> Can someone please suggest how to get the complete string ?

  Passing (semi-) arbitrary strings in GET parameters can lead to all
sorts of issues (probably less for english-only sites). You might be
better off by passing primary key of the item model or some other
unique identifier that is "web safe" (number or simple string with no

  So, in your form you'd have:

  <option value={{ machine.pk }}> {{ machine.product_name }}</option>

  and in your view:
form myapp.models import Machine # or whatever it is
    pk = request.GET['product']
    value = Machine.objects.get(pk=pk)  # or use get_object_or_404 shortcut

  Hope someone can describe it better than me as I'm not a web developer :)



P.S. This all assumes you pull the form entries from your database.

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