I just did some local debugging, and notice something interesting. The 
cache key appears to be generated based on a hash of the request headers.

This means that visiting the same page in two different browsers will 
generate 2 unique keys, which means that the cache isnt used.

For example, on my site, loading /about/

Here are the cache keys generated:



So, if i visit the page first in Firefox, the page will be dynamically 
generated. If I then visit the page in Safari, the page will once again 
by dynamically generated (and not pulled from the cache).

If I am understanding this correctly, then it has a couple of implication:

1. it will be very difficult, if not impossible to remove a specific 
path / page from the cahche

2. cacheing isnt that efficient since it is per-page / per headers, and 
not just per page.

Anyone have any input on this? I realize that there is a good chance 
that I am missing something obvious.

One simple solution would be for me to change the django source to just 
generate a key based on the hashed path, but I dont want to branch the 
django source.


Mike Chambers wrote:
> Upon looking at the source, it looks like I am using an out of date way 
> to generate the cache key:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/utils/cache.py
> Does anyone have an example of how to generate the key from just the 
> page path? i.e.
> /about/
> The : get_cache_key API takes a request, but I need to delete the cache 
> for a specific page (which isnt the one being requested).
> mike
> Mike Chambers wrote:
>> I am using memcache for my site, and it is working well except for one 
>> issue.
>> When a user enters a comment, I redirect them to the page they 
>> commented from. However, since the page is cached they dont see the 
>> comment.
>> My first fix was to just appened a query string to the URL, but this 
>> then means other people dont see the content until the cache expires.
>> So, now I have code that removes the item from the cache before I 
>> redirect to the page:
>> -- 
>> from urlparse import urlparse
>> ref_uri = urlparse(request.META['HTTP_REFERER'])
>>     key = 
>> 'views.decorators.cache.cache_page..%s.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' 
>> % (ref_uri.path)
>>     from django.core.cache import cache
>> cache.set(key, None)
>> return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META['HTTP_REFERER'] + "#c_" + 
>> str(comment.id))
>> -- 
>> The key ends up looking like:
>> views.decorators.cache.cache_page../about/.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 
>> I got the key code from:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/500d8cebe1f0c4e1/b077ec2e97697601?lnk=gst&q=cache+delete+page#b077ec2e97697601
>> Anyways, this doesnt work, and when I am redirected to the page, I am 
>> still getting the cached version.
>> Does anyone see what I might be doing wrong? Am I removing the page 
>> from the cache correctly?
>> mike

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