There are too many people on this mailing list and I 
think its inappropriate to spam everyone with out-of-topic and in my 
opinion nonsensical sentences.
I consider this trolling and I request you not to send such emails.

Core team,
1. Do you agree this is a valid requirement? or will this never be implemented?
2. Should we just remove search by uid?


Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 03:54:04 +0800
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

 Hello Mobilars and Saptarshi,

Agreed with SOAP is now old fashioned, but we should remember one thing that 
DHIS2 development programme and its deployment is primarily focused on 
developing and under developed country to improve their Health, Nutrition and 
Population Sector Program and its primary diameter of development(but not 
radious of development) should be focused on Mother and Child Health (MCH) as 
well as Rehabilitation and Child Health (RCH) Programme only. I am sure in most 
of the developing and under developed countries from kids to their parents even 
house surgeon and clinical doctors still  they are using every day SOAP 
products to make their hands clean and jerms protected. 

But i am little bit surprised
 suspicious with Mobilars and Saptarshi, whether you both are using it or not 
in your day to day life, perhaps quite sure 100 % that Weivao and Alex both 
have started using it every day to make their hands clean and jirms protected. 

Agreed with Mobilars that SOAP is old fashioned now a days and there are so 
much new developments has been happened in this area, but still these days 
there are so many old fashioned concepts are being used in developing and under 
developed countries like long back Fat Man (FM) doped in Nagasaki detonation 
causes nuclear explosion and destroying so many lives, but now a days in so 
many metropolitan cities this FM concept are being used as doping melodious 
musics, news, game commentary various live saving advertisements and so many 
audio programmes to make ppl feel good and enjoy their every day life.  

So in short, i can say, adhering to the old fashioned ideas like SOAP/Knut and 
HTTP/Bob interfaces are
 not as bad as just quickly sticking with alpha release of REST type of several 
applied science products and  api's like examination controllers which are not 
even properly tested and pass user acceptance test for expected requirements. 
For mapping and searching single resource, i think no need to use url as  
co-ordinate geomatory type of concept with multiple url for finding and 
searching one resource kept in DHIS 2 deployed application, rather it should be 
more clear in requirement analysis that target object or resource is static, 
not moving projectile. I think in DHIS 2 application development program, 
resources are in web-apps deployed on web server and its more likely static 
some where at a particular instance of time frame not inside flying machine.    

Agreed with Saptarshi, requirement is little tough to use SOAP in DHIS 2 
development programe, perhaps I think more qualified ppls thinks simple 
problems in more complex
 ways, because they put so many bundles of unwanted ideas in their head and 
that comes and reflect in their new development programme areas leads and 
produce new development products and approach of simple thing in more complex 
paralytic ways. And Saptarshi, you can't be-leave, i know some of the Phd 
aspirants rangers engaged in DHIS 2 development programme, they even don't take 
proper shower every day not because they are not aware about its use and 
implications but rather because their head are full with other process and they 
don't have that much of time to go for shower, pardon but their uid's are quite 
confidential in India. Therefor I am expecting SOAP web api module development 
programme should have ppl who are only bachelors and enrolled in DHIS 2 
development programme and should be engaged in any family welfare health 
If such team is available than its fine if not than it must be introduced in 
DHIS 2 development programe so that
 they can think about the prospective in more likely neutral way not likely 
ionized way.   

Brajesh Murari

     On Monday, 4 November 2013 10:21 PM, Murod Latifov <> 
    And of course if one does not belong to any of those categories listed by 
Brajesh. To me it looks like no one gets qualified for this job, inside and 
outside DHIS2 team. Very tough requirements Brajesh. Agree with Mobilarsh on 
open source concept though.

Best of luck Brajesh!On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Lars Kristian Roland 
<> wrote:

Not sure if this was ironic, but in case it wasn't: I respectfully disagree. 
SOAP is old fashioned and should not be woken from the dead. 

But it is open source software, so one may of course implement SOAP if one 
feels this is better.
Best regards
4. nov. 2013 17:28 skrev "Brajesh Murari" <> følgende:

I think its time to introduce and develop new module which should be based on 
Simple Object Architecture Protocol (SOAP), as from the trail mail it shows 
REST APIs are not in a position to provide secure layers for finding resources, 
in other words we can say REST APIs are one of the biggest failure in DHIS2 
application development. I would request to the list and the DHIS2 global 
application development team to introduce some developer to work and try to 
develop DHIS2 web api using SOAP but make sure the team engaged in development 
of this new SOAP based api should not contain any married developer nor they 
should be Post Graduate or Phd holder at all in any deciplene nor they should 
be any consultant or solution architect. This team should belong to simple 
developer with fresh mind and make sure that team should not
 contain any developer who has all ready celebrated their silver jubilee in 
application development.Regards,Brajesh Murari      

    On Monday, 4 November 2013 9:34 PM, Saptarshi Purkayastha 
<> wrote:


It is generally considered to be bad practice in the design of Web API or REST 
APIs that two URLs point to the same resources.Also I would think that people 
who want to juggle between existing web functionality and Web API, would like 
to use internal IDs to get the UID and then use the UID for web API calls. This 
makes it more flexible to use and switch between the two IDs depending what 
functionality you want to use, either from core web interface (uses IDs) or Web 
API (uses UIDs)

---Regards,Saptarshi PURKAYASTHAFrom: janhenrik.overland@gmail.comDate: Mon, 4 
Nov 2013 16:57:26 +0100Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

To: sunbiz@gmail.comCC: dhis2-devs@lists.launchpad.netIt's just for 
convenience. If you make an app that looks up organisation units by id, code or 
name you won't have to change the base url based on the

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Saptarshi Purkayastha <> wrote:

Why would one use the search at all in this case of using the UID?You can 
directly get the resource with the UID gives Sierra Leone is the 

Regards,Saptarshi PURKAYASTHAFrom: janhenrik.overland@gmail.comDate: Mon, 4 Nov 
2013 16:36:25 +0100Subject: Re: [Dhis2-devs] Web API - Search by id

To: sunbiz@gmail.comCC:

Hi, try the uid. For a web API user there is only one id (which is the uid). We 
don't want to confuse him by saying "uid" in the docs as it implies that there 
is an "id" as well.

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Saptarshi Purkayastha <> wrote:

The Web API documentation here: that you 
can search a resource by its id, code and name. 

I tried the following: it says Object 
not found for query: 559

So, does it only work for code and name and not for id?---Regards,Saptarshi 
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