Hi Cedric,
It's dug down somewhere in my memories, I bet somebody like Marvin or
Roman or Ted could quickly pull out their magic hats the authoritative
link. There ore other projects that release in non-asf packages (e.g.
geronimo specs in javax.*) for very good reasons. I don't know what and
how applies to your concrete Groovy situation. While there are
exceptions, my understanding is that it's a pretty strong requirement.
The rationale has something to do, iirc, with the fact that we cannot
release code in packages for which we don't own the domain and would
create confusion and possibly conflicts for downstream users. If I am
wrong, hopefully somebody will correct me.
On 07/22/2015 10:21 AM, Cédric Champeau wrote:
* renaming of packages from brooklyn.* to org.apache.brooklyn.* will be
required for graduation, I strongly encourage that step to be taken care of
in the next release.
Where is such a requirement described? As far as I understand, package
names are best suited if they start with org.apache.*, but it's not a
strong requirement. If it is, then it would basically mean that Groovy
(the podling I am member of) would never go out of incubation, because
of our binary backwards compatibility requirements.
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