> yeah, i was able to find that exact thing yesterday, and it works and i am so
> happy.  now i have one more problem, i cnat get oracle-cx to work. it says
> that "no software installation was found" or something like that. i have the
> python-mysql working but i cant seem to get the oracle database connector to
> work. got anny suggestions? im running a linux platform with Ubuntu.


  cx_Oracle needs Oracle client installed on the system to work. You
can get one for Ubuntu from
(Basic will work just fine).

  Upon downloading, just unpack it somewhere on your system where all
users can read the files and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
to point to that dir. So, I have the following line in my

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/oracle/instantclient_11_2

  This should do the job for you.



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