specific field?
Thanks again for the help...
mike chambers
Ronny Haryanto wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Mike Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Name
>> {{ form.user_name }} {{ form.user_name.errors }}
d how and why django is built the way it is.
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On #1, there is already similar information in the class (such as the
overall feed description, url, etc...
#2 makes sense though.
mike chambers
Rajesh Dhawan wrote:
> On May 1, 2:11 pm, Mike Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am using the feed api, and it work
Could you just specify the data in the URL that you redirect to?
Jay Parlar wrote:
> On 5/2/08, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I must be missing something super obvious here, but I can't figure out
>> how to pass data to a new view, from the old one.
Is that what you are looking for?
chiefmoamba wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a problem getting data from the user model in to my model
> (below). I can get the usernames easy enough using "user =
> models.ForeignKey(User)",
er is told
there is an error. I think there are a number of tickets logged, but
the official word is to wait until newforms-admin is complete. (I
think, anyone know better?)
On 5 May 2008, at 14:52, Ben Eliott wrote:
> Hi kg,
> Class HIP has a 1-to-many with Pr
model this relationship?
Thanks for any input...
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Thanks for confirming.
gets all of the chapters for the book. Thanks!
> The first way is the correct way, to get all the chapters for a given
> book you would do book_obj.chapter_set.all() , you can set what this
> attribute is
then be accessible through user.get_profile()
Hope that helps,
On 9 May 2008, at 15:14, Marcin Gorczyński wrote:
> Well basicly I want the groups to have more data associeted with them
> - like a image filename, extracting the numer of users, one-to-one
> relations with a mod
I missing something
already built in?
mike chambers
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nts is
being worked on. However, I am doing this in part to learn more about
Thanks for any thoughts...
mike chambers
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"Django users" group.
To po
hack, and ties the form handling too closely to that particular view.
Any suggestions?
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"Django users" group.
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rowser is redirected.
If I do:
request.session['a'] = ''
Then the session is available as expected.
I have tried to set:
request.session.modified = True
but that does not change the behavior.
Can sess
this outputs:
However, it it still not actually saved and available during a seperate
Rajesh Dhawan wrote:
> On May 13, 3:23 pm, Mike Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am running into an issue where my sessi
ttp import QueryDict
q = QueryDict(request.session['form_post_query_string'])
comment_form = CommentForm(q)
Anyone know why I cant store request.POST.copy() in the session?
Is that a bug?
Mike Chambers wrote:
> Thanks for the input.
> I am narrowing down the issue.
['form_post_data'] = request.POST.copy()
request.session['foo'] = "bar"
Then, in another request:
print request.session.keys()
prints []
request.session['foo'] = "bar"
then in another request:
print request.session.keys()
prints ['f
fyi, bug logged here with test case:
Mike Chambers wrote:
> ok. more info on this. (Sorry about all of the emails, but I am really
> trying to track this down, and see if it is a bug).
> If I try to include the request.POST data
data? I know how to
hash it using MD5, and SHA1, etc... but that is only a one way hash. I
dont want to have to loop through all of the possible values to compare
the hashes as that could get to be expensive.
Any suggestions?
also store the hash in the DB, but then if for some reason my
secret key changes, all of that data becomes useless.
The values would not be viewable. Instead of:
it would be
And searching on google and this list, only turned up one way hashes.
Richard Dahl wrote:
> I am not sure w
The value is encrypted in the form. The secret key, used to either
decrypt or hash the value, is on the server, and not in the form.
My application does not have the concept of logged in users.
jonknee wrote:
> How would that help if the "secret" value was in the form
I am not concerned if they can send the hash back. I dont want them to
be able to access the underling value that the hash is based on.
I am also not concerned about spam, but rather just dont want to expose
raw database ids to the public.
Richard Dahl wrote:
> Mike,
> I concu
Gabriel wrote:
> Mike Chambers gmail.com> writes:
>> I am not concerned if they can send the hash back. I dont want them to
>> be able to access the underling value that the hash is based on.
