Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] dhis version 2.29 is released

2018-03-08 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
worker training. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Informatics, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis. On 7 March 2018 at 16:39, Lars Helge Øverland wrote

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Shift in strategy for DHIS2 Android development

2017-07-05 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Informatics, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis. On 4 July 2017 at 16:31, Ola Hodne Titlestad wrote: > Hi all, > > To respond to the increasing demand for Android apps for DHIS2 and keep up > with

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Org unit lists

2017-04-10 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Hi Alvin, John Mukulu shared the link to metadata in his first email - --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Informatics, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis. On 9 April 2017 at 08:21, Alvin Marcelo

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Org unit lists

2017-04-06 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ould be great if repository of medicines is also available, in something like the NDF <> at least for a region. Even in DHIS2 metadata format would be a good place to be. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA,

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Org unit lists

2017-04-06 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
I am assuming there is no repository, since I didnt get a response back. Is there at least interest among implementers and developers, to be able to share or host the metadata from different implementations? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Informatics

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Announcement of the DHIS2NZ app for DHIS2

2017-04-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Cool collection of tracks... Great way to celebrate April Fools' Day. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Informatics, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis. On 1 April 2017 at 09:01, J. Paul Mutali wrote: > H, > > thank

[Dhis2-devs] Org unit lists

2017-03-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
, tracker program forms (for standardized global programs) that could also be shared. Is there a repository some place? or plan for such a repository? May be it could simply be on the mailing list and people could share the metadata export files here. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Introduction to Community

2016-05-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Congratulations Laavanye... Looking forward to the enhancements to Dashboard app --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Informatics, IUPUI On 1 May 2016 at 00:55, LAAVANYE BAHL wrote: > Thank you everyone :) > On 30 Apr 2016 23:01, "Araz Abis

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Acknowledgement and Introduction to DHIS2 community

2016-05-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Congratulations Shubham and welcome to the DHIS2 community. Looking forward to working with you over the summer. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Informatics, IUPUI On 1 May 2016 at 04:29, Shubham Bhadani wrote: > Hello Respected Developers , > >

[Dhis2-devs] HISP/DHIS2 accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code

2016-03-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
lways believed in local capacity and we would like to see the same being propagated through GSoC HISP org - --- Regards, Araz and Saptarshi GSoC 2016 admins ___ Mailing list: https://lau

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Time stamp in Web API

2016-01-18 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
since users of a web system can be on different timezones and it is the client-side (JavaScript) to correctly display it to be user. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Visiting assistant professor Department of BioHealth Informatics, IUPUI On 17 January 2016 at 08:51, Pamod Amarakoon wrote

Re: [Dhis2-devs] PostgreSQL in DHIS

2016-01-17 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
discover any issues --SP From: Apoorv Patel Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 21:34 To: Saptarshi Purkayastha Subject: Re: PostgreSQL in DHIS Yes I have done that and my server is set up. Now I want to create tables in my postgreSQL but I can't find anything like phpAdmin. Is there anything

Re: [Dhis2-devs] PostgreSQL in DHIS

2016-01-17 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Have you followed the instructions here - It has details about creating the database, user, connection settings etc. Please reply back if you have any trouble. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Visiting assistant

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Dhis2 Android SDK setup

2016-01-14 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
quite sure what incompatibilities might occur after changing the following in that file. sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA, Ph.D. Visiting assistant professor Department of BioHealth Informatics, IUPUI

Re: [Dhis2-devs] java 8 required from dhis 2.20

2015-02-25 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
+1 for this... Java 8 has nice language features as well as excellent runtime JVM improvements DHIS2 community will benefit a lot from this move. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 25 February 2015 at 08:11, Lars Helge Øverland wrote: > Hi, > > Java 7 reaches end of life on April

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Support for Java version 7 terminates in April 2015

2015-01-26 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Hi Calle, For my very small demo dataset and random clicking on some links, DHIS2 works fine on 1.8.0_25 So, it is working well for me. What in Java 8_u25 was not working for you? May be some unit tests were failing? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 25 January 2015 at 14:53, Calle Hedberg

