[Freesurfer] I: FS-FAST bandpass filtering

2016-04-01 Thread stdp82
--- Begin Message --- Hi,I'm wondering whether the FS-FAST performed bandpass filtering. Stefano___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer The information in this e-mail is in

[Freesurfer] Improve normalization with own average subject

2016-04-01 Thread pfannmoelj
Dear Experts, I am currently working with the non-linear FreeSurfer normalization. We have a small group of subjects N = 12 and in each brain we identified a single position with a fMRI localizer. The task is a group comparison of the individual results for this position. Therefore, the coordi

Re: [Freesurfer] Improve normalization with own average subject

2016-04-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi pfannmoe that page looks pretty good to me. YOu need to create a new folding atlas which we typically store in .tif format using mris_make_template. This is usually done by picking one subject, registering all your subjects to that template (.tif file), recreating the template, reregistering

[Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Michael Asghar
Hi Freesurfer I'm struggling with trying to edit the scale bar in tksurfer. Commands like 'set scalebar_bright 240' work, but draw_scalebar gives an invalid command error. I've tried redrawing, but it doesn't help. Basically, I want the black background to become white (can do it via convert -

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Michael tksurfer is deprecated - have you tried this in freeview? cheers Bruce On Fri, 1 Apr 2016, Michael Asghar wrote: Hi Freesurfer   I’m struggling with trying to edit the scale bar in tksurfer. Commands like ‘set scalebar_bright 240’ work, but draw_scalebar gives an invalid comman

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Michael Asghar
Oh, I didn’t know that. I've been advised to use tksurfer (we're trying to get nice images of PET data overlaid on surfaces). I haven't got a clue how to use freeview - any simple commands to load up a surface, overlay some statistical data? Thanks! Michael -Original Message- From: fre

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
freeview -f lh.inflated:overlay=lh.pet_data.mgz would be a good place to start. There's lots of stuff on the wiki cheers Bruce On Fri, 1 Apr 2016, Michael Asghar wrote: Oh, I didn’t know that. I've been advised to use tksurfer (we're trying to get nice images of PET data overlaid on surf

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Michael Asghar
Thanks -Original Message- From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu [mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Bruce Fischl Sent: 01 April 2016 14:58 To: Freesurfer support list Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar freeview -f lh.inflated:overlay=lh.pet_data

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Michael Asghar
Hi again I think I've figured out how freeview works, but I'm having trouble loading functional data taken from SPM12, and overlaying it on a surface in freesurfer. I can load the lh.inflated and also load the spmT.nii file, but I'm just getting a grey surface, and playing with the scale doesn't

[Freesurfer] How to view entire brain results in Freeview for LME data

2016-04-01 Thread Jennifer Legault
Dear Freesurfer Experts, I have run my participants' longitudinal sMRI data through the preprocessing longitudinal pipeline, ran the LME multivariate analysis, cluster-thresholded the data, and am now trying to visualize those results in Freeview (for some reason tksurfer is very, very slow to run

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal TRACULA - Error in path reconstruction

2016-04-01 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Emad - The error happens at the very beginning, so I'm wondering if something went wrong in the previous steps, before -path. Can you please send me the entire trac-all.log of one of your subjects? Thank you! a.y On Wed, 30 Mar 2016, Emad Ahmadi wrote: Hi Anastasia, I hope you’re enjoy

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Douglas N Greve
you can also try tksurferfv. this is a frontend for freeview that takes tksurfer-style arguments On 04/01/2016 09:57 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > > freeview -f lh.inflated:overlay=lh.pet_data.mgz > > would be a good place to start. There's lots of stuff on the wiki > cheers > Bruce > > > > On Fri, 1

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
is the spm data mapped to the surface (with mri_vol2surf) or a volume? On Fri, 1 Apr 2016, Michael Asghar wrote: Hi again I think I've figured out how freeview works, but I'm having trouble loading functional data taken from SPM12, and overlaying it on a surface in freesurfer. I can load the

Re: [Freesurfer] How to view entire brain results in Freeview for LME data

2016-04-01 Thread Douglas N Greve
You can put surface data back into the volume with mri_surf2vol (which will also merge left and right into one volume). What do you do with the aseg data? On 04/01/2016 10:46 AM, Jennifer Legault wrote: > Dear Freesurfer Experts, > > I have run my participants' longitudinal sMRI data through the

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer scale bar

2016-04-01 Thread Michael Asghar
Thanks for your help - I'll look into it and let you know if I have problems Michael -Original Message- From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu [mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Douglas N Greve Sent: 01 April 2016 16:19 To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu S

