Daniele Nicolodi writes:

> On 25/11/2020 05:37, Kyle Meyer wrote:
>> Daniele Nicolodi writes:
>>> Would it be worth to mention org-sbe in the same section of the manual?
>> Yeah, it looks like there's no mention of org-sbe in the manual, so I
>> think so (as a separate patch).
> After playing a bit with org-sbe, I came to the conclusion that it is
> broken beyond repair, at least without breaking it for the people that
> managed to make it work for them.
> I think that adding mention of it in the manual and explain all the
> quirks of the macro is much more work than replace it with something
> better.

Okay.  org-sbe isn't something I've ever used, and I only have a
superficial understanding of it.

> I tried to write a better macro, please have a look here:
> https://orgmode.org/list/d429d29b-42fa-7d7b-6f3a-9fe692fd6...@grinta.net/
> and the parent message for an explanation of what I think is broken in
> org-sbe. Would you support adding org-sbx (for a lack of a better name)
> to ob-table.el and mention it in the manual instead of org-sbe? I would
> not go as far as deprecating org-sbe, just yet, but maybe soon...

Sorry, I haven't got around to looking at that thread yet (though
ideally someone that knows more about org-sbe will chime in).

> Subject: [PATCH] doc/org-manual.org: Extend table formulas Lisp form
>  documentation
> doc/org-manual.org (Emacs Lisp forms as formulas): Be more
> explicit about how fields are interpolated into the Lisp forms,
> clarify the use of mode flags, and add a couple more examples.

Thanks for the update.  Applied (b2d38a822), adding an asterisk before

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