ublic/programs/freesurfer/subjects ERROR: /cajal/public/programs/freesurfer/subjects/13667 exists I am at a loss as to why this happens. Any help would be appreciated. Adam Walczak
Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with
Hello, I am testing the output of some data I ran through the reconstruction process. While attempting to view the rh.sphere volume with the rh.curv overlay, I only could see the red lines, not the green lines. I noticed that I had to adjust the settings (view--configure--curvature display). I
Hello, Our scanner outputs data so that the different orientations (sagittal, coronal) are not actually those orientations. For example: the "sagittal view" from our scanner is seen when using the horizontal view in tkmedit. And the sagittal view button produces the coronal view. How can this b
Hello, I was wondering if FreeSurfer needed the data to be in a specific display convention (neurological or radiological). I have to do some manipulation of our images in order to get them in the correct space and was wondering if the program needed the data in a specific display type to work pr
At what point in the processing pipeline is mri_ms_fitparms? I am trying to convert data without header information (TE, TR, Flip angle) to data that freesurfer can use using mri_ms_fitparms and entering that info. This creates a T1 and PD image but I want to run it through the entire reconstruct
Thu, 4 May 2006, adam walczak wrote:> At what point in the processing pipeline is mri_ms_fitparms?>> I am trying to convert data without header information (TE, TR, Flip angle) to data that freesurfer can use using mri_ms_fitparms and entering that info. This creates a T1 and PD image but I w
Hello, I tried to display my data in tksurfer but only half of the brain is rendered. This is strange (obviously), because this has never happened before...all previous times I have used tksurfer have worked fine. Is there any reason this might have happened? It appears as if the wm volume has
The skull stripping looks fine, but the talairach is shifted too far forward.Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: check the skull stripping and talairach.On Thu, 11 May 2006, adam walczak wrote:> Hello,>> I tried to display my data in tksurfer but only half of the brain is re
Thu, 11 May 2006, adam walczak wrote:> The skull stripping looks fine, but the talairach is shifted too far forward.>> Bruce Fischl
wrote: check the skull stripping and talairach.> On Thu, 11 May 2006, adam walczak> wrote:>>> Hello,>>>> I tried to display my dat
Hello, I want to make cortical surface images that we will overlay with our own masks. But we want to do this in native space. So, I was wondering if it is possible to go thorugh the reconstruction process to make the surfaces without ever using the talairach transform and keeping everything in
an answer to your
--- Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What do you mean by "native space"? The
> reconstruction is not done in
> tal space.
> doug
> adam walczak wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I want to ma
ent version, so I've copied it here: ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/mri_vol2vol specify your roi volume as the --mov and use nearest neighbor interp doug adam walczak wrote:Doug,I think that you answered my question. We wanted tooverlay some RO
Hello, I am trying to overlay my own ROIs onto the pial surface using mri_vol2surf. this is my command line: mri_vol2surf --src wrawKH_MAE3_4/Agap1_2_gap-nogap_p05u-05u --src_type analyze --srcreg wrawKH_MAE3_4/register.dat --fwhm 3 --hemi lh --surf pial --surfreg /cajal/public/programs/freesurf
ubject lh inflated -overlay youroverlay.mgh -overlay-reg register.dat douyg adam walczak wrote: Thanks Doug...I was also wondering if it were possible to load our own overlays on the surface (eg. pial surface)?Would this be done using tksurfer or would some other program/command be needed?
thank you.Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: sorry, on "any" surface configurationOn Tue, 30 May 2006, Bruce Fischl wrote:> no, you should be able to overlay it on and surface configuration or patch > from that hemisphere.>> Bruce>> On Tue, 30 May 2
I was searching through the wiki and ran across a page
that said to use csurf to make full surface cuts in
order to ultimately create flattened surfaces. But
while perusing the support archives, it was said that
csurf is no longer supported. Is this true? How then
do you make the full su
about how long should the flattening process take?
mris_flatten took about nine hours when I tried it
--- Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> use tksurfer.
> On Wed, 31 May 2006, adam walczak wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I was searc
out right depending on the size of the
> patch. Did it work?
> On Wed, 31 May
> 2006, adam walczak wrote:
> > about how long should the flattening process take?
> >
> > mris_flatten took about nine hours when I tried it
> > yesterday.
> >
> &g
ill help with your problem
> though.
> On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 08:38 -0700, adam walczak
> wrote:
> > It did something, but I only made one cut and it
> > produced something not looking correctly...it also
> > crashes when I try to load the ROI that I want to
> > over
see the end of:
> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/recon-all
> i don't know if it will help with your problem
> though.
> On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 08:38 -0700, adam walczak
> wrote:
> > It did something, but I only made one cut and it
> > produced something not
ck Schmansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >> there a few notes on flattening at the end of the
> >> recon-all help text.
> >> see the end of:
> >>
> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/recon-all
> >> i don't know if it w
I was wondering if there is a more intutive way than
guess-and-check to help me to eliminate the distortion
on the flattened surfaces. I know that it is due the
the placement/length of the cuts, but I am not sure
how to alter the cuts so that the images won't be
distorted. This seems like
Hello, I am trying to run mris_anatomical_stats using a label that I have created in tksurfer, but I get a strange error when I run the command. mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -a label/rh.aparc.annot -l label/rh_stg.label -b wraw_KH_MAE3_4 rh inflated INFO: assuming MGZ format for volumes. computing
While running group analysis (mri_glmfit step), on an
admittedly tiny subject group (3). I used two classes
(male/female) and age. I received the following
I am wondering if three subjects is too small a data
set for this to run or if I am just doing something
never mind...figured out. thx
--- adam walczak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> While running group analysis (mri_glmfit step), on
> an
> admittedly tiny subject group (3). I used two
> classes
> (male/female) and age. I received the following
> error:
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