> I recently upgraded Django from 0.96 to 1.0.2 but noticed that the CPU
> load for the same site traffic jumped by 50%. Has anyone else noticed
> anything similar or might have any clue as to why this might happen?
Hi there,
do you do any pickling or serializing of QuerySets? I do remember
Hi, this is how I do it, but don't rely on effectiveness of this
solution - I'd be the first one to say that I'm a mediocre programmer
def serialize(data):
'''Input: instance of PluginParameters
Output: base64-encoded string that can be stored in a database
if not isinstance
PYTHONPATH is an environment variable, not a file. Try typing "env"
at yout Ubuntu command line.
How to modify the environment variable was already descibed in this
thread so I won't go into that again.
On 9/18/08, KillaBee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Th
e Summary section of
You could also completely remove the mod_autoindex from Apache, but
make sure that it won't have any unwanted side effects on your
Jirka Vejrazka
> I have a management command that that starts up a few process to process a
> request: http://dpaste.com/7925/.
Hi, I was recently debugging similar issue and came to a conclusion
(which may be wrong of course :) that multiprocessing and Django DB
connections don't play well together. I ended u
> Thanks Jirka, that fixed the problem. But I think I will file a bug report
> that seem to be very hacky :)
Great, I'm glad it solved your problem. Personally, I don't think it
is a bug, as we both pushed Django well beyond its "area of
expertise". I really believe that Django is great for servi
> I commented out the ForeignKey because it caused an error.
Just a small coding note - it was causing an error because you did not
specify the model name exactly (compare the character case)
You received this message because you ar
correct me if I got it wrong, but you essentially need these 4 things:
1) obtain the date for the the newest messages to delete
2) get cacheID of all objects to be deleted
3) delete the files
4) delete these objects from the database
So, you could use something like this:
# get the date
Well, I was bound to get something wrong :)
> to_be_purged =
> archivedEmail.objects.filter(received__lte=newest_to_delete).values('cacheID',
> flat=True)
the end of the line should be .values_list('cacheID', flat=True) #
not .values(
You received this message becau
>> > Is it possible for django to render a javascript calendar? How so?
>> > If this is possible, a code snippet would be very helpful.
Django Admin has a JavaScript calendar you can copy or learn from -
take a look at django.contrib.admin.widgets.AdminDateWidget
You re
> class Choice(models.Model):
> poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)
> choice = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> votes = models.IntegerField()
> def __unicode__(self):
> return self.question
> I know the structure is wrong.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> # Make sure our __unicode__() addition worked.
>>>> Poll.objects.all()
> []
> ME:
>>>> Poll.objects.all()
> []
> Thanks for the time!
> Best
> Z.
> On May 11, 12:03 pm, Jirka Vejrazka wrot
the "default" lines where you just uncommented existing lines (like
the "include admin") start with spaces, the lines you've created start
with Tab characters. Mixing tabs and spaces is not a good practice
(generally, it's recommended to use spaces only).
If you swich your editor to "di
> Do anyone knows a Python Database framework, which resembles Django's
> approach to database programming? I need it to use outside of Django, for
> other Python scripts.
Any reason why you wouldn't Django itself? I do use the ORM to
multiple projects that have no relation to web. Works very well
a simple hint: try to point out a place in your code where
has_visited does exist and is set to False.
Also, you probably don't want to have any code in your view after an
unconditional "return" statement - that code would never get executed.
You received this messa
As long as you have Django installed, yes. It's in the documentation.
On 26/05/2010, Murasame wrote:
> Can a Django powered app run in a standard apache mod_python only
> webserver?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django
> i have cache enabled on a few heavy statistical views.
> I would like to generate the pages before a user goes to that page and maybe
> even
> regenerate the pages every hour to avoid the initial delay.
> However, i can't seem to automate the caching as my site's authentication
> gets in the wa
> ret_val = stats_top_callers_per_year(_request)
> cache.set(reverse("stats_top_callers_per_year"), ret_val)
it's your code and I won't try talk you out of it :)
However, I don't see any reason why you couldn't call
"stats_top_caller_per_year" from an external script, unless you d
> I could indeed, as you correctly point out, put it in a cronjob provided
> that i can access the cache that is currently used byt the site.
> I haven't yet found how to do that. Probably not that hard.
> But i don't see a benefit to putting the code in a cronjob.
> Apparently, you do, so could yo
> That's why i asked on what Django uses as a key to set and entry in the cache.
> If i generate the page and put it on the cache and then rely on Django to get
> it,
> the key i use needs to be the same as Django uses otherwise the page isn't
> found in the
> cache and the page is generated agai
> I still have 2 approaches i can take.