Re: [Freesurfer] Mismatch in dimensions using mri_label2vol

2016-04-01 Thread Afzal, Afsana
Hi Doug, I'm trying to map a cortical label onto the surface (i.e. extract a nifti file for a particular label). So instead of a label.label file, it's a label.nii that I can load in as an overlay in, say, tksurfer. Is there a way to do this using freesurfer commands? ___

Re: [Freesurfer] Mismatch in dimensions using mri_label2vol

2016-04-01 Thread Douglas N Greve
Use mri_label2label specifying the source and target subjects to be the same, a regmethod as surface, and select the --outmask option On 04/01/2016 11:37 AM, Afzal, Afsana wrote: > Hi Doug, > > I'm trying to map a cortical label onto the surface (i.e. extract a nifti > file for a particular labe

Re: [Freesurfer] I: FS-FAST bandpass filtering

2016-04-01 Thread Douglas N Greve
Not by default, look at mkanalysis-sess -help for more details, especially the -hpc and -lpc options. Hi, I'm wondering whether the FS-FAST performed bandpass filtering. Stefano On 04/01/2016 03:11 AM, std...@virgilio.it wrote: > > > > ___ > Freesur

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal recon-all fail

2016-04-01 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Sneha, looks like an IO problem, maybe the disk is full or the mount was broken? Strange that is reports finished without error, when in fact there are many errors (if you scroll up you can see many 'file not found' messages). Anyway. This is 5.1 and very old. I would recommend to check th

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal recon-all fail

2016-04-01 Thread Sneha Pandya
Hi Martin, Yes, I indeed checked the log file and saw so many errors, and was therefore very surprised as to how did it run through the pipeline without any error message. Thank you so much. I shall look at the specs for the disk space and notify if something unusual occurs. But its strange th

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal recon-all fail

2016-04-01 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Sneha, Yes, mixing versions could also produce problems. 5.1 works in native spaces all the way trough to the long runs, while 5.3 works in the base space for the long runs. Don't mix versions. Best, Martin On 04/01/2016 12:38 PM, Sneha Pandya wrote: Hi Martin, Yes, I indeed checked

[Freesurfer] Labeled Nifti atlases

2016-04-01 Thread Gregory Book
Are there any labeled nifti atlases that correspond to the freesurfer parcellation atlases output from recon-all? I'm basically interested in visualization of group results. -Greg ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal TRACULA - Error in path reconstruction

2016-04-01 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Emad - I believe that it's not finding your freesurfer recons. They should be under the $SUBJECTS_DIR and have the same names for time points and longitudinal template as what is under your tracula output directory (if the latter is different from SUBJECTS_DIR). Best, a.y On Fri, 1 Apr 2

Re: [Freesurfer] Mismatch in dimensions using mri_label2vol

2016-04-01 Thread Afzal, Afsana
That works perfectly, thank you! __ Afsana Afzal Clinical Research Coordinator Massachusetts General Hospital Division of Neurotherapeutics Department of Psychiatry: Neurosciences 149 13th St, Room 2612 Charlestown, MA 02129 Phone: 617-643-5129 Fax: 617-726-4078 _

Re: [Freesurfer] Labeled Nifti atlases

2016-04-01 Thread Douglas N Greve
do you want it in the volume or the surface? In the volume, there should be a file called $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz you can convert that to nifti On 04/01/2016 02:20 PM, Gregory Book wrote: > Are there any labeled nifti atlases that correspond to the freesurfer > par

Re: [Freesurfer] How to view entire brain results in Freeview for LME data

2016-04-01 Thread Jennifer Legault
Hi Doug, Thanks for your quick response! When running the LME mass univariate analysis, I am assuming this also includes subcortical structures, correct? From my understanding, subcortical areas are segmented as opposed to parcellated. The main thing I want to examine all the regions of the bra

[Freesurfer] Freesurfer dev error

2016-04-01 Thread Nathan Malitz
recently download and trying the dev version of freesurfer 6. it exited with this error #@# Cortical Parc 2 lh Fri Apr 1 13:41:04 AEDT 2016 /usr/local/freesurfer6/subjects/test/scripts mris_ca_label -l ../label/lh.cortex.label -aseg ../mri/aseg.presurf.mgz -seed 1234 testphp lh ../surf/lh.sphe

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer dev error

2016-04-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
yes, that is fixed now Bruce On Sat, 2 Apr 2016, Nathan Malitz wrote: recently download and trying the dev version of freesurfer 6. it exited with this error #@# Cortical Parc 2 lh Fri Apr  1 13:41:04 AEDT 2016 /usr/local/freesurfer6/subjects/test/scripts  mris_ca_label -l ../label/lh.cortex.