Dear Freesurfer Experts,
is there an easy way to update only folders within the Freesurfer folder?
Accidentally, I deleted the fsaverage folder from the Freesurfer version. I
copied the fsaverage folder from another Freesurfer installation. But seemingly
some essential files (e.g. perirhinal la
Dear Freesurfer-Experts,
I'm looking for an elegant way of computing degree of overlap between activated
clusters within-subject and between sessions (transversal) on the smoothwm.
I thought about running a conjunction analysis between the sessions to detect
the extents of common activations, b
Dear FS experts
I extracted the vertex indices of several subjects. But unfortunately I did not
extract the corresponding Vertex RAS values. Is there a command to translate
the Vertex Index into a Vertex RAS so that I do not have to scroll through all
the subjects again?
I would like to script
Dear Freesurfers,
I have problems converting .nii.gz files into .mgh files needed e.g. for
performing ROI analysis.
I used mri_vol2surf and mri_vol2vol to produce .mgh files either to visualize
contrast estimates and significance maps on volumes or surfaces
I think the problem is due to voxel
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf nii.gz to .mgh conversion
How did you create the EX.sm5.lh analysis? It is probably the case that it is
already on the surface in which case you don't need to run vol2surf.
On 07/02/2015 04:54 AM, Milde, Christoph
On 07/02/2015 10:05 AM, Milde, Christopher wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> thanks for the immediate response. Actually I checked the
> registration with freeview/tkregister2 and print out the quality
> values which are perfectly fine
> I did the following fMRI-analysis steps
Dear FS experts,
I also encountered this problem when trying to apply epidewarp.fsl:
ERROR: input phase image exceeds allowable phase range.
Allowable range is 6.283 radians. Image range is: 12.5633 radians
I read that there is an updated version of epidewarp.fsl which might solve this
Dear Surfers,
At moment I'm dealing with a huge dataset, preprocessed (with and without
smoothing) and statistically analyzed in FSL FEAT.
I used the reg-feat2anat to project functional EPI on inflated MPRAGE
Because I'm interested in measuring Euclidian distances between peak vox
On 03/20/2014 10:43 AM, Milde, Christopher wrote:
> Dear Surfers,
> At moment I'm dealing with a huge dataset, preprocessed (with and
> without smoothing) and statistically analyzed in FSL FEAT.
> I used the reg-feat2anat to project functional EPI on inflate
Dear Freesurfers,
according to my research and 'playing-around' with Freesurfer tools on
measuring distances between vertices or peak voxels, I'm still unsure about the
most adequate way of comparing distances between peak voxels corrected for
folding patterns.
To my current knowledge, I figur
Dear Freesurfer experts,
is there a way to perform an interhemispheric registration with rh, lh surfaces
in native space?
Preferentially, I would perform the registration with smoothwm surfaces.
I only found the xhemi command which refers to fsaverage as a target
Best wishes,
Dear Freesurfers,
In Fischl et al. 1999 it is highlighted, that the topological structure of the
original surface is preserved in the spherical space and due to the nature of a
sphere, computations (distance, area) measures are easy to make.
My question now, concerns the comparability of distan
d by the registration
On Mon, 12 May 2014, Milde, Christopher wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> In Fischl et al. 1999 it is highlighted, that the topological structure of
> the original
> surface is preserved in the spherical space and due to the na
Dear Freesurfers,
Is there a way to smooth already preprocessed functional images* (FEAT, FSL),
which I coregistered to the reconstructed surfaces (reg feat2anat), on the
cortical surface?
Furthermore, I would be interested in finding the cluster peak vertex after
smoothing the EPI on the reco
Dear Freesurfers,
I would be interested in figuring out the peak vertex of clusters based on
coregistered functional FEAT data with the reconstructed anatomical surfaces.
The FEAT preprocessing was run without smoothing and smoothing was applied
after the feat2surf
Does anyone know how to obta
Dear Freesurfers,
I'm interested in smoothing preprocessed (but unsmoothed) functional FEAT data,
which was coregistered and resampled to the anatomical surface (using:
I want to apply smoothing on the functional data preferentially on a surface
which doesn't suffer f
Auftrag von Douglas Greve
Gesendet: Montag, 16. Juni 2014 17:30
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] smoothing functional data on smoothwm surface
Use mri_surf2surf with the --fwhm option
On 6/16/14 3:13 PM, Milde, Christopher wrote:
Dear Freesurfers,
I'm interes
Dear Freesurfers,
I’m struggling with finding a way of getting a table of the cluster maxima of
FEAT functional data registered to (reg-feat2anat) and resampled to (feat2surf)
reconstructed surfaces. I want to extract cluster maxima for single subjects
but preferentially NOT in fsaverage group
Dear Doug,
thanks for your helpful comments according to the reading out fMRI cluster peak
Actually, I'm able now to read out cluster peak vertices (see bottom). I
applied the mri_surfcluster command for resampled and surface smoothed Feat
stats on smoothwm surface with projfrac 0.5
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I'm struggling with running only motion correction.
After running mktemplate-sess which ran well, the mc-sess terminates with the
following error.
The terminal otput is attached:
"3dvolreg.afni: symbol lookup error: 3dvolreg.afni: undefined symbol: afni_ncerr
ERROR: 3dv
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] 3dvolreg.afni error during mc-sess
Hmm, that means that 3dvolreg.afni that comes with FS does not run properly on
your system. Do you already have a full version of AFNI installed on your
On 08/22/2014 05:00 AM, Milde, Christopher wrote:
> Dear Fr
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I want to run mkanalysis-sess for a blocked design, but unfortunately only the
flags -abblocked, -event-related, -retinotopy and -notask do exist.
How can I specify the designtype for a blocked design with one condition and on
fixation with different block lengths for co
I solved the problem. I figured out that the event-related flag also refers to
Best wishes
[] Im Auftrag von Milde,
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. September 2014 14:12
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I performed fMRI analysis using FSFast resulting in uncorrected significance
maps (fsig.nii.gz). For selxavg3-sess I did not use the -fwhm flag (I rerun
selxavg3-sess with -fwhm at moment).
How can I use simulations for native space hemispheres?. I tried to adapt
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I'm not sure how to apply cluster-wise correction for multiple comparisons when
one is not interested in doing group statistics.
For group analysis you concatenate individuals into one file and use mri_glmfit
and mri_glmfit-sim to run general linear model and simulation
isons correction for individual
hemispheres (native space)
Hi Christopher, sorry for the delay. I had a write a new program. You can
download it from here
Let me know how it goes
On 11/14/2014 06:05 AM,
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] multiple comparisons correction for individual
hemispheres (native space)
Are you using 1.3 or 1,3 ?
On 12/09/2014 03:10 AM, Milde, Christopher wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> I tried to run MCC with cluster-sess but unfortuna
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FS experts
I`m interested in extracting beta values from a FSFAST analysis performed in
the subject`s native space. The beta values shall be extracted from a circular
label around the peak vertex.
How can you define a circular label centered
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I have a very basic questions about creating subject-wise contrasts between runs
Study with two runs per subject where each run corresponds two a different
condition (i.e. Stimulation A (on - off) and Stimulati
Best wishes
im Auftrag von Douglas N. Greve
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. März 2020 17:54:16
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] within-subject contrast between runs
On 3/6/2020 11:15 AM,
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