Re: Local variables insecurities - Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Christian Moe
Located Eric's message and can confirm the same for mu4e (no query about setting/evaluating anything upon opening the message). cm Eric S Fraga writes: > On Wednesday, 25 Nov 2020 at 15:38, Jean Louis wrote: >> I have not configured anything. In fact I have opened the email and I >> was surpri

Re: Local variables insecurities - Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Greg Minshall [2020-11-26 08:34]: > Tom, > > > 2. If mutt is launching Emacs, you can pass --eval "(setq > >enable-local-eval nil)" on the command line and all file local > >variables will be ignored and treated as plain text. > > maybe that is one thing that could really help here. p

Re: Security issues in Emacs packages

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Greg Minshall [2020-11-26 08:29]: > Tim, > > > I think you missed my point. There is no benefit in MELPA adopting > > signed packages because there is no formal code review and no vetting > > of the individuals who submit the code. > > it occurs to me there might be one benefit: if George, who

Re: Is Org really so simple?

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-11-26 06:09]: > Texas Cyberthal : > > By philosophy, I mean the dev consensus on the correct way to do > > things, and coded configuration and usability biases. > > According to my experience with org-mode development (I am not talking > about third-party packages here), i

Re: Local variables insecurities - Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Tom Gillespie [2020-11-26 09:19]: > > As there is the option ! to "apply local variables and permanently > > mark these values" but there is no option "not to apply local > > variables and permanently mark these values". > > I have a longer reply that I will send tomorrow, but wanted to respond

Re: consistent behavior across babel languages

2020-11-26 Thread Neil Jerram
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 at 05:20, ian martins wrote: > Something I've found challenging is the inconsistency between babel > languages. It makes it difficult for a babel user to get a source > block to do what they want, or for a babel developer to even know what > correct behavior is. > > I'm not su

Re: Local variables insecurities - Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Detlef Steuer
Am Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:31:29 +0300 schrieb Jean Louis : > That is not fair choice. It pushes user to finally ! apply and accept > it, but does not give chance to permanently ignore it. > > > Do you want to apply it? You can type > y -- to apply the local variables list. > n -- to ignore the l

Re: Local variables insecurities - Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Detlef Steuer [2020-11-26 14:46]: > Am Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:31:29 +0300 > schrieb Jean Louis : > > > That is not fair choice. It pushes user to finally ! apply and accept > > it, but does not give chance to permanently ignore it. > > > > > > Do you want to apply it? You can type > > y -- to

Re: Security issues in Emacs packages

2020-11-26 Thread Greg Minshall
Tim, > It could, but to get that level of assurance, you not only have to > verify the signature is valid (something which is automated if > enabled), you also need to verify that both packages have the exact > same signature, which is pretty much a manual process. So in addition > to telling you

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-11-26 06:34]: > > Can I automated the execution of Babel code upon opening of the Org > > file? > > Adding to other suggestions, you can always add a custom function to > org-mode-hook instead of playing with file-local variables. > > > Then we comes to actual execution of

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-11-25 14:48]: > > When I do C-c a it runs (org-agenda) but I do not have "g" and I am on > > development version. The C-c a window is made so that I cannot go with > > cursor inside and that I cannot even expect the key map neither invoke > > command by M-x and I cannot even

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Ihor Radchenko
> Sorry for that vague expression. Let us say I open Completions buffer > I can switch into it, inspect it, ask for defined keys, evaluate with > M-:, Emacs allows me to remain in the window and go to other > window. Agenda buffer does not do that, this is probably because it > just waits for any k

Re: consistent behavior across babel languages

2020-11-26 Thread Neil Jerram
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 at 05:20, ian martins wrote: > Something I've found challenging is the inconsistency between babel > languages. It makes it difficult for a babel user to get a source > block to do what they want, or for a babel developer to even know what > correct behavior is. > > I'm not su

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Texas Cyberthal [2020-11-26 19:05]: > Hi Jean, > > Yes, Textmind is a rock tumbler for natural language thoughts. An SME > CRM treats people like widgets. The former does many small thoughtful > touches, the latter does few robotic touches. Excessive widget volume > chokes Textmind. > > Sur

Re: Is Org really so simple?

