Re: [Freesurfer] talairach registration

2009-01-21 Thread Lucia Garrido
Many thanks for your e-mail, Bruce. Would you mind just giving me a bit more detail about this, or let me know where I can find this information? As I understand, the registration between individuals in Freesurfer doesn't depend on the talairach registration. Is that right? And how do individual t

Re: [Freesurfer] Subdividing the automated cortical parcellation/normalization

2009-01-21 Thread Diana Wotruba
This worked perfectly well, thanks a lot for your quick answer! I would appreciate to get some input for the following issue. I run the mris_divide_parcellation on the fsaverage brain getting about 1000 parcellations: mris_divide_parcellation fsaverage_fineparc rh aparc.a2005s_150.annot 150 rh_

Re: [Freesurfer] talairach registration

2009-01-21 Thread Bruce Fischl
the final tal coords are the average of the corresponding surface regions, where the correspondence is established using spherical registration. Does that make sense? On Wed, 21 Jan 2009, Lucia Garrido wrote: Many thanks for your e-mail, Bruce. Would you mind just giving me a bit more detail

Re: [Freesurfer] Subdividing the automated cortical parcellation/normalization

2009-01-21 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Diana, I wonder whether dividing the parcellations is really what you want. It would be pretty easy to put together a parcellation that is uniform in spherical coordinates across subjects, so you get essentially a uniform triangular tiling of each subject's brain. Would that be more useful

[Freesurfer] Registered or not?

2009-01-21 Thread Jürgen Hänggi
Dear FS experts We divided the parcellations aparc.a2005s into about 1000 smaller parcellations and would like to compare the cortical thickness of these parcellations across subjects. Due to the fact that the parcellations aparc.a2005s are in the native space of each subject I am wondering wheth

Re: [Freesurfer] Registered or not?

2009-01-21 Thread Bruce Fischl
I don't think you have to register them since they started in register. One problem will be that if you are dividing based on area you may get a given ROI divided into a different # of components in different subjects. On Wed, 21 Jan 2009, Jürgen Hänggi wrote: Dear FS experts We divided th

[Freesurfer] Freesurfer Tutorials

2009-01-21 Thread jbrace
Hello - I am a new graduate student working with Dr. Russ Poldrack at UCLA and I am trying to learn how to use Freesurfer. I downloaded all of the sample data from the page FSTutorial/Data, but many of the tutorials seem to refer to data that is not included in the sample data. The first t

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer Tutorials

2009-01-21 Thread Krish Subramaniam
Hi Jennifer When did you download the data? We overhauled the tutorials and I believe Nick updated the wiki with the new data couple of days back. Please download the new one and try. Krish On Jan 21, 2009, at 3:56 PM, wrote: Hello - I am a new graduate student working w

[Freesurfer] failed Talairach quality check; alternatives?

2009-01-21 Thread Jeff Phillips
Hi all, I have an MPRAGE which consistently fails the Talairach quality check (see attached error) in autorecon1. (A 32-channel coil was used in this scan, and I suspect that might be a cause of the failure.) Per the wiki's suggestion, I have tried to manually fix the transform in tkregister2 an

[Freesurfer] contrast + interpretation

2009-01-21 Thread Siddharth Srivastava
Hi group, I have some questions about the interpretation of my results based on the contrasts that i have used in my analysis. It is, i am sure a very basic question, and i would like to check if my interpretation of the results is correct/valid. I have 2 groups, and 1 variable, and

Re: [Freesurfer] failed Talairach quality check; alternatives?

2009-01-21 Thread Nick Schmansky
Jeff, You can skip the talairach quality check by adding the flag -notal-check to recon-all. In versions prior to v4.1.0, the threshold for the check was too conservative, and the z-score threshold has been reduced from -4 to -6 in v4.1.0. I see your score is -4, so that is a valid transform (on

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer Tutorials

2009-01-21 Thread Nick Schmansky
Jennifer, The tutorials matching the newly available data are found here: You will need to get v4.2.0, which will be released in a couple days (actually, you can do the tutorial with what you have, but will bump into a couple unrecognized flags