Sounds like it is some problem with the display libraries. I think
someone else was having the same problem recently (ie, hemisphere
displayed upside down in tksurfer). Does anyone remember? Zeke?
On 1/12/14 5:03 AM, Schweren, LJS (med) wrote:
No, in Freeview I encountered no such problems. Also in tkmedit the brains
appear in normal orientation.
Also, the scale bars and titles are displayed upside down in tksurfer.
Best, Lizanne
Does the same thing happen in freeview?
On 01/06/2014 04:45 AM, L. Schweren wrote:
> Dear experts,
> I ran recon-all with qcache. When loading the right hemisphere of
> fsaverage (or any other surface reconstruction) into tksurfer (for
> example command: tksurfer fsaverage rh white), the left hemisphere
> surface is displayed, and it is upside down. When I import annotations
> they load in the same orientation as the surface. However, the
> coordinates and the labels, displayed in the Tksurfer Tools window,
> are not. For example, when I move the cursor to the temporal lobe, the
> label says it’s postcentral. I do not mind manually turning the
> surfaces in tksurfer, but I do need to be sure I am looking at the
> correct hemispheres, coordinates and labels.
> I hope you can help me solve this. Thank you in advance.
> Best wishes,
> Lizanne
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