Drat. I meant to add that when I run the code exactly as I have it
from R directly, it works. I literally copy and paste my org-mode
babel block code line by line into a terminal and obtain the proper
output via tikz. *That's* the perplexing part. What would be working
directly from R and not from Org-mode?

For reference, I've generated plenty of stuff just like this via
org-mode/babel. Come to think of it, even another lattice plot.

Not sure how to pinpoint what's goofy about this specific plot.


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 2:40 PM, John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an R block like so:
> #+begin_src R
> library(lattice)
> library(tikzDevice)
> =bunch of code=
> barchart(side$name~side$x2,groups=side$type,horiz=T,
>         xlim=c(0,0.75),col=c("lightblue","yellow"),xlab="Product
> Performance (2-box)")
> dev.off()
> tools::texi2dvi("bar-2b.tex",pdf=T)
> #+end_src
> The resultant tex file is empty where the tikz code should be and
> texi2dvi fails. Any suggestions? If I change my plot to base graphics
> with barplot, it works. I'm thinking this is a lattice/babel issue?
> Thanks for any input,
> John

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