotariu
* Hadrian Zbarcea
* Richard Downer
* Sam Corbett
* Svetoslav Neykov
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Broo
5 11:13 AM, John D. Ament wrote:
On Oct 22, 2015 8:05 AM, "Hadrian Zbarcea" wrote:
For the curious and conspiracy theorists :) let me complete the picture.
I did actually attend the board meeting as I usually do and the board was
gracious enough to give me a couple of minutes to co
For the curious and conspiracy theorists :) let me complete the picture.
I did actually attend the board meeting as I usually do and the board
was gracious enough to give me a couple of minutes to correct the
resolution. Unfortunately, whimsy wouldn't save the corrected
resolution, for a reaso
was missing from the resolution. It is unfortunate that nobody caught
that, but the error is completely mine.
We will resubmit in 4 weeks.
Million apologies,
On 10/01/2015 11:06 AM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
Vote passes with:
+1 - 6 binding (ke4qqq, jbonofre, jzb, johndament
s the community developed since the last report?
How has the project developed since the last report?
Preparing for v1.0.0 release
Date of last release:
When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
no new since initial
[ ](openaz) Emmanuel L
On 09/28/2015 10:06 AM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
This is the Incubator vote to decide if Apache Brooklyn should graduate
from the Incubator. Please see the proposed resolution below.
See also discuss thread [1]. Mentors were invited to join the future TLP
PMC on request. Invitation is
+1 from me too.
On 09/28/2015 10:06 AM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
This is the Incubator vote to decide if Apache Brooklyn should graduate
from the Incubator. Please see the proposed resolution below.
See also discuss thread [1]. Mentors were invited to join the future TLP
PMC on request
* Olivier Lamy
On 09/29/2015 08:15 PM, Olivier Lamy wrote:
+1 (binding)
I'd like to remain on PMC and try to help in the future.
On 29 September 2015 at 00:06, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
This is the Incubator vote to decide if Apache Brooklyn s
On 09/28/2015 04:06 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
This is the Incubator vote to decide if Apache Brooklyn should graduate
from the Incubator. Please see the proposed resolution below.
See also discuss thread [1]. Mentors were invited to join the future TLP
PMC on request. Invitation
In hindsight, the cc: to dev@brooklyn created more confusion. This is
the incubator vote. I think we should drop the cc: to dev@ (kept it for
this email, to make sure Joe sees it).
On 09/29/2015 07:49 AM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
On Mon, Sep 28, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Hadrian
+1 (binding)
On 09/23/2015 05:14 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
Hi all,
following the discussion about Unomi, I would like to call a vote for
accepting Unomi as a new incubator project.
The proposal text is included below, and available on the wiki:
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Brooklyn Project Management Committee:
* Aled Sage
* Alex Heneveld
* Andrea Turli
* Andrew Kennedy
* Ciprian Ci
Looks like there are no issues or concerns. I will start the formal vote.
On 09/24/2015 01:26 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
The Brooklyn community and project made significant advances in the past
months and believes it is ready to graduate as a top-level project.
The Apache
* Ciprian Ciubotariu
* Hadrian Zbarcea
* Richard Downer
* Sam Corbett
* Svetoslav Neykov
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Brooklyn, to
serve in accordanc
Thanks Marvin!
On 09/11/2015 10:36 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
Samuel James Corbett (sjcorbett) was voted as PPMC member for Apache
Brooklyn. That took place more than a year ago, but nowhere do I find a
record of the notice to
Samuel James Corbett (sjcorbett) was voted as PPMC member for Apache
Brooklyn. That took place more than a year ago, but nowhere do I find a
record of the notice to general@. There was an issue with the mail
servers that month (07/2014) but not sure how related.
Vote thread result:
msgid: 53b2
+1 (binding)
More details with my vote on the community thread. This release
completes the package migration to org.apache.brooklyn.* and
incorporates the feedback from the previous release vote.
