Dear Eelco
years ago i posed a similar question on the FS email list
a part of the response is below
>>> The other question is how mri_glmfit estimates the variance. Because I have
>>> only one subject in the patie
Dear Niels
the way Burkhard suggested works also on our Ubuntu16.04.
the new license file must have four lines two of which consists of numbers.
you mentioned that your license is the same as for FS 5.3.0.
Am 20.10.2016 um 17:57 schrieb NIELS JANSSEN .:
> Hi Burkhard,
> Th
Dear Hao Wen
the corpus callosum is a subcortical structure and therefore not included in
the parcellations.
but there are volumetric segmentations of the corpus callosum that can be
obtained by using the
asegstats2table command.
Hope this helps
Dear FS users
I also work with FS6 and MacOSX 10.7.5 and the left upper panel of Freeview
does not appear at all, ie.e is empty compared with former Freeview versions
(see screenshot).
When I load a volume, it also crashed. Both problem appear also on Mac OSX
Thanks in advance
Dear TRACULA experts
I run TRACULA FS 6.0 on a Mac and get the following error:
#@# Priors Fri Feb 24 17:11:18 CET 2017
/tmp/subj33.interpreter_control_01/.15208.txt: No such file or directory.
In the FS archive I found the following email
Dear FS experts
we are trying to run statistics in FS6 Linux. Everthing worked fine until we
applied the command
mris_preproc that called mri_surf2surf and produced the following error:
n you will have to register each individual subject to the target, eg,
> surfreg --s individualsubject --t average_AN_FS6_long_split
> This will create ?h.average_AN_FS6_long_split.sphere.reg which can then
> be used in mris_preproc
> On 03/09/2017 07:44 A
Hi IPL Neurosurgery
it seems that you have no read or write permission to the freesurfer tools.
> /home/iplneurosurgery/Documents/freesurfer/mni/bin/nu_correct: Permission
> denied.
you can change the permission with
sudo chmod -R 777 freesurfer
Hope this helps
Dear FS experts
I have a question wrt the label numbers in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt compared with
those in aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz.
I noticed that the last ctx (GM) label in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt file is
12175 ctx_rh_S_temporal_transverse
whereas in the aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz file, the highest in
e-mail. Any unauthorised copying, disclosure or distribution of the
material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden.
Am 03.06.2017 um 06:24 schrieb Juergen Haenggi:
> Dear FS experts
Dear FS experts
we constructed a customized template (using make_average_subject) to register
the individual surfaces on that template instead of the fsaverage template.
we recognized that there are, at least, two ways to do this either using
mris_register or using surfreg.
Is there any differe
Dear TRACULA experts
I am wondering wheter someone has already implemented the tractography of the
inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF) into TRACULA?
if yes, we are interested in this implementation.
Jürgen Hänggi
Dear FS and TRACULA experts
I use FS6 on a Mac and I am trying to extract path statistics using the
tractstats2table command, but faced the following error always for the last
file in the list:
…. /dpath/lh.ilf_AS_avg33_mni_bbr/pathstats.overall.txt is not found or is too
small to be a valid s
> On 19 Dec 2017, at 09:52, Juergen Haenggi
> wrote:
> Dear FS and TRACULA experts
> I use FS6 on a Mac and I am trying to extract path statistics using the
> tractstats2table command, but faced the following error always for the last
> file in the list:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear tractography experts
does anyone have the arcuate fasciculus seed regions in MNI space and is
willing to share these seeds with us?
we are also interested in MNI space seed regions of the different parts of the
SLF (according work done by Catani
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Statistics Experts
we performed a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) between two groups
using fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity
and mean diffusivity (MD) of the inferior fronto-occipital fas
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Stephanie
what happens with the FA values when you
1. use all_FA map instead of only the skeletonised map (all_FA_skeletonised)
2. did you check whether mri_segstats computes the average while simultaneously
excludes voxels of the mask where no
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Falk
I have no idea, but recognised that the error refers to --qedc and not to
maybe there is a spelling error somewhere that is related to your problem.
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44 635 74 09 (fax office)
BIN 4.D.04 (office r
it mean that the image is oblique oriented in the native space?
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich
chael Harms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, tkmedit shows the image volume in native space. What you are
> seeing regarding the corresponding talairach coordinates is consistent
> with that.
> cheers,
> Mike H.
> On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 16:54 +0200
accomplish this?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone
or WM) in the mri folder of
the subject, I guess that it is not possible (yet), right?
Any advise is appreciated
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
( f=0.00 , v=0.00 , c=3.29 , q= 6.58 )
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone
h the
> University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
Juergen Haenggi
Dear FS experts
Is there any difference or problem when running tp2 on the "longitudinally
adjusted" tp1 instead on the recommended cross-sectionaly processed tp1?
Thanks in advance
Juergen Haenggi
; Best regards
> Juergen
> ----------
> Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
> Neuropsychology and Imaging
> Division of Psychiatry Research
> Psychiatric University Hospital
> University of Zurich, Switzerland
> P.O. Box 1931
> Lenggstrasse 31, 8032 Zurich
> 0041 44 384 26 10 (office
Linux Enterprise! Right?
Thanks in advance for helping
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
P.O. Box 1931
FREESURFER_HOME? A directory, a file or something
Thanks for help in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
P.O. Box 1931
Lenggstrasse 31, 8032 Zurich
0041 44 384 26 10 (office phone)
0041 76 445 86 84 (mobile phone)
0041 44
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
P.O. Box 1931
Lenggstrasse 31, 8032 Zurich
0041 44 384 26 10 (office phone)
0041 76
What happens?
