Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: LGI path problem

2013-10-23 Thread Linn Mittlestein
Hi, thank you. I am using Linux. I not sure where to change path, ie which file this should be done in and where this file is located. This the error message I recieve, and as I said It is launching the wrong matlab and I don't know how change this. Launching Matlab7p13 Warning: Unable to open d

Re: [Freesurfer] missing eTIV in asegstats2table

2013-10-23 Thread Daniel Ferreira
Dear Douglas, Please, find attached aseg.stats files for subj1 and subj2. Thanks Daniel aseg.stats_subj2 Description: Binary data aseg.stats_suj1 Description: Binary data ___ Freesurfer mailing list https://mail.nmr.m

Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA statistics

2013-10-23 Thread Lucia Billeci
Dear Anastasia, I tried the command you suggested me and i obtained the output I attach to the mail. I would like to ask you if I understood well shot it means. In this case left uncinatus connects the following cortex areas: ctx-lh-fusiform ctx-lh-inferiortemporal ctx-lh-lateralorbitofront

Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA statistics

2013-10-23 Thread Lucia Billeci
Dear Anastasia,I tried the command you suggested me and i obtained the output I attach to the mail.I would like to ask you if I understood well shot it means. In this case left uncinatus connects the following cortex areas:ctx-lh-fusiform  ctx-lh-inferiortemporal ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontalctx-lh-m

Re: [Freesurfer] Extremely intense grey matter being omitted

2013-10-23 Thread Jon Holt
No, you mean anatomically speaking? If it's unfixable then that's OK, was just wondering if it was possible. > On Oct 22, 2013, at 10:14 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > > I'm not sure it's fixable then. Any idea what they are? > Bruce > > > >> On Oct 22, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Jonathan Holt wrote: >>

Re: [Freesurfer] Subject processing difference between computers

2013-10-23 Thread Ed Gronenschild
see On 22 Oct 2013, at 18:18, wrote: Message: 2 Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:15:44 + From: "West, John D." Subject: [Freesurfer] Subject processing difference between computers To: "freesurfer " Message-I

Re: [Freesurfer] reconall error

2013-10-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Rashmi what version are you running? If 5.3, upload the subject and I'll take a look Bruce On Tue, 22 Oct 2013, Rashmi Singh wrote: Hello FreeSurfer experts, I am trying to run recon all on my data set, but I got following error message. Please help me understand the message and suggest so

Re: [Freesurfer] Extremely intense grey matter being omitted

2013-10-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
yes, anatomically. And I would guess it's unfixable without tons of work On Wed, 23 Oct 2013, Jon Holt wrote: No, you mean anatomically speaking? If it's unfixable then that's OK, was just wondering if it was possible.  On Oct 22, 2013, at 10:14 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: I'm not sure i

Re: [Freesurfer] missing eTIV in asegstats2table

2013-10-23 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Daniel, what is this in reference to? If this is a follow up on a previous thread, please include the rest of the thread and the file in the same email. I go through way too many emails to keep track of who's doing what. thanks! doug On 10/23/13 4:13 AM, Daniel Ferreira wrote: Dear Dou

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: LGI path problem

2013-10-23 Thread Marie Schaer
Hi Linn, If you are using tcsh, you have to edit the file $HOME/.cshrc (.shrc should work as well) to add the following line: setenv PATH $PATH:/YOUR_PATH_TO_MATLAB_BIN_DIRECTORY Then close the terminal and open a new one. Use the env command to be sure that your path has been modified, then

[Freesurfer] fast_selxavg3.m - ERROR: design is ill-conditioned

2013-10-23 Thread preciado
I have two sets of identical blocks within each fMRI run, so conditions {1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5}, and there are three separate runs of the two blocks. If I run the analysis treating each with the contrasts set up with this numbering scheme (e.g. 3 vs 1 has two occurrences) , I get the following outpu

Re: [Freesurfer] Projecting voxel intensities to a surface file

2013-10-23 Thread Arash Nazeri
Sorry. I meant to do that. Original Message From: Bruce Fischl To: Arash Nazeri Sent: Wed, Oct 23, 2013 8:25 am Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Projecting voxel intensities to a surface file Hi Arash can you cc the list on this type of email so that others can answer? Particularly Mat

[Freesurfer] skull striping error question

2013-10-23 Thread Subhabrata Chaudhury
Hi Everyone, I have some data where the skull striping hasnt worked properly and there are some skull remaining. However, upon looking at the white and pial surfaces, those look perfectly fine. My question is will the erroneous skullstriping affect the supratentorial volume estimation ? I will

Re: [Freesurfer] skull striping error question

2013-10-23 Thread Maritza Ebling
Subha, The erroneous skullstripping will not affect your volume estimates as long as the surfaces look good. Maritza On Wed, 23 Oct 2013, Subhabrata Chaudhury wrote: Hi Everyone,   I have some data where the skull striping hasnt worked properly and there are some skull remaining. However