Great work guys!
On 09/09/2015 09:32 AM, Alex Heneveld wrote:
This is to call for a vo
Ciprian Ciubotariu was voted as PPMC member for Apache Brooklyn.
Vote thread result:
msgid: 55e8f909.9070...@gmail.com
Please advise if any issues or objections, otherwise we send the
official invite after the 72 hour period has passed.
Hi Cedric,
It's dug down somewhere in my memories, I bet somebody like Marvin or
Roman or Ted could quickly pull out their magic hats the authoritative
link. There ore other projects that release in non-asf packages (e.g.
geronimo specs in javax.*) for very good reasons. I don't know what and
Hi Justin,
Being part of the maven archetype, these are the templates to
"quickstart" a user with a project using brooklyn. Such projects would
not be licensed to the ASF, but we could also say that it's then their
business to update the copyright header. I am kinda neutral on this one,
but I
I already voted in the PPMC vote, I am pasting below my findings.
Excellent work on the release Richard.
* tested the binaries on Linux, they work fine, although not my focus;
the ASF releases code as source, so I focused more on the source distro
* downloading,
Could incubator members please find some time to take a look at this
release so the vote could be closed, one way or another?
On 06/01/2015 11:45 AM, Marko Rodriguez wrote:
Hello general@incubators,
After 3 rounds of "3.0.0.M9-incubating-rc" releases the last couple of we
On 02/27/2015 02:19 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney wrote:
Hi general@,
Over the last while a number of individuals have been putting together a
proposal and gathering interest in proposing Commons RDF for acceptance
into the Apache Incubator. Having worked our way through the Incubator
2/2015 09:53 AM, Matt Franklin wrote:
On Mon Feb 02 2015 at 8:09:43 AM Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
On 02/01/2015 03:19 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:
On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 2:12 PM, John D. Ament
On Sun Feb 01 2015 at 1:05:10 AM Alex Harui wrote:
On 1/31/15, 9:09 AM, "Benson Marguli
On 02/01/2015 03:19 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:
On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 2:12 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
On Sun Feb 01 2015 at 1:05:10 AM Alex Harui wrote:
On 1/31/15, 9:09 AM, "Benson Margulies" wrote:
On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Matt Franklin
On Sat Jan 31 2015 at 11:22:15
+1 to retire. The half full aspect is that it looks like people are
doing something more useful with their time.
On 01/21/2015 05:19 PM, jan i wrote:
+1 Even though I do not like to see a podling end like this, but life
support has to be terminated at a point.
jan i
On Wednesda
ast 2 weeks, TinkerPop's proposal has been worked on with
support from:
* David Nalley (champion)
* Rich Bowen (mentor)
* Hadrian Zbarcea (mentor)
* Daniel Gruno (mentor)
* Marko Rodriguez (submitting on behalf of TinkerPop)
We feel it is now in prime shape from submission to vote. Enjoy!.
I made some cosmetic changes to the list of committers and mentors. It
should be clear now.
On 01/05/2015 02:04 PM, Hal Lockhart wrote:
I added a comma and the word "and" to the Mentors section. The Mentors are:
Emmanuel Lécharny, Colm O hEigeartaigh and Hadrian Z
Thanks Marvin, all set.
On 01/05/2015 08:24 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
For some reason HadrianZbarcea can no longer edit the wiki. Could somebody
please grant me access.
That wiki ID wasn't listed in ContributorsGroup, n
Makes sense :)
On 01/05/2015 06:41 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:
Back in 2013, I suggested asking the Champion to accept a very clear
level of reporting responsibility: to write a sentence or two _every
month_ or find someone else to do it. That's one person whom I wanted
to ask to sign up
For some reason HadrianZbarcea can no longer edit the wiki. Could
somebody please grant me access. Please verify the @a.o address for the
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache
On 01/01/2015 08:32 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:
I'd like to raise a topic directly related to the succession. To
start, three cheers for Roman for all his hard work!
cheers += 3;
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr
I followed the thread and tried to stay away, because there's a lot of
potential for noise.
