Re: [Freesurfer] analyzing fMRI data across runs with slightly different slice prescriptions

2013-12-18 Thread Douglas Greve
I would just treat them as separate runs and analyze them as "normal" (ie, with -per-run alignment). bbregister should be able to do the registration properly. Do you foresee problems with that? doug On 12/18/13 6:17 PM, Rosa Lafer-Sousa wrote: Hi Doug, I collected all the runs in the sam

Re: [Freesurfer] import from caret

2013-12-28 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Colin, I'm not familiar with CARET, and I don't think that any of the other FS developers are either. Maybe contact the wash u guys? doug On 12/27/13 12:54 PM, Colin Reveley wrote: Hi - I actually sent this a couple of weeks back, but only just noticed it was bounced back because I use

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask output problem

2013-12-30 Thread Douglas Greve
what is your command line and terminal output? On 12/30/13 10:22 AM, Caspar M. Schwiedrzik wrote: Hi Freesurfer Experts, I am trying to apply a mask that I made with FSL's bet to a NIFTI file that I got from someone else. The mask looks fine, the NIFTI file is in float format, does not conta

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask output problem

2013-12-30 Thread Douglas Greve
macaque_stripped_mask.nii.gz macaque_stripped_final2.nii this is the terminal output: DoAbs = 0 Found 14652800 voxels in mask Writing masked volume to macaque_stripped_final2.nii...done. The same thing happens when I use nii.gz or mgz files. Caspar 2013/12/30 Douglas Greve <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask output problem

2013-12-30 Thread Douglas Greve
very narrow range of values, between 43.7308 and 43.8476, to cover the whole range of tissues in the image. It is an average over several subjects, and before skull stripping, there are hardly any zeros in the image. Is there a way to rescale the file? Thanks, Caspar 2013/12/30 Douglas

Re: [Freesurfer] spatialsmooth-sess with option to set mask file name

2014-01-09 Thread Douglas Greve
No, sorry. Why are you using such an old version? doug On 1/9/14 5:26 PM, Caspar M. Schwiedrzik wrote: Hi Doug, do you have a version of spatialsmooth-sess with the option to set mask file name? Thanks, Caspar ___ Freesurfer mailing list Free

Re: [Freesurfer] wmparc.mgz and aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz

2014-01-10 Thread Douglas Greve
it is necessary to do the aparc.a2009s. It should not be needed for wmparc (unless other files are not there) On 1/10/14 8:08 PM, sujith vijayan wrote: Hi Doug, These were not done by me. What I have are the electrodes on top of MR images as well as their RAS coordinates (I sent you a scre

Re: [Freesurfer] DOSS or DODS (Don't use DOSS with QDEC)

2014-01-11 Thread Douglas Greve
HiAmirhossein, don't use the DOSS feature in QDEC because there is a bug such that it does not always do the right thing. Sorry, I sent out an email about 8mo ago on this, but it is not easy to let people know about a bug once the bug is out there. If you want to use DOSS, use mri_glmfit direc

Re: [Freesurfer] DOSS or DODS (Don't use DOSS with QDEC)

2014-01-11 Thread Douglas Greve
, "Douglas Greve" <>> wrote: HiAmirhossein, don't use the DOSS feature in QDEC because there is a bug such that it does not always do the right thing. Sorry, I sent out an email about 8mo ago on this, but it is not easy to let

Re: [Freesurfer] brain orientation in qdecDouglas N Greve

2014-01-12 Thread Douglas Greve
Sounds like it is some problem with the display libraries. I think someone else was having the same problem recently (ie, hemisphere displayed upside down in tksurfer). Does anyone remember? Zeke? doug On 1/12/14 5:03 AM, Schweren, LJS (med) wrote: No, in Freeview I encountered no such p

Re: [Freesurfer] Surface colour tksurfer

2014-01-12 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Matteo, I don't think it can be done in tksurfer. doug On 1/12/14 9:32 AM, wrote: > Dear Freesurfer experts, > I would like to change the colour of the surface in tksurfer (e.g. from > "grey" brain to "blue" brain). How can i obtain it? Thank you very much > in advance

Re: [Freesurfer] Question regarding Qdec

2014-01-12 Thread Douglas Greve
volume is ?h.volume, which is the "volume" at a vertex (basically vertex thickness * vertex area, where vertex area is the mean of the areas of the triangle that belong to that vertex) sulc is ?h.sulc, which is the sulcal depth of each vertex curv is ?h.curv, which is the gaussian curvature at

