
Thanks for all your previous help with freesurfer.

I am trying to use FsFast to do retinotopy analysis and have been following the
instructions at: 

I come undone at the stage of running the actual analysis, where the command
should be:
>sfa-sess -s avdk -a rtopy

what does 'avdk' refer to? when i run it i get: ERROR: could not find session 

when i try it with the arguments:
>sfa-sess -analysis rtopy -sf sessid
which is similar to the arguments needed for 'selxavg-sess' i get a similar
error of not been able to find my (particular subject's) session. i believe i
have set up the all the directory structures etc correctly for the sessions
format as previous steps worked fine.

any ideas what's going wrong?


Jane Aspell

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