Dear Doug, thanks for the immediate response. Actually I checked the registration with freeview/tkregister2 and print out the quality values which are perfectly fine
I did the following fMRI-analysis steps FSFAST 1. Preproc-sess (for smoothwm as well as fsaverage space) --> register.dof6.dat in bold/001 and bold/002 folders 2. Selxavg-sess on created design matrices and contrasts (one of the 1st-level stat files is called EX.sm5.lh) 3. And interrogated the results with mris_surfcluster (EX.sm5.lh/EX/ includes the sig.nii ces.nii as well as txt.files with the mris_surfcluster output) The main problem is the creation of .mgh files as inputs used for ROI-analysis in the mri_segstats cmd. So the conversion of the sig.nii ces.nii into sig.mgh and ces.mgh (using mri_vol2vol) How to transfer the surface nii.gz files into .mgh files used in volume space? Thanks, Christopher -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Douglas N Greve Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2015 14:49 An: Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf nii.gz to .mgh conversion How did you create the EX.sm5.lh analysis? It is probably the case that it is already on the surface in which case you don't need to run vol2surf. doug On 07/02/2015 04:54 AM, Milde, Christopher wrote: > Dear Freesurfers, > > I have problems converting .nii.gz files into .mgh files needed e.g. > for performing ROI analysis. > > I used mri_vol2surf and mri_vol2vol to produce .mgh files either to > visualize contrast estimates and significance maps on volumes or > surfaces > > I think the problem is due to voxel resolution mismatches between > source and registration files but I don't know how to solve this problem. > > I worked with different registration files: the register.dof6.dat > (originally outpu from the preproc-sess) as well as register.dat and > register.lta by running bbregister for the template.nii.gz > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > ----------------------------------------------------- > here is an example command: > > # resample to surface > > mri_vol2surf --mov $sub/bold/EX.sm5.lh/EX/sig.nii.gz --reg > $sub/bold/register.lta --projfrac 0.5 \ --interp nearest --hemi lh > --o $sub/bold/lh.sig.mgh > > > mri_vol2surf --mov $sub/bold/EX.sm5.lh/EX/sig.nii.gz --reg > $sub/bold/register.lta --projfrac 0.5 \ > > --interp nearest --hemi lh --o $sub/bold/lh.sig.mgh > srcvol = PM_04001/bold/EX.sm5.lh/EX/sig.nii.gz > srcreg = PM_04001/bold/register.lta > srcregold = 0 > srcwarp unspecified > surf = white > hemi = lh > ProjFrac = 0.5 > thickness = thickness > reshape = 0 > interp = nearest > float2int = round > GetProjMax = 0 > INFO: float2int code = 0 > Done loading volume > regio_read_register: loading lta > reading extra input line subject PM_04001 reading extra input line > fscale 0.150000 > WARNING: the voxel resolution in the source volume (1,1,1) differs > from that listed in the registration file > (2.29167,2.29167,2.99) Reading surface > /home/christopher/subjects/PM_04001/surf/lh.white > Done reading source surface > Reading thickness > /home/christopher/subjects/PM_04001/surf/lh.thickness > Done > Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface > 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 > using old > Done mapping volume to surface > Number of source voxels hit = 5 > Writing to PM_04001/bold/lh.sig.mgh > Dim: 126553 1 1 > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > ------------------------------------------------------ > > Thanks, > > Christopher > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > > -- Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D. MGH-NMR Center Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422 Bugs: FileDrop: Outgoing: _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly dispose of the e-mail. _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list