[Dhis2-devs] Oracle database support

2014-10-06 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
there is a map of supported DBs and it has MSSQL in it, but its correlated dialect isn't in the codebase. Oracle 10g is very close to Postgres 9 I think, so that should be fairly easy to add I think? --Saptarshi Purkayastha ___ Mailing l

Re: [Dhis2-devs] interesting article on ssh port numbersh

2014-09-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Thanks Lars, for sharing the interesting article. I also recommend that people use fail2ban <>. It is a simple tool that looks at logs to fend brute force --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 28 September 2014 16:37, Bob Jolliffe wrote: > Some interesting tho

Re: [Dhis2-devs] halvdan grelland joins as developer

2014-06-20 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Welcome Halvdan... Good to hear you join the team!! --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 20 June 2014 15:25, Lars Helge Øverland wrote: > Hi all, > > I have the pleasure to announce that Halvdan Grelland has joined the team > as software developer on a 30% basis. > > Halv

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Import Demo Database in live version

2014-05-27 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
the dhis-live/conf folder. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 27 May 2014 15:07, wrote: > Hi, > > I' m Gianluca Carbone and I'm working for the GSOC2014. I would like

[Dhis2-devs] [GSoC 2014] Congratulations and Welcoming Students to DHIS2

2014-04-23 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
4. Gianluca Carbone <> - WebDriver based framework for automated test scripts Mentors: Saptarshi Purkayastha, Jan Henrik Øverland 5. Anum Hassan <> - Allow data entry from OpenDataKit Mentors: Jim Grace, Saptarshi Purkayasth

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Regarding GSOC 2014, contribution to the SMS parsing project under DHIS2.

2014-03-16 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
w you will implement and some examples how the incoming SMS will be parsed, vis-a-vis a script written in your proposed language. Good luck for the proposal. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 16 March 2014 16:24, Vaishnavi Bharadwaj wrote: > Hello, > > I got to know about the *SMS p

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Fwd: GSOC_2014 Scriptable SMS parsing

2014-03-16 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
proposal. Good luck for the proposal --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 14 March 2014 09:14, kasun perera wrote: > > > Hi All > > I'm a MPhil student at University of Colombo School of Computing. Also a > successful GSOCer for Dbpedia project last year. My current research

Re: [Dhis2-devs] GSoC2014

2014-03-15 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
If you are not able to see these, please write back. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 15 March 2014 21:13, Jan Henrik Øverland wrote: > -- Forwarded message -- > From: "Gianluca Carbone" > Date: Mar 15, 2014 12:26 PM > Subject: Re: GSoC2014 > To:

Re: [Dhis2-devs] GSOC Idea

2014-03-03 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
discussing your app ideas with the community. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 25 February 2014 21:59, Aagam S Shah wrote: > Hey Saptarshi, > > I am Aagam Shah from DA-IICT 3rd year B.Tech student. I saw thatDHIS is > selected as an organization for GSOC and you are one of the me

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [GSoC 2014] Questions regarding Android and HTML5 features

2014-02-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ave a project tracker (like github, JIRA etc.), we can also use that. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 28 February 2014 19:52, Seide, Germine wrote: > Hello team, > It is a good idea to have more DHIS 2 features available on mobile. I am > working with 2 students on mainly the

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [GSoC] DHIS2 - JSON enabled storage API

2014-02-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Hi Ricardo, Welcome to the DHIS2 community. Building from source, installing and playing with DHIS 2 will go a long way. This will help you understand data modeling and the terms used in DHIS 2. Do read the other emails that have been sent to the list to GSoC aspirants. --- Regards, Saptarshi

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [GSOC] Scriptable SMS parsing

2014-02-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Andreas will be able to tell you more, if you can come up with more concrete suggestions. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 26 February 2014 23:45, Mayank Jain wrote: > Hi, > I am pre-final year student at IIIT-Hyderabad , India pursuing my B Tech > Honors and MS in Natural Lang

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [GSoC 2014] Questions regarding Android and HTML5 features

2014-02-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
r own suggestions. Do read the other emails, to see what you can do till the GSoC application process starts. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 28 February 2014 19:16, Bhargav Golla wrote: > Hello > > I hope my mail hasn't missed anyone's attention. I would be very much &g