>> I am also not concerned about sp
what happens in your example if sally has a holiday.rtf ?
On May 16, 3:00 am, James McGill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new to Django and I'm not sure how best to achieve the following:
> Users may upload files - each uploaded file is tied to a user in the
> database using a Fore
That does indeed work, just remember you can only reload modules, not
individual classes you've imported from a module.
On 12 Jun 2008, at 09:52, Gregor Müllegger wrote:
> Maybe the builtin function ``reload`` might help you:
> http://docs.python.org/lib/built-in-fu
I've had a very similar problem and it turned out to be a permission
problem. I had used svn to get the latest django in my home directory and
then linked django from there to /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages. The
apache user had read/execute privileges up the /usr/lib pathway to
getting the cached version.
Does anyone see what I might be doing wrong? Am I removing the page from
the cache correctly?
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Hi jm,
I've been trying to reproduce your problem with no success. Can you
please post your nginx configuration (a safe version, obviously)?
Also, if you stop by #django, my username is axiak. It might be easier
to track this down in IRC.
On Jul 2, 6:26 pm, umrzyk &l
takes a request, but I need to delete the cache
for a specific page (which isnt the one being requested).
Mike Chambers wrote:
> I am using memcache for my site, and it is working well except for one
> issue.
> When a user enters a comment, I redirect them to the page th
based on the hashed path, but I dont want to branch the
django source.
Mike Chambers wrote:
> Upon looking at the source, it looks like I am using an out of date way
> to generate the cache key:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/utils/cache.py
page caching (and not path / cookie page caching).
mike chambers
Norman Harman wrote:
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/cache/#using-vary-headers
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/cache/#the-low-level-cache-api
Why not just use AJAX, and then have a save button to submit and save in
your database.
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm new with Django and I can't figure out a method to do what I want,
> that is to say inserting html dynamically in my page (I'm not
Hi all
Im trying to place into a list of experiments the number of procedures for each
>From within the views.py I can save the number of procedures in an experiment
>into either a list of tuples (e.id, count) or a dictionary {'e.id': count}.
>But when I come to access them in the
generation to add the new columns.
Perhaps if I get some time to read through and understand the syncdb code
I can produce an add_missing_columns command...
On 2/20/2007, "Adrian Holovaty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 2/19/07, kbochert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You need to tell your webserver where your static files, such as images
and css, are so that python+django can be bypassed and your webserver
can serve them.
On 2/27/2007, "MattW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Dear Group,
>I've got an HTML page wi
On 3/1/2007, "Sean De La Torre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>With the exception of dataset paging, it is feature complete and stable.
Excuse the dumb question, but does that mean that generic paginated views
will not work, or will just be quite inefficient?
Wow, slightly stunned that SQL Server 2000 doesn't have that, at least
Oracle has ROWNUM...! Thanks for the clarification though :)
On 3/1/2007, "Sean De La Torre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sorry for the confusion. The generic paginated views wi
Thanks for any help!
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Actually, after a nice strong cup of coffee, I figured I was doing this
completely the wrong way. I added a get_pages method to the category
which returns a queryset, then I supply the categories to the template
and let the template ask the category for the pages.
On 3/5/2007, "M
That particular QueryDict instance is immutable, so you won't get what
you want.
Try the following:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
new_data['author'] = "Username I want"
This will create a mutable instance and fill it with the correct data.
You can then use new_data in whatever context yo
Hi all,
Does anyone know what the plans for the schema evolution branch are? Can
we expect to see its ideas and code in 1.0?
I ask as having to write a patch runner to update live schemas is the
only part of working with Django that is an annoyance :)
Hi folks,
I was hoping someone could let me know if it's possible for Django
models, authentication and database access (among others) can be used by
a standalone application (i.e. not a web app)?