2020-11-26 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: >> Only philosophy I know is that it is plain text. Is there any official >> philosophy? I have no idea, at least manual does not give me >> references. I cannot find "philosophy", send me references. > > You are right. There is no official "philosophy" in org. In my reply

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-26 Thread Texas Cyberthal
Hi Jean, Yes, Textmind is a rock tumbler for natural language thoughts. An SME CRM treats people like widgets. The former does many small thoughtful touches, the latter does few robotic touches. Excessive widget volume chokes Textmind. Sure, I will subscribe you when I have a mailing list. Fo

Re: Security issues in Emacs packages

2020-11-26 Thread Tim Cross
Greg Minshall writes: > Tim, > >> It could, but to get that level of assurance, you not only have to >> verify the signature is valid (something which is automated if >> enabled), you also need to verify that both packages have the exact >> same signature, which is pretty much a manual process.

Bug: ob-sql fails to work with other source code blocks if result contains quotes [9.4 (9.4-44-g5272d9-elpa @ /home/philipp/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20201123/)]

2020-11-26 Thread Philipp Uhl
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list. -

Re: Is Org really so simple?

2020-11-26 Thread David Rogers
Jean Louis writes: * Ihor Radchenko [2020-11-23 17:18]: :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: [2020-11-23 Mon 18:42] :ID: edebb3e7-e755-4ecc-a5e8-a3353a3f5fd0 :END: Dear Jean Louis, Your description of the database reminds me how org-roam handles the files - it also uses an external databas

Re: Is Org really so simple?

2020-11-26 Thread Tim Cross
David Rogers writes: > Jean Louis writes: > >> * Ihor Radchenko [2020-11-23 17:18]: >> :PROPERTIES: >> :CREATED: [2020-11-23 Mon 18:42] >> :ID: edebb3e7-e755-4ecc-a5e8-a3353a3f5fd0 >> :END: >>> Dear Jean Louis, >>> >>> Your description of the database reminds me how org-roam >>

Re: Security issues in Emacs packages

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Tim Cross [2020-11-27 01:21]: > > Greg Minshall writes: > > > Tim, > > > >> It could, but to get that level of assurance, you not only have to > >> verify the signature is valid (something which is automated if > >> enabled), you also need to verify that both packages have the exact > >> same

Re: Bring up a screen giving option to open a series of orgmode files

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-11-24 10:25]: :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: [2020-11-27 Fri 05:40] :ID: 7caa9f79-d5c2-4e00-8b34-60055025240e :END: > > Side note: there shall be feature in Org that quickly > > captures the full link to the heading. Maybe it already > > exists. Instead of constructin

Re: Is Org really so simple?

2020-11-26 Thread Jean Louis
* David Rogers [2020-11-27 02:10]: > Nothing was mentioned about keeping Org-mode simple. Good point. > In my opinion, this kind of “simple vs complex” discussion is like > discussing the quality of competitive sports teams. It’s simple at one level > Org-mode is a clever way of “leveraging” Em

Re: Security issues in Emacs packages

2020-11-26 Thread Greg Minshall
Tim, > At the end of the day, this is essentially a supply chain problem. To > really have confidence, you need confidence in the whole supply chain, > not just the distribution centre. that makes sense. thanks. Greg

Re: Bug: Following a link to a #+NAME causes '(wrong-type-argument stringp nil)' [9.3 (release_9.3 @ /usr/share/emacs/28.0.50/lisp/org/)]

2020-11-26 Thread Dante Catalfamo
Isn't the #+NAME tag used to label things below it? I think that would explain why it doesn't work when there's nothing directly below it. If you want to link to the heading, perhaps you should try something like [[* heading][link]]? On 11/22/20 3:44 PM, Dima Kogan wrote: Hi. I'm using the o

Re: [PATCH] add :tree-type 'month' in org-capture-templates description (and fix documentation about that)

2020-11-26 Thread Kyle Meyer
Florian Dufour writes: > Hi! > > I noticed one typo in 'month' value for 'tree-type' > property should not be @code{month} but only 'month'. Good catch. > Moreover, I added this 'month' value to org-capture-templates > description in org-capture.el. And this too. It looks like

Re: [PATCH] doc/ Extend table formulas Lisp form documentation

2020-11-26 Thread Kyle Meyer
Daniele Nicolodi writes: > On 25/11/2020 05:37, Kyle Meyer wrote: >> Daniele Nicolodi writes: [...] >>> Would it be worth to mention org-sbe in the same section of the manual? >> >> Yeah, it looks like there's no mention of org-sbe in the manual, so I >> think so (as a separate patch). > > After

[PATCH] ob-ruby.el: Don't reuse the same buffer among different named

2020-11-26 Thread Kyle Meyer
Juri Linkov writes: > Subject: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: Don't reuse the same buffer among different named > sessions > > * lisp/ob-ruby.el (org-babel-ruby-initiate-session): Instead of > run-ruby that always insists on using the existing buffer, use > run-ruby-or-pop-to-buffer that allows using the bu