I'm having problems with tksurfer. It crashes whenever I load overlays
using File -> Load Overlays. Am not too sure why. Could someone help?
I'm using freesurfer 5.1.0 and fsl 5.0.6 on Mac OSX version 10.7.5
Here's what i did
bash-3.2$ tksurfer AMP01 rh inflated
subject is AMP01
Dear freesurfers,
This is the first time I am posting so hope the following makes sense, I don't
use freesurfer but manage the installation of freesurfer on our cluster.
We have a user who is trying run a script that submits a recon-all job to our
cluster using the -localGI flag:
recon-all -su
>> why would one control for total brain volume in doing vertex-based
analyses when the vertex-based measures are computed in standard space?
>The vertex-based measures are computed in individual space, not standard
Dear Doug,
I would like to know at what stage the measures compu
what overlay are you trying to load?
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Joo Tan wrote:
I'm having problems with tksurfer. It crashes whenever I load overlays using
File -> Load Overlays. Am not too sure why. Could someone help?
I'm using freesurfer 5.1.0 and fsl 5.0.6 on Mac OSX version 10.7.5
Dear Burce,
I have 20 normal subjects, and I want to do inter-subject surface-based
registration to all of them. So each one's surface can align properly to
the other subject's surface. After that I can put the functional data onto
the surface which has aligned to each other already.
And now I
Hi all,
just two quick questions: to what FS version is this related? And what
is wrong to do if one does not have the fix? Using what
Quoting Douglas N Greve :
>>> why would one control for total brain volume in doing vertex-based
> analyses when the vertex-b
those are all fine - they are just measures of various energy
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, chenchunhuichina wrote:
Dear Freesurfers,
I am new to freesurfer and I am afraid of doing something wrong, so I am
writing to ask is this error indicating something wrong with my data
Hi Yufeng
if all you want to do is map all the individual activation maps into a
common surface-based coordinate system,then there is no need to create
your own atlas and rerun the registration - just use the ?h.sphere.reg
If there is some other reason you want to create your own tem
It looks like this label was created on fsaverage. Is that the case? If
so, then you need to run mri_label2label to map it into the space of an
individual, then run mris_anatomical_stats
On 03/18/2014 12:59 PM, Rupa Sabbineni wrote:
> Hi Doug
> Attached is a label file.
> The FS version i
The normalization is the mapping of values from the individual subject
to a standard space so as to align different structures. This does not
happen until you run mris_preproc or recon-all -qcache. When you
normalized a thickness map, the thickness values themselves are not
changed in any way,
Sorry, the thread of the email that explains the problem and the fix are
not included below. Can you re-explain? We get a lot of emails here and
it is not possible to remember the context of each one.
On 03/18/2014 11:32 AM, _andre...@sapo.pt wrote:
> Hi all,
> just two quick questi
Hi, I have not idea what is going wrong. I would try goggling that error
msg to see what it means and how it might be fixed
On 03/19/2014 06:32 AM, Charnjit Sidhu wrote:
> Dear freesurfers,
> This is the first time I am posting so hope the following makes sense, I
> don't use freesurfe
Hi Bruce,
I want to do is map all the individual activation maps into a common
surface-based coordinate system. So I do not need to follow the process of
creating a registration template from scratch(GW)(
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SurfaceRegAndTemplates) to do the
surface-based regi
Original Message
Subject: Re: selxavg3-sess error
Date:Wed, March 19, 2014 11:15 am
To: "Douglas N Greve"
But this is a
There is not an mcextreg file there. There is mcprextreg file. I think
you need to run preproc with -per-session to get the mcextreg file
On 03/18/2014 02:34 PM, SHAHIN NASR wrote:
> Hi,
>When I run selxavg3-sess, I face this error:
> ERROR: cannot find volume matching
> /autofs/clus
On 03/19/2014 11:24 AM, sha...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