Re: [Dhis2-devs] GSOC: Android and HTML5 features (Project)

2014-02-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
- - Get some good ideas and include them as part of the GSoC application. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 28 February 2014 10:33, Gaurav wrote: > He

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [GSOC 2014] Allow data entry from OpenDataKit / JSON enabled storage API

2014-02-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
challenges, what frameworks are difficult to understand etc. This will be useful to other students who are starting to be DHIS 2 developers. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 28 February 2014 18:33, Anum Naveed wrote: > Hi All, > > I am a female student of Masters in computer scien

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [GSoC-2014] Android and HTML5 features

2014-02-28 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
l to other students who are starting to be DHIS 2 developers. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 27 February 2014 04:19, wrote: > I am a 3rd year engineering student from BITS Pilani, India. I am > interested in taking up the project for development of android / html5 > services for

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Support for comma delimited identifiers in the API?

2013-12-11 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
-variables --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 11 December 2013 13:13, Lars Helge Øverland wrote: > Hi Jason, > > thanks for the suggestion. No doubt there is a need for a compact format > for items. > > Only problem is that the "," character is defined as &

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Support for comma delimited identifiers in the API?

2013-12-11 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Spring calls these Matrix Variables and is very easy to support using Spring MVC. I like the idea. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA On 11 December 2013 05:49, Jason Pickering wrote: > Hi there. > > I

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS2 WSDL?

2013-11-27 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
hem better. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 20:01:27 +0500 Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS2 WSDL? From: To: CC:; Hi Saptarshi, I thought the whole point of using WSDL was to answer to "You

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS2 WSDL?

2013-11-27 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
etter. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA > From: > To: > Subject: DHIS2 WSDL? > Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:21:24 + > > Hi, > > Does DHIS2 have a WSDL that I can use? I want to build a module in our > java based EHR system that will automati

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Timestamp returning date in web api call for datavlaue set

2013-11-19 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
they are consistent and with timestamp. I like the lastupdated name instead of timestamp. This also allows to follow-up if the values have been changed or not since the last time they were read. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA From: Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 12:15:41 +0100 Su

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Timestamp returning date in web api call for datavlaue set

2013-11-19 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
rgUnit=YuQRtpLP10I&orgUnit=vWbkYPRmKyS&children=true Yes, I can see the timestamp lists only date and I agree would be good that its a full timestamp instead of date only. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA From: Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:13:57 +0100 To:

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

2013-11-05 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Hi Jason, I am not opposed to it really and think it would be a nice to have (just as > it would to be able to search on any property of an object), but what is > the real use case here? > The real use-case here is that in Custom Data Entry code, I want to make some Web API calls. I can easily ge

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

2013-11-04 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
this never be implemented? 2. Should we just remove search by uid? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 03:54:04 +0800 From: To:; CC: Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

2013-11-04 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
web API calls. This makes it more flexible to use and switch between the two IDs depending what functionality you want to use, either from core web interface (uses IDs) or Web API (uses UIDs) --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA From: Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 16:57:26

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

2013-11-04 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
--- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA From: Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 16:36:25 +0100 Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id To: CC: Hi, try the uid. For a web API user there is only one id (which is the uid). We don't wa

[Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

2013-11-04 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
it only work for code and name and not for id? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : https

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Error in creating dhis database

2013-10-19 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
On this page - scroll down to database setup and you'll find changes to that needs to be done for MySQL --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA From: Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:47:35 +0200 To: CC: dhis2

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Wierd ClassCastException on WebAPI calls

2013-10-14 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
yea, its just /api/resources If you have access to one of the uio desktops and try the IE8 in that, you can replicate it as well --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA From: Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 14:49:32 +0200 To: CC: Subject: Re

[Dhis2-devs] Wierd ClassCastException on WebAPI calls

2013-10-14 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ts sending for text/html. But this is only a wild guess. Will be good to fix before the 2.13 release. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA ___ Mailing list: Post to :

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Removing camel integration module

2013-10-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 11:26:55 +0100 From: To: Subject: [Dhis2-devs] Removing camel integration module We have decided to remove the camel integration module from the dhis2 war file in the next release. As the web api

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Hello, can you help me with a query with web api.

