Hi Jennifer

When did you download the data? We overhauled the tutorials and I believe Nick updated the wiki with the new data couple of days back. Please download the new one and try.

On Jan 21, 2009, at 3:56 PM, jbr...@ucla.edu wrote:

Hello -

I am a new graduate student working with Dr. Russ Poldrack at UCLA and I am trying to learn how to use Freesurfer. I downloaded all of the sample data from the page FSTutorial/Data, but many of the tutorials seem to refer to data that is not included in
the sample data.

The first tutorial I tried was FSTutorial/MorphAndRecon.
- Exercise B in this tutorial is the page FSTutorial/Talairach. This page refers to the
files tal_before and tal_after which are not in the sample data.
- Exercise C in this tutorial is the page FSTutorial/ControlPoints. This page refers to
the file cp_before which is not in the sample data.
- Exercise D in this tutorial is the page FSTutorial/SkullStripFix. This page refers to the files skullstrip1_before, skullstrip2_before, skullstrip2_after and
skullstrip3_before which are not in the sample data
- Exercise F in this tutorial is the page FSTutorial/ WhiteMatterEdits. This page refers to the files wm1_edits_before, wm2_edits_before and wm3_edits_before whic are not
in the sample data
- Exercise G in this tutorial is the page FSTutorial/PialEdits. This page refers to the
file pial_edits_before which is not in the sample data.

The second tutorial I tried was FSFastTutorial. This tutorial seems to refer to data from the FsFastTutorialData page (from files fsfast-tutorial.tar.gz and fsfast-tutorial.subjects.tar.gz). However, I am unable to download these files from this

Please either let me know where I can find these files so I can complete the tutorials, or if there are different tutorials that correspond with the data I downloaded from

Thank you very much.
Jennifer Brace

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