Re: [Freesurfer] Question regarding Qdec

2014-01-12 Thread Douglas Greve
sorry, ?h.curv is the mean curvature, not gaussian On 1/12/14 5:54 PM, Douglas Greve wrote: volume is ?h.volume, which is the "volume" at a vertex (basically vertex thickness * vertex area, where vertex area is the mean of the areas of the triangle that belong to that vertex

Re: [Freesurfer] DOSS or DODS (Don't use DOSS with QDEC)

2014-01-12 Thread Douglas Greve
ug and how can check if the slopes are different? On Jan 12, 2014 12:33 AM, "Douglas Greve" <>> wrote: Use DODS to test whether the slopes differ between the three groups. If they do not, then use DOSS. doug On 1/11/14 5:03 P

Re: [Freesurfer] Converting .thickness into nifti volume

2014-01-16 Thread Douglas Greve
Use mri_surf2vol on thicknessess that have been mapped to fsaverage. This will put everything in fsaverage space. I don't know if that is what you mean by the standard template doug On 1/16/14 9:19 PM, Muhammad Naveed Iqbal Qureshi wrote: Dear Experts, I need to know how can I convert the

Re: [Freesurfer] aseg.stats vs. volumes in native T1 space

2014-01-17 Thread Douglas Greve
Try using mri_label2vol instead of mri_convert. mri_convert just does a mapping whereas mri_label2vol knows that this is a segmentation doug On 1/17/14 8:23 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Gabor > > the volumes must change with reslicing. As to why they get consistently > bigger in the hippocampus

Re: [Freesurfer] converting binary cortical GM ribbon mask to mative T1 space

2014-01-24 Thread Douglas Greve
yes doug On 1/23/14 4:21 PM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote: Hi, We'd like to map the cortical GM ribbon on our original single volume native space anatomical T1. The dataset has been run through recon-all -all. The 'rawavg.mgz' or '001.mgz' is the native space T1 and 'ribbon.mgz' is the cor

Re: [Freesurfer] defect_labels to volume

2014-01-24 Thread Douglas Greve
Have you tried running the defect-seg script? It creates annotations of the defects. Look at the --help doug On 1/24/14 1:03 AM, Chris Adamson wrote: Is there a way of making a volume like aparc+aseg with the defect labels so that cortical region where the defects are show up red? *Dr **C

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer, Matlab and Maverick

2014-01-26 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Dusan, find out where matlab is and add it to your path. Eg, on my mac matlab is here /Applications/ In my .cshrc file, I have set path = ($path /Applications/ doug On 1/26/14 9:28 AM, Dusan Hirjak wrote: Hi Sebastian, I typed

Re: [Freesurfer] A question regarding DODS or DOSS

2014-01-28 Thread Douglas Greve
On 1/28/14 7:03 AM, KimMJ wrote: Dear Doug and experts My question is about the choice of DODS or DOSS. I want to compare cortical thickness between 2 groups (disease group and control group), while controlling for the effect of age (nuisance covariate). I've already read through the mailing

Re: [Freesurfer] FreeSurfer build stamps do not match

2014-02-04 Thread Douglas Greve
The problem is that your input has multiple frames. What is the nature of the input? Is it a multi-echo MPRAGE? On 2/4/14 12:18 AM, Saurabh Thakur wrote: Hello Everyone, I am getting error /===/// saurabh@saurabh-Dell-System-XPS-L502X:/

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_convert fails

2014-02-05 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Douglas, it looks like there is something wrong with those dicom files because they are missing some key information. Where did they come from? Did you anonymize them? doug On 2/5/14 10:05 AM, Douglas Wojcik wrote: > > Good morning; > > I am new to freesurfer, and I am having issues ge

Re: [Freesurfer] Cluster Summary

2014-02-05 Thread Douglas Greve
look in the QDEC output folder. in each contrast subfolder you'll see a "summary" file. This has most of the info you request. doug On 2/5/14 7:59 PM, Natasha Haris wrote: Hello Freesurfers, Is there any way to get a list of all the clusters (with information on their location, x/y/z verti

Re: [Freesurfer] thickness visualization in SPM

2014-02-05 Thread Douglas Greve
Use mri_surf2vol doug On 2/5/14 11:31 PM, Muhammad Naveed Iqbal Qureshi wrote: Hi, How can I convert freesurfer .thickness files into .nii volume data to analyze in SPM I have already converted the .thickness files into .nii format by using mri_convert command but the converted files ca