Thanks in advance for clarification
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
P.O. Box
results for the hippocampus in
the file!
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
P.O. Box 1931
modifying it?
What are potential problems that could occur?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
be that the missing folders caused the problem?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
> Hi Juergen,
> yes, this usually means the talairach is bad. Either run
> without it or fix it manually I guess.
> Bruce
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Juergen Haenggi,
> Psychia
or to run a evaluation tool?
Thanks a lot in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
P.O. Box 1931
called "label". But this directory was there and I guess
that Freesurfer itself has deleted the label directory.
Does anyone had a similar problem or any idea where the problem is?
Thanks a lot in advance
Best regards
Juergen Hae
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Neuropsychology and Imaging
Division of Psychiatry Research
Psychiatric University Hospital
University of Zurich, Switzerland
P.O. Box 1931
Lenggstrasse 31, 8032 Zurich
0041 44 384 26 10 (office phone)
0041 76
ent03_2002 unrecognized.
-Patient03_2002 -all
The other problem concerns the selection of the tcsh shell on Mac OS X. I
can change from a bash to a tcsh shell.
Thanks for help in advance
Best regards
Juergen Hae
Dear Freesurfer users
In my former email, I meant that I can not change from bash to tcsh shell on
Mac OS X. Sorry!
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
Department of Neuropsychology
Institute of
/freesurfer/subjects juergenhaenggi$
I use Freesurfer v3.0.5 on Mac OS X Intel Tiger.
Thanks a lot in advance
Best regards
PS: there was no solution for that problem in the archives
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
should I wait? Up to which number
of vertices involved in a defect I should accept it or manually edit it?
Thanks a lot for help
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44 635 74 09 (
can we look which color corresponds to which contrast?
We searched for the answer in the archives, but did not find it!
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psyc
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44 635 74 09 (fax office)
BIN 4.D.04
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44
the second class in
the fsgd file?
Do the other betas correspond to the variables listed from left to right in
the fsgd file?
Thanks for your confirmation.
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of
gt; I'm a bit worried that you have a dimension mismatch. That shouldn't
> happen.
> Bruce
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Juergen Haenggi,
> Psychological Institute wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfer users
>> I computed ?.volume files by using several comman
Dear Freesurfer users
Is there a similar function like asegstats2table or aparcstats2table in
order to read out wmparc.stats?
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of
design matrix is more appropriate for our data?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich
Nov 30 12:41:09 CET 2007
What does it mean? How to solve that problem?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14
tem...Linux 2.6.9-67.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 7
13:58:04 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
recon-all exited with ERRORS at Wed Dec 12 03:34:18 CET 2007
How to fix that problem?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
compiled version that is already executable?
Thanks a lot in advance
Best regards
On 4.1.2008 23:06 Uhr, "Doug Greve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You may have to make it executable
> Juergen Haenggi wrote:
>> Hi Doug
>> Th
>> TIME: 20.5 h
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Z
e have experience with scans acquired at 7T and FS?
Another question is whether we can run FS with a resolution smaller that
1x1x1mm (larger matrix that 288x288x288)?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (D
t the descriptor limit to 4096, but the make_average_subject command
will not start anymore.
Any idea what is wrong here?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psych
;> Any suggestions?
>> Many thanks,
>> -
>> Jim Porter
>> Graduate Student
>> Clinical Science & Psychopathology Research
>> University of Minnesota
>> Nick Schmansky wrote
exited with ERRORS at Tue Feb 5 08:00:04 CET 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED] subjects]$
Any idea what is wrong here?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
>>> That also returns the same error.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> -
>>> Jim Porter
>>> Graduate Student
alling mris_preproc with --srcsurfreg, and you do
> not have the version of mris_preproc that accepts this flag. You can edit it
> to make it --surfreg. Or, you can get a new copy of make_average_surface from:
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44 635 74 09 (fax office)
BIN 4.D.04 (office room number)
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44
] juergenhaenggi%
This library is not there. Where can I find this library?
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
a FieldName index (analagous to the
>>> aseg.stats file) to facilitate detailed accountings of "empty"
>>> variables in the ?h.aparc.a2005s files?
>>> Many Thanks for any information you can provide,
>>> Jenifer
>>> ___
use FS thickness maps or FS volume maps when comparing FS with
classical VBM (SPM, FSL)?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Dear FS experts
In the aseg file there are several CSF labels. Does the term "csf" mean
sulcal CSF of both cerebral hemispheres, and does the term "restCSF" mean
CSF in cisterns?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
ng I could switch but when trying to switch
back the above application error occurred.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Dear FS experts
We have done some FS analysis and would like to show only only the positive
contrast. How to do this? We have already run mri_glmfit.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of
lh --meas thickness --out GCS_lh_thickness_cov_doss.mgh
ERROR: flag doss not recognized
[Macintosh-3:average/stats/glm] juergenhaenggi%
I used FS 4.0.5 for Mac Intel
Thanks for help
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des
Furthermore, this threshold is different when the sig.mgz will be truncated.
What does mean the option Only marked?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44 635 74 09 (fax office)
BIN 4.D.04 (office room number
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone
write ?h.volume files. Where can I get
these numbers? Is it the file called f created in the Matlab current
directory after running read_curv multiplying area times thickness, and
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Is there any possibility, beside buying more RAM, to run
make_average_subject with the available 5 GB RAM?
Thanks in advance and Happy New Year
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division of Neuropsychology
the cause of my problem?
The transformation matrix seems also not OK.
Because I have about 250 brains which is the fastest way to fix that
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
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