Hi group,
               I have some questions about the interpretation of my
results based on the contrasts that i have used in my analysis.
It is, i am sure a very basic question, and i would like to check
if my interpretation of the results is correct/valid.

I have 2 groups, and 1 variable, and i am setting up a dods
design, hence i have used 4 regressors. I query with a contrast
vector of [0 0 1 -1], intending to discover regions where the
measure x variable interaction between the groups is
significant. Am i correct in the interpretation of the design
and contrasts so far?  In case yes, does the sign of the
value in sig.mgh file indicate the direction of the interaction
(i.e +ve values for positive correlation, and vice-versa) ?
I realize that i am using "interaction" and "correlation"
interchangeably: is this valid? How do i proceed from
inferences about interactions to statements about correlation?

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