For example, I have a web app that defines a number of models. People
use the web interface but
if it's just a CMS you want, why don't you like
something already created?
Mike Axiak
On Apr 4, 7:20 pm, "Joshua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am completely new to the Django project and have some initial
> questions that I hope someone
ugMiddleware is available at
Hope this helps you,
Mike Axiak
On Apr 4, 11:41 pm, queezy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, the light just went on (finally!). I will put the http variable in
> where pdfbytes is found.
> Thanks
show_all_rows = False
class Meta:
any ideas what is wrong?
Mike Hostetler
els deep like that?
Thanks for any pointers you can give!
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Hi Ben,
Thank you, I had overlooked that! It works exactly as I wanted it to!
On 4/6/2007, "Benjamin Slavin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Mike,
>You'll probably want to check-out select_related. [0]
>With that feature, you could use:
it has ignored my pattern and went to the default admin change_list view.
How do I know this? There is no views.pyc file, and I put in an error
in the myapp.views to make sure I knew if I hit it.
Anyone please let me know what did wrong . .
Mike Host
at pattern is probably
> checked first. It's never getting to your pattern because it's matching
> the admin pattern.
> Todd
> On Sat, 2007-04-14 at 09:34 -0500, Mike Hostetler wrote:
> > I've been looking at this for a couple of hours and I have no idea
Mike Axiak
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You probably don't have APPEND_SLASH=True in your settings
configuration. (Or you don't have commonmiddleware enabled.) This
means that the common middleware won't take http://foo/bar and
automatically redirect it to http://foo/bar/ to match your regex.
Just a thought,
processor to get the information you need?
Note that it may be the case that neither of these appropriately match
your problem. In that case, why not write your own 4-line view? You
can even use
function wrappers (in python > 2.3, decorator syntax) to maintain DRY.
Hope this helps.
un 'python migrate.py' - any migrations on any of the
installed applications that have not been run would automatically get
run and a log kept so that migrations do not run twice.
Does this sound useful to anyone who is doing automate
thing released by the end of today, if not, by
the end of Monday.
Thanks for your comments!
On 4/20/2007, "Ned Batchelder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Just one comment on this: At Tabblo, we've found it very useful to have
>not only SQL migrations, but Python m
Hi all,
Release 0.01 of the migration module can be downloaded from
as well as a patch to integrate it into the syncdb command.
It seems to be working well for the developers here, so here's hoping
it's useful for some other people too :)
code I can reuse... and if any of the guys who did work on
them feel like submitting a patch, I'd be very happy :)
On 4/20/2007, "Oliver Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hey, this is neat!
>It's just a shame that it doesn't use Python mod
the migration code.
On 4/20/2007, "Mike H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ah, thanks for the heads up!
>Unfortunately, syncdb will install the latest SQL for all installed
>applications (as far as I am aware). Is there a way just to install the
ed to run to complete the migration goes here
# e.g.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
users = User.objects.filter(email_address__endswith='@aol.com')
for user in users:
# do something to the user here and save
Hope that helps.
On 4/20/2007, &quo
o a server the migrator can check
to see if it has been installed before. If not, it can use django to
generate the sql and install it. If it has been installed before it can
see what revision was installed previously and run the migrations that
are flagged with the intermediate revision numbers...
all your sql through migrations.
If you create a migration that sets up your table structure do the tests
run ok?
On 4/20/2007, "David Marko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks for an advice. I found problem with migrations when running
>tests - python manage.py
Hi again,
The docs have been updated with the points you raised.
On 4/20/2007, "Mike H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ah, yes, the docs aren't clear on this at the moment, but the automatic
>schema creation does not run if you use migrati
h outloud ;)
1) Mike wants to add " favourite_colour" attribute to a Profile object,
and Jeremy wants to add "shoe_size". There are two migrations that CAN
be applied out of order - they do not depend on each other at all. When
Mike updates, he will get the code and migr
I don't think there is a "right(tm)" way, but there are some things to
consider. A lot of people would argue that a unique characteristic makes a
very good primary key, I think I might be one of them. But, remember that
data reflects the real world. In general, a person's name isn't very
if in_db.width is not self.width
(if I've understood pre_save correctly, that is. I override the save
method, myself.)
