Hi Myles,
Thanks for making me look more closely at this. There are two things:
1) #+BEGIN_abstract ... #+END_abstract requires org-special-blocks. So,
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports none :results silent
(require 'org-special-blocks)
(defun org-export-latex-no-toc (depth)
(when depth
Hi Peter,
Peter Salazar writes:
> Is there a way to get org to wrap text within a table cell? I want to
> be able to enter long text entries into cells without expanding column
> width.
> Also, is there a way to merge cells—say, three cells vertically?
This question sounded familiar, so I du
Well thank you! I apologize for the late reply, my coursework has a hold on
me, but I was getting worried when no one responded immediately :-). I
think the next step would be editing the configs for generic exporting to
other mediums to support the tables (which HTML would be beyond trivial
with t
Hi Bastien,
* Bastien wrote on 2012-03-09 at 03:09 (+0100):
> Mathias Bauer writes:
> Thanks for this report -- next time, please consider sending
> one mail per bug/request, it makes issues easier to track.
ok, I'll do so - even for small bugs. Promised :-)
> > Headlines without tags are u
Hey everyone,
Is there a way to get org to wrap text within a table cell? I want to be
able to enter long text entries into cells without expanding column width.
Also, is there a way to merge cells—say, three cells vertically?
Finally, orgtbl-mode is broken in markdown-mode. Does anyone know a
Thank you all for your suggestions. I'm going to work on incorporating them
into my system. I'll let you know how it turns out!
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 6:44 AM, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
> Also, if you have anything in your agenda that you don't want to send to
> him you can use tags to
Dear all,
The Free Software Foundation will vouch for Org as a new
Is there any Googler reading this list? If so, is this
Googler ready to vouch for Org-mode as a new organization?
That would help a lot!
In the meantime, please have a look to the last version
of the ideas page
Hi Mathias,
Mathias Bauer writes:
> I just played with org's export functionality and following
> minimal org file. This results in three minor bugs and two
> proposals/questions on org's behavior.
Thanks for this report -- next time, please consider sending
one mail per bug/request, it makes
>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2012 13:39:28 -0500, Nick Dokos said:
> Myles English wrote:
>> So the two files are:
>> ,--- testAbs.org
>> -- | #+LATEX_HEADER:
>> \input{/home/myles/tmp/bugs/title.tex} | #+BEGIN_abstract | Here is
>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2012 09:01:01 -1000, Thomas S Dye said:
> Aloha Myles, Your example works for me with emacs -q. I had to
> change the \input{} command to \input{title}, since I'm not working
> at /home/myles. I saved the tex file to title.tex, put it in the
> same directory as the org
I just played with org's export functionality and following
minimal org file. This results in three minor bugs and two
proposals/questions on org's behavior.
#+STARTUP: showeverything
#+OPTIONS: author:nil email:nil timestamp:nil
* Some sec
>From 134c2ba772081ee7ca356b0dcabeb131bcb41b3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ilya Shlyakhter
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 17:25:18 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] org-store-link: Fixed a bug where source block edit
buffers were not recognized
* lisp/org.el (org-store-link): Use a new predicate f
Nick Dokos writes:
> Richard Stanton wrote:
>> This works fine, but I notice that each section of the agenda view is
>> separated by a line of “=” signs 132 characters long, and when I print in
>> portrait mode, these wrap onto the next line. How can I shorten these lines
>> to only 80 char
On 3/8/2012 2:39 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Your patch got completely mangled, try again as an attachment of type
here, also at http://ilya.cc/imenu.patch
>From e3e6e7135663fb34a5318565e5663dd27fa7ce45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ilya Shlyakhter
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 14:15:12 -0500
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 16:55, Truong Nghiem wrote:
> If there is any solution or workaround for my problem, please let me know.
If these custom commands are analogs of commands like section and
such, you can always define your own LaTeX_CLASS. The manual has
information on how to do that.
Drat. I meant to add that when I run the code exactly as I have it
from R directly, it works. I literally copy and paste my org-mode
babel block code line by line into a terminal and obtain the proper
output via tikz. *That's* the perplexing part. What would be working
directly from R and not from
I have an R block like so:
#+begin_src R
=bunch of code=
Performance (2-box)")
On 3/8/12 7:38 AM, A. Major wrote:
Thanks, but the "dir" PROPERTY appears to affect the target directory for
babel's results, neither the HTML nor the PDF output are influenced that way.
Yes, that's why I said "this part of the problem".