2013-10-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
l bug that I remember seeing sometime back that throws a NullPointerException if you pass only one orgUnit. The workaround is that you will have to pass a dummy orgunit (say the root orgUnit) that will not have data for the required dataset. Does this work for you?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAY

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Mobile visualizer

2013-09-26 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Hi Yuriy, This is excellent. The video looks quite nice. Its working quite well and I congratulate for the great work done over the summer. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:04:17 +0300 Subject: Re: Mobile visualizer From: To:

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Alteration of datavalue:lastupdate to timestamp

2013-08-23 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
+1 for it to be TIMESTAMP --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 23 August 2013 10:04, Jason Pickering wrote: > Hi Devs, > I would like to know what the feeling is about upgrading the "lastupdated&q

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Strange request from

2013-07-19 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
egards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 19 July 2013 20:11, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen wrote: > Thanks Bob. That's definitely the case. However, do you think this can > affect the performance? In other words, will it cause

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Strange request from

2013-07-19 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
and it will show you that in the logs. If its dynamic address, it will be problematic though... --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Mobile visualizer progress

2013-07-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
-- From: Yuriy Ivanovich Sent: ‎01-‎07-‎2013 12:40 To: Saptarshi Purkayastha Cc: Lars Helge Øverland ; Subject: Re: Mobile visualizer progress Hello guys, Any updates ? Best Regards, 2013/6/29 Yuriy Ivanovich > So , if You en

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Translations to French and Spanish

2013-06-26 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Sorry, I missed the earlier email, which had the link to the Pootle instance --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 26 June 2013 17:35, Saptarshi Purkayastha wrote: > Hi Jason, > > Does this make u

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] Translations to French and Spanish

2013-06-26 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Hi Jason, Does this make use of the launchpad translations? I've seen projects that use prop2po/po2prop and use the launchpad translations --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 26 June 2013 17:32,

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Mobile Visualizer

2013-06-18 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Thanks Yuriy Looking forward to see your work over the summer. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 18 June 2013 02:28, Yuriy Ivanovich wrote: > Hello guys > > I already created repository

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Mobile Visualizer

2013-06-17 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
branches. The mentors for your project as well as other community members will be able to follow your progress. We also suggest that you maintain a blog and make a weekly post highlighting the progress that you are making with your projects. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: http

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Mobile Visualizer

2013-06-17 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
inux) Also, since this will be mobile app, the mobile browser WebView or what have you for the different platforms, allow cross-domain calls. So that will not be a deployment problem. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHA

Re: [Dhis2-devs] introducing jim grace

2013-05-31 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Great to have you work with us... Welcome onboard!! --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 31 May 2013 11:26, Lars Helge Øverland wrote: > Hi all, > > this week we have the great pleasure of getting

[Dhis2-devs] Welcoming our Google Summer of Code 2013 interns!!

2013-05-27 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
- Android application for DHIS2 (Mentors: Olav & Long) - Florian Cech - Dialplan (PBX) generation for patient communication (Mentors: Saptarshi & Tran) - Yuriy Bugryn - Mobile visualizer (Mentors: Lars Øverland & Roshan) - Rosu Ovidui - Metadata import/export (Mentors: Morten &

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] hibernate_sequence is working by default in Postgres

2013-05-16 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 15 May 2013 12:27, Uddin Fatema wrote: > Dear All, > I converted MySql

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL

2013-05-07 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
_exclusion = partition --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 7 May 2013 20:36, Orvalho Augusto wrote: > Wow! Weldone! > > I do not have a huge database as yours. And yes I have migrated from My

[Dhis2-devs] Migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL

2013-05-07 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
lly a good practice. We should also have a convention of using last_updated instead of lastUpdated in column names, as is the common practice. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE __

Re: [Dhis2-devs] GSoC 2013

2013-04-18 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 17 April 2013 21:10, shruti gupta wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I am a third year undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Information > Systems. I am interested to work

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [GSoC] Interested in participation

