Hi Colin,
On Oct 24, 2013, at 00:24 , Colin Reveley wrote:
> Hi -
> I wonder if anyone has experience in dealing with T1 images where there is
> hyperintenisty of blood vessels?
This looks like receive & transmit surface coil data to me. For
MPRAGEs, in my experience, switching t
Dear list,
I notice I took this off-list for no apparent reason…. Maybe it can be useful..
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sebastian Moeller
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Applying two registration matrices
> Date: January 20, 2014 15:09:45 GMT+01:00
> T
Hi Dusan,
(I saw your PN earlier but had no idea and hence did not reply).
But this has more information, so I try again ;)
On Jan 25, 2014, at 02:00 , Dusan Hirjak wrote:
> Dear Freesurferexperts,
> I still have the Problem because I can not run the the mris-command to
> estimate the gyri
Hi Dusan,
On Jan 26, 2014, at 15:36 , Douglas Greve wrote:
> Hi Dusan, find out where matlab is and add it to your path. Eg, on my mac
> matlab is here
> /Applications/MATLAB_R2011b.app/bin/matlab
> In my .cshrc file, I have
> set path = ($path /Applications/MATLAB_R2011b.app/bin/matl
what happens if you open a terminal and type (without the double quotes):
"which tkmedit"
"which tkmedit.bin"
If your path is set correctly there will something along the lines of (example
from my mac):
hms-beagle:netperf-wrapper moeller$ which tkmedit
Hi again,
On Feb 4, 2014, at 14:44 , Saurabh Thakur wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Bruce Fischl
> wrote:
> ls -l /usr/local/freesurfer/tktools
> Hi Bruce,
> I m sending you some result :
> //==///
> freesurfer-Linux
Hi again,
On Feb 4, 2014, at 14:57 , Saurabh Thakur wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 7:15 PM, Sebastian Moeller
> wrote:
> tkmedit -f rawavg.mgz
> Hi Sebastian,
> ////
> saurabh@saurabh-
> freesurfer-i686-redhat-linux-gnu-stable5-20130513
> I wil download it one more time.
> and get back to you.
> cheers
> Saurabh Thakur,
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 7:26 PM, Bruce Fischl
On Feb 4, 2014, at 15:38 , Saurabh Thakur wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Sebastian Moeller
> wrote:
> tkmedit subject1 rawavg.mgz
> Hi Sebastian,
> tkmedit is properly get attached.
> tat mea
best regards
> cheers
> Saurabh Thakur,
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Sebastian Moeller
> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Feb 4, 2014, at 15:38 , Saurabh Thakur wrote:
> >
Hi Saurabh,
On Mar 4, 2014, at 07:56 , Saurabh Thakur wrote:
> Hi Markus Gschwind,
> I am using Matlab (R2011a),
> I am not able to read the dicom image neither brain.mgz file nor the surface
> file in matlab.
> I have added these file in matlab directory.
> Comment or
Hi Reza,
On Apr 20, 2014, at 14:58 , Reza Rajimehr wrote:
> I have done a functional analysis for some contrasts using selxavg3-sess.
> In the contrast folders, I have added some files. Now I want to do the
> same analysis for some new contrasts. My guess is that selxavg3-sess
> computes all th
Hi Vincent,
On May 7, 2013, at 23:20 , Vincent Koppelmans wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer experts,
> I am trying to create a template for a longitudinal analysis. For each
> subject I have 7 time points. The resolution of the T1 images is
> 1.0x0.98x0.98 mm.
> The first step (i.e. the cross-s
Hi Max,
not speaking for the fressurfer developers, just as a user like yourself...
On May 24, 2013, at 00:58 , Swartz, Max wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working as a research assistant for the summer with the University of
> Cincinnati's Psychiatry department in the Division of Bipolar Disorders
Hi Stefano, hi Bruce,
sorry to partly high-jack your thread Stafano. In my experience with NHPs I
often encounter problems like included cerebellum, so I routinely check the
filled.mgz before actually running the surface recon, to confirm that the
cerebellum (or other non-white matter) is NOT p
. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
>>> e-mail
>>> contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
>>> HelpLine at
>>> http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in
>>> error
>>> but does
ent to you in
>> error
>> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
>> properly
>> dispose of the e-mail.