Re: [Freesurfer] Warping to MNI space

2014-02-06 Thread Douglas Greve
Mehul, I'm not sure what you are trying to do? Just get a version of the aparc+aseg into mni152 space? If so, what is the application? In most applications (eg, linear intersubject registration), this is not very useful because the cortical labels are quite small (tailored to surface-based an

Re: [Freesurfer] dicom loading difficulty

2014-02-07 Thread Douglas Greve
If you know the acquisition parameters, you can enter them by hand into the mri_convert cmd line. You could also specify a 9DOF registration to have the registration program attempt to estimate the scale. doug ps. Please post all responses to the list and not to us personally. On 2/7/14 9:59

Re: [Freesurfer] setting the useRealRAS bit

2014-02-09 Thread Douglas Greve
No I don't, I just used read_surf. Can mris_convert do it? On 2/9/14 3:15 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > really? I didn't realize that as I don't use them much. Doug: do you have > something like MRISread? > > On Sun, 9 Feb 2014, Lilla Zollei wrote: > >> Those .m files only give me a set of coordinat

Re: [Freesurfer] distribute dots on the surface

2014-02-12 Thread Douglas Greve
what do you mean by "dots"? Eg, a mask surface overlay with 1s in some vertices and 0s in others? Or a label? doug On 2/12/14 9:52 AM, peng wrote: Dear Freesurfers, I have run recon-all and got a set of surfaces for the subjects. I wish to distribute N dots about evenly on the surface

Re: [Freesurfer] one factor with three levels in qdec?

2014-02-16 Thread Douglas Greve
sorry, you cannot have three levels in qdec (two max). You will need to use the "command line" stream (ie, create a FSGD file and consrast files, run mris_preproc, mri_surf2surf to smooth, mri_glmfit, and mri_glmfit-sim). See the wiki for more details. doug On 2/16/14 4:53 PM, Yang, Daniel

Re: [Freesurfer] Interaction test

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
Yes, you should see cyan. Note that you would see cyan if group1 slope is 0 and group 2 slope is positive. Probably not a problem with age, but it is just something to think about. doug On 2/17/14 1:38 AM, Yang, Daniel wrote: Dear FreeSurfer developers and experts, If I have a binary fac

Re: [Freesurfer] Interaction test

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
e cortical thickening effect of Age is stronger in controls (vs. patients) Thanks, Doug! Daniel -- Daniel (Yung-Jui) Yang, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher Yale Child Study Center New Haven, CT Tel: (203) 737-5454 E-mail: _yung-jui.yang@yale.edu_ On 2/17/14 9:55 AM, "Douglas Gr

Re: [Freesurfer] Optseq download

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
we have TR of 1, and 2? Thanks for your advice! Regards Goi khia On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Douglas Greve>> wrote: are you running "optseq" or "optseq2"? It should be optseq2. You may need to make it executable (loo

Re: [Freesurfer] large topological defect

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Greg, use the defect-seg script to create segmentations and labels. See the help for more info. doug On 2/17/14 1:42 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Greg > > there is a ?h.defect_labels file that gets created in curvature format I > believe that you can overlay (the overlay is the defect numbe

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit and masking

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
Sorry, no. You can use mri_mask from the command-line though doug On 2/14/14 11:19 AM, Joerg Pfannmoeller wrote: > Hello, > > I am using tkmedit to display functional data as an overlay on anatomical > data. I am asking myself if there is a feature in tkmedit which allows to > apply a mask to t

Re: [Freesurfer] Exporting mask file into Brainvoyager

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
I've never used BV, so I can't help you. You might want to contact the  BV folks as they may have more experience in this. best doug On 2/17/14 5:41 PM, Dave Frank wrote: Hello, I'm try

Re: [Freesurfer] Exporting mask file into Brainvoyager

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
btw, if I had to guess, I'd say it is an "endianness" problem. On 2/17/14 5:41 PM, Dave Frank wrote: Hello, I'm trying to use anatomical regions of a subject labeled by freesurfer as an fMRI mask in brainvoy

Re: [Freesurfer] [Fwd: Resample a mask on diffusion images using bbregister registration matrix]

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
oops, sorry! That command looks like it is correct. Can you say more about what is going wrong? How are you determining that something is going wrong? doug On 2/17/14 9:30 PM, Celine Louapre wrote: > Hi Doug > I don't know if you had the chance to read my email below to resample a > lesion m

Re: [Freesurfer] [Fwd: Resample a mask on diffusion images using bbregister registration matrix]

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
what does it look like if you run tkmedit -f lowb.nii.gz -ov lesion_WM_vol2vol.nii.gz -fminmax .5 1 On 2/17/14 10:00 PM, Celine Louapre wrote: > No problem, sorry! > So when I am loading my lesion mask on freeview on brainmask.mgz and on > DTI_fit_FA.nii, the lesions are correctly registered