2013-04-18 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
at bugs to be solved - Project ideas and mentor list - --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 17 April 2013 19:49, Rafaela Voiculescu wrote: > * > > Hello, > >

Re: [Dhis2-devs] GSoc 2013

2013-04-15 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
and mentor list - --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE Hi, > > I am Kushagra Singh, a Computer Science student fromBirla Institute of > Technology and Science, Pilani from India. I am

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Non-gregorian calendar systems

2013-04-13 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Not joda-time exactly... but JSR310, which learnt most things from joda-time This has been in the Java8 release since last 6 months or so --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 13 April 2013 13:33, Bob Jolliffe

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Non-gregorian calendar systems

2013-04-13 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ecific. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 13 April 2013 10:36, Jason Pickering wrote: > Hi Saptarshi, > Yes, I cannot speculate really why DHIS2 only supports the Gregorian > calendar, but this is

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Non-gregorian calendar systems

2013-04-12 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
we need to take is being able to retrieve the correct calendar based on the set locale. A simple BS calendar JS - --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 12

Re: [Dhis2-devs] GSOC 2013 Information

2013-04-08 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
er on the platform. PS: To the dev list, please help bring together other pieces of documentation that might be useful for incoming students --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 9 April 2013 00:55, Lars

[Dhis2-devs] DHIS2 participating in Google Summer of Code 2013

2013-04-08 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ced For the internship, Google grants $4500 to the student and $500 to the mentoring organization. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE ___ Mailing list: https://launchp

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Metadata's use of List

2013-04-06 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
x27;d have metadata to be Collection of unique objects. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 6 April 2013 15:34, Morten Olav Hansen wrote: > > On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 1:28 AM, Saptarshi Purkayastha wrote:

[Dhis2-devs] Upgrade postgres - Security update available

2013-04-04 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
upgrade. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : https

[Dhis2-devs] Metadata's use of List

2013-04-04 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ories etc.) and put them together to output as DXF. Is there a reason not to use a Set here instead? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE ___ Mailing list: https://launchpa

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Dhis2-users] DHIS version 2.11 is released

2013-03-25 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Hi Paulo, Lars had sent this information for tips for server admins doing upgrades: PS: Please subscribe to the list for posting messages and receiving important information like this --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: http

[Dhis2-devs] WebDriver-based functional testing free for OSS projects

2013-03-06 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
nal testing. We should hope to migrate those manual scripts to automated using this. I think it will be a very useful exercise in the long term for functional testing of DHIS2. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, No

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Bug 1085070] Re:

2013-02-12 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
+1 for using localhost:25 by default --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 12 February 2013 13:30, Bob Jolliffe wrote: > You are right of course. The "fix" fixed only one of the 3 issu

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS-Live not working with Linux

2013-02-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
oops, my bad. This is a bash script with function calls. You'll need to work with it. You'll need to verify that the first line is indeed *#!/bin/bash* and the file has executable permissions --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS-Live not working with Linux

2013-02-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
I would suggest to make the first line to call sh: #!/bin/sh This I believe is more portable compared to expecting bash. Not that bash isn't available, but still chances are that might be unavailable in other systems --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog:

[Dhis2-devs] [Bug 1066839] [NEW] POST to dataValueSets resource without xml Content-Type returns 405

2012-10-15 Thread Saptarshi
Public bug reported: When POST to dataValueSets resource of the web-api is made, it returns a 405 (Method not allowed status) if the content-type is not set as application/xml. The headers also returns Allowed: GET. This is confusing the client because although POST is allowed and requires a conte

Re: [Dhis2-devs] [Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 8361: Introduced new logo for login page, light blue and green skin. Added svg versions to resources.