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail
;>>>>>> ___
>>>>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>>>>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
uce the real P value for thiose voxels) as otherwise FDR
might not work as expected any more. But I am not looking at the code so I am
basically just rambling here...
> Thanks, Caspar
> 2012/11/29 Sebastian Moeller :
>> Hi D
> to you in error
> but does not contain patient
> information,
> please contact the
> sender and properly
> dispose of the e-m
rsion seems like a no brainer to me, as your failure just
takes around 3 minutes to materialize… But I am already at the end of my
knowledge here…
> Thank you,
> Negar
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Sebastian Moeller
> wrote:
> Hi Negar,
> fro
ful that 64b will work, but at the moment i'm
> at a loss as to the problem.
> nick
> On Tue, 2012-12-04 at 12:35 -0800, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
>> Hi Negar,
>> On Dec 4, 2012, at 12:19 , Negar Memarian wrote:
of ram? Please note that I can view images
> (tkmedit), I can import images (recon-all -i), it just crashes during
> recon-all -all. This is really important for me and I greatly appreciate any
> suggestion/idea.
> Best regards,
> Negar
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 3:30
> The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
> addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
> contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine
> at
> http://www.partners.org/compliancelin
t to you in error and the e-mail
> contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine
> at
> http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in
> error
> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
and 4 repetitions of each across the run (which
> is the same as all the other runs that are working fine).
> Katie
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Sebastian Moeller
> wrote:
> Hi Katie,
> what about just modifying the matlab code that gives the ill-c
Hi Caroline,
On Jun 18, 2014, at 18:08 , Caroline Lewis wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using freesurfer on a mac computer, and therefore my mouse doesn't have a
> right click or middle button. Is there an alternative way to make edits in
> tkmedit (such as to correct voxels erroneously classified as w
of my wits here, and hope that some of the
freesurfer developers can solve this riddle with you.
Best Regards
> Vincent.
> On 26.08.2014 16:22, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
>> Hi Vincent hi Melanie,
>> please show us the *.orig surfaces on t
Hi Reza,
On Sep 6, 2014, at 13:47 , Reza Rajimehr wrote:
> I forgot to mention that I want to use undistorted EPI volumes for the
> functional-anatomical registration.
Well that is simple then, just undistorted the 3D EPI image you used as
template for motion correction and register t
Hi Reza,
On Sep 6, 2014, at 13:10 , Reza Rajimehr wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a basic question, but the answer can be useful for others as well.
> I am doing a customized preprocessing of monkey functional data in FS-FAST
> v5.3. After motion correction and before functional-anatomical
> regist
vox2ras matrices. Shouldn't tkrvox2ras
also be updated? And if not why :) ?
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: +1-626-325-8598 /+1-626-395-6523 / +1-626-395-6616
fax: 626-395-8826
German GSM: +49 - 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
mobile: +1-626-325-8598
current orientation. Sorry
for the confusion
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sebastian Moeller
> Date: August 29, 2011 17:10:20 PM PDT
> To: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu List" ,
> Douglas N Greve
> Bcc: Sebastian Moeller
> Subject
> at
> http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in
> error
> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
> properly
> dispose of the e-mail.
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: +1-626-325-8598 /+1-626-395-6523
oes not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
> > properly
> > dispose of the e-mail.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.n
Well in my laptops screen it works well enough. But this is really
irrelevant as the orig surface does not include this bit of cortex, so the
value of 1 does not hurt there…
> Thank you!
> Leon
> From: Sebastian Moeller
> To: Leo
followed the instruction for creating the qdec table, loaded
the data
in successfully and requested an analysis with two continuous
variance. The
following is the final output before it crashes because it cannot
memory. I have the maximum memory in my machine. What can I do?
4) optionally include the subject's /script/recon-all.log
See also: http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
Any idea, what I can do?
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-6713
German GSM: 0 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
Division of Biology
MC 114-96
there is any reasoning to use the -monkey parameter here. (Since the
full recon takes a while, doing trial and error here is a bit less
Thank you very much in advance for any insight,
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-6713
German GSM: 0 15
scripts? Please let me know...