Re: [Freesurfer] [Fwd: Resample a mask on diffusion images using bbregister registration matrix]

2014-02-17 Thread Douglas Greve
When you loaded the lowb into freeview and it looked registered with the anatomical, did you load the lowb with the registration file? If not, then the registration may be wrong. Things may look almost right when you don't specify a registration file because you probably collected the dti and

Re: [Freesurfer] Contrasts and regressors involving two binary factors, 1 covariate, and 1 nuisance factor

2014-02-18 Thread Douglas Greve
Let's say you have four groups with 10 20 30 40 (100 total). The first group would get a weight of .25 where it only had 10% of the total. I don't think there is any way around this. On 2/18/14 4:07 PM, Yang, Daniel wrote: Doug, sorry, I am not sure I can fully understand. Do you mean the

Re: [Freesurfer] Error mric-convert

2014-02-19 Thread Douglas Greve
Are those dicom files ones that we distribute? If not, where do they come from? They are missing a lot of important information. Were they anonymized? doug On 2/19/14 2:01 AM, Saurabh Thakur wrote: command i m using is :mri_convert -i /home/saurabh/Desktop/saurabh_freesurfer/bert/sam/I

Re: [Freesurfer] fsgdf and contrasts

2014-02-21 Thread Douglas Greve
I'm not sure I understand. Your contrasts below are fine. What are you unsure about? doug On 2/20/14 7:48 PM, charujing123 wrote: Hidoug and others, Thanks doug. I see.If I want to implement multiple regression, i.e. two EVs(score1 and score2) explain pial thickness, what contrast I shoul

Re: [Freesurfer] Segmentation process

2014-02-21 Thread Douglas Greve
Do you mean you want to create your own atlas? If so, then you need to create a whole-brain segmentation for each subject, then run mri_ca_train to create the atlas, then mri_ca_label to label a new subject doug On 2/21/14 4:54 AM, Saurabh Thakur wrote: Hi Freesurfer expert, Thanks for

Re: [Freesurfer] interpretation of a 3-way interaction

2014-02-21 Thread Douglas Greve
yes, or do post hoc tests doug On 2/21/14 6:35 AM, Yang, Daniel wrote: Thanks, Doug! I guess in order to interpret the interaction correctly, I would need to extract the thickness value and plot the interaction. Best, Daniel -- Daniel (Yung-Jui) Yang, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher Yale Child S

Re: [Freesurfer] continusous x continuous interaction?

2014-02-21 Thread Douglas Greve
Yes. doug On 2/21/14 6:15 AM, Yang, Daniel wrote: Dear FreeSurfer Experts, In the example here:, it describes the testing of the main effects of two continuous variables. In order to test the interaction effect, I think we can form an int

Re: [Freesurfer] extracting mean thickness from specific cluster

2014-02-21 Thread Douglas Greve
On 2/21/14 10:04 AM, charujing123 wrote: Hi all, I finished the mri_glmfit-sim, and got some clusters in the cluster summary. 1,I want to know how to extract mean thickness for each subject in this cluster? There should already be a file there called something like something.y.ocn.dat. This

Re: [Freesurfer] ocn?

2014-02-21 Thread Douglas Greve
OCN = output cluster number. Each vertex gets a value, that value is the integer number of the cluster number the vertex belongs to (or 0 if it does not belong to a cluster). It is basically a segmentation. For visualization, the .annot file is probably better. You might not have seen anythi

Re: [Freesurfer] error in mri_glmfit-sim when using --bg and doss

2014-02-21 Thread Douglas Greve
When you actually run the simulation, it only runs it for the first contrast. The simulation is the same for all contrasts, so you can just copy the csd files from the first contrast to the others, then run mri_glmfit-sim with the --no-sim option doug On 2/21/14 5:47 AM, charujing123 wrote

Re: [Freesurfer] fsgdf and contrasts

2014-02-25 Thread Douglas Greve
e I am wrong? > Thanks. > All the best. > Rujing Zha. > 2014-02-22 > > charujing123 > ---- > *?? ?:*Douglas Greve > *:*2014-02-2

Re: [Freesurfer] Fw: tessellate error in tksurfer

2014-02-25 Thread Douglas Greve
Sorry, I don't know why tksurfer is failing to display the surface. I suspect that it is a video driver problem, but that is just a speculation, and I'm not qualified to debug video driver issues. Maybe Zeke can chime in. doug On 2/24/14 9:56 PM, charujing123 wrote: Sorry for this e-mail

Re: [Freesurfer] No labels file in label directory?

