My apologies Doug... I thought that this email had all the history...

Narly, sorry for "invading" your discussion...

My questions came from the first email of Narly which referred to the  
bug in mris_preproc:

This bug also exist in FS 5.0, right? I'm using 5.0 and until now I've  
used aparcstats2table to get Brodmann Area measures (CT and surface  
area of the thresholded labels) and total CT and surface area of each  
hemisphere. Does the bug also affect these measures or it is fine to  
use them?

Now I want to run a whole-brain analysis with qdec but to do so I'll  
have to run qcache with 5.3 which already has the bug fixed, correct?  
Is qcache equivalent to mris_preproc?

Hope I was more clear this time...

Thank you,

Quoting Douglas N Greve <>:

> Sorry, the thread of the email that explains the problem and the fix are
> not included below. Can you re-explain? We get a lot of emails here and
> it is not possible to remember the context of each one.
> doug
> On 03/18/2014 11:32 AM, wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> just two quick questions: to what FS version is this related? And what
>> is wrong to do if one does not have the fix? Using what stats/procedures?
>> Thanks,
>> Andreia
>> Quoting Douglas N Greve <>:
>>>>> why would one control for total brain volume in doing vertex-based
>>> analyses when the vertex-based measures are computed in standard space?
>>> The vertex-based measures are computed in individual space, not standard
>>> space
>>> doug
>>> On 03/17/2014 05:12 PM, Narly Golestani wrote:
>>>> Dear Doug,
>>>> Many thanks for your answers.
>>>>> 3. The bug was related to how the measures were converted to standard
>>>>> space - I?d like to therefore confirm that when doing
>>>>> surface/vertex-based analyses, it is not necessary to use total brain
>>>>> volume as a covariate (whereas it is for ROI-based analyses).
>>>> This question has nothing to do with the bug. People generally use ICV
>>>> or total brain volume when exploring cortical volume or surface area,
>>>> but it is inappropriate for thicknss studies
>>>> doug
>>>> Regarding the last point (which indeed has nothing to do with the bug,
>>>> sorry for having given the impression that I thought that it did), why
>>>> would one control for total brain volume in doing vertex-based
>>>> analyses when the vertex-based measures are computed in standard
>>>> space? I realize that this has to be done for ROI analyses since these
>>>> measures are in native space.
>>>> Thanks again, and best,
>>>> Narly.
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>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
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> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> Fax: 617-726-7422
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