> Does not accept "-nuis" flag. I changed my mkanalysis-sess to this:
> mkanalysis-sess -analysis ColorPrj_TR4_1p5mm_PR_ANOVA -fwhm 1.5 -paradigm
> Conds.par -native -event-related -polyfit 2 -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -nuis
> mcprextre
Hi Yufeng
can you remember to cc the list? And yes, if all you want is a common
surface-based coordinate system for your subjects then there is no need for
you to run mris_register yourself - it is done by recon-all. All you need
to do is run mri_vol2surf for each individual, then map the resu
Does not accept "-nuis" flag. I changed my mkanalysis-sess to this:
mkanalysis-sess -analysis ColorPrj_TR4_1p5mm_PR_ANOVA -fwhm 1.5 -paradigm
Conds.par -native -event-related -polyfit 2 -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -nuis
mcprextreg -TR 4 -nconditions 8 -refeventdur 14 -force -fsd bold_Color
and g
On 03/18/2014 05:05 PM, Lin, Amy (NIH/NIMH) [F] wrote:
> Hello all,
> I think this is a fairly simple question, but I could not find an existing
> answer online. If I close out the terminal window while recon is running,
> will the process end? I've had the issue in the past where my computer
-nuisreg mcprextreg 3
On 03/19/2014 11:34 AM, sha...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
> I used "-nuisreg mcprextreg" in mkanalysis-sess. Got this error:
> Error: -nuisreg requires two arguments"
>> -nuisreg
>> On 03/19/2014 11:24 AM, sha...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
>>> Does not accept "
yes, fsaverage
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, yufeng huang wrote:
I want to do is map all the individual activation maps into a common
surface-based coordinate system. So I do not need to follow the process of
creating a registration template
YES! Started to work.
Thanks Doug!
> use
> -nuisreg mcprextreg 3
> On 03/19/2014 11:34 AM, sha...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
>> I used "-nuisreg mcprextreg" in mkanalysis-sess. Got this error:
>> Error: -nuisreg requires two arguments"
>>> -nuisreg
>>> On 03/19/2014 11:24 AM, sh
I think it is just confused because it expects native to be per-session.
One way around this is to just specify -nuis mcprextreg instead of
On 03/19/2014 11:15 AM, sha...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
> But this is a per-run analysis and preproc-sess is -per-run (in native
> spac
it maps your functional data from the volume onto the surface model for
each individual subject (using the registration between the surface and the
functional data, usually computed with bbregister)
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014,
yufeng huang wrote:
Dear Bruce,
My last question: As I use the common
Hi Koushik,
What version are you using? Not sure when we added this, maybe in 5.2.
So you would need 5.3 for it.
If you use 5.3 already, can you send me the exact command and output.
Thanks, Martin
On 03/19/2014 11:50 AM, Govindarajan, Koushik Athreya wrote:
Hi Martin,
I tried this
Dear Bruce,
My last question: As I use the common surface-based coordinate system,
what the purpose of using mri_vol2surf for each individual at this time?
Did it register the functional data to the anatomical?
Thanks you very much for your attention!
Hi Martin,
I tried this method of -addtp to add a new time point but recon-all
failed with the message saying my new timepoint was not in the 'base-tps' file
of the base template. Should I be doing something else before I run this step?
From: Martin Reuter [mailto:mreu...
Hi Martin,
I use version 5.1. I did try this with version 5.3 also but I end up with
the same error:
recon-all -long 23061_ip cr096_base -addtp -all
ERROR: 23061_ip is not in /home/koushikg/data/longitudinal/cr096_base/base-tps
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
I used "-nuisreg mcprextreg" in mkanalysis-sess. Got this error:
Error: -nuisreg requires two arguments"
> -nuisreg
> On 03/19/2014 11:24 AM, sha...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
>> Does not accept "-nuis" flag. I changed my mkanalysis-sess to this:
>> mkanalysis-sess -analysis ColorPrj_TR4_1
My apologies Doug... I thought that this email had all the history...
Narly, sorry for "invading" your discussion...