2014-02-25 Thread Douglas Greve
You did not run it all the way through (you stopped at autorecon2) doug On 2/25/14 9:00 AM, sabin khadka wrote: Thanks Doug. recon-all.log is attached herewith. On Monday, February 24, 2014 5:07 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote: are you sure it did not fail? Can you post the recon-all.log file

Re: [Freesurfer] questions about ROI analysis

2014-02-25 Thread Douglas Greve
On 2/25/14 10:09 AM, Rujing Zha wrote: Hi FS experts and others, I have done two group thickness difference analysis based on whole brain. Now I want to do correlation analysis between specific ROI thickness and behavior score. I searched roi in the FS website, but I cannot distinguish

Re: [Freesurfer] FsAverage

2014-02-25 Thread Douglas Greve
Please post questions to the list. Thanks! You need fsaverage. What are you trying to do? Usually people point SUBJECTS_DIR to a folder in space where they have write permission, then create a symlink from fsaverage to that space. Can you not do this? doug On 2/25/14 10:04 AM, Boadu, Osei

Re: [Freesurfer] time course in mri_info lh.gender_age.thickness.10.mgh

2014-02-26 Thread Douglas Greve
That command definitely will not work. When you ran the command I sent, did it at least show you something on the surface? Ruopeng, is there a way to load a surface-based timecourse in freeview? doug On 2/26/14 9:11 PM, charujing123 wrote: Hi doug, Thanks doug. I am sorry to describe my

Re: [Freesurfer] error at spmregister

2014-03-01 Thread Douglas Greve
this is a matlab problem, not a FreeSurfer problem, so I'm not sure. It might be the MNE toolbox. I would try commenting out all the non-FS stuff in your ~/matlab/startup.m file and see if the problem goes away. On 3/1/14 8:50 AM, Borzello, Mia wrote: > I haven't actually changed anything in th

Re: [Freesurfer] asegstats2table error

2014-03-02 Thread Douglas Greve
That means that it was expecting to find 66 segmentations but only found 55. Sometimes there are some segmentations in one subject that are not in another (usually hypointensities). But 11 is too many. Have you looked at the aseg to see if it looks right? You can also compare the aseg.stats f

Re: [Freesurfer] Resting State Networks on Cortical Surface

2014-03-04 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/4/14 7:18 PM, Xuelong Zhao wrote: Dear Doug, I've managed to get functional information onto the cortical surface following your instructions. But, there's a few issues that are still not resolved: 1/ wrt to registration I believe the supplied anatomical template (in tailarach coords)

Re: [Freesurfer] Surface area in aparc stats

2014-03-05 Thread Douglas Greve
By default, the surface area is computed from the white surface (ie, boundary between WM and GM). It is possible to compute it from the pial surface (ie, boundary between GM and background) doug On 3/5/14 9:14 PM, ??? wrote: Hi all, I need to know how is the SurfArea in ?h.aparc.stats ca

Re: [Freesurfer] Group comparisons

2014-03-05 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/5/14 5:25 PM, Tudor Popescu wrote: Hello, I have some questions on doing group comparisons with thickness, area and volume. Many thanks in advance for any help! 1) For a DOSS design with group and gender as categorical factors, I see that an interaction contrast ("Is there a group-gender

Re: [Freesurfer] Surface area in aparc stats

2014-03-05 Thread Douglas Greve
ulate exterior surface of the cortical region ? The other five surface (i.e. anterior, posterior, left, right, interior) are excluded ? Thanks! Zhuangming -原始邮件- *发件人:* "Douglas Greve">> *发送时间:* 2014年3月6日 星期四 *收件人:* freesurfe

Re: [Freesurfer] Resting State Networks on Cortical Surface

2014-03-06 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/6/14 6:39 AM, Xuelong Zhao wrote: Hi Doug, A follow-up. I've gone back and re-done the registration using nifti file with the ICA20 maps. I noticed in tkregister2 that when I press on the TARGET tab there is extremely good alignment ( i think it is to 'orig.mgz' in the mri folder of my

Re: [Freesurfer] Difference in Volumetric measure of Hippocampus Segmentation

2014-03-06 Thread Douglas Greve
The one from asegsats2table takes into account partial volume information doug On 3/6/14 7:13 AM, Saurabh Thakur wrote: Hello Freesurfer Expert, I am working on volumetric analysis of Hippocampus. When i am find the no of voxel's for left Hippocampus (17) and Right Hippocampus(53) using co