Hope that helps,
On 4/26/2007, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a smal
We're working on it:
On Apr 26, 12:19 pm, Henrik Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jay Parlar wrote:
> > On 4/26/07, Brandon Low <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 16 hours ago I post
Is anyone able to provide an example of passing initial data to the
SelectDateWidget in newforms.extras.widgets (or to the DateField that
uses that widget)? I've tried many different approaches, but am
totally stuck.
Thank you!
You received
s to view django source
> code.
> On Apr 29, 8:59 pm, Mike Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is anyone able to provide an example of passing initial data to the
> > SelectDateWidget in newforms.extras.widgets (or to the DateField that
> > uses
Thanks Henrik -
I'm actually trying to pass initial data (a default date). Right now,
the widget defaults to 'January 1, 2007'... and renders HTML with
'selected' form attributes on that month, day and year. I would like
to pass, for example, '2007-04-15', to the render method of the
Thank you Malcolm - and thanks for the suggestions on requesting
help. I appreciate it.
On Apr 29, 6:45 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 01:04 +0000, Mike Thompson wrote:
> > Thanks Henrik -
> > I'm actually trying to pass
TECTED]:~/dukebox$ python manage.py shell < streamer.py
I'm wondering if there is a less hackish way of interfacing with Django
outside of the context of a web request?
You received this message because you are subscri
ey are in fact the same
Instead of errors = new_data = {}, write out:
errors = {}
new_data = {'drop_selection': 'US'}
I hope this helps!
Mike Axiak
On May 2, 9:34 pm, dbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guys, I'm trying to preselect a value for a
doing something similar to this was actually a source of a DoS attack
on PHP [1]. It does seem to me one of the features of Django that
there is little processing done to the actual request.
Mike Axiak
1: http://www.php-security.org/MOPB/MOPB-03-2007.html
On May 3, 11:58 am
Hi Will,
When you do {{ site }}, it should follow the rules and print
str(ts_data[...]), which is probably not what you want.
A more pythonic way to do what you want:
{% for site in ts_data.items %}
Site: {{ site.0 }}
Rank: {{ site.1.rank }}
{% endfor %}
Mike Axiak
On May
lazy/magical, you
can write careful __getattribute__ and __setattribute__ to emulate
Mike Axiak
On May 3, 12:50 pm, Gulopine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know of one way of going about this, but it relies on a Django patch
> (#4144) that hasn't been int
raise Http404
This is a very rough sketch of the shadiness you can do.
Mike Axiak
1: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-httplib.html
On May 3, 4:24 pm, "Bob T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a situation where I would
I copied the code exactly as you have it and tested, and -- as I
expected -- it worked fine. Are you sure you set the first_name and
last_name fields correctly?
Perhaps you're looking at the wrong object?
Michael Axiak
On May 4, 7:19 am, Nicolas Steinmetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You can pass it in the URL, mywebsite.com/14/add. You can pass it field.
Assuming you have another page for selecting bar, you can pre-populate a bar
field in the add foo page. That way the user knows what bar he selected
earlier. Then it comes back with the form. You can use a select control
If you have checkbox fields you also need to run ``prepare``::
I hope this helps,
On May 23, 12:11 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Can you post your manipulator
+ {{ permission }}
> > {% endfor %}
> >
> > {% if perms.lab %}
> > yes you have permissions
> > {% else %}
> > no permissions
> > {% endif %}
> >
> > On output I get:
> >
> > Permissions:
> > + l
tzian transform for efficiency, just put it
in a list:
query_list = [(x.calculated_field, x) for x in queryset]
query_list = [x[1] for x in query_list]
All of these solutions, however, do not scale as well as they would if
you could express them in SQL.
