This worked perfectly well, thanks a lot for your quick answer!

I would appreciate to get some input for the following issue.

I run the mris_divide_parcellation on the fsaverage brain  getting about
1000 parcellations:
mris_divide_parcellation fsaverage_fineparc rh aparc.a2005s_150.annot 150

Now I would like to spatially register these labels onto each subject's
brain, in order to bring these parcellations into a common standard space so
that we can compare the parcellations across subjects.
I there a manual  or a tool for such a procedure?

Thanks in advance

On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:48:44 -0500 (EST)
 Bruce Fischl <> wrote:
Hi Diana,

you can try mris_divide_parcellation, which I think we distribute. If you don't have it tell us your os/hardware and we'll send you a version.


On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Diana Wotruba wrote:

Dear experts

Using cortical thickness analysis with Freesurfer I would like to compute small world network indices in a special population. The automated parcellating system is resulting in 66 cortical areas. For our purpose, I would like to subdivide these areas into smaller ones. (A similar methodology was applied by Hagmann et al., PLoS Biol 6: 1479–1493, 2008.)

Does a finer parcellation scheme become part of future Freesurfer releases? Or have someone some experience in such a procedure?

Any information  would be much appreciated.

Kind regards
Diana Wotruba
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