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-6713
German GSM: 0 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
Division of Biology
MC 114-96
California Institute of Technology
1200 East California Boulevard
CA 91125, Pasadena
does? It
doesn't need to be included within FreeSurfer but it would be better
if it
could handle the .mgz format.
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-6713
German GSM: 0 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
Division of Biology
MC 114-96
California Institut
alert the users.
Thanks for developing & supplying these great tools
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-6713
German GSM: 0 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
Division of Biology
MC 114-96
California Institute of Technology
1200 East California Boulevard
CA 91125, Pasadena
-autorecon2-wm \
-subjid ${tmp_subj} \
-cc-crs ${CC_string} \
-pons-crs ${PONS_string} \
-noaseg \
Thanks in advance,
I hope this helps
Sebastian Moeller
# auto registration supposedly requires same session anatomicals...
#autoreg-sess –sf sessid –df sesspar
# last line follows...
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-6713
German GSM: 0 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
tenv doublebufferflag 0, which also did not work.
> Thanks,
> Corinna
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Sebastian Moeller
> > wrote:
> Hi Guang,
> if I recall correctly "the sliver problem" stems from the use of an
> incompatible libGL.
Reading /home/m047599/freesurfer-install/freesurfer/lib/tcl/
> > > > > fsgdfPlot.tcl
> > > > > Reading /home/m047599/freesurfer-install/freesurfer/lib/tcl/
> > > > > tkUtils.tcl
> > > > > Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
> > > >
tksurfer is extremely picky about the underlaying opengl libraries,
many do not work at all. People had dofferent degrees of success
updating the graphic drivers on their computers to the most recent
versions their hardware maker saupplies (if I recall correctlt
especially with nvid
Hi List, hi Doug,
I just started to use freesurfer 4.5.0 for functional data (before I only used
3.0.5). Now I see that the whole analysis workflow has changed from
mkanalysis-sess.new -> selxavg-sess -> mkcontrast-sess -> stxgrinder-sess to
mkanalyss-sess -> mkcontrast-sess -> selxavg3-sess, n
xstart, ystart and zstart
are wrong for nii as unpack target). In both cases does the unpack log give 96
as FOV. Is this something to be alarmed about? Should I send example DICOMS?
Best Regards & many thanks for the great tools
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-
Hi Tamara,
neuroecon is not ia64 but x86_64, that is you binaries will probanbly never run
on this cluster no matter the permissions. You can just ask the neuroecon
support people (help-...@caltech.edu) to install 4.5.0 under /share/apps. In
addition to actually use freesurfer on this system (s
is issue, so please let me
know what I can do to help.
best regards & thanks for all the cool tools in freesurfer
Sebastian Moeller
telephone: 626-395-6713
fax: 626-395-8826
German GSM: 0 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
Division of Biology
MC 114-96
float the resulting .nii float has the reported problem.
All the data is from a v17 TIM trio maybe there is something wonky in the
headers... Anything I should try to figure this out?
> doug
> Sebastian Moeller wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfer Experts,
much nicer though :)
Thanks for looking into this
On Feb 22, 2010, at 11:15 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> OK, I can replicate with this data. Let me see what's going on.
> Sebastian Moeller wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> On Feb 19, 2010, a
Hi Paige,
I ran into a similar problem a few months ago. Freesurfer 3.0.5 could not read
data from a TIM trio with numaris B17. I solved this by transplanting (copying)
a number of files from freesurfer 4.4.0 (the recent one at the time) into
3.0.5. unpacsdcmdir, mri_convert and a few more, tha
e, I can do that. If that's
> not possible, I'd prefer to transplant files; multiple operational versions
> of software does get confusing, but that would also work as a last resort.
> Thanks,
> Paige
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Sebastian Moeller
Hi Janani,
I seem to recall that newer distributions (and judging from your kernel it is a
rather new distribution) come with libtiff.so.4 instead of libtiff.so.3. My
solution to this problem so far just was to symlink libtiff.so.4 to
libtiff.so.3. (Just go in the directory where the library li
Hi Krishna,
how does your brainmask look? In my experience, if you use bet to create a
brainmask for monkeys, occasionally the brain center is positioned to far
posterior. This seems to cause to a loss of frontal gray & white matter in the
brainmask. That in turn, would "crop" these parts away
Dear Freesurfers,
I just tried to use mri_motion_correct.fsl with the -tmpdir and -nocleanup
options. Since I currently average around 10 to 16 mprage volumes per subject
(NHPs) I want to look at the variance in addition to the average. And it seemed
simplest to just keep the co-registered vol
= " line, so user
error on my part. Redid an analysis right now, and the end result with
-taumax 20 has way less significant activation outside the brain
proper. Thanks for the explanation.
Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi All,
as the subject line rev
o call to se_text(gca,ud), with the following
if (gcf == ud.hThisYakFig),
Oh yeah zooming does not really work, but I did not investigate further
One more thing though, what to use -v1 or -v2?
Ahoi & thanks
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04
urn this sucker so that
it works with mgz?
#TODO: normalize with control points...
Cut and pas
be really happy to learn more about this variable.
Ahoi & Thanks in Advance
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung Th
any way.
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung Theoretische Neurobiologie
Universitaet Bremen
Hochschulring 16a
ation points for the model in time?
Anyway thanks for the pointer, I will test stc-sess to see whether it
improves my analysis.
Thnaks for the help & Ahoi
Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Dear fellow FreeSurfers,
does anybody know how to account for interleaved slice acquis
the linux machine try to install freenx. Combined
with nomachine's (www.nomachine.it) client software freesurfer remote
controlling works down to adsl speeds, where X11 over ssh long lost its
Many thanks for any advice.
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21
Hi All,
just a quick note to let you know that 3.0.2's (centos4 x86_64)
mkbrainmask-sess does not really parse the "-run nth" parameter it
specifies in its help text. Haven't found time to implement a fix yet,
but it is a minor issue anyway...
the label "parse_args:" and the command "goto
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
e before running mri_normalize. Just a nit, specifying "-v"
some where else than at the end of the commandline easily produces
segmentation faults (probably because -v is "overloaded" to also expect
Gx Gy Gz arguments? the help is a bit terse)
recon-all exited with ERRORS at Sun Jun 25 15:43:11 CDT 2006
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung Theoretische Neurobiologie
Universitaet Br
running a full mri_convert --conform on
my input file before running mri_normalize. Just a nit, specifying
"-v" some where else than at the end of the commandline easily
produces segmentation faults (probably because -v is "overloaded" to
also expect Gx Gy Gz arguments? the h
iploads of control
points, and getting the wm.mgz into good shape). So unfortunatelly, I
will have to stick to cheating about the resolution :(.
Ahoi & thanks
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Bruce,
On 26. Jun 2006, at 02:30 Uhr, Bruce Fisch
to get to the help while other fs tools use either "-h" or gnuish
"--help", maybe you might want to consider to consolidate to one
uniform command line switch? But I digress...
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Bruce
Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi List,
to follow up my mail from several days ago, all mkbrainmask-sess
(v3.0.2 centos4 x86_64) really needs to be able to select the run
from which to take the run-number are the following lines:
case "-run"
set run = $argv[1]; shift;
oes the dev build
go on
the web every day?
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006,
Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Bruce,
On 26. Jun 2006, at 16:15 Uhr, Bruce Fischl wrote:
it should - consider it a bug.
On a related note, is there an easy way to convince mri_info to just
spit out the type (UCHAR FLOA
SE 9.3 (all OSs 64bit linux). I am
downloading 3.0.3 ATM to see whether this was fixed.
If any of you have any advise I am keen to hear it ;).
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
installed the latest nvidia driver package on the server in question
short of the actual kernel module (as I use X over ssh, so the console
machine uses its kernel module). I hope this helps to fix the problem.
On 30. Jun 2006, at 12:56 Uhr, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
On 30. Jun 2006, at 12:56 Uhr, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi List,
running freesurfer (centos 4 x86_64 3.0.2 pub full under SuSE 10.1
(had to upgrade from 9.3 because of stability issues)) I get the
following Error while trying to run surf-sess (over ssh tunneled
surfer: ### GL
t display of the colorscalebar no longer
enforces a tksurfer crash, joy.
Thank you very much.
On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 21:25 +0200, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Nick,
On 30. Jun 2006, at 16:01 Uhr, Nick Schmansky wrote:
Hi! The 'glutInit
Hi All,
on my trusty iBook (10.3.9) trying to run scuba (from the 3.0.1 panther
version) crashes the X-server (well Xquartz the windowmanager dies,
taking the whole X11 with it).