Combining BIND and the "dir" PROPERTY, I can get HTML a
Your patch got completely mangled, try again as an attachment of type
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
SD adaptations for KORG EX-800 and Poly-800MkII V0.9:
Hi all,
When I tangle a source block with ":comments yes" any spaces in the
sub-heading in which the block is found are replaced with "%2520"
instead of "%20". As a consequence when I "org-babel-detangle" the
correct heading is not found.
As an example given the following org file:
* Babel Tanglin
* lisp/org.el (org-imenu-get-tree): Check that looking-at succeeds before
using match results.
lisp/org.el |4
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2
diff --git a/lisp/org.el
index ad63213..e4fb497
Aloha Myles,
Your example works for me with emacs -q. I had to change the \input{}
command to \input{title}, since I'm not working at /home/myles. I saved
the tex file to title.tex, put it in the same directory as the org file,
evaluated the source block (with :results silent), and exported. I
Myles English wrote:
> So the two files are:
> ,--- testAbs.org --
> | #+LATEX_HEADER: \input{/home/myles/tmp/bugs/title.tex}
> | #+BEGIN_abstract
> | Here is my abstract, i
Richard Stanton wrote:
> I have an agenda view set up as an org-agenda-custom-command,
> ("H" "Office and Home Lists"
> ((agenda)
> (tags-todo "OFFICE")
> (tags-todo "HOME")
> (tags-todo "COMPUTER")))
> This works fine, but I notice that each s
On Thu, 08 Mar 2012 10:52:05 -0500
Bernt Hansen wrote:
> Detlef Steuer writes:
> > Dear ORGers.
> >
> > recently I started to priorize my TODO items.
> > (May be that implies failure of my GTD setup, but I don't want to
> > discuss that ... )
> >
> > I found org sorts TODOs in the following w
I have an agenda view set up as an org-agenda-custom-command,
("H" "Office and Home Lists"
(tags-todo "OFFICE")
(tags-todo "HOME")
(tags-todo "COMPUTER")))
This works fine, but I notice that each section of the agenda view is separated
by a line of "=
From: David Rogers
Cc: Sebastien Vauban,
Subject: Re: [O] ConTeXt export
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
Nick Dokos writes:
Can ConTeXt handle a LaTeX program?
No it can't, not that I'm aware
If you are using NTemacs rather than the one supplied by Cygwin it
simply doesn't know about symlinks.
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
SD adaptation for Waldorf Blofeld V1.15B11:
>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2012 16:29:36 +, Myles English said:
> Hi, I am trying to get a custom title page and abstract before the
> TOC in a pdf.
> Worg has an example on this page:
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html
> at the section titled "11 Styling the Fro
I am trying to get a custom title page and abstract before the TOC in a
Worg has an example on this page:
at the section titled "11 Styling the Frontmatter"
However, the example doesn't work for me as expected.
To reproduce:
Hi Bastien,
My use-case is that I need to write a document that needs to be output
to various styles (all using LaTeX). Each style may use a different
class and set of packages. And each defines a different set of
commands, with different syntax, to format the contents (they are not
standard as
Hi Detlef,
Detlef Steuer writes:
> I don't understand the reasoning in putting TODOs without priority or
> WAITING without priority before priority #C.
> Conceptually "no priority" (for me) means "not decided how important or
> not important at all, but would like to work on it", In contrast
Detlef Steuer writes:
> Dear ORGers.
> recently I started to priorize my TODO items.
> (May be that implies failure of my GTD setup, but I don't want to
> discuss that ... )
> I found org sorts TODOs in the following way in my agenda view:
> TODO [#A]
> TODO [#B]
> TODO [#C
Dear ORGers.
recently I started to priorize my TODO items.
(May be that implies failure of my GTD setup, but I don't want to
discuss that ... )
I found org sorts TODOs in the following way in my agenda view:
I don't understand the reasoning in puttin
I am trying to write a function to find the location where capture will
put the captured item. The manual states, that a target configuration
: (file+function "path/to/file" function-finding-location)
is possible. My question is, what is the function supposed to reurn?
- a string
I have a `org-init.el' file in my home directory, with common settings used
when in batch mode.
That works well when that file is a regular file:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
sva@MEDIACENTER$ make html
Exporting file /cygdrive/c/home/sva/file.txt to HT
Christopher Schmidt writes:
> (info "(org)Orgstruct mode") says that one is allowed to use
> orgtbl-mode in message-mode. Unfortunately this does not work as
> expected.
Typo - I meant orgstruct-mode of course.
Bastien writes:
> The page mentions that Org is available for MacOSX, but
> doesn't say anything about other platforms.
> Org is available for all platforms that can run Emacs.