Re: [Freesurfer] skull striping error question

2013-10-23 Thread Subhabrata Chaudhury
Even the Supratentorial volume ? Supratentorial volume includes some structures outside the surfaces ? Thanks Subha - Original Message - From: Bruce Fischl Sent: 10/23/13 01:13 PM To: Subhabrata Chaudhury Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] skull striping error question You should be fine if the

Re: [Freesurfer] skull striping error question

2013-10-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
You should be fine if the surfaces aren't affected by the remaining skull Bruce On Wed, 23 Oct 2013, Subhabrata Chaudhury wrote: Hi Everyone,   I have some data where the skull striping hasnt worked properly and there are some skull remaining. However, upon looking at the white and pial surfa

Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA statistics

2013-10-23 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Lucia - The columns "NVoxels Volume_mm3" in the mri_segstats output are the volumes of each of the structures in the aparc+aseg, so those columns have nothing to do with the path. The last few columns, "Mean StdDev Min Max Range", are related to the values in path.pd.nii.gz. Hope this helps

Re: [Freesurfer] Subject processing difference between computers

2013-10-23 Thread West, John D.
Thanks Ed. This is consistent with the differences we are seeing as well. The two super computers are very different platforms so it makes sense. I think we'll have to reprocess all cases for ongoing studies on the newer super computer in this case. Not the answer I was hoping for, but what I

[Freesurfer] mri_glmfit-sim with conjunction maps but without pre-cached data

2013-10-23 Thread Caspar M. Schwiedrzik
Hi, I have a question regarding cluster size thresholding using mri_glmfit-sim. Namely, I have a sig.nii conjunction map that I made with mri_concat. The analyses that serve as input to the conjunction map are done on a custom surface template. If I want to run mri_glmfit-sim, how would that work?

[Freesurfer] mri_surf2surf error - 'could not determine type of...'

2013-10-23 Thread Paul Beach
Hello FS experts, I'm attempting to transform the Yeo2011 annotations (lh & rh) from fsaverage to individual subjects so as to then sample the cortical maps to subject surfaces using mri_label2vol. However, I'm getting the error in the subject line when I put in the following commands: *mri_surf2

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_surf2surf error - 'could not determine type of...'

2013-10-23 Thread Douglas N Greve
The full error msg is not in the subject line. My guess is that the "lh." in front of "Yeo" in the srcsurfval is causing the problem On 10/23/2013 03:17 PM, Paul Beach wrote: > Hello FS experts, > > I'm attempting to transform the Yeo2011 annotations (lh & rh) from > fsaverage to individual su

[Freesurfer] Problem generating volume stats with hippocampal segmentation script

2013-10-23 Thread Erin Walsh
Hi, I'm experiencing a problem when running the automated hippocampal subfield segmentation script. Unfortunately, I have been unable to determine the cause of the error. After reconstructing all participant data with the -hippo-subfields flag, I ran the "kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentation

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_surf2surf error - 'could not determine type of...'

2013-10-23 Thread Paul Beach
Apologies: the full error message was: '*could not determine type of lh.Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000.annot*' I tried your suggestion of removing the hemispheric designation in front of 'Yeo' and I'm getting the same error - - the same occurs if I remove the '.annot' at the end. *mri_surf2surf --srcsu

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_surf2surf error - 'could not determine type of...'

2013-10-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
try specifying --sval-annot Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000.annot instead of --srcsurfval cheers Bruce On Wed, 23 Oct 2013, Paul Beach wrote: Apologies: the full error message was: 'could not determine type of lh.Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000.annot' I tried your suggestion of removing the hemispheric des

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_surf2surf error - 'could not determine type of...'

2013-10-23 Thread Paul Beach
That worked like a charm. Thanks! On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > try specifying --sval-annot Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000.annot instead of > --srcsurfval > > cheers > Bruce > > On Wed, 23 Oct 2013, Paul Beach wrote: > > Apologies: the full error message was: 'could not det

[Freesurfer] freeview "invalid drawable"

2013-10-23 Thread Elissa McIntosh
Hi, When trying freeview command (see below) from the “Testing your freesurfer installation” page using my own data, freesurfer opened, but I am concerned about the “invalid drawable” lines. The message happened when I ran this command on the "bert" data too. What does invalid drawable mean? [Co

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview "invalid drawable"

2013-10-23 Thread Ruopeng Wang
You can just ignore this warning message on Mac. Best, Ruopeng On Oct 23, 2013, at 8:52 PM, Elissa McIntosh wrote: > Hi, When trying freeview command (see below) from the “Testing your > freesurfer installation” page using my own data, freesurfer opened, but I am > concerned about the “inval