On 22 Oct 2013, at 18:18, wrote:
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:15:44 +0000
From: "West, John D." <>
Subject: [Freesurfer] Subject processing difference between computers
To: "freesurfer " <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
We are moving our processing from an older super computer to a new
one here at Indiana University. Preliminary testing is showing a
significant difference between final summary stats results between
subjects processed on the old system versus the new. The version
of freesurfer on both systems is identical. Comparing the logs of
the same subject run on both systems, I've found that the
differences seem to start with the mri_watershed function
specifically the main basin size. For the same subject we find:
Old computer:
main basin size=22667431830 voxels, voxel volume =1.000
= 22667431830 mmm3 = 22667431.936 cm3
New computer:
main basin size=22208239350 voxels, voxel volume =1.000
= 22208239350 mmm3 = 22208239.616 cm3
As you can see they are very different. My theory is this is
propagating through the rest of the process and giving us different
summary stats at the end. I should note that both aseg and aparc
stats are affected.
I am also enclosing the logs for both runs as well as the
differences found through the diff command (this is a lot parse
through as even time stamp differences are picked up). Essentially
what I am trying to find out is if these differences we are
noticing are typical when changing computers and if not what could
be causing these differences that I may not be picking up on.
Thanks for the help.
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