My questions came from the first email of Narly which referred to the
bug in mris_preproc:
This bug
Hi Francesco,
How old are your subjects?
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:
I have some quality problems with my scans. I'm trying to run recon-all on
pediatric brain images but, given the low contrast between cortical regions and
the white matter, I do consistently ge
Have you checked the release notes?
On 03/19/2014 01:57 PM, _andre...@sapo.pt wrote:
> My apologies Doug... I thought that this email had all the history...
> Narly, sorry for "invading" your discussion...
> My questions came from the fi
I have some quality problems with my scans. I'm trying to run recon-all on
pediatric brain images but, given the low contrast between cortical regions
and the white matter, I do consistently get some problem in the
reconstruction of the cortical surface as well as of the segmentation. I
was wonderi
yes, or you can just
register-sess -per-session ...
that should create just the register.dof6.dat you need
On 03/19/2014 03:10 PM, SHAHIN NASR wrote:
> Hopefully this is the last problem with per-run analysis (in native
> space) but as far as I see, preproc-sess and selxavg3-sess do not
Hopefully this is the last problem with per-run analysis (in native space)
but as far as I see, preproc-sess and selxavg3-sess do not generate
Because of that, when I use tksurfer-sess it faces an error:
I need assistance calculating Total White Matter. Can I simply add Cortical
White Matter + Unsegmented White Matter (given in the aseg wmparc output)?
Elizabeth Adeyemi
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Free-Surfer experts,
I ran the cortical thickness analysis between two groups (patients and
control) using Qdec and find out few brain sites with significant
Is it possible to display only desired brain site in Qdec (I would like to
display only one brain site in one image example:
Do you mean just insula in one image or just the cluster that is in
insula? Neither can you do in QDEC. If the latter, then you can do it
easily enough by going into the output folder for the contrast, finding
the annotation file, creating labels from the annotation (
mri_annotation2label), th
If you want total cerebral WM, then use the values in aseg.stats
# Measure lhCorticalWhiteMatter, lhCorticalWhiteMatterVol, Left
hemisphere cortical white matter volume, 182991.109375, mm^3
# Measure rhCorticalWhiteMatter, rhCorticalWhiteMatterVol, Right
hemisphere cortical white matter volume,
Hello Freesurfers,
We are doing functional connectivity analyses
We are on the group analysis step of step 8.
On our data set, we ran the following glmfit command:
mri_glmfit --y ./mgh/v.amy.mgh --fsgd ./FSGD/st
Was there any solution for this?
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
[freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Borzello, Mia
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 1:17 PM
To: Douglas N Greve; freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
does it work in freeview?
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Borzello, Mia wrote:
> Was there any solution for this?
> Thanks,
> Mia
> From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> [freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Borzello, Mia
> Sent: Friday,
When you say they don't match, what do you mean? You have set the
cwpvalthresh to .99, so when you run tkmedit, you should set the
-fminmax to something like .01 3 otherwise you will not see all the
clusters you see in the summary table
On 3/19/14 6:28 PM, Omar Singleton wrote:
> Hello
I mean that when we look at the .summary file there are 4 clusters, only
one being significant, but when we look at the
mc-z.absolute.sig.cluster.mgh file there are additional clusters. The same
is true for the mc-z.absolute.sig.ocn.mgh file. Shouldn't these only show
the corrected clusters at the
The ocn will have all clusters found in the summary file. Are you seeing
more than that? What you see in the sig.cluster file depends on what
threshold you set when you run tkmedit. Below, you have 1.3 = p < .05,
so it should only shows clusters in the summary file that have p < .05
Dear Freesurfers,
I am new to freesurfer and I am afraid of doing something wrong, so I am
writing to ask is this error indicating something wrong with my data?
Any help is appreciated. below are detials of my question. Thank you!
I used
with th
I've been
calling up an expert options file which contains the text
"mri_normalize -gentle" but I'm having trouble executing it with
this command:
"recon-all -s 002 -expert 002/scripts/expert.opts"
It results in the following err
47 matches
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