If the IPMC were to take a vote on the tinkerpop proposal today it would
not pass. At the very least it's incomplete. Engaging in a conversation
on this list to finalize it is, imho, not the most produc
On 12/29/2014 09:15 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
This is what happens when I write email like this and then go for two
weeks off of work. Catching up ...
On 12/19/2014 01:10 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
First of all,*my* expectation is that multiple mentors on the project
are more of redundancy o
On 12/29/2014 09:40 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
On 12/22/2014 11:42 AM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
before answering Ross' proposal, I'd like to remark that I was holding
off on replying to see whether viewpoints that we haven's seen before
would emerge. It seems that they didn't. It seems that we
+1 (binding)
On 12/19/2014 12:29 AM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
Following the discussion earlier:
I would like to call a VOTE for accepting
Zeppelin as a new Incubator project.
The proposal is available at:
On 12/18/2014 11:54 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
And again - big +1: I think the whole data stack will benefit from it.
On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 05:18PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
I would like to propose Zeppelin as an Apache Incubator
+1 (binding).
Too late for the PPMC vote, sorry.
1. Keys verify ok.
2. Notice, license files, copyright statements ok (see #7)
3. Build from source distro without running tests ok (fixed from
previous rc)
4. Build from source distro and running tests ok (fixed from previous rc)
5. Sou
A tad longer answer is that the immutable rules are meant to protect the
Apache Way, because we believe that healthy communities produce health
code. The ASF is a steward of communities that are themselves stewards
of code. The incubation process is meant to benefit the project, allow
new commi
Hi Marko,
Take a look at the incubator guide [1] for submitting proposals, in
particular the section explaining the role of the champion [2] and
mentors [3]. You already have 2 ASF members who offered to help as
champions and more than 3 three who offered to mentor. If you have
somebody in pa
Not surprisingly, there is already some positive feedback. If you don't
already have a champion in mind, I'd be happy to help in that role as well.
On 12/17/2014 03:26 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
Hi Marko,
Thanks for your proposal. I followed and used tinkerpop for a
Hi Marko,
Thanks for your proposal. I followed and used tinkerpop for a long time
and it is indeed a brilliant open source project. I think I understand
the motivation to move the project governance to the ASF and it makes
sense. I volunteer to be a mentor, should the project be accepted (
I volunteer to help as a mentor.
On 12/15/2014 01:22 PM, Hal Lockhart wrote:
The OpenAz Project currently has two mentors, but we need at least one more. Is
there anyone who would be willing to join us?
The proposal is here:
Sounds exciting. I have a couple of questions:
1. Is there a code grant? I assume so, the proposal states that the
project is active since 2006. What I could find [1] doesn't seem to be it.
2. What is the overlap with Apache Camel (if any)?
[1] https://github.com/Nifi
On 11
+1 (binding)
On 10/08/2013 09:29 PM, Olivier Lamy wrote:
Since discussion about the Sirona seems done, I'd like to call a vote
for Sirona to become an incubated project.
The proposal is pasted below, and also available at:
Let's keep
+1 on the idea.
+1 (strong) on the need to increase diversity.
I would suggest to open a bit the scope of the project to target other
apache projects that act as services. I know it was mentioned, but it
sounded to me more like a possibility than a focus.
I would also volunteer as a committer
You may want to update the Confluence and Jira spaces to ONAMI as well.
I think Confluence is getting out of commission soon, CMS may be the
better option?!
On 11/11/2012 01:01 PM, Simone Tripodi wrote:
moreover, "Onami" rhymes "Olamy" :)
+1 (binding)
I went through the artifacts and everything looks in order.