I still believe that there is a 3rd option there - to bypass the
view / auth / login machinery completely :)
If your primary goal is to cache the statistics and the statistics
does not depend on the user that is logged in (you did pass a user
with pk=1
Hi Balu,
django-admin.py uis copied to C:\Python2x\Scripts on your PC
(depending on the specific Python version). This is not typically on
you system path, so Windows can't find it.
A simple solution is to copy or move the django-admin.py from
Scripts subdir to C:\Python2x (where python.exe
os.path is a standard Python module, you do have it already.
On 02/08/2010, yalda.nasirian wrote:
> hi
> note
> If you want to be a bit more flexible and decoupled, though, you can
> take advantage of the fact that Django settings files are just Python
> code by cons
> yeah, i was able to find that exact thing yesterday, and it works and i am so
> happy. now i have one more problem, i cnat get oracle-cx to work. it says
> that "no software installation was found" or something like that. i have the
> python-mysql working but i cant seem to get the oracle databa
> but when i login in my admin page i cant see all of my objects( like
> Publisher, Author, ...)
> http://www.djangobook.com/en/1.0/chapter06/
> i just have groups , users , sites .
> can you help me
the Django Book 1.0 is slightly outdated, the admin works slightly
differently with cur
> I have run into a consistent CSRF error in admin.
> It occurs when user tries to change his/her password.
> Every single time it returns CSRF error.
> My admin templates are not modified.
I'm not sure what your specific problem might be, but I experienced
CSRF problem in admin in 2 situ
> Is your AJAX query POST or GET query? Because as you may know, POST queries
> are not cached, GET queries are.
Also, GET requests are not cached in some cases (e.g. when GET
parameters are used) - it's really difficult to figure out what's
wrong without knowing specific details.
> I think that might be the case... I do extract parameters from GET.
> Am I out of luck?
Well, nothing can stop your from doing the caching manually so you can
tune it exactlly to your needs. It's actually not that difficult:
from django.core.cache import cache
def my_view(request):
# som
> tags = Tag.objects.all()
> for t in tags:
> indexed_tags[t] = Post.objects.filter(tags__name=t).count()
> Next I would sort indexed_tags and I have a dictionary of which tags are used
> the most.
> I'm wondering if this is a good idea ? Since if I have 1000 tags this would
> require 10
>> Is anyone aware of a Django app that lets you upload media files (not
>> necessarily in the admin site) but serves them through a view instead
>> of as static files via the web server? I need to control access to the
>> media using permissions. Thanks
> Serving media using views are very ineff
> My Url look like this
> di/sub?word=check&type=00&submit=Submit
> ---
> but it shows the error for symbols "?"
> ---
> i want to print only the word check in this url and it can be anyword
> given by user
Hi Sami,
> def current_datetime(request):
> word = request.GET['word']
> return HttpResponse(word)
> but it still showing Error
> Exception Value:
> unindent does not match any outer indentation level (view.py, line 7)
The error is exactly what is says - indentation is important in
Python and t
> my re reuested url is
> http://localhost/wap/di/sub?word=check&type=00&submit=Submit
please don't spam the list with the same requests. Your other
question has been answered and if you have follow up questions, it's
better to keep them in the same email thread. (also, please use a
> And failed most spectacularly. Do I need to be escaping something, or
> what am I missing?
Yes. Even for the raw regular expressions, the question mark at the
beginning must be escaped. Try a simple test case:
import sys
import re
s = r'\?q=taxonomy/term/[0-9]+$'
re_pattern = re.compile(s, re
> Yes, it's definitely possible. DBs support very large text fields nowadays, I
> wouldn't worry about it. Postgres's text field type is only limited by the
> 1GB value-size limit general to all Postgres DB fields.
Plus, you can easily compresss web pages very effectively using
built-in Python
> I've two modules called plan and income and both have a class called
> Income in their respective models. Now if I do user.income_set, it is
> accessing the income set under plan. How do I alter it to access
> income.income? Any ideas?
have you had a chance to check out related_name in th
> thanks for the replies..
> I am wondering if javascript is the only alternative if I want to use
> such a custom widget.
> If anyone knows about any such python widget please tell me..
You might want to dig a bit into website design to understand how
JavaScript-based systems work. That would h
> Please Suggest me an tutorial for interfacing django and restfuli thanks
Hi Sami,
you might want to check this out:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to
I must still be missing something here. If all you want to do is to
read CSV file and save the data in the database, I still don't
understand why you use the forms machinery.