On May 24, 10:53 pm, jmborr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please help the newbie!
> I have a list of authors:
> authorList=( ('john','doe') , ('jane','smith') )
> If I want to filter a table of authors (
there already):
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-updates main
Issue the following commands:
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install python2.5
1: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.5/2.5.1-0ubuntu1
ay (5/25) Feisty-updates has 2.5.1-final.
Anyone running 2.5.1c1 should upgrade to avoid unnecessary bugs when
using Django.
[1]: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2007-April/072573.html
[2]: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/3765
On May 26, 10:30 pm, Forest Bond &l
there yet,
and the online documentation points to a .validate() on the model which
is marked as experimental. If it's possible, where can I put custom
validation like that, that the admin area will pick up on? I'm currently
using 0.96 but could easily upgrade to the svn trunk if neede
admin area will display as an error and
let the user correct the data?
Collin Grady wrote:
> You need to write a validator and use validator_list in the field
> attributes to do custom validation in admin.
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/mod
Hope that helps,
> Hi
> I have a fairly simple use-case which I feel should be achievable, but
> which I'm not able to pull off. What I want is the ability to modify
> the base query used by the admin to add some derived properties. For
> exa
RailsEnvy's outrageous parody:
Sorry guys, but I couldn't resist...
Mike Blass
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
I am trying to get my django app to work using FastCGI on my host,
ASmallOrange. Their guides are out of date for doing this correctly.
I have established that fastcgi is working in the general case, as
this test.fcgi file works from both the command line, and from the web
browser (www.se
On Sep 27, 3:55 pm, Mike Atlas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to get my django app to work using FastCGI on my host,
> ASmallOrange. Their guides are out of date for doing this correctly.
> I have established that fastcgi is
so you need to have
Hope that helps,
Dushyant Sharma wrote:
> i have found this during working with django on windws.
> if i create folder like template, backup (start characters t, b etc)
I'm using the django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list generic view
because of the handy pagination. However, I need to have the user
accessing the page to be authenticated first. Is there any other way
than doing the check on the template? Thanks very much.
# Put strings here, like "/home/html/django_templates" or "C:/
# Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
# Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.
Postscript: I managed to fix this, funnily enough, by upgrading the
PHP on the same server to PHP 5. In the process of upgrading, MySQL
also got upgraded to 5 and the MySQL-python RPM got upgraded as well.
> I'm trying to run the latest Subversion version of Django on Centos
dedicated server.
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f not self.publish_date and self.state == 2:
> self.publish_date = datetime.date.today()
> return super(BlogEntry, self).save()
This override works when in the shell, but not through the admin interface.
I am just not understanding why it would fail
I should clarify: it's not failing, it just doesn't seem to be calling
the custom save method...
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"Django users" group.
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That one is me. It's intended as a stop-gap until a more pythonic, as
you say, evolution tool is officially working. Due to the complexity of
automatically generating migrations and the amount of time I have to
spend on it, the dbmigration tool will only ever be a way of
automatically applyin
Ubuntu (gutsy)
Apache (2.2.4)
Python (2.5.1)
mod_python (3.3.1)
I have a project with two projects underneath "local_apps.general" and
"shared.blog". Running the development server, everything runs great.
Thank you for your response,
The 'test' is actually just a stand-in name for this posting.
On Nov 26, 7:10 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> FWIW, you should never call stuff that might be interpreted as a
> Python module, 'test
SmileyChris wrote:
> On Nov 26, 1:03 pm, LorenDavie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Not sure if SmileyChris is this guy, but I've had good success with
>> this project:
>> http://www.aswmc.com/dbmigration/
> As Mike H said, d
For anyone giving presentations about Django who wants their
presentation "Django-branded", feel free to use an Apple Keynote
template I created for the purpose:
Mike Cantelon
Vancouver Open Business
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