2012-10-07 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Looks awesome... I've always hated the old logo, which couldn't be used on posters or scalable versions. I would still have liked to see more "describing" or product explaining logo --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Li

Re: [Dhis2-devs] defining datavalueset reports for dhis2 web api

2012-07-16 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
nerally not camelCase. Yes, but we could have the client configure/save the XSLT on the server and on next calls get that response only. Sadly, javarosa-xforms uses text/xml and nothing more specific :-( . Some mobile client could nicely send an XSLT for JSON and get that representation from the serve

Re: [Dhis2-devs] defining datavalueset reports for dhis2 web api

2012-07-16 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
one on the server-side. I would suggest that the client should be able to set Accept headers and get the template in formats that you mentioned in your email... --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 16 July 2012

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API Usage

2012-03-12 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ETags are generally useful. Like you explain, you are solving a different problem, so it might not be relevant. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE 2012/3/12 Lars Helge Øverland > On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 4:32

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Java performance

2012-03-12 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
This is not only surprising, but also seems like there might have been some problem in the way the benchmark behaves. I have seen better or in the worst-case similar performance after upgrades from Sun JRE6 to openJDK7 --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: http

[Dhis2-devs] Web API Usage

2012-03-12 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
-fly, attaching datasets and collecting data. I vaguely remember having to do something with resource tables. Is that still necessary?? Too many questions probably in one email... but all somehow related to one another. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: http

Re: [Dhis2-devs] DHIS version 2.7 is released

2012-02-19 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
collation that was able to work with multiple languages. Anyway to fix the ?? back to the language text back again?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE 2012/2/18 Lars Helge Øverland > Hi all, > > > DHIS

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Lighweight DHIS for organization unit management and data entry

2012-02-02 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
A survey where households become organization units with the given co-ordinates. And then fill the form for that household. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 2 February 2012 17:51, Knut Staring wrote

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Lighweight DHIS for organization unit management and data entry

2012-02-02 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
ed as well. --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 2 February 2012 17:15, Lars Kristian Roland wrote: > This is in the short term plans. Morten and a master student will be > working on on a light-weight brow

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Lighweight DHIS for organization unit management and data entry

2012-02-02 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Data entry and organization unit management. That is all that is required. Did you remove the services as well?? those that are not required?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 2 February 2012 17:23, Jason

[Dhis2-devs] Lighweight DHIS for organization unit management and data entry

2012-02-02 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
-required web modules from the web-portal pom.xml , but I want to remove those services that are not required from maintainence module. Is there documentation somewhere for dependencies or someone already has a lightweight version of DHIS for dataentry only?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web module build

2012-01-26 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Will this be done for the 2.6 branch?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE 2012/1/25 Saptarshi Purkayastha > Ignore my last question... > It works as expected... Nice!! > > --- > Regar

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web module build

2012-01-24 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Ignore my last question... It works as expected... Nice!! --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE 2012/1/25 Saptarshi Purkayastha > awesome... > I always missed doing this and it was time consuming to do r

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web module build

2012-01-24 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
awesome... I always missed doing this and it was time consuming to do run-war Should it also be looking at the webapp folder for any other webapp that is in dependency?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE 2012

[Dhis2-devs] Organization Unit Creation in Offline mode

2012-01-18 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
x27;d when online?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Changing inline help icon to question mark

2011-11-20 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
+1 --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 20 November 2011 01:49, Knut Staring wrote: > Hi, > > From my observations of users, it seems quite clear that the current red > and white "life buoy&

Re: [Dhis2-devs] shifting hibernate hbm.xml files

2011-11-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
But I'm 7.1 dev builds, so if that bug you linked is correct... the thing might be fixed in the build I'm using Although I still dont remember committing the .hbm.xml files ever because of the changes --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog:

Re: [Dhis2-devs] shifting hibernate hbm.xml files

2011-11-01 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
I dont see them changing... atleast when i tried to commit through bzr nothing showed up in changed files for me --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 2 November 2011 05:50, Bob Jolliffe wrote: > OK.  T

Re: [Dhis2-devs] Updated 2.5 release

2011-10-23 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
Shouldn't this be called v2.5.1 ?? --- Regards, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 21 October 2011 00:32, Jo Størset wrote: > Hi, > > for some unexplainable reason I had forgotten to add back the api fo

Re: [Dhis2-devs] uuid

2011-10-23 Thread Saptarshi Purkayastha
, Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA My Tech Blog: You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE On 24 October 2011 02:03, Bob Jolliffe wrote: > Lars and Jo and I have been discussing a bit about ids off list. > > One conclusion we have reached is that we should auto-generate a

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