Re: [Freesurfer] Surface area in aparc stats

2014-03-07 Thread Douglas Greve
the exterior surface and the interior surface are computed when FreeSurfer calculates the surface area.     Thanks! Zhuangming Shen -原始邮件- 发件人: "Douglas

Re: [Freesurfer] applying Yeo atlas to individual brains

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas Greve
yes, that is the option. If you run it with --help, it will actually give you an example. doug On 3/10/14 7:23 PM, Thomas Yeo wrote: > Hi Jeff, > > I am a little unsure myself since I usually work with data mapped to > fsaverage space. I think you might want to use mri_surf2surf, since > there's

Re: [Freesurfer] Resting State Networks on Cortical Surface

2014-03-10 Thread Douglas Greve
I don't know of anything that will do this (or what a single object would mean in this case). If you have the overlay in a volume format (eg, mgz), you can use MRIread.m. This gives you a value for each vertex, not face, so you'd have to write something to assign the value to a face. doug

Re: [Freesurfer] Group Analysis Age slopes

2014-03-12 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/11/14 3:41 PM, wrote: > Hi Doug, > > Thanks for your reply. Just to be clear, I need to ask some trivial > questions: > > 1) I need to do that subtraction in the fsgd file right? (In which case > there will be negative numbers as well) Correct. > > 2) I ran the ana

Re: [Freesurfer] view time course in freeview

2014-03-12 Thread Douglas Greve
But what is in rh.ttest.thickness.10.mgh? Is it a stack of all your subjects (the file you passed with --y to mri_glmfit)? If so, then add "-t rh.ttest.thickness.10.mgh" to your tksurfer command line. Ruopeng just added something to freeview to do it, but you'd have to get a new version dou

Re: [Freesurfer] convert sig.mgh into *.nii

2014-03-12 Thread Douglas Greve
Use mri_surf2vol to do this. Soemthing like mri_surf2vol --surfval rh.36...mgh --hemi rh --fillribbon --subject fsaverage --template $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/mri/orig --o yourvolume.nii doug On 3/11/14 10:10 PM, charujing123 wrote: Hi Bruce, Thanks Bruce. I knew that code, but I have no ide

Re: [Freesurfer] glmfit with correlated covariates

2014-03-12 Thread Douglas Greve
It is just a standard multiple regression analysis where all regressors are fit simultaneously. One weight does not include that of another weight. doug On 3/12/14 5:16 AM, L. Schweren wrote: Dear FreeSurfer experts, I am attempting to disentangle the effects of different features of phar

Re: [Freesurfer] Extracting thickness, area and folding values from Qdec

2014-03-14 Thread Douglas Greve
Run it with --debug as the first option and send me the terminal output doug On 3/14/14 3:44 AM, Dusan Hirjak wrote: I did type the same line es mentioned in your Email and I did not put the 1.3 in quotes. However, it is still not working:-( Any other ideas??? Thanks. DH > Subject: Re: [Fr

Re: [Freesurfer] Restrict QDEC analysis to a region

2014-03-18 Thread Douglas Greve
yes On 3/18/14 9:14 AM, amirhossein manzouri wrote: Tanks doug, Is it ok like this: mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir qdec/Untitled --cache 1.3 neg ? Best regards, Amirhossein Manzouri On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Douglas N Greve>> wrote: you will have

Re: [Freesurfer] One sample t-test in Qdec

2014-03-18 Thread Douglas Greve
It is constructing a GLM with design matrix with 2 columns and N rows where each row is a subject. The row of your patient gets 1 0 and the rows for the other subjects gets 0 1. When you set up a contrast with [1 -1], you are comparing the value of the subject against the mean of the others

Re: [Freesurfer] Segmentation fault:11 with mris_anatomical_stats

2014-03-18 Thread Douglas Greve
Can you verify that the label does actually have label points in it? Just open it in a text editor or cat it to a terminal. If it does have points, send it to me. Also let me know which version of FS you are running. doug On 3/17/14 5:35 PM, Rupa Sabbineni wrote: muen223-105-dhcp:subjects

Re: [Freesurfer] Viewing corrected results

2014-03-19 Thread Douglas Greve
When you say they don't match, what do you mean? You have set the cwpvalthresh to .99, so when you run tkmedit, you should set the -fminmax to something like .01 3 otherwise you will not see all the clusters you see in the summary table doug On 3/19/14 6:28 PM, Omar Singleton wrote: > Hello