You only *need* to use the data model, e.g.
from myapp.models import Data
csvfile = csv.reader('something.csv')
for line
first of all, if you will be sending emails like these, you're
likely to get ignored by people who are otherwise happy to anser
questions like yours (hint: 3 consecutive emails about the same topic
in 2 conferences, "anonymous" user etc.)
Now for the real "answer". You have not told us an
> I try to follow the ideas, but i feel like taking the dirty way.
> Here's my work:
> Because i can't replace the modelform created by the admin for the
> "Data" model with a standard form as the Django docs says, i created a
> view to replace the "add" view generated by the admin and put a
> stan
> is there a way not to send form data in plain-text format? I've found
> jCryption for PHP ("In short words jCryption is a javascript HTML-Form
> encryption plugin, which encrypts the POST/GET-Data that will be sent
> when you submit a form."). Is there a way to crypt data without using
> SSL?
> The following is my django code. I would like to have 3 column drop-
> down list.
It sounds like you might want to check out Dajax
(http://www.dajaxproject.com/), Dojango
(http://code.google.com/p/dojango/) or JQuery (there are plenty of
examples for using JQuery with Django out there).
> But can i do something similar in the Model itself ?
have you checked the documentation?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
> How can I get hold of the connection used to create the object, from within
> each thread, so that each thread closes the connection that it has just
> used? Alternatively, how can I get a list of all the open connections that
> Django is using at any one time. I am using the "standard" model que
> For example, django listen on tcp port 8000, and the Xvnc also listen
> on tcp port 8000.
> It's wired.
Hi Bill,
this is technically impossible, two programs cannot listen on the
same TCP port (on one interface). It's very likely that it was Django
webserver listening there.
Overall, st
> What am I doing is want to simplify using vnc.
> I'm a Linux administrator. As you know, if users want to use vnc they
> must login the server with ssh to start vnc server first.
> Then get the port or id number, then use vncviewer or http link to
> access the vncserver.
> I just want them to acc
> Can someone please suggest how to get the complete string ?
Passing (semi-) arbitrary strings in GET parameters can lead to all
sorts of issues (probably less for english-only sites). You might be
better off by passing primary key of the item model or some other
unique identifier that is "web
Hi Victor,
It really depends on complexity of your PDF. I needed to do
something similar some time ago and used ReportLab addon called "pisa"
and used standard Django template language to define the PDF contents.
You might want to take a look, it worked well enough for simple PDF pages.
> I'm using Django against an Oracle 10 database. It used to work. Then they
> upgraded it to (not sure what from, I can probably find out).
Hi Tim,
sorry, I don't have a solution for you, but you might want to check
out http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/14149 and add description
> Interesting that I'm seeing this in an upgrade from to
> Instead of changing from LIKE to LIKEC - if I add more backslashes will that
> work?
Honestly, I can't tell. It's been too long and I can't test it now :-(((
You received this message because you are
> It looks as though something like that may be necessary. For those of
> you running into this problem, do you get the error with the following
> query?
> No error for me, but that's on a monkeypatched system. I can try
> without the patch, but only after weekend :(
Actually, screw production servers :) Tried on unpatched Django
1.2.1, got exactly the same result, no error.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
OK - here's my 2 cents:
Django 1.2.1, Oracle
In [1]: from django.db import connections
In [2]: c = connections['oracle'].cursor()
> - download the tar file
> - extract to a dir c:\django-1.1.1
> - run "python setup.py install"
> Can I now delete the c:\django-1.1.1 dir? (it seems like all the
> necessary files have been copied over to the python site library dir.
> Or, is there something that I may still need in the c:\djan
> I have a question for those of you doing web work with python. Is
> anyone familiar with a python based reporting tool? I am about to
> start on a pretty big web app and will need the ability to do some end
> user reporting (invoices, revenue reports, etc). It can be an existing
> django app or
You can't really. The code has to be executed, therefore it has to
be readable by the server. So, by definition, it is readable by sever
admin(s).. You could implement some obfuscation, but it,s not really
worth it.
The best you can do is to check your hosting contract/agreement, see
> i have a simple question here, i've been trying to found the answer
> but somehow i got confused if this is wheter possible or not:
it's always possible, just a matter of time and effort (and cost) ;-)
> I have two django models, movies and books , i want to get all the
> objects from bo
if I digress from the has_changed() problem, you mentioned you
wanted to send email after a user profile has changed. Assuming that
the profile is a model in the database, you might consider tying your
logic to the model rather than the form.
The post_save signal tied to the profile-relat
> But i m getting following Error after loading admin module in
> setting.py(Please Download attached file from Files Section):
Hi, you have not provided the error message nor any link where we can
see it (as far as I can see), so it's difficult to judge what the
specific problem is...