On 07/23/2012 06:03 AM, Alexei Fedotov wrote:
The Openmeetings community voted on and has approved a proposal to release
Openmeetings 2.0. Pursuant to the Releases section of the Incubation
Policy and with the endo
Jim Jagielski
Nominated Mentors
Jim Jagielski, Daniel Kulp, Alex Karasulu, Olivier Lamy, Brett Porter, Mohammad
Nour, Matt Hogstrom
Sponsoring Entity
We request that the Incubator sponsor this effort.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubsc
d interest is a good thing. We have much to do, the
project is not small, and it would be nice to see the community
gracefully pass thru incubation as fast as posible in accordance with
incubator standards. More mentors might help in this regard.
Best Regards,
-- Alex
e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Hadrian Zbarcea
Principal Software Architect
Talend, Inc
To uns
accordance with incubator standards. More
mentors might help in this regard.
Best Regards,
-- Alex
Hadrian Zbarcea
Principal Software Architect
Talend, Inc
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Hadrian Zbarcea
Principal Software Architect
Talend, Inc
for management of the projects within the scope of
responsibility of the Apache Rave Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Rave Project:
* Ard Schrijvers
* Ate Douma
* Bas Zoeteko
cubator Bean Validation podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
Project are hereafter discharged.
Hadrian Zbarcea
Principal Software Architect
Talend, Inc
Hadrian Zbarcea commented on PODLINGNAMESEARCH-5:
Looks like I don't have sufficient karma to do it myself. Could someone
with karma please give 'secooper' svn rights for the rave project?
Requested change in [1]:
Greetings, Marcel
Hadrian Zbarcea
Principal Software Architect
Talend, Inc
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For additional commands, e-mail:
+1 (again), binding
On 09/15/2011 08:49 AM, Franklin, Matthew B. wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Hadrian Zbarcea [mailto:hzbar...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 8:45 AM
To: rave-...@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Ping: [VOTE] Release Apache Rave 0.3
+1 (binding)
On May 16, 2011, at 1:42 AM, Tomaz Muraus wrote:
> OK, sorry for the confusion, but apparently I need to open a separate voting
> thread so here it is.
> Here is also a list of people who have already voted +1 in the proposal
> thread which can be found at
> http://mail-archives.
+1 (binding)
On Apr 29, 2011, at 6:35 AM, Jörn Kottmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> please review and vote on approving our first release of Apache OpenNLP.
> OpenNLP is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural
> language text.
> It supports the most common NLP tasks
You need to ask the new committer for a preferred user id (it'll be part of his
apache email address) and send an request to r...@apache.org. All is explained
here [1].
[1] http://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html#newcommitter
On Apr 26, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Karl Wright wrote:
> Hi fo
On Apr 23, 2011, at 7:57 AM, Simone Tripodi wrote:
> Hi all ASF mates,
> I'm writing to submit a new incubator proposal, Apache OGNL.
> Follows below the proposal; this vote will be open for 72 hours and
> will be closed on April 26th (Tue) at 12:00 am CET.
> Many thanks in advance
Troy, I am not really sure what your point is. So you believe that:
> I think the 'Known Risks' section in the proposal enumerates that
> pretty clearly, so I won't repeat it.
... yet you raise an objection for somebody else who might think otherwise?
Is that because you anticipate an objection an
Apache Maven
> * Apache Ant
> == Cryptography ==
> There is no cryptography in the code at this time.
> OGCE has requirements to support security for Computational Grids and Clouds.
> Although the code will not have any cryptographic implementations, in
That was discussed a few times in the past month while we were working on the
I believe that's fairly clear to everybody. The project starts with code grants
from the organizations mentioned.
On Feb 23, 2011, at 2:49 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
> On 2/21/2011 5:18 PM, Ate
The name can be changed until graduation.
On Feb 23, 2011, at 10:59 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 4:55 AM, Alex Karasulu wrote:
>> +1
>> However there might be a name conflict with the Howl transaction log over at
>> object web here:
>> http://howl.ow
90 matches
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