Will try 3.0.3.
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21
Hi All,
just tried 3.0.3 panther, scuba still crashes and takes X11 with it.
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
alcarine sulcus, but how about the temporal lobe (I really would like
to keep FFA and the STS if possible...).
Thanks in advance & ahoi
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Krei
occipital patch doesn't contain STS, and probably not
FFA either. The whole-hemi patch does, but requires more cuts.
On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi All,
I recently finished the surface transform of my first human brain
with freesurfer. (All I had to do was run reco
.3 Linux-centos4_x86_64-pub, Matlab 7.1 x86_64, running
suse Linux 10.1
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung The
value from the h-offset volume result in percent of total?
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung Theoretische Neurobiologie
eresvar per whole model (or for each real timepoint of the model, but I
digress), but what is really inside of the odd timepoints of the
h-volumes then?
On 11. Jul 2006, at 12:07 Uhr, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Doug, hi List,
I got a question regarding the h volu
Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Doug, hi List,
I got a question regarding the h volumes inside the analysis sub
directories. The content of those file are the regression
coefficients for each voxel (XY planes) for each condition (Z stack).
Supposedly those estimates are corr
and even taummax in mkanalysis)? So far any nicorr value I used
produced errors on the way...
I would be delighted for any pointer of how to properly convinve
fs-fast to analyse my data ;).
Ahoi & thanks
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Hi Doug,
On 28. Aug 2006, at 23:55 Uhr, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:53:30 -0400
From: Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Freesurfer] Re: newbie question event-related
To: Sebastian Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Freesurfer Mailing List
thing more?
One more question, when is the FIR design the better choice than the
gammafit design (if that question has an easy answer at all)?
Ahoi & Thanks again
Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Doug,
On 28. Aug 2006, at 23:55 Uhr, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 28
urface coil users
out there...
ahoi & sorry
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung Theoretische Neurobiologie
Universitaet Bremen
t;specimens" to get any comments.
On Fri, 3 Nov 2006, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi List,
On 3. Nov 2006, at 19:48 Uhr, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Message: 10
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 13:48:18 -0500
From: Nick Schmansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Fre
t for us? Make sure to make backups of your
current versions of recon-all and mri_nu_correct.mni :).
Wahoo, I am impressed, that was fast; that works for me and is much
nicer than my unconditional hack to always set those parameters.
thanks & ahoi
Sebastian Moel
pointers how
to improve the quality are welcome.
On Fri, 3 Nov 2006, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Bruce,
On 3. Nov 2006, at 20:33 Uhr, Bruce Fischl wrote:
do you mean single channel surface coils? Can you get decent
surfaces out of that kind of data???
Well, yes
of my speciemens into the ftp drop last week,
any idea how to improve the quality of the recon/surface extraction?
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
- cut me -
$FSLDIR/bin/fslview_exe $@
-- cut me -
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
and then replace the original line 521, now line 522 with the following:
--o nu.mgz --n $NuIterations $xopts)
(basically this adds "$xopts to the creation of cmd").
then it works like it expected.
Thanks for all the tools & the support
On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 02:54 +0100, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
Hi Doug, hi list,
recently you implemented a version of mri_nu_correct.mni for me that
allows for better settings for surface coil recordings. I dragged your
change from 3.0.3 into 3.0.4 and just now realised, that
uot;--in_orientation" thing later on the .img works like a
charm, I am now puzzled whether this is the right behaviour.
I am more than willing to test anything out or send test images if
that helps...
Anyway, thanks for the nice tools and the great support
Freesurfer mailing list
End of Freesurfer Digest, Vol 37, Issue 15
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
set ijs = `echo "scale=6; $second_dim / $min_dim" | bc -l`
set iks = `echo "scale=6; $third_dim / $min_dim" | bc -l`
#for unpacking at raw resolution
mri_convert -i $src_file -o $targ_dir -it siemens_dicom -ot mgh #-iis
$iis -ijs $ijs -iks $iks
#end of script...
guess that does not really matter.
ahoi & thanks for supplying these nice & powerful tools
Sebastian Moeller
Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM: 01 62 - 3 25 45 59
AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforsc
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