I would love to seem them include the list :)
┏━━━┫ Wikipedia on Emacs ┃
┃ Emacs has become one of the most ported n
Hi Sébastien,
"Sebastien Vauban" writes:
> I don't know if this is correct and sufficient, so please amend if
> not...
Applied, thanks. The only missing part in your patch is a
Changelog message.
Karl Voit writes:
> * Puneeth Chaganti wrote:
>> Venkatesh Choppella (cc-ed) and I have done a basic workshop [1]. But
>> this was a very basic workshop and it looks like you wish to do a much
>> more advance one. Also, Venkatesh teaches a course in his university
>> that introduces student
Hi Vera,
"Vera Zubor - DownloadAtlas.com" writes:
> we have done new complete security tests. To assure our users that
> Org is clean and safe to install, we awarded your software again with
> our DownloadAtlas.com 100% Safe award. If you want to notify y
Ilya Shlyakhter writes:
> p.s. it _would_ be good to have an option, when exporting a
> "#+BEGIN_SRC org" block, to use the Org export settings from the main
> Org file, rather than exporting a fontified copy of the Org buffer for
> the block. Is there a way to do that currently?
Try exportin
Hi Adam,
Adam Spiers writes:
> org-get-category can sometimes invoke org-refresh-category-properties
> which can perform a re-search-forward which destroys the existing
> match data. When called from org-agenda-get-todos, this can result in
> its subsequent call to (match-beginning 2) to return
On 3/8/2012 7:53 AM, Ilya Shlyakhter wrote:
- when exporting to HTML, I want to run the HTML exporter on the nested
org buffer and insert its results -- rather than inserting a boxed
version of the Org source.
p.s. one solution could be to run the HTML exporter on the nested org
and show the r
On 3/8/2012 2:32 AM, Sebastien Vauban wrote:
In Org, entry text can't have substructure (other than drawers and plain
lists): you can't have an entry that
has some text, then a subtree, then more text.
Take a look at "inline tasks". I think that's more what you're after...
Thanks -- looked at
Hi Adam,
Adam Spiers writes:
> ---
> lisp/org-agenda.el |2 +-
> lisp/org-list.el |2 +-
> lisp/org.el|2 +-
> 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Applied, thanks!
Hi Truong,
Truong Nghiem writes:
> Is there any way to turn on orgmode markups inside LaTeX fragments for
> export? For example, when I write
> \mycommand{*Bold text*}
> in an org file and export it to LaTeX, I would like to have
> \mycommand{\textbf{Bold text}}
> Currently it is export
suvayu ali writes:
> Sorry the previous patch was buggy. I forgot to escape a brace. This
> patch supersedes the last one.
Applied, thanks!
Sorry the previous patch was buggy. I forgot to escape a brace. This
patch supersedes the last one.
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 01:41, suvayu ali wrote:
> Hi,
> This is adds a small example to better illustrate the use of
> LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS. Thanks to Nick for encouraging me to sub
* Puneeth Chaganti wrote:
> Venkatesh Choppella (cc-ed) and I have done a basic workshop [1]. But
> this was a very basic workshop and it looks like you wish to do a much
> more advance one. Also, Venkatesh teaches a course in his university
> that introduces students to Org-mode [2], which mi
* Thorsten wrote:
> Karl Voit writes:
>> It will be held in German only anyway ...
> In what part of Germany?
No part of Germany at all.
Graz :-)
> Is that open to the public - and free?
No. It is for our «Interne Weiterbildung» (internal education
program) of our university where employe
> Hi everyone,
> I'm using orgmode in a multi OS environment. (OS X, Linux & Windows)
> Most of the time I carry a USB-drive or stick.
> I try to keep all linked files inside the same directory structure
> used on all OS's.
> Does anyone have a solution to keep links in Orgmode files intac
>From d4d2f7f32e659269c885a934a131c7aea1ec4798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Vauban
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 11:04:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Allow customization of date and time format
Allow customization of date and time format
* org-html.el (org-export-as-html): Use a variable
Hi everyone,
I'm using orgmode in a multi OS environment. (OS X, Linux & Windows)
Most of the time I carry a USB-drive or stick.
I try to keep all linked files inside the same directory structure
used on all OS's.
Does anyone have a solution to keep links in Orgmode files intact
between OS's?
I r
Hi gurus,
I have a problem with Org-mode version 7.8.03
(release_7.8.03.351.g47eb3) on GNU Emacs
(x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.9) of 2012-03-08.
(info "(org)Orgstruct mode") says that one is allowed to use orgtbl-mode
in message-mode. Unfortunately this does not work as
55 matches
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