Re: [Freesurfer] Viewing corrected results

2014-03-19 Thread Douglas Greve
The ocn will have all clusters found in the summary file. Are you seeing more than that? What you see in the sig.cluster file depends on what threshold you set when you run tkmedit. Below, you have 1.3 = p < .05, so it should only shows clusters in the summary file that have p < .05 doug On

Re: [Freesurfer] Convert volume label to surface label

2014-03-24 Thread Douglas Greve
Try using the --paint option to mri_label2label doug On 3/24/14 10:53 AM, Karen Marie Sandø Ambrosen wrote: Hi Bruce, Thanks for your answer. I will like to do it automatically as I have a lot of labels. However, I can't find an option called close in mri_label2label. Can you give me anoth

Re: [Freesurfer] Monte Carlo simulation - Longitudinal Pipeline

2014-03-24 Thread Douglas Greve
In theory, it should be possible. I have not used Jorge's stream, so I don't know that much about it. Does it save an estimate of the FWHM? If so, then you can run mri_surfcluster passing it the p-value (ie, -log10(p)) map, the FWHM, the mask, and a voxel-wise threshold. This is what mri_glmfi

Re: [Freesurfer] Flipping left-right hemispheres

2014-03-24 Thread Douglas Greve
In that case, you can just do a paired analysis. Do a search for that on the wiki and you'll find examples doug On 3/21/14 5:50 PM, Peggy Skelly wrote: The actual time between tp1 & tp2 varies for subjects, *but* every subject received the same "dose" of treatment between timepoints. To ask

Re: [Freesurfer] Generating individual statistics on a manually traced segmentation/label

2014-03-24 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/23/14 6:46 AM, Eileen Moore wrote: > Hello FreeSurfer experts, > > I am using freesurfer v5.3 on a linux os. I have a few questions regarding > individual aseg statistics (volume, intensity) for a subcortical region that > is not automatically segmented by freesurfer. Using tkmedit I have m

Re: [Freesurfer] Group comparisons

2014-03-24 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/23/14 2:47 PM, Tudor Popescu wrote: Hi Doug, > 3) In a group X gender X age DODS design, exactly which contrast > (interaction) has to be examined in order to see if the analysis > proceeds as DODS or as DOSS? And what would the course of action be > assuming there are sign

Re: [Freesurfer] Hemisphere stats question

2014-03-24 Thread Douglas Greve
How much of a difference is there? There should not be much, but there will be some because the aparc does not cover the exact same vertices as cortex.label doug On 3/24/14 8:04 AM, wrote: > Hello list, > > I have a question regarding what stats are more correct to use to ge

Re: [Freesurfer] how to capture blurred GM/WM junction?

2014-03-26 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/26/14 8:24 AM, Markus Gschwind wrote: Dear Doug and Bruce, I have three more questions concerning 'pctsurfcon'. 1) The inner sampling distance is set to 1mm by default, but the outer sampling is done at a 30% of the cortical thickness. I saw that I could easily change the parameters or


2014-03-26 Thread Douglas Greve
What is your vol2vol command line? On 3/26/14 3:58 PM, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla wrote: Dear FS experts, I've been dealing with the conversion to MNI152 of some volumetric labels of my subjects extracted with mris_extract_label in FS v.5.1 but, I've been unable to succeed. I've tried b

Re: [Freesurfer] Problem about the fMRI Analysis?

2014-03-27 Thread Douglas Greve
Surface-based analysis is an alternative to talairach-based analysis. It does not make sense to do both. Is the AFNI talairach space affine (ie, 12 dof)? If so, then it is possible to undo the resampling to talairach space. You will need to know which space the afni results are in (ie, MNI152

Re: [Freesurfer] mc-bbr

2014-03-27 Thread Douglas Greve
This is not something that was ever ready for use. doug On 3/27/14 3:22 PM, SHAHIN NASR wrote: Hi, For a project in which subjects have repeated head movements, I want to register every TR to anatomical scans separately to reduce the effect of head movement as much as possible. When I

Re: [Freesurfer] transform common space into original space

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
Use mri_surf2surf to map the annotation or change the annotation into labels (mri_annotation2label) then run mri_label2label On 3/30/14 11:34 AM, charujing123 wrote: Hi FS experts I have done the group thickness analysis(two group t-test), and get the result(i.e. sig.mgh). I got one clust

Re: [Freesurfer] MeanThickness

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
I think aparcstats2table automatically includes these measures. Can you check? And, yes, mean thickness can be computed as (lh+rh)/2 doug On 3/30/14 12:58 PM, Yang, Daniel wrote: Dear FreeSurfer Experts, I would like to extract the mean thickness for each subject, and I can see that in the

