You can put surface data back into the volume with mri_surf2vol (which 
will also merge left and right into one volume). What do you do with the 
aseg data?

On 04/01/2016 10:46 AM, Jennifer Legault wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer Experts,
> I have run my participants' longitudinal sMRI data through the 
> preprocessing longitudinal pipeline, ran the LME multivariate 
> analysis, cluster-thresholded the data, and am now trying to visualize 
> those results in Freeview (for some reason tksurfer is very, very slow 
> to run on my computer).  I am interested in the Fs volume 
> (thickness*area) measure.
> I noticed in the FsFast Tutorial 
> <>,
> that all the corrected results were able to be merged into one file 
> using the vlrmerge command.  In the beginning of the tutorial, it 
> states that fMRI and structuraI group analyses run similarly. / I was 
> therefore wondering if I can use the vlrmerge command (or some similar 
> command) for my LME data, such that I can view the following 
> information all in one file: both hemispheres, aparc and aseg. 
> / Currently I can only view the aparc results for each of the 
> hemispheres separately (and I haven't found a way to visualize the 
> aseg data).
> Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
> Best,
> Jennifer Legault
> Ph.D candidate, Neuroscience
> Brain, Language, and Computation Lab
> The Pennsylvania State University
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MGH-NMR Center
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