>> Then maybe web server is the best option. In all cases you have to
>> configure something until someday 'runserver' come with ssl support.
I think that no one would really object if runserver was SSL-aware,
however people requesting it need to be aware that having an SSL-aware
webserver is si
> customising templates. I am wondering if there is an easy way to
> spice up certain things, such as tables, in a similar way to the admin
> interface does. Specifically I'd like sortable/filterable columns at
> this time, perhaps with the option to add checkboxes/custom buttons to
> each row la
> I am using Django1.1.1(Apache via mod_wsgi deployment) with MSSQL DB. I
> found that the new DB connection is getting created for every request . But
> i want to use connection pooling.
> Can anyone provide me the link to achive connection pooling.
> Thanks and Regards,
first, pelase
> In the template I want to show something like
> {%if not len(objects_tatus ) %} # just to clarify the purpose..I know
> But how can I check the size of the dictionary? If it was a Queryset I
> could have used qset.count ..but here it would not work.
> Can somebody help?
Hi there,
Hi Bob,
> MacPro1:Downloads$ ls
> Django-1.1.1.tar
You have not unpacked the Django archive. You need to run:
$ tar xf Django-1.1.1.tar
It will create a subdirectory (named "Django-1.1.1" probably), then
you need to move to that subdirectory
$ cd Django-1.1.1
and then run the
$ python set
> how much mails can i send with send_mass_mail()
> i have like 7000 users and i have send mail to all of them.
I have never used it myself, but a quick glance at the source code
does not show any reason why this would not work. However, keep two
things in mind:
- the emails are first al
Hi Silaja,
first, I'm going to guess that no one will be able to solve your
problem. There are multiple reasons for it:
- Multiple database support is in Django 1.2. You insist on using it
on Django 1.1, without mentioning why you can't upgrade (the upgrade
would make sense for any reader not
Hi Nadeesh,
you need to use forward slashes, even on Windows (or
double-backslashes). So, changing to:
might solve your problem, assuming everything else is OK.
You received this message becaus
> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=C:/django/Django-1.1.1/djangotest/mysite/settings
Oops - I take it back (it's been a long day).
You need to supply Python path, i.e just "mysite.settings" if you
PYTHONPATH is already set to
PYTHONPATH=C:\django\Django-1.1.1\djangotest and mysite is a
directory there.
> The thing is: the application will get approved from an organization,
> and after that I have to avoid any kind of source edit,
> until another approval..
one option would be using proper permission for editing the source
code and Tripwire/AIDE for reporting on any unauthorized changes...
if you've untarred the Django archive, you have a new directory
called (probably) Django-1.1.1. Just go into that directory (in the
command line, do "cd Django-1.1.1") and then run installation the
standard Python way (for Python packages): "python setup.py install".
It should run for a
> i get "Database wit does not exist " (wit is the database for this
> proj but i dont if i should make it in postrgres or ??,i tries making
> it and then i got other errors)
> im working in Linux
it seems that your database setup is incorrect or the database just
does not exist. If it is t
sorry, but it seems that you need to take another look at the Django
documentation to figure out how it works. Let me point out couple of
things that were not exactly right in your email.
First, Django is not a CMS (although there are CMS systems based on
Django). Django is a *web developm
> What I am looking for is something that goes beyond the tutorials to
> bridge the gap to the detail of the modules. Are there any?
how about checking out some existing applications to learn how those
work? Many of them are small enough to get the useful tips and tricks
from them in 10 m
> I've got a form with 20 ImageFields - such a form for sending photos
> to the site admin as a request for a new user. Well, Django certainly
> handles and uploads the, that's OK. But when it comes to sending all
> the files as an attachment - I got stuck.
> Small files are read nicely. But when
> Is it possible to get real signals into Django processes? I have
> several processes that collect data for analysis, so they run a long
> time normally. For maintenance purposes, it would be handy to be able
> to send a SIGHUP to the processes and have them shut down cleanly. I
> read up on th
>> how exactly set up the database engine as SQLight? The tutorial
>> doesn't seem to tell us...
if you edit the file "settings.py" in your project directory, all
you need to do is to tell Django that you want to use SQLite3 and
where you want the database (somewhere on your disk, where you
>> now i have a finished template which wrote by j2ee,like this:
>> <#list dailyStarList as dailyS>
>> > 0>class="list_color_w"<#else>class="list_color"><#list
the syntax you're using is not standard Django template syntax, so
unless someone has replaced the defaul
> the syntax you're using is not standard Django template syntax, so
> unless someone has replaced the default Django tempating system with
> the same one as you did (and is familiar with it and read your email),
> you are unlikely to get a response from this list.
Oops - sorry. I misread your
Hi Marc,
if I remember correctly (can't check now), the documentation clearly states
that you should avoid using null=True on CharField unless you have a good
reason. Your example is a textbook reason why is it recommended - having two
distinct states for "empty string" (i.e. "blank" and "nu
> i am trying to use dajax in my page and i followed all steps several times
> as given hier: http://dajaxproject.com/
> but once i click on onclick="Dajaxice.home.randomize(Dajax.process), nothing
> is happening and i saw in console of firefox, there it says, "Dajaxice is
> not defined". but i i
> 1. ^wikicamp/(?P[^/]+)/edit/$
> 2. ^wikicamp/(?P[^/]+)/save/$
> 3. ^wikicamp/(?P[^/]+)/$
> The current URL, wikicamp/, didn't match any of these.
All defined URL's expect wikicamp/some_page_name/ (and maybe some
extras after). The requested URL has no page name, terminates right
after "wikica
search documentation for "database routers" and using() in the ORM...
-Original Message-
From: Min Hong Tan
Sender: django-users@googlegroups.com
Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 22:18:23
Reply-To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: django connect alternate databa
you're creating your database file in /usr/bin which is intended for
system executable files, not databases etc. It's highly likely that
you don't even have write permissions there (unless you work using the
"root" account which is a big NO-NO).
Set your database file somewhere where you
Are you trying to create passwords on behalf of users? This is usually a bad
If I got your message wrong and you talk about secure password hashes, is
there something specific you did not like about the current Django auth system?
Or maybe you are interested in password complex
> experience. However when I'm trying to execute following command in
> command prompt (Windows 7), I get this error.
> File "", line 1
> django-admin.py startproject mysite
> ^
> SyntaxError: Invalid synatx
Hi there,
this is a typical Python interprete
have you checked the messaging framework in Django?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> @Jirka - thanks. I saw something about the messaging framework and even
>> tried one example which did not work.
Using the messaging framework is actually very simple.
You need to enable the messaging framework (see the steps here:
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/contrib/messages/ )
> Hello,
> http://cdm-fr.fr/2006/schemas/CDM-fr.xsd"; language="fr-FR">
> {% if formations %}
Hi there,
you probably want to follow your {% if formations %} statement with:
{% for formation in formations %}
Check Django template documentation again - you're moving along th
Hi Marilena,
I'm also using Twitter Bootstrap and over time migrated to this
template snipped that I'm including in my templates at the place where
you put {{ form.as_table }}
If you find it useful, great :) I'm not a web developer by nature
so there may be a
> Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately that too does not work.
> I really need to find a way to get at the source of the problem; I would
> think an error message should be generated but none shows up...
Are you doing some magic in model's save() by any chance?
You recei
Sorry, I should have read your code before answering.
I'm struggling to understand what you do in your clean() method. Are
you sure you're returning the right set of data?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this
Hi there,
> As templates cannot do lookups into a dictionary
Templates can do lookups into a dictionary, see
(check the "Behind the scenes" section).
From what you've described, I'd try to prepare the necessary data in
a v
Hi there,
you definitely don't want to allow apache to setuid() to root as
you've pointed out. You have a few options, probably the easiest one
is to write a pair of scripts for each task you want your application
to perform with root privileges.
- the first script will only contain "sudo "
It's always good to copy the error message you're getting. It seems that you
try to run "python manage.py shell" ang getting an error that
Please follow at least a bit of the tutorial on docs.djangoproject.com which
will teach you how to set this variable prop
> right, I was being very brief in my description!
> But it is the following:
> I want to insert data into the database from the shell, django shell, but
> the result is always that you can not import the settings because the va
> riavel DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is not set
Did you read my previous e
It's easy to install Django on a Windows machine to test it out and
develop code. Most of this is covered here:
In a nutshell, you need:
- Python 2.x (2.7) - install it if you already have not done so
- Django (start with a stable release e.g.
Hi nav,
A long shot - do you happen to have a proxy defined in your browser? It is
possible to define a proxy for *all* request (including localhost) - this would
have the same effect.
-Original Message-
From: nav
Sender: django-users@googlegroups.com
Date: Mon, 27 A
If you have sessions enabled, you can use the built-in messages
framework (look in contrib) to display a message on the "next" page.
Alternatively, you can save (semi-) arbitrary data in the user session
and retrieve it in the view that displays the "success" page.
You receiv
Hi Phil,
incidentally, I was looking at this just recently. The
contrib.markup was deprecated mainly due to security issues with 3rd
party libraries that could not be fixed in Django itself and were
compromising its security. For more, read
Can't te
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