Re: [Freesurfer] see result by tksurfer

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
I don't know what you mean by represent as non-surface. To load in tksurfer run tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -aparc -overlay sig.mgh On 3/30/14 11:16 AM, charujing123 wrote: Hi FS experts I completed group analysis by this method:

Re: [Freesurfer] Questions aobut using monte carlo sim in Qdec

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
On 3/29/14 3:09 PM, Ashley Shurick wrote: Hi, I have some questions about using monte carlo sim in qdec: First of all, I just want to verify it's ok to use the simulation with a whole-brain analysis and not just an ROI analysis. yes Second, I'm a bit confused about how to calculate the p-t

Re: [Freesurfer] problem about 'mri_glmfit-sim

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
How did you create the glmdir? mri_glmfit should set things up so that all of those files are there On 3/30/14 11:09 AM, yd li wrote: Hello experts, I'm working with FS 5.3.0. When I used 'mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir /home/a/freesurfer/g2.lh/C1 --sim mc-z 5000 4 mc-z.abs --sim-sign abs --cwp

Re: [Freesurfer] Monte Carlo simulation - Longitudinal Pipeline

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
FMHM, or if I would need to run the statistics from the beggining using in the terminal, and not in MatLab. Do you think Jorge could comment on this issue? Regards, Pedro Rosa. On Mar 24, 2014, at 12:44 PM, Douglas Greve>> wrote: In theory, it should be pos

Re: [Freesurfer] Fsgd file format

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
If you want to test for interactions among nuisance variables, then you have to create a new regressor where you multiply them together. doug On 3/30/14 4:20 PM, Clint Johns wrote: I have a clarifying question about fsgd file format. We have 40 participants, and a large battery of individual

Re: [Freesurfer] Fsgd file format

2014-03-30 Thread Douglas Greve
e obvious. I'm really just not sure that we have formatted them.fsgd files correctly! Thanks for your time and attention. clint On Sunday, March 30, 2014, Douglas Greve <>> wrote: If you want to test for interactions among nuisance variables,

Re: [Freesurfer] What coordinate space is freesurfer output in?

2014-03-31 Thread Douglas Greve
Native anatomical space of the individual subject. doug On 3/31/14 7:16 PM, Salil Soman wrote: Hi, I was wondering what the default freesurfer coordinate space is called? (MNI, something else)? Thanks, Sal ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@

Re: [Freesurfer] GLM: what does "mris_preproc" do?

2014-04-06 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Ye, have you looked at the mris_preproc help? You can access it with mris_preproc --help. Let me know if that does not answer your questions doug On 4/6/14 6:09 PM, ye tian wrote: Hello Freesurfers, I understand that the output of "mris_preproc" can be the input of "mris_glmfit". In mri

Re: [Freesurfer] GLM: what does "mris_preproc" do?

2014-04-06 Thread Douglas Greve
more confused after reading the summary. The summary basically reaffirms my understanding that "mris_preproc" gives "an average subject". How can this be an appropriate "data" for GLM, which for sure needs multiple data points? Thank you! Sincerely, Ye On Sun

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_divide_parcellation same divisions between subjects

2014-04-08 Thread Douglas Greve
yep, exactly On 4/8/14 6:00 PM, Corinna Bauer wrote: Hi Doug, After I have the labels then in each subject's T1 space, I will need to then put them into diffusion and resting state space. I already have scripts that put the parcellations into subject-specific diffusion/resting state space (u

Re: [Freesurfer] QDEC ANALYSIS

2014-04-08 Thread Douglas Greve
Try setting the age to be a nuisance variable. doug On 4/8/14 7:06 PM, Walton, Matt wrote: Hello Freesurfer experts. I am trying to run a QDEC analysis on some MRI data I have. I want to see if thickness is correlated with language scores I have for each subject, while accounting for differ

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf --projopt

2014-04-09 Thread Douglas Greve
You can use --projfrac (which can perform an interpolation with --interp trilinear) On 4/9/14 2:44 AM, Joerg Pfannmoeller wrote: > Sorry for this question, but now I am confused. Do you mean that I should not > use projopt and just use the interpolation? If so why should I not use > projfrac?

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_surcluster and centroid option

2014-04-09 Thread Douglas Greve
By irregular, I mean irregularly shaped (non-concave) such that the centroid is actually not inside the cluster. Eg, a ring would have the centroid in the center but technically it would not be in the ring On 4/9/14 2:48 AM, Joerg Pfannmoeller wrote: > On Mon, 07 Apr 2014 12:02:24 -0400 > Doug

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