Hi guys,
We have a subject processed with FS v5.1 in which
lhCorticalWhiteMatterVol in aseg.stats is much too low -- only 33781
mm^3. From what I see, the aseg.mgz looks fine. 'mris_volume lh.white'
returns 287261 and running mri_segstats without the --excl-ctxgmwm
option returns a Left-Cerebra
Dear Freesurfer list,
I did a group level thickness analysis in qdec with lesioned brains and I
would like to overlay individual lesion map onto the group level results to
check for overlap, etc. I was wondering if I could convert individual
lesion maps and overlay them on the group level inflated
the root password is 'freesurfer', mentioned at the bottom on this page:
you will have to use sudo to run root commands (or to change to root).
On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 21:32 +0800, bowan...@mail.ustc.edu.cn wro
Hi Freesurfers,
I am struggling to get mri_vol2vol to downsample when I apply an inverse
morph and an inverse registration matrix.
Specifically, I am bringing a volume in cvs_avg35 space back into an
individual subject's functional space. I have already registered the
subject's functional to the
Dear Doug,
I wonder if you could get the chance to finish the work regarding the Nearest
Cortical Label (Annotation) for the CVS space.
Also, I have few questions and I will appreciate if anyone can help:
1) Can I get more clusters after I correct for multiple comparison than
the number of
Dear freesurfer users,
I have a question about a design matrx. I have read all your explications about
the FSDG file. But I am not sure I can construct the design which corresponds
to my study!
I have two groups: control and patients. I want to compare their cortical
I have have one
Thanks for your response. When I tried that option I got the same results, and
I looked at the output header file and it still said ‘float32.’ I tried
removing the -nc option, but that messed it up worse. None of my other attempts
at tweaking the command are working thus far.
Is there anyt
Hi folks,
Sorry, I messed up – mri_convert is working fine. The error is actually
occurring prior to that when I use ‘mri_label2vol’ to convert the annotation
file to a volume. Here’s where it happens
mri_label2vol --annot lh.Yeo_singles.annot --temp ../mri/orig.mgz --o
Yeo_WMGM_lh.nii.gz --su
Dear all,
I'm trying to run trac-all (FS5.1, the updated trac-all) for a provided
nii.gz DWI volume and it's bvals/bvecs. During the preprocessing
mri_convert searches for dti/COR-.info, but cannot find it - see log below.
Does anyone have a clue why it searches for this COR-.info file?
Hi Martin,
Are you including b0 correction in your preprocessing stream? I can see
b0mag.nii.gz in your log file.
Did you set dob0 = 1 in your configuration file? If so you have to set
also the magnitude and phase maps (using set b0mlist and set b0plist in
the configuration file,Check out $FREESU
I have been experiencing an error with tksurfer. It occurs when I am
trying to generate an occipital patch, following these instructions:
I open a surface using: tksurfer lh inflated -curv lh.curv
Following the step
Dear all,
I had EPI images and T1 image and the EPI images are already co-registered
to T1 image in their native space. I also run 'recon' on T1 image. I'd like
to try surface-based spatial normalization in FreeSurfer, so how can I only
do the spatial normalization of EPI images in FreeSurfer, i.e
Hi Darshan,
If you'd like to go directly from FreeSurfer .asc to OBJ, the attached
little script should do the trick...
Hope it helps!
All the best,
On 21/02/12 16:59, Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior wrote:
There's a how-to in the FreeSurfer website:
Dear Doug,
I wonder if you could get the chance to finish the work regarding the Nearest
Cortical Label (Annotation) for the CVS space.
Also, I have few questions and I will appreciate if anyone can help:
1) Can I get more clusters after I correct for multiple comparison than
the number
Dear All,
Is there a way that I can open my rh.aparc.stats files (saved in stats after
recon-all) in MATLAB as a matrix? I would like to concatenate all the
rh.aparc.stats files from all my subjects.
Many thanks,
Freesurfer mailing li
You could store them as a table (aparcstats2table), you can open the
resulting text file with matlab.
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Antonella Kis wrote:
> Dear All,
> Is there a way that I can open my rh.aparc.stats files (saved in stats
> after recon-all) in MATLAB as a m
Hi Priti,
Thanks for your notice. I thought I disabled dob0, but apparently I
didn't... ;-) Now I disabled it and everything works fine!
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Priti Srinivasan <
rspr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Are you including b0 correction in your
Hello all,
I am trying to use a set of dti data from a Magnetom Skyra 3T. I use the
dt_recon process with data from another siemens of 1.5T without problems.
With the Skyra 3T I have the following error in the log file:
MRIresample(): error inverting matrix; determinant is nan, matrix is:
Can so
It sounds like something went wrong with the conversion to nifti. Do you
use image compression? Are you sure that the series is the correct one?
John Fredy wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to use a set of dti data from a Magnetom Skyra 3T. I use
> the dt_recon process with data from anot
I have three scans that exit with errors that I cannot comprehend. The first
two indicate memory and bus failures, so I thought maybe my computer had choked
during processing, but after running again I received the same errors. The
third is too cryptic for me to understand at all. Can anyone
Dear All,
Is there a way that I can get my clusters location (segmentation and/or
annotation) inthe MNI space if I know the MNI coordinates?
Many thanks.
Freesurfer mailing list
Hello Freesurfer's,
What is the size of a vertex? Also, how do you define a vertex? Also, in the
Qdec analyses, once you get a cluster and the maximum vertex, is there a way to
export individual vertex value (for each subject)?
Manish Dalwani
Dept. of Psychiatry
University o
According to the tutorial at
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/WhiteMatterEdits, we should
be looking for these holes in the white surface, but when I looked at my
processed data using tkmedit SUBJECT brainmask.mgz -aux wm.mgz -surfs, I saw
many such holes. They seem to be ub
After reading the tutorial at
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/Talairach, I understand
that I should be using
"tkregister2 --mgz --s SUBJECT --fstal --surf orig" when editing my talairach
transform. I have been somewhat successful at this, but I was wondering if
there might
Hi Bruce and Freesurfer Experts,
I tried the suggestions below in these images but without complete
resolution of the problem - there is an improvement but there is still
stuff missing right at the front (last 3 to 4 slices). Is there anything
else I can try in order to salvage these images ? As
Dear Douglas, I don't use image compression. The series are new to me, I
see that the images uses a multiframe encoding, there is 63 directions each
direction encoded in a sigle image like a BOLD EPI sequence
I will check again all the series
Thanks for the reply
John Ochoa
Universidad de Antioq
26 matches
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