Dear Freesurfers,

I’m struggling with finding a way of getting a table of the cluster maxima of 
FEAT functional data registered to (reg-feat2anat) and resampled to (feat2surf) 
reconstructed surfaces. I want to extract cluster maxima for single subjects 
but preferentially NOT in fsaverage group space.

The command mri_surfcluster seems to be quite promising for this purpose. 
Specifically the summary file with the VtxMax

But, seemingly I use the wrong input file (-in) for the FEAT functional data 
(Error wrong type for mghRead).
1.) Is it at all possible to read resampled Feat data with mri_surfcluster?
2.) is it a prerequisite to run mri_glmfit as suggested in (I do not 
want to perform analysis in group space)

I'm very thankful for advice

Sincerely yours,


$ mri_surfcluster --subject PM_02173_inflation --in 
PM_02173_inflation/ML_us.feat/stats/zstat1.mgh --hemi lh --surf smoothwm 
--thmin 2 --thmax inf --sign pos --minarea 15 --annot aparc

thsign = pos, id = 1
version $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2012/05/31 22:10:05 greve Exp $
hemi           = lh
srcid          = PM_02173_inflation/ML_us.feat/stats/zstat1.mgh
srcsubjid      = PM_02173_inflation
srcsurf        = smoothwm
srcframe       = 0
thsign         = pos
thmin          = 2
thmax          = inf
fdr            = -1
minarea        = 15
xfmfile        = talairach.xfm
nth         = -1
subjectsdir    = /home/christopher/Desktop/freesurfer/subjects
FixMNI = 1
------------- XFM matrix (RAS2RAS) ---------------
 1.127  -0.010  -0.020   0.954;
 0.005   0.993   0.048  -16.639;
 0.017  -0.052   1.162  -15.969;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
Reading source surface 
Done reading source surface
Reading annotation 
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 36 entries read (originally 
Computing metric properties
Loading source values
mghRead(PM_02173_inflation/ML_us.feat/stats/zstat1.mgh, -1): could not open file
ERROR: could not read PM_02173_inflation/ML_us.feat/stats/zstat1.mgh as type

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