mewhere else I can get the tools from? I know they now come
> > packaged
> > with the full freesurfer program but I don't want to download the whole
> > thing as
> > I've downloaded 3 versions of freesurfer already!
> >
> > thanks!
> >
download the whole thing as
I've downloaded 3 versions of freesurfer already!
Dr Jane Aspell
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford,
South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UD
Freesurfer mailing list
he cortex and
shows gaps in the blue/yellow colouring?
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Doug Greve
> You can try putting all the runs into a single bold directory. The
> motion correction will (do it's best to) align them.
cortical surface.
I wonder if this could be due to the inaccuracy of the registration given that
I only used the register.dat from the registration of the first session.
hope that makes sense!
i'd be grateful for any help with this!
Dr Jane Aspell
Department of Experimental Psychol
tcl script: mk-fieldsign.tcl
we are still stuck so would be really grateful for any tips!
thanks very much,
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Bruce
Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> hmmm, do you have it? If not, I've attached a copy.
> cheers,
> Bruc
> e
7;ve attached a copy.
> cheers,
> Bruc
> e
> On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Jane Aspell wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I would be really grateful if someone could help me with the problems I am
> > having with mk-fieldsign. Even after installing a new version of freesurfer
ut this should not be necessary, as tkmedit that you have does not use
> this library (I am truly puzzled why 'ldd' shows that it needs these
> libs).
> Thanks,
> Nick
> On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 11:40 +, Jane Aspell wrote:
> > hi nick
> >
not use
> this library (I am truly puzzled why 'ldd' shows that it needs these
> libs).
> Thanks,
> Nick
> On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 11:40 +, Jane Aspell wrote:
> > hi nick
> >
> > when i type >ldd `which tkmedit` i get the ouput
> and
> uname -a
> A last ditch effort is to install the itcl libs, from this site:
> But this should not be necessary, as tkmedit that you have does not use
> this library (I am truly puzzled why
> like this:
> # source ${FSL_DIR}/etc/fslconf/fsl.csh
> Another option is to type this after sourcing the freesurfer setup file:
> unsetenv TCLLIBPATH
> This last option is just a guess at a fix though.
> Nick
ED]> Doug
Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> That's a pretty old version. Can you download and install a new version?
> I actually don't know that much about the interpretation of the color
> wheel. Maybe Nouchine or Sari can help with this.
> doug
mo ago, but I thought I fixed them
> all.
> doug
> On Thu, 24 Nov 2005, Jane Aspell wrote:
> > hi again
> > I have been proceeding with the retinotopy analysis using FsFast,
following the
> > instructions at:
> >
> doug
> On Thu, 24 Nov 2005, Jane Aspell wrote:
> > hi again
> > I have been proceeding with the retinotopy analysis using FsFast, following
> > the
> > instructions at:
> >
have a occipital patch made.
Thought that might be your trouble.
Stephanie McMains
On Nov 24, 2005, at 12:09 PM, Jane Aspell wrote:
hi again
I have been proceeding with the retinotopy analysis using FsFast, following
instructions at:
dian etc.?
thanks again for your help!
Dr Jane Aspell
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford,
South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UD
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Doug Greve
> that's a bug in the wiki, "
Can you double check
> that the sessions in the sessidfile are in the current directory?
> Jane Aspell wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >Thanks for all your previous help with freesurfer.
> >
> >I am trying to use FsFast to do retinotopy analysis and have been follo
error of not been able to find my (particular subject's) session. i believe i
have set up the all the directory structures etc correctly for the sessions
format as previous steps worked fine.
any ideas what's going wrong?
Jane Aspell
I have been trying to run make_average_surface but get the error below. Any idea
what the problem is?
Many thanks,
Jane Aspell
>make_average_surface --subjects jane kader anna
input subjects: jane kader anna
output subj
i need to view several overlays simultaneously (to see where my activation lies
relative to retinotopic map overlays) on a surface. is there no way of doing
this with freesurfer? its seems like a function that a lot of users would need.
in one posting regarding this you suggested loading the o
i need to view several overlays simultaneously (to see where my activation lies
relative to retinotopic map overlays) on a surface. is there no way of doing
this with freesurfer? its seems like a function that a lot of users would need.
in one posting regarding this you suggested loading the o
i need to view several overlays simultaneously (to see where my activation lies
relative to retinotopic map overlays) on a surface. is there no way of doing
this with freesurfer? its seems like a function that a lot of users would need.
in one posting regarding this you suggested loading the o
i need to view several overlays simultaneously (to see where my activation lies
relative to retinotopic map overlays) on a surface. is there no way of doing
this with freesurfer? its seems like a function that a lot of users would need.
in one posting regarding this you suggested loading the o
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