Hi Yuriy,

Thanks for asking this question. Since the coding period is about to start,
it will be useful for all GSoC students to create their launchpad branches
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My Tech Blog:  http://sunnytalkstech.blogspot.com
You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE

On 17 June 2013 14:29, Yuriy Ivanovich <yuriybug...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Saptarshi,
> Yes , it is because I developing on localhost and the server which I using
> is http://apps.dhis2.org/demo.
> Thanks for your answer ,
> I will use solution number 2 :   start Chrome with flags: chrome.exe
> --disable-web-security -–allow-file-access-from-files
> Because I run DHIS server on my local server pc and developing web app on
> my laptop.
> And I have another question :
> Where I should create repository for my project ?
> Many thanks,
> Yuriy Bugryn
> 2013/6/17 Saptarshi Purkayastha <sun...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Yuriy,
>> Why do you get a cross-domain issue??
>> Is it because you are developing on localhost and the server you are
>> using is http://apps.dhis2.org/demo <http://apps.dhis2.org/dev>?
>> All DHIS2 URLs support Basic Authentication... so all you have to do is
>> pass the authorization headers.
>> Thus, I dont think we need a separate URL for authentication. Also tokens
>> for getting this done during the summer is not feasible IMO.
>> To deal with cross-domain calls, I suggest you to do either one of the
>> two things.
>> 1. Put all your CSS, HTML, JS inside a folder in expanded tomcat dhis and
>> run tomcat. You'll be hosted in the same tomcat as DHIS2 and hence not have
>> cross-domain issues
>> 2. If you wish to work with the your mobile app from localhost and make
>> calls to dhis2 demo, you can start Chrome with flags:
>> chrome.exe --disable-web-security -–allow-file-access-from-files (or
>> similar in Linux)
>> Also, since this will be mobile app, the mobile browser WebView or what
>> have you for the different platforms, allow cross-domain calls. So that
>> will not be a deployment problem.
>> ---
>> Regards,
>> Saptarshi PURKAYASTHA
>> My Tech Blog:  http://sunnytalkstech.blogspot.com
>> You Live by CHOICE, Not by CHANCE
>> On 17 June 2013 02:45, Yuriy Ivanovich <yuriybug...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> I already started working on my task with Mobile Visualizer .
>>> The first point in my plan is : Implement authentication functionality.
>>> So, I started working on first point and get some problems.
>>> It is very inconveniently using standart way of authentication  . I get
>>> problems with Cross-domain and other.
>>> So, I suggest implements some new security for accessing for API.
>>> It will be look like :
>>> Client makes a request to .../authenticate (unprotected URL) with
>>> credentials; server returns a secure token which contains enough
>>> information for the server to validate future requests.
>>> Client makes subsequent requests to various (protected) URLs, appending
>>> the previously obtained token as a query parameter.
>>> Since we use Spring already, the solution will make use of Spring
>>> Security.
>>> So , I think this solution will be very useful for my future application
>>> and for future external applications which use DHIS API.
>>> If you agree with me I can start investigating how to implement this
>>> functionality.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Yuriy Bugryn
>>> --
>>> *Yuriy Bugryn* | *Junior Software Developer*
>>> skype : tojayura
> --
> *Yuriy Bugryn* | *Junior Software Developer*
> skype : tojayura
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