Thank you Doug !
--- En date de : Lun 14.3.11, Douglas N Greve a
écrit :
Hi Alex, you can compute the difference in those slopes using an appropriate
contrast matrix passed to mri_glmfit. QDEC should do so autotmatically (this
would be an interaction between group and age).
I have 2 functional maps (Patient > Controls and Controls > Patients)
and I would like to view both maps simultaneously on the surface (one
with "normal" values and the other using the "inverse" values so that
I get a "warm" and "cool" map simultaneously displayed on the
I'm using FS
Dear Users,
Is there a way to process fixated brain (after autopsy) with Freesurfer?
I have read somewhere that I should just "invert" the image, but what does
it mean? And would it not increase the noise and the signal from the CSF?
Of course, the brain is without any skull, pia and dura mat
We are working to put some exvivo wm segmentation methods into the next
FreeSurfer release although I'm not sure where that stands. We do process
our exvivo scans with FreeSurfer but we use scripts that use different
parameters than recon-all since the contrast is different and as you sai
Hi Scott, I'm not sure what you are trying to do. How can you display
two different z-values at the same voxel at the same time? Or do you
want to merge the maps in some way?
Scott Hayes wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 functional maps (Patient > Controls and Controls > Patients)
> and I would like
Hi Nadia,
You can follow instructions on how to check data using our tutorials:
On Tue, 15 Mar 2011, nadia merhoum wrote:
> Hello
> I have just
Hi Seok,
Try using "--projfac .01" in the surf2vol command.
Seok Lew wrote:
> Thank you !
> I successfully projected the pial surface normals in the volume. Now
> I wanted to project the normals in the inner gm boundary voxels (i.e.
> gm boundary voxels with wm). What I tried is scali
I tried to install CUDA to use with freesurfer, but I got some errors
that I sent to freesurfer list sometime ago... Could you please send how
can I install CUDA and freesurfer in a Ubuntu platform ?...
Gonzalo Rojas Costa
Laboratory for Advanced Medical Image Processing
Hi Lena, we don't have tools released yet to do this. They should be
available in the spring.
Lena Palaniyappan wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a ROI label on left hemisphere – I need to map this ROI onto
> right hemisphere to get a homologous region (for testing hemispheric
> differences). Wh
No, you'll have to merge them into one map (and you'll probably want it
to be an annotation). To do this, you'll need to run several programs.
1. mri_binarize -- threshold your two raw maps, give one a "--binval 1"
the other "--binval 2"
2. Add them together: fscalc binmap1.nii add binmap2.nii -
Hello Bruce and Nick, I've tryed these options you said and still not works, I
must say that is not in all my subjects,
I've tryed both brain.mgz and brainmask.mgz.
The commands I've used are:
A1) mri_vol2vol --mov brain.mgz --targ rawavg.mgz --out brain2raw.mgz
A2) mri_mask
Have you checked brainmask2raw.mgz? It looks like you've checked
brain2raw.mgz, but you're not using it for some reason. Make sure the
background has values less than 2.
Gabriel Go.Es. wrote:
> Hello Bruce and Nick, I've tryed these options you said and still not
> works, I must say that
Dear Freesurfer List,
I ran the script for predicting V1 location on the surface:
According to the paper, the output should be a probability map, but the script
only seems to produce a label file: $SUBJECT_DIR/label/?h.v1.prob.label .
When I load this
I am having a bit of a problem with the orientation of a label produced by
mri_cor2label. I have an old analyze ROI that I have converted to a nifti
volume and then registered to T1.mgz. When I load the ROI volume in tkmedit ,
the registration looks fine. The label and T1.mgz are in the sam
In tksurfer, try going to Tools->Label->Threshold Selected Label. Then
choose a threshold between 0 and 1.
Thesen, Thomas wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer List,
> I ran the script for predicting V1 location on the surface:
> According to the pape
So the difference is that one label was created from the ROI resampled
in the T1 space and the other was created from the original ROI volume?
If so, then this behavior is as expected. Why not use the first label?
Tyler Blazey wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a bit of a problem with the orient
The CC_Posterior, CC_Central, etc, volumes in "aseg.mgz" are the
complete CC volume, or it includes only some sagital slices ?...
How can I meassure the CC volume for some sagital slices only (5 in
total for example) ?... When I tried using "mri_cc" I got an error (for
example) in th
Yes, I did check the brainmask2raw.mgz, Im using brain2raw.mgz and/or
brainmask2raw.gz to mask the rawavg.gz on the mri_mask. "mri_mask -T 2
-keep_mask_deletion_edits rawavg.mgz brain2raw.mgz outbrain.mgz"
And actually the brain.mgz and brainmask.mgz have values of one on edited
voxels, but
For mri_vol2vol try using --interp nearest
Gabriel Go.Es. wrote:
> Yes, I did check the brainmask2raw.mgz, Im using brain2raw.mgz and/or
> brainmask2raw.gz to mask the rawavg.gz on the mri_mask. "mri_mask -T 2
> -keep_mask_deletion_edits rawavg.mgz brain2raw.mgz outbrain.mgz"
> And actual
we do have a procedure but it involved a fair amount of manual intervention
and isn't terribly well documented (and it's evolving). It depends on Andre
van der Kouwe's multi-echo flash sequence, which you would need to get as
On Tue, 15 Mar 2011, Auer, Tibor MD. Ph.D. wrote
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your reply. There is actually only one label, which was created from
the ROI resampled in T1 space. The problem is that the label only has the
correct orientation in tkmedit when the resampled ROI is loaded as the main
volume. When I load T1.mgz as the main volume, the label
tkmedit tpidNtpidN norm.mgz lh.white -aux wm.mgz -aseg -aux-surface rh.white
On Tue, 15 Mar 2011, nadia merhoum wrote:
> Hello
> I have just started using FreeSurfer (version 4.5) and performed the
> following script:
> ?recon-all -i tpidN.nii -subjid tpidN -all?
> I w
In response to the message below, I have been getting the exact
same error when running tksurfer on a particular workstation.
tksurfer does display correctly, but the drawing is very slow, as if
running remotely (or not using the video card). This happens with versions
3.0.5 and 4.5.0.
I tr
A quick update on my earlier posting: After disabling the "Composite"
extension, I no longer
get the UBB warning in the Xorg.0.log, but I still get the error and slow
drawing with tksurfer.
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 12:07:56 -0700
Hi Thomas,
there is a tksurfer menu item to transfer the label stat field to an
overlay, and you can go from there.
On Tue, 15 Mar 2011, Thesen, Thomas wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer List,
> I ran the script for predicting V1 location on the surface:
> http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.ed
Hi Gonzalo
mri_cc computes the optimal rotation. If the patient's head is not straight
this can make it look like an inconsistent labeling, but in 3d it usually
is correct.
On Tue, 15 Mar 2011, Gonzalo Rojas Costa wrote:
> Hi:
> The CC_Posterior, CC_Central, etc, volumes in "aseg.mgz
Thanks Doug. Does mri_seg2annot come w/ the latest FS distribution?
It doesn't seem to be available (I can't launch the help and receive
"command not found" when I try to run the command). mri_binarize
worked fine.
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Douglas N Greve
> No, you'll have to mer
I have second-level results in .img/.hdr format that I have just run through
SPM. I was wondering whether there is a way to visualize these results onto
a template FreeSurfer surface model in MNI space. Is this possible, or can
you only visualize second-levels which have been processed th
Hi All
I'm new in freesurfer. I have a question regards Philips DICOM format. I
tried to convert from dicom to .mgz
using mri_convert but i get the following error message:
MRIresample(): error inverting matrix; determinant is nan, matrix is:
-0.000 -0.000 nan nan;
0.000 0.000 nan
Sorry, it should be mris_seg2annot (not mri_seg2annot).
Scott Hayes wrote:
> Thanks Doug. Does mri_seg2annot come w/ the latest FS distribution?
> It doesn't seem to be available (I can't launch the help and receive
> "command not found" when I try to run the command). mri_binarize
> worked
So you re-ran mris_preproc and you still get the error? If so, try running
mris_preproc --debug |& tee mris_preprog.err.log
Send me the mris_preprog.err.log, but don't email it as it will likely
be huge. Instead drop it to me a the file drop listed at the end of this
Andrew Mend
After you've gone into MNI space with all of your subjects, then
visualizing the results on the surface are of questionable value. If you
just want to take a peek, then it's not a big deal, but I would not
recommend reporting them in a publication. If your results are in the
mni152 space, you c
Can you try running it with "-it dicom". It will probably still fail,
but worth a shot.
leonardo kay wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm new in freesurfer. I have a question regards Philips DICOM
> format. I tried to convert from dicom to .mgz
> using mri_convert but i get the following error messag
Hi Leo:
I have faced this problem before. Philips scanner's default output format is
the PAR/REC format - but it also outputs in Dicom format. What I believe is
the problem is that the images are oriented wrongly. Take a look at this in
MRICRO and see how the images are oriented. You may need to r
Hi Bruce:
Thanks you very much for your answer... And, how can I get the volume
of the new segmentation of the CC that I got with mri_cc command ?...
Gonzalo Rojas Costa
El 15-03-2011 21:27, Bruce Fischl escribió:
> I mean that if the volume is rotated in any 2d slice it ca
Just as the title says,I wonder if there is a method to obtain the
thickness of each vertex in the whole brain,and so,if we can,how do we kown
which of the area is the vertex belong to?
I am using the freesurfer 